// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #ifndef SEEN_SP_FILE_H #define SEEN_SP_FILE_H /* * File/Print operations * * Authors: * Lauris Kaplinski * Chema Celorio * * Copyright (C) 2006 Johan Engelen * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include "extension/system.h" class SPDesktop; class SPDocument; class SPObject; namespace Inkscape { namespace Extension { class Extension; } } namespace Gtk { class Window; } // Get the name of the default template uri std::string sp_file_default_template_uri(); /*###################### ## N E W ######################*/ /** * Creates a new Inkscape document and window. * Return value is a pointer to the newly created desktop. */ SPDesktop* sp_file_new (const std::string &templ); SPDesktop* sp_file_new_default (); /*###################### ## D E L E T E ######################*/ /** * Close the document/view */ void sp_file_exit (); /*###################### ## O P E N ######################*/ /** * Displays a file open dialog. Calls sp_file_open on * an OK. */ void sp_file_open_dialog (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, void* object, void* data); /** * Reverts file to disk-copy on "YES" */ void sp_file_revert_dialog (); /*###################### ## S A V E ######################*/ /** * */ bool sp_file_save (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, void* object, void* data); /** * Saves the given document. Displays a file select dialog * to choose the new name. */ bool sp_file_save_as (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, void* object, void* data); /** * Saves a copy of the given document. Displays a file select dialog * to choose a name for the copy. */ bool sp_file_save_a_copy (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, void* object, void* data); /** * Save a copy of a document as template. */ bool sp_file_save_template(Gtk::Window &parentWindow, Glib::ustring name, Glib::ustring author, Glib::ustring description, Glib::ustring keywords, bool isDefault); /** * Saves the given document. Displays a file select dialog * if needed. */ bool sp_file_save_document (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, SPDocument *document); /* Do the saveas dialog with a document as the parameter */ bool sp_file_save_dialog (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, SPDocument *doc, Inkscape::Extension::FileSaveMethod save_method); /*###################### ## I M P O R T ######################*/ void sp_import_document(SPDesktop *desktop, SPDocument *clipdoc, bool in_place, bool on_page = false); /** * Displays a file selector dialog, to allow the * user to import data into the current document. */ void sp_file_import (Gtk::Window &parentWindow); /** * Imports pages into the document. */ void file_import_pages(SPDocument *this_doc, SPDocument *that_doc); /** * Imports a resource */ SPObject* file_import(SPDocument *in_doc, const Glib::ustring &uri, Inkscape::Extension::Extension *key); /*###################### ## E X P O R T ######################*/ /** * Displays a FileExportDialog for the user, with an * additional type selection, to allow the user to export * the a document as a given type. */ //bool sp_file_export_dialog (Gtk::Window &parentWindow); /*###################### ## P R I N T ######################*/ /* These functions are redundant now, but would be useful as instance methods */ /** * */ void sp_file_print (Gtk::Window& parentWindow); /*##################### ## U T I L I T Y #####################*/ /** * clean unused defs out of file */ void sp_file_vacuum (SPDocument *doc); void sp_file_convert_text_baseline_spacing(SPDocument *doc); void sp_file_convert_font_name(SPDocument *doc); void sp_file_convert_dpi(SPDocument *doc); void sp_file_fix_empty_lines(SPDocument *doc); void sp_file_fix_osb(SPObject *doc); void sp_file_fix_feComposite(SPObject *doc); void sp_file_fix_lpe(SPDocument *doc); enum File_DPI_Fix { FILE_DPI_UNCHANGED = 0, FILE_DPI_VIEWBOX_SCALED, FILE_DPI_DOCUMENT_SCALED }; extern int sp_file_convert_dpi_method_commandline; #endif // SEEN_SP_FILE_H /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vi: set autoindent shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 filetype=cpp expandtab softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8 textwidth=99 :