// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Inkscape::Text::Layout - text layout engine output functions * * Authors: * Richard Hughes * * Copyright (C) 2005 Richard Hughes * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include "Layout-TNG.h" #include "style-attachments.h" #include "display/drawing-text.h" #include "style.h" #include "print.h" #include "extension/print.h" #include "livarot/Path.h" #include "font-instance.h" #include "svg/svg-length.h" #include "extension/internal/cairo-render-context.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include <2geom/pathvector.h> #include <3rdparty/libuemf/symbol_convert.h> #include "libnrtype/font-factory.h" using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoRenderContext; using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoGlyphInfo; namespace Inkscape { namespace Text { /* dx array (character widths) and ky (vertical kerning for entire span) rtl (+1 for LTR, -1 RTL) are smuggled through to the EMF (ignored by others) as: textN w1 w2 w3 ...wNy1 y2 y3 .. yN The ndx, widths, y kern, and rtl are all 7 characters wide. ndx and rtl are ints, the widths and ky are formatted as ' 6f'. */ char *smuggle_adxkyrtl_in(const char *string, int ndx, float *adx, float ky, float rtl){ int slen = strlen(string); /* holds: string fake terminator (one \0) Number of widths (ndx) series of widths (ndx entries) fake terminator (one \0) y kern value (one float) rtl value (one float) real terminator (two \0) */ int newsize=slen + 1 + 7 + 7*ndx + 1 + 7 + 7 + 2; newsize = 8*((7 + newsize)/8); // suppress valgrind messages if it is a multiple of 8 bytes??? char *smuggle=(char *)malloc(newsize); strcpy(smuggle,string); // text to pass, includes the first fake terminator char *cptr = smuggle + slen + 1; // immediately after the first fake terminator sprintf(cptr,"%07d",ndx); // number of widths to pass cptr+=7; // advance over ndx for(int i=0; iGetTypoAscent(); descent = font->GetTypoDescent(); xheight = font->GetXHeight(); ascent_max = font->GetMaxAscent(); descent_max = font->GetMaxDescent(); } } void Layout::FontMetrics::max(FontMetrics const &other) { if (other.ascent > ascent ) ascent = other.ascent; if (other.descent > descent ) descent = other.descent; if( other.xheight > xheight ) xheight = other.xheight; if( other.ascent_max > ascent_max ) ascent_max = other.ascent_max; if( other.descent_max > descent_max ) descent_max = other.descent_max; } void Layout::FontMetrics::computeEffective( const double &line_height_multiplier ) { double half_leading = 0.5 * (line_height_multiplier - 1.0) * emSize(); ascent += half_leading; descent += half_leading; } void Layout::_getGlyphTransformMatrix(int glyph_index, Geom::Affine *matrix) const { Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this); double rotation = _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation; if ( (span.block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || span.block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) && _glyphs[glyph_index].orientation == ORIENTATION_SIDEWAYS ) { // Vertical sideways text rotation += M_PI/2.0; } double sin_rotation = sin(rotation); double cos_rotation = cos(rotation); (*matrix)[0] = span.font_size * cos_rotation; (*matrix)[1] = span.font_size * sin_rotation; (*matrix)[2] = span.font_size * sin_rotation; (*matrix)[3] = -span.font_size * cos_rotation * (_glyphs[glyph_index].vertical_scale); // unscale vertically so the specified text height is preserved if lengthAdjust=spacingAndGlyphs if (span.block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || span.block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { // Vertical text // This effectively swaps x for y which changes handedness of coordinate system. This is a bit strange // and not what one would expect but the compute code already reverses y so OK. (*matrix)[4] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y; (*matrix)[5] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x; } else { // Horizontal text (*matrix)[4] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x; (*matrix)[5] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y; } } void Layout::show(DrawingGroup *parent, StyleAttachments &style_attachments, Geom::OptRect const &paintbox) const { int glyph_index = 0; double phase0 = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < _spans.size(); i++) { if (_input_stream[_spans[i].