// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * Path parameter for extensions *//* * Authors: * Patrick Storz * * Copyright (C) 2019 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "parameter-path.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xml/node.h" #include "extension/extension.h" #include "preferences.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace Extension { ParamPath::ParamPath(Inkscape::XML::Node *xml, Inkscape::Extension::Extension *ext) : InxParameter(xml, ext) { // get value const char *value = nullptr; if (xml->firstChild()) { value = xml->firstChild()->content(); } Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); _value = prefs->getString(pref_name()).raw(); if (_value.empty() && value) { _value = value; } // parse selection mode const char *mode = xml->attribute("mode"); if (mode) { if (!strcmp(mode, "file")) { // this is the default } else if (!strcmp(mode, "files")) { _select_multiple = true; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "folder")) { _mode = FOLDER; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "folders")) { _mode = FOLDER; _select_multiple = true; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "file_new")) { _mode = FILE_NEW; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "folder_new")) { _mode = FOLDER_NEW; } else { g_warning("Invalid value ('%s') for mode of parameter '%s' in extension '%s'", mode, _name, _extension->get_id()); } } // parse filetypes const char *filetypes = xml->attribute("filetypes"); if (filetypes) { _filetypes = Glib::Regex::split_simple("," , filetypes); } } /** * A function to set the \c _value. * * This function sets the internal value, but it also sets the value * in the preferences structure. To put it in the right place \c pref_name() is used. * * @param in The value to set to. */ const std::string& ParamPath::set(const std::string &in) { _value = in; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); prefs->setString(pref_name(), _value); return _value; } std::string ParamPath::value_to_string() const { if (!Glib::path_is_absolute(_value) && !_value.empty()) { return Glib::build_filename(_extension->get_base_directory(), _value); } else { return _value; } } void ParamPath::string_to_value(const std::string &in) { _value = in; } /** A special type of Gtk::Entry to handle path parameters. */ class ParamPathEntry : public Gtk::Entry { private: ParamPath *_pref; sigc::signal *_changeSignal; public: /** * Build a string preference for the given parameter. * @param pref Where to get the string from, and where to put it * when it changes. */ ParamPathEntry(ParamPath *pref, sigc::signal *changeSignal) : Gtk::Entry() , _pref(pref) , _changeSignal(changeSignal) { this->set_text(_pref->get()); this->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ParamPathEntry::changed_text)); }; void changed_text(); }; /** * Respond to the text box changing. * * This function responds to the box changing by grabbing the value * from the text box and putting it in the parameter. */ void ParamPathEntry::changed_text() { auto data = this->get_text(); _pref->set(data.c_str()); if (_changeSignal != nullptr) { _changeSignal->emit(); } } /** * Creates a text box for the string parameter. * * Builds a hbox with a label and a text box in it. */ Gtk::Widget *ParamPath::get_widget(sigc::signal *changeSignal) { if (_hidden) { return nullptr; } Gtk::Box *hbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, GUI_PARAM_WIDGETS_SPACING)); Gtk::Label *label = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(_text, Gtk::ALIGN_START)); label->show(); hbox->pack_start(*label, false, false); ParamPathEntry *textbox = Gtk::manage(new ParamPathEntry(this, changeSignal)); textbox->show(); hbox->pack_start(*textbox, true, true); _entry = textbox; Gtk::Button *button = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button("…")); button->show(); hbox->pack_end(*button, false, false); button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ParamPath::on_button_clicked)); hbox->show(); return dynamic_cast(hbox); } /** * Create and show the file chooser dialog when the "…" button is clicked * Then set the value of the ParamPathEntry holding the current value accordingly */ void ParamPath::on_button_clicked() { // set-up action and dialog title according to 'mode' Gtk::FileChooserAction action; std::string dialog_title; if (_mode == FILE) { // pick the "save" variants here - otherwise the dialog will only accept existing files action = Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN; if (_select_multiple) { dialog_title = _("Select existing files"); } else { dialog_title = _("Select existing file"); } } else if (_mode == FOLDER) { // pick the "create" variant here - otherwise the dialog will only accept existing folders action = Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER; if (_select_multiple) { dialog_title = _("Select existing folders"); } else { dialog_title = _("Select existing folder"); } } else if (_mode == FILE_NEW) { action = Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE; dialog_title = _("Choose file name"); } else if (_mode == FOLDER_NEW) { action = Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER; dialog_title = _("Choose folder name"); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } // create file chooser dialog auto file_chooser = Gtk::FileChooserNative::create(dialog_title + "…", action, _("Select")); file_chooser->set_select_multiple(_select_multiple); file_chooser->set_do_overwrite_confirmation(true); file_chooser->set_create_folders(true); // set FileFilter according to 'filetype' attribute if (!_filetypes.empty() && _mode != FOLDER && _mode != FOLDER_NEW) { Glib::RefPtr file_filter = Gtk::FileFilter::create(); for (auto filetype : _filetypes) { file_filter->add_pattern(Glib::ustring::compose("*.%1", filetype)); } std::string filter_name = boost::algorithm::join(_filetypes, "+"); boost::algorithm::to_upper(filter_name); file_filter->set_name(filter_name); file_chooser->add_filter(file_filter); } // set current file/folder suitable for current value // (use basepath of first filename; relative paths are considered relative to .inx file's location) if (!_value.empty()) { std::string first_filename = _value.substr(0, _value.find("|")); if (!Glib::path_is_absolute(first_filename)) { first_filename = Glib::build_filename(_extension->get_base_directory(), first_filename); } std::string dirname = Glib::path_get_dirname(first_filename); if (Glib::file_test(dirname, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { file_chooser->set_current_folder(dirname); } if(_mode == FILE_NEW || _mode == FOLDER_NEW) { file_chooser->set_current_name(Glib::path_get_basename(first_filename)); } else { if (Glib::file_test(first_filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { // TODO: This does not seem to work (at least on Windows) // file_chooser->set_filename(first_filename); } } } // show dialog and parse result int res = file_chooser->run(); if (res == Gtk::ResponseType::RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { std::vector filenames = file_chooser->get_filenames(); std::string filenames_joined = boost::algorithm::join(filenames, "|"); _entry->set_text(filenames_joined); // let the ParamPathEntry handle the rest (including setting the preference) } } } /* namespace Extension */ } /* namespace Inkscape */