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) { continue; } if (_spans[i].line(this).hidden) { continue; // Line corresponds to text overflow. Don't show! } auto text_source = static_cast(_input_stream[_spans[i].in_input_stream_item]); auto style = text_source->style; style->text_decoration_data.tspan_width = _spans[i].width(); style->text_decoration_data.ascender = _spans[i].line_height.getTypoAscent(); style->text_decoration_data.descender = _spans[i].line_height.getTypoDescent(); auto line_of_span = [this] (int i) { return _chunks[_spans[i].in_chunk].in_line; }; style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_start = i == 0 || line_of_span(i) != line_of_span(i - 1); style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_end = i == _spans.size() - 1 || line_of_span(i) != line_of_span(i + 1); if (_spans[i].font) { double underline_thickness, underline_position, line_through_thickness, line_through_position; _spans[i].font->FontDecoration(underline_position, underline_thickness, line_through_position, line_through_thickness); style->text_decoration_data.underline_thickness = underline_thickness; style->text_decoration_data.underline_position = underline_position; style->text_decoration_data.line_through_thickness = line_through_thickness; style->text_decoration_data.line_through_position = line_through_position; } else { // can this case ever occur? style->text_decoration_data.underline_thickness = 0.0; style->text_decoration_data.underline_position = 0.0; style->text_decoration_data.line_through_thickness = 0.0; style->text_decoration_data.line_through_position = 0.0; } auto drawing_text = new DrawingText(parent->drawing()); if (style->filter.set) { if (auto filter = style->getFilter()) { style_attachments.attachFilter(drawing_text, filter); } } if (style->fill.isPaintserver()) { if (auto fill = style->getFillPaintServer()) { style_attachments.attachFill(drawing_text, fill, paintbox); } } if (style->stroke.isPaintserver()) { if (auto stroke = style->getStrokePaintServer()) { style_attachments.attachStroke(drawing_text, stroke, paintbox); } } bool first_line_glyph = true; while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == i) { if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph != -1) { Geom::Affine glyph_matrix; _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); if (first_line_glyph && style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_start) { first_line_glyph = false; phase0 = glyph_matrix.translation().x(); } // Save the starting coordinates for the line - these are needed for figuring out dot/dash/wave phase. // Use maximum ascent and descent to ensure glyphs that extend outside the embox are fully drawn. drawing_text->addComponent(_spans[i].font, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, glyph_matrix, _glyphs[glyph_index].advance, _spans[i].line_height.getMaxAscent(), _spans[i].line_height.getMaxDescent(), glyph_matrix.translation().x() - phase0 ); } glyph_index++; } drawing_text->setStyle(style); drawing_text->setItemBounds(paintbox); // Text spans must be painted in the right order (see inkscape/685) parent->appendChild(drawing_text); // Set item bounds without filter enlargement parent->setItemBounds(paintbox); } } Geom::OptRect Layout::bounds(Geom::Affine const &transform, bool with_stroke, int start, int length) const { Geom::OptRect bbox; for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) { if (_glyphs[glyph_index].hidden) continue; // To do: This and the next line should represent the same thing, use on or the other. if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) continue; if (start != -1 && (int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character < start) continue; if (length != -1) { if (start == -1) start = 0; if ((int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character > start + length) continue; } // this could be faster Geom::Affine glyph_matrix; _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); Geom::Affine total_transform = glyph_matrix; total_transform *= transform; if(_glyphs[glyph_index].span(this).font) { Geom::OptRect glyph_rect = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this).font->BBox(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph); if (glyph_rect) { auto glyph_box = *glyph_rect * total_transform; // FIXME: Expand rectangle by half stroke width, this doesn't include meters // and so is not the most ideal calculation, we could use the glyph Path here. if (with_stroke) { Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span]; auto text_source = static_cast(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]); if (!text_source->style->stroke.isNone()) { double scale = transform.descrim(); glyph_box.expandBy(0.5 * text_source->style->stroke_width.computed * scale); } } bbox.unionWith(glyph_box); } } } return bbox; } /* This version is much simpler than the old one */ void Layout::print(SPPrintContext *ctx, Geom::OptRect const &pbox, Geom::OptRect const &dbox, Geom::OptRect const &bbox, Geom::Affine const &ctm) const { bool text_to_path = ctx->module->textToPath(); #define MAX_DX 2048 float hold_dx[MAX_DX]; // For smuggling dx values (character widths) into print functions, unlikely any simple text output will be longer than this. Geom::Affine glyph_matrix; if (_input_stream.empty()) return; if (!_glyphs.size()) return; // yes, this can happen. if (text_to_path || _path_fitted) { for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) { if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1)continue; //invisible glyphs Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span]; Geom::PathVector const *pv = span.font->PathVector(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph); InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]); if (pv) { _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); Geom::PathVector temp_pv = (*pv) * glyph_matrix; if (!text_source->style->fill.isNone()) ctx->fill(temp_pv, ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox); if (!text_source->style->stroke.isNone()) ctx->stroke(temp_pv, ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox); } } } else { /* index by characters, referencing glyphs and spans only as needed */ double char_x; int doUTN = CanUTN(); // Unicode to Nonunicode translation enabled if true Direction block_progression = _blockProgression(); int oldtarget = 0; int ndx = 0; double rtl = 1.0; // 1 L->R, -1 R->L, constant across a span. 1.0 for t->b b->t??? for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; ) { Glib::ustring text_string; // accumulate text for record in this Geom::Point g_pos(0,0); // all strings are output at (0,0) because we do the translation using the matrix int glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph; if(glyph_index == -1){ // if the character maps to an invisible glyph we cannot know its geometry, so skip it and move on char_index++; continue; } float ky = _glyphs[glyph_index].y; // For smuggling y kern value for span // same value for all positions in a span unsigned span_index = _characters[char_index].in_span; Span const &span = _spans[span_index]; char_x = 0.0; Glib::ustring::const_iterator text_iter = span.input_stream_first_character; InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]); glyph_matrix = Geom::Scale(1.0, -1.0) * (Geom::Affine)Geom::Rotate(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation); if (block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { glyph_matrix[4] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift; // since we're outputting character codes, not glyphs, we want the character x glyph_matrix[5] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x; } else { glyph_matrix[4] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x; glyph_matrix[5] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift; } switch(span.direction){ case Layout::TOP_TO_BOTTOM: case Layout::BOTTOM_TO_TOP: case Layout::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: rtl = 1.0; break; case Layout::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: rtl = -1.0; break; } if(doUTN){ oldtarget=SingleUnicodeToNon(*text_iter); // this should only ever be with a 1:1 glyph:character situation } // accumulate a record to write unsigned lc_index = char_index; unsigned hold_iisi = _spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item; int newtarget = 0; while(true){ glyph_index = _characters[lc_index].in_glyph; if(glyph_index == -1){ // end of a line within a paragraph, for instance lc_index++; break; } // always append if here text_string += *text_iter; // figure out char widths, used by EMF, not currently used elsewhere double cwidth; if(lc_index == _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character){ // Glyph width is used only for the first character, these may be 0 cwidth = rtl * _glyphs[glyph_index].advance; // advance might be zero } else { cwidth = 0; } char_x += cwidth; /* std:: cout << "DEBUG Layout::print in while " << " char_index " << char_index << " lc_index " << lc_index << " character " << std::hex << (int) *text_iter << std::dec << " glyph_index " << glyph_index << " glyph_xy " << _glyphs[glyph_index].x << " , " << _glyphs[glyph_index].y << " span_index " << span_index << " hold_iisi " << hold_iisi << std::endl; //DEBUG */ if(ndx < MAX_DX){ hold_dx[ndx++] = fabs(cwidth); } else { // silently truncate any text line silly enough to be longer than MAX_DX lc_index = _characters.size(); break; } // conditions that prevent this character from joining the record lc_index++; if(lc_index >= _characters.size()) break; // nothing more to process, so it must be the end of the record ++text_iter; if(doUTN)newtarget=SingleUnicodeToNon(*text_iter); // this should only ever be with a 1:1 glyph:character situation if(newtarget != oldtarget)break; // change in unicode to nonunicode translation status // MUST exit on any major span change, but not on some little events, like a font substitution event irrelevant for the file save unsigned next_span_index = _characters[lc_index].in_span; if(span_index != next_span_index){ /* on major changes break out of loop. 1st case usually indicates an entire input line has been processed (out of several in a paragraph) 2nd case usually indicates that a format change within a line (font/size/color/etc) is present. */ /* std:: cout << "DEBUG Layout::print in while --- " << " char_index " << char_index << " lc_index " << lc_index << " cwidth " << cwidth << " _char.x (next) " << (lc_index < _characters.size() ? _characters[lc_index].x : -1) << " char_x (end this)" << char_x << " diff " << fabs(char_x - _characters[lc_index].x) << " oldy " << ky << " nexty " << _glyphs[_characters[lc_index].in_glyph].y << std::endl; //DEBUG */ if(hold_iisi != _spans[next_span_index].in_input_stream_item)break; // major change, font, size, color, etc, must exit if(fabs(char_x - _spans[next_span_index].x_start) >= 1e-4)break; // xkerning change if(ky != _glyphs[_characters[lc_index].in_glyph].y)break; // ykerning change /* None of the above? Then this is a minor "pangito", update span_index and keep going. The font used by the display may have failed over, but print does not care and can continue to use whatever was specified in the XML. */ span_index = next_span_index; text_iter = _spans[span_index].input_stream_first_character; } } // write it ctx->bind(glyph_matrix, 1.0); // the dx array is smuggled through to the EMF driver (ignored by others) as: // textw1 w2 w3 ...wn // where the widths are floats 7 characters wide, including the space char *smuggle_string=smuggle_adxkyrtl_in(text_string.c_str(),ndx, &hold_dx[0], ky, rtl); ctx->text(smuggle_string, g_pos, text_source->style); free(smuggle_string); ctx->release(); ndx = 0; char_index = lc_index; } } } void Layout::showGlyphs(CairoRenderContext *ctx) const { if (_input_stream.empty()) return; std::vector glyphtext; // The second pass is used to draw fill over stroke in a way that doesn't // cause some glyph chunks to be painted over others. bool second_pass = false; for (unsigned pass = 0; pass <= second_pass; pass++) { for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; ) { if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) { // invisible glyphs unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character; while (_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character) { glyph_index++; if (glyph_index == _glyphs.size()) return; } continue; } Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span]; InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]); Geom::Affine glyph_matrix; _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); Geom::Affine font_matrix = glyph_matrix; font_matrix[4] = 0; font_matrix[5] = 0; Glib::ustring::const_iterator span_iter = span.input_stream_first_character; unsigned char_index = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character; unsigned original_span = _characters[char_index].in_span; while (char_index && _characters[char_index - 1].in_span == original_span) { char_index--; ++span_iter; } // try to output as many characters as possible in one go Glib::ustring span_string; unsigned this_span_index = _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span; unsigned int first_index = glyph_index; glyphtext.clear(); do { span_string += *span_iter; ++span_iter; unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character; while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character) { if (glyph_index != first_index) _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); CairoGlyphInfo info; info.index = _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph; // this is the translation for x,y-offset info.x = glyph_matrix[4]; info.y = glyph_matrix[5]; glyphtext.push_back(info); glyph_index++; } } while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _path_fitted == nullptr && (font_matrix * glyph_matrix.inverse()).isIdentity() && _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == this_span_index); // remove vertical flip Geom::Affine flip_matrix; flip_matrix.setIdentity(); flip_matrix[3] = -1.0; font_matrix = flip_matrix * font_matrix; SPStyle const *style = text_source->style; float opacity = SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->opacity.value); if (opacity != 1.0) { ctx->pushState(); ctx->setStateForStyle(style); ctx->pushLayer(); } if (glyph_index - first_index > 0) { second_pass |= ctx->renderGlyphtext(span.font->get_font(), font_matrix, glyphtext, style, pass); } if (opacity != 1.0) { ctx->popLayer(); ctx->popState(); } } } } #if DEBUG_TEXTLAYOUT_DUMPASTEXT // these functions are for dumpAsText() only. No need to translate static char const *direction_to_text(Layout::Direction d) { switch (d) { case Layout::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return "ltr"; case Layout::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return "rtl"; case Layout::TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return "ttb"; case Layout::BOTTOM_TO_TOP: return "btt"; } return "???"; } static char const *style_to_text(PangoStyle s) { switch (s) { case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL: return "upright"; case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC: return "italic"; case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE: return "oblique"; } return "???"; } static std::string weight_to_text(PangoWeight w) { switch (w) { case PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN : return "thin"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: return "ultralight"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT : return "light"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT : return "semilight"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_BOOK : return "book"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL : return "normalweight"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM : return "medium"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD : return "semibold"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : return "bold"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD : return "ultrabold"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY : return "heavy"; case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY: return "ultraheavy"; } return std::to_string(w); } #endif //DEBUG_TEXTLAYOUT_DUMPASTEXT Glib::ustring Layout::getFontFamily(unsigned span_index) const { if (span_index >= _spans.size()) return ""; if (_spans[span_index].font) { return sp_font_description_get_family(_spans[span_index].font->get_descr()); } return ""; } #if DEBUG_TEXTLAYOUT_DUMPASTEXT Glib::ustring Layout::dumpAsText() const { Glib::ustring result; Glib::ustring::const_iterator icc; char line[256]; result = Glib::ustring::compose("spans %1\nchars %2\nglyphs %3\n", _spans.size(), _characters.size(), _glyphs.size()); if(_characters.size() > 1){ unsigned lastspan=5000; for(unsigned j = 0; j < _characters.size() ; j++){ if(lastspan != _characters[j].in_span){ lastspan = _characters[j].in_span; icc = _spans[lastspan].input_stream_first_character; } snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "char %4u: '%c' 0x%4.4x x=%8.4f glyph=%3d span=%3d\n", j, *icc, *icc, _characters[j].x, _characters[j].in_glyph, _characters[j].in_span); result += line; ++icc; } } if(_glyphs.size()){ for(unsigned j = 0; j < _glyphs.size() ; j++){ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "glyph %4u: %4d (%8.4f,%8.4f) rot=%8.4f cx=%8.4f char=%4d\n", j, _glyphs[j].glyph, _glyphs[j].x, _glyphs[j].y, _glyphs[j].rotation, _glyphs[j].width, _glyphs[j].in_character); result += line; } } for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) { result += Glib::ustring::compose("==== span %1 \n", span_index) + Glib::ustring::compose(" in para %1 (direction=%2)\n", _lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].in_paragraph, direction_to_text(_paragraphs[_lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].in_paragraph].base_direction)) + Glib::ustring::compose(" in source %1 (type=%2, cookie=%3)\n", _spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item, _input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type(), _input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->source) + Glib::ustring::compose(" in line %1 (baseline=%2, shape=%3)\n", _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line, _lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y, _lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].in_shape) + Glib::ustring::compose(" in chunk %1 (x=%2, baselineshift=%3)\n", _spans[span_index].in_chunk, _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].left_x, _spans[span_index].baseline_shift); if (_spans[span_index].font) { const char* variations = pango_font_description_get_variations(_spans[span_index].font->descr); result += Glib::ustring::compose( " font '%1' %2 %3 %4 %5\n", sp_font_description_get_family(_spans[span_index].font->descr), _spans[span_index].font_size, style_to_text( pango_font_description_get_style(_spans[span_index].font->descr) ), weight_to_text( pango_font_description_get_weight(_spans[span_index].font->descr) ), (variations?variations:"") ); } result += Glib::ustring::compose(" x_start = %1, x_end = %2\n", _spans[span_index].x_start, _spans[span_index].x_end) + Glib::ustring::compose(" line height: ascent %1, descent %2\n", _spans[span_index].line_height.ascent, _spans[span_index].line_height.descent) + Glib::ustring::compose(" direction %1, block-progression %2\n", direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].direction), direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].block_progression)) + " ** characters:\n"; Glib::ustring::const_iterator iter_char = _spans[span_index].input_stream_first_character; // very inefficient code. what the hell, it's only debug stuff. for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; char_index++) { union {const PangoLogAttr* pattr; const unsigned* uattr;} u; u.pattr = &_characters[char_index].char_attributes; if (_characters[char_index].in_span != span_index) continue; if (_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: control x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, _characters[char_index].x, *u.uattr, _characters[char_index].in_glyph); } else { // some text has empty tspans, iter_char cannot be dereferenced snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: '%c' 0x%4.4x x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, *iter_char, *iter_char, _characters[char_index].x, *u.uattr, _characters[char_index].in_glyph); ++iter_char; } result += line; } result += " ** glyphs:\n"; for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) { if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span != span_index) continue; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: %d (%f,%f) rot=%f cx=%f char=%d\n", glyph_index, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, _glyphs[glyph_index].x, _glyphs[glyph_index].y, _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation, _glyphs[glyph_index].width, _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character); result += line; } result += "\n"; } result += "EOT\n"; return result; } #endif //DEBUG_TEXTLAYOUT_DUMPASTEXT void Layout::fitToPathAlign(SVGLength const &startOffset, Path const &path) { double offset = 0.0; if (startOffset._set) { if (startOffset.unit == SVGLength::PERCENT) offset = startOffset.computed * const_cast(path).Length(); else offset = startOffset.computed; } Alignment alignment = _paragraphs.empty() ? LEFT : _paragraphs.front().alignment; switch (alignment) { case CENTER: offset -= _getChunkWidth(0) * 0.5; break; case RIGHT: offset -= _getChunkWidth(0); break; default: break; } if (_characters.empty()) { int unused = 0; Path::cut_position *point_otp = const_cast(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &offset, unused); if (offset >= 0.0 && point_otp != nullptr && point_otp[0].piece >= 0) { Geom::Point point; Geom::Point tangent; const_cast(path).PointAndTangentAt(point_otp[0].piece, point_otp[0].t, point, tangent); _empty_cursor_shape.position = point; if (_directions_are_orthogonal(_blockProgression(), TOP_TO_BOTTOM)) { _empty_cursor_shape.rotation = atan2(-tangent[Geom::X], tangent[Geom::Y]); } else { _empty_cursor_shape.rotation = atan2(tangent[Geom::Y], tangent[Geom::X]); } } } for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; ) { Span const &span = _characters[char_index].span(this); size_t next_cluster_char_index = 0; // TODO refactor to not bump via for loops for (next_cluster_char_index = char_index + 1 ; next_cluster_char_index < _characters.size() ; next_cluster_char_index++) { if (_characters[next_cluster_char_index].in_glyph != -1 && _characters[next_cluster_char_index].char_attributes.is_cursor_position) { break; } } size_t next_cluster_glyph_index = 0; if (next_cluster_char_index == _characters.size()) { next_cluster_glyph_index = _glyphs.size(); } else { next_cluster_glyph_index = _characters[next_cluster_char_index].in_glyph; } double start_offset = offset + span.x_start + _characters[char_index].x; double cluster_width = 0.0; size_t const current_cluster_glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph; for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) { cluster_width += _glyphs[glyph_index].advance; } // TODO block progression? if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { start_offset -= cluster_width; } double end_offset = start_offset + cluster_width; int unused = 0; double midpoint_offset = (start_offset + end_offset) * 0.5; // as far as I know these functions are const, they're just not marked as such Path::cut_position *midpoint_otp = const_cast(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &midpoint_offset, unused); if (midpoint_offset >= 0.0 && midpoint_otp != nullptr && midpoint_otp[0].piece >= 0) { Geom::Point midpoint; Geom::Point tangent; const_cast(path).PointAndTangentAt(midpoint_otp[0].piece, midpoint_otp[0].t, midpoint, tangent); if (start_offset >= 0.0 && end_offset >= 0.0) { Path::cut_position *start_otp = const_cast(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &start_offset, unused); if (start_otp != nullptr && start_otp[0].piece >= 0) { Path::cut_position *end_otp = const_cast(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &end_offset, unused); if (end_otp != nullptr && end_otp[0].piece >= 0) { bool on_same_subpath = true; for (const auto & pt : path.pts) { if (pt.piece <= start_otp[0].piece) continue; if (pt.piece >= end_otp[0].piece) break; if (pt.isMoveTo == polyline_moveto) { on_same_subpath = false; break; } } if (on_same_subpath) { // both points were on the same subpath (without this test the angle is very weird) Geom::Point startpoint, endpoint; const_cast(path).PointAt(start_otp[0].piece, start_otp[0].t, startpoint); const_cast(path).PointAt(end_otp[0].piece, end_otp[0].t, endpoint); if (endpoint != startpoint) { tangent = endpoint - startpoint; tangent.normalize(); } } g_free(end_otp); } g_free(start_otp); } } if (_directions_are_orthogonal(_blockProgression(), TOP_TO_BOTTOM)) { double rotation = atan2(-tangent[Geom::X], tangent[Geom::Y]); for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) { _glyphs[glyph_index].x = midpoint[Geom::Y] - tangent[Geom::X] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - span.chunk(this).left_x; _glyphs[glyph_index].y = midpoint[Geom::X] + tangent[Geom::Y] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - _lines.front().baseline_y; _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation += rotation; } } else { double rotation = atan2(tangent[Geom::Y], tangent[Geom::X]); for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) { double tangent_shift = -cluster_width * 0.5 + _glyphs[glyph_index].x - (_characters[char_index].x + span.x_start); if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { tangent_shift += cluster_width; } _glyphs[glyph_index].x = midpoint[Geom::X] + tangent[Geom::X] * tangent_shift - tangent[Geom::Y] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - span.chunk(this).left_x; _glyphs[glyph_index].y = midpoint[Geom::Y] + tangent[Geom::Y] * tangent_shift + tangent[Geom::X] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - _lines.front().baseline_y; _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation += rotation; } } _input_truncated = false; } else { // outside the bounds of the path: hide the glyphs _characters[char_index].in_glyph = -1; _input_truncated = true; } g_free(midpoint_otp); char_index = next_cluster_char_index; } for (auto & _span : _spans) { _span.x_start += offset; _span.x_end += offset; } _path_fitted = &path; } SPCurve Layout::convertToCurves() const { return convertToCurves(begin(), end()); } SPCurve Layout::convertToCurves(iterator const &from_glyph, iterator const &to_glyph) const { SPCurve curve; for (int glyph_index = from_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index < to_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index++) { Geom::Affine glyph_matrix; Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this); _getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix); Geom::PathVector const *pathv = span.font->PathVector(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph); if (pathv) { Geom::PathVector pathv_trans = (*pathv) * glyph_matrix; curve.append(SPCurve(std::move(pathv_trans))); } } return curve; } void Layout::transform(Geom::Affine const &transform) { // this is all massively oversimplified // I can't actually think of anybody who'll want to use it at the moment, so it'll stay simple for (auto & _glyph : _glyphs) { Geom::Point point(_glyph.x, _glyph.y); point *= transform; _glyph.x = point[0]; _glyph.y = point[1]; } } double Layout::getTextLengthIncrementDue() const { if (textLength._set && textLengthIncrement != 0 && lengthAdjust == Inkscape::Text::Layout::LENGTHADJUST_SPACING) { return textLengthIncrement; } return 0; } double Layout::getTextLengthMultiplierDue() const { if (textLength._set && textLengthMultiplier != 1 && (lengthAdjust == Inkscape::Text::Layout::LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS)) { return textLengthMultiplier; } return 1; } double Layout::getActualLength() const { double length = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator it_span = _spans.begin() ; it_span != _spans.end() ; it_span++) { // take x_end of the last span of each chunk if (it_span == _spans.end() - 1 || (it_span + 1)->in_chunk != it_span->in_chunk) length += it_span->x_end; } return length; } }//namespace Text }//namespace Inkscape std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics &f) { out << " emSize: " << f.emSize() << " ascent: " << f.ascent << " descent: " << f.descent << " xheight: " << f.xheight; return out; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics *f) { out << " emSize: " << f->emSize() << " ascent: " << f->ascent << " descent: " << f->descent << " xheight: " << f->xheight; return out; } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :