// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** \file * LPE implementation */ /* * Authors: * Maximilian Albert * Johan Engelen * Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz * Copyright (C) Authors 2007-2012 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "live_effects/lpe-copy_rotate.h" #include <2geom/intersection-graph.h> #include <2geom/path-intersection.h> #include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h> #include #include #include "display/curve.h" #include "helper/geom.h" #include "live_effects/lpeobject.h" #include "live_effects/parameter/satellite-reference.h" #include "object/sp-object.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include "object/sp-shape.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" #include "path-chemistry.h" #include "path/path-boolop.h" #include "style.h" #include "svg/path-string.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "xml/sp-css-attr.h" // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { static const Util::EnumData RotateMethodData[RM_END] = { { RM_NORMAL, N_("Normal"), "normal" }, { RM_KALEIDOSCOPE, N_("Kaleidoscope"), "kaleidoskope" }, { RM_FUSE, N_("Fuse paths"), "fuse_paths" } }; static const Util::EnumDataConverter RMConverter(RotateMethodData, RM_END); LPECopyRotate::LPECopyRotate(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), // do not change name of this parameter us used in oncommit lpesatellites(_("lpesatellites"), _("Items satellites"), "lpesatellites", &wr, this, false), method(_("Method:"), _("Rotate methods"), "method", RMConverter, &wr, this, RM_NORMAL), origin(_("Origin"), _("Adjust origin of the rotation"), "origin", &wr, this, _("Adjust origin of the rotation")), starting_point(_("Start point"), _("Starting point to define start angle"), "starting_point", &wr, this, _("Adjust starting point to define start angle")), starting_angle(_("Starting angle"), _("Angle of the first copy"), "starting_angle", &wr, this, 0.0), rotation_angle(_("Rotation angle"), _("Angle between two successive copies"), "rotation_angle", &wr, this, 60.0), num_copies(_("Number of copies"), _("Number of copies of the original path"), "num_copies", &wr, this, 6), gap(_("Gap"), _("Gap space between copies, use small negative gaps to fix some joins"), "gap", &wr, this, -0.01), copies_to_360(_("Distribute evenly"), _("Angle between copies is 360°/number of copies (ignores rotation angle setting)"), "copies_to_360", &wr, this, true), mirror_copies(_("Mirror copies"), _("Mirror between copies"), "mirror_copies", &wr, this, false), split_items(_("Split elements"), _("Split elements, so each can have its own style"), "split_items", &wr, this, false), link_styles(_("Link styles"), _("Link styles on split mode"), "link_styles", &wr, this, false), dist_angle_handle(100.0) { show_orig_path = true; _provides_knotholder_entities = true; //0.92 compatibility if (this->getRepr()->attribute("fuse_paths") && strcmp(this->getRepr()->attribute("fuse_paths"), "true") == 0){ this->getRepr()->removeAttribute("fuse_paths"); this->getRepr()->setAttribute("method", "kaleidoskope"); this->getRepr()->setAttribute("mirror_copies", "true"); }; // register all your parameters here, so Inkscape knows which parameters this effect has: registerParameter(&lpesatellites); registerParameter(&method); registerParameter(&num_copies); registerParameter(&starting_angle); registerParameter(&starting_point); registerParameter(&rotation_angle); registerParameter(&gap); registerParameter(&origin); registerParameter(&copies_to_360); registerParameter(&mirror_copies); registerParameter(&split_items); registerParameter(&link_styles); gap.param_set_range(std::numeric_limits::lowest(), std::numeric_limits::max()); gap.param_set_increments(0.01, 0.01); gap.param_set_digits(5); rotation_angle.param_set_digits(4); num_copies.param_set_range(1, std::numeric_limits::max()); num_copies.param_make_integer(); apply_to_clippath_and_mask = true; previous_num_copies = num_copies; previous_origin = Geom::Point(0,0); previous_start_point = Geom::Point(0,0); starting_point.param_widget_is_visible(false); reset = link_styles; } LPECopyRotate::~LPECopyRotate() = default; bool LPECopyRotate::doOnOpen(SPLPEItem const *lpeitem) { bool fixed = false; if (!is_load || is_applied) { return fixed; } legacytest_livarotonly = false; Glib::ustring version = lpeversion.param_getSVGValue(); if (version < "1.2") { if (!SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) { legacytest_livarotonly = true; } if (!split_items) { return fixed; } lpesatellites.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_copies - 1; i++) { Glib::ustring id = Glib::ustring("rotated-"); id += std::to_string(i); id += "-"; id += getLPEObj()->getId(); SPObject *elemref = getSPDoc()->getObjectById(id.c_str()); if (elemref) { lpesatellites.link(elemref, i); } } lpeversion.param_setValue("1.2", true); fixed = true; lpesatellites.write_to_SVG(); } if (!split_items) { return fixed; } lpesatellites.start_listening(); lpesatellites.connect_selection_changed(); container = lpeitem->parent; return fixed; } void LPECopyRotate::doAfterEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem, SPCurve *curve) { if (split_items) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return; } bool write = false; bool active = !lpesatellites.data().size(); for (auto lpereference : lpesatellites.data()) { if (lpereference && lpereference->isAttached() && lpereference.get()->getObject() != nullptr) { active = true; } } if (!active && !is_load && previous_split) { lpesatellites.clear(); previous_num_copies = 0; return; } container = sp_lpe_item->parent; if (previous_num_copies != num_copies) { write = true; size_t pos = 0; for (auto lpereference : lpesatellites.data()) { if (lpereference && lpereference->isAttached()) { auto copies = cast(lpereference->getObject()); if (copies) { if (pos > num_copies - 2) { copies->setHidden(true); } else if (copies->isHidden()) { copies->setHidden(false); } } } pos++; } previous_num_copies = num_copies; } bool forcewrite = write; Geom::Affine m = Geom::Translate(-origin) * Geom::Rotate(-(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle))); for (size_t i = 1; i < num_copies; ++i) { Geom::Affine r = Geom::identity(); if(mirror_copies && i%2 != 0) { r *= Geom::Rotate(Geom::Angle(half_dir)).inverse(); r *= Geom::Scale(1, -1); r *= Geom::Rotate(Geom::Angle(half_dir)); } Geom::Rotate rot(-(Geom::rad_from_deg(rotation_angle * i))); Geom::Affine t = m * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); if (method != RM_NORMAL) { if(mirror_copies && i%2 != 0) { t = m * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); } } else { if(mirror_copies && i%2 != 0) { t = m * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(-rotation_angle)) * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); } } t *= sp_lpe_item->transform; toItem(t, i-1, reset, write); forcewrite = forcewrite || write; } //we keep satellites connected and active if write needed bool connected = lpesatellites.is_connected(); if (forcewrite || !connected) { lpesatellites.write_to_SVG(); lpesatellites.start_listening(); if (!connected) { sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect(sp_lpe_item, false, false, true); } else { lpesatellites.update_satellites(); } } reset = link_styles; } previous_split = split_items; } void LPECopyRotate::cloneStyle(SPObject *orig, SPObject *dest) { dest->setAttribute("transform", orig->getAttribute("transform")); dest->setAttribute("style", orig->getAttribute("style")); dest->setAttribute("mask", orig->getAttribute("mask")); dest->setAttribute("clip-path", orig->getAttribute("clip-path")); dest->setAttribute("class", orig->getAttribute("class")); for (auto iter : orig->style->properties()) { if (iter->style_src != SPStyleSrc::UNSET) { auto key = iter->id(); if (key != SPAttr::FONT && key != SPAttr::D && key != SPAttr::MARKER) { const gchar *attr = orig->getAttribute(iter->name().c_str()); if (attr) { dest->setAttribute(iter->name(), attr); } } } } } void LPECopyRotate::cloneD(SPObject *orig, SPObject *dest) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return; } dest->setAttribute("transform", orig->getAttribute("transform")); if (is(orig) && is(dest) && cast_unsafe(orig)->getItemCount() == cast_unsafe(dest)->getItemCount()) { if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } std::vector< SPObject * > childs = orig->childList(true); size_t index = 0; for (auto & child : childs) { SPObject *dest_child = dest->nthChild(index); cloneD(child, dest_child); index++; } return; } else if( is(orig) && is(dest) && cast(orig)->getItemCount() != cast(dest)->getItemCount()) { split_items.param_setValue(false); return; } if ( is(orig) && is(dest) && cast(orig)->children.size() == cast(dest)->children.size()) { if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } size_t index = 0; for (auto & child : cast(orig)->children) { SPObject *dest_child = dest->nthChild(index); cloneD(&child, dest_child); index++; } } auto shape = cast(orig); auto path = cast(dest); if (shape) { SPCurve const *c = shape->curve(); if (c) { auto str = sp_svg_write_path(c->get_pathvector()); if (shape && !path) { const char *id = dest->getAttribute("id"); const char *style = dest->getAttribute("style"); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = dest->document->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *dest_node = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); dest_node->setAttribute("id", id); dest_node->setAttribute("style", style); dest->updateRepr(xml_doc, dest_node, SP_OBJECT_WRITE_ALL); path = cast(dest); } path->setAttribute("d", str); } else { path->removeAttribute("d"); } } if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } } Inkscape::XML::Node * LPECopyRotate::createPathBase(SPObject *elemref) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return nullptr; } Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = document->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *prev = elemref->getRepr(); auto group = cast(elemref); if (group) { Inkscape::XML::Node *container = xml_doc->createElement("svg:g"); container->setAttribute("transform", prev->attribute("transform")); container->setAttribute("mask", prev->attribute("mask")); container->setAttribute("clip-path", prev->attribute("clip-path")); container->setAttribute("class", prev->attribute("class")); container->setAttribute("style", prev->attribute("style")); std::vector const item_list = group->item_list(); Inkscape::XML::Node *previous = nullptr; for (auto sub_item : item_list) { Inkscape::XML::Node *resultnode = createPathBase(sub_item); container->addChild(resultnode, previous); previous = resultnode; } return container; } Inkscape::XML::Node *resultnode = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); resultnode->setAttribute("transform", prev->attribute("transform")); resultnode->setAttribute("style", prev->attribute("style")); resultnode->setAttribute("mask", prev->attribute("mask")); resultnode->setAttribute("clip-path", prev->attribute("clip-path")); resultnode->setAttribute("class", prev->attribute("class")); return resultnode; } void LPECopyRotate::toItem(Geom::Affine transform, size_t i, bool reset, bool &write) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return; } //Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = document->getReprDoc(); SPObject *elemref = nullptr; if (container != sp_lpe_item->parent) { lpesatellites.read_from_SVG(); return; } if (lpesatellites.data().size() > i && lpesatellites.data()[i]) { elemref = lpesatellites.data()[i]->getObject(); } Inkscape::XML::Node *phantom = nullptr; bool creation = false; if (elemref) { phantom = elemref->getRepr(); } else { creation = true; phantom = createPathBase(sp_lpe_item); reset = true; elemref = container->appendChildRepr(phantom); Inkscape::GC::release(phantom); } cloneD(sp_lpe_item, elemref); elemref->setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty("transform", sp_svg_transform_write(transform)); reset = link_styles; // allow use on clones even in different parent /* if (elemref->parent != container) { if (!creation) { lpesatellites.unlink(elemref); } Inkscape::XML::Node *copy = phantom->duplicate(xml_doc); copy->setAttribute("id", elemref->getId()); lpesatellites.link(container->appendChildRepr(copy), i); Inkscape::GC::release(copy); elemref->deleteObject(); } else */ if (creation) { write = true; lpesatellites.link(elemref, i); } } Gtk::Widget * LPECopyRotate::newWidget() { // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might // still be pointing to this widget. Gtk::Box *vbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)); vbox->set_border_width(5); vbox->set_homogeneous(false); vbox->set_spacing(2); std::vector::iterator it = param_vector.begin(); while (it != param_vector.end()) { if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) { Parameter *param = *it; Gtk::Widget *widg = dynamic_cast(param->param_newWidget()); Glib::ustring *tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_markup(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_text(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } } } ++it; } return dynamic_cast(vbox); } void LPECopyRotate::doOnApply(SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { using namespace Geom; original_bbox(lpeitem, false, true); A = Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); B = Point(boundingbox_X.middle(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); origin.param_setValue(A, true); origin.param_update_default(A); dist_angle_handle = L2(B - A); dir = unit_vector(B - A); lpeversion.param_setValue("1.2", true); } void LPECopyRotate::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { using namespace Geom; if (!split_items && lpesatellites.data().size()) { processObjects(LPE_ERASE); } if (link_styles) { reset = true; } if (split_items && !lpesatellites.data().size()) { lpesatellites.read_from_SVG(); if (lpesatellites.data().size()) { lpesatellites.update_satellites(); } } original_bbox(lpeitem, false, true); if (copies_to_360 && num_copies > 2) { rotation_angle.param_set_value(360.0/(double)num_copies); } if (method != RM_NORMAL && rotation_angle * num_copies > 360 && rotation_angle > 0 && copies_to_360) { num_copies.param_set_value(floor(360/rotation_angle)); } if (method != RM_NORMAL && mirror_copies && copies_to_360) { num_copies.param_set_increments(2.0,10.0); if ((int)num_copies%2 !=0) { num_copies.param_set_value(num_copies+1); rotation_angle.param_set_value(360.0/(double)num_copies); } } else { num_copies.param_set_increments(1.0, 10.0); } A = Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); B = Point(boundingbox_X.middle(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); if (Geom::are_near(A, B, 0.01)) { B += Geom::Point(1.0, 0.0); } dir = unit_vector(B - A); // I first suspected the minus sign to be a bug in 2geom but it is // likely due to SVG's choice of coordinate system orientation (max) bool near_start_point = Geom::are_near(previous_start_point, (Geom::Point)starting_point, 0.01); bool near_origin = Geom::are_near(previous_origin, (Geom::Point)origin, 0.01); if (!near_start_point && !is_load) { if (lpeitem->document->isSensitive()) { starting_angle.param_set_value(deg_from_rad(-angle_between(dir, starting_point - origin))); } if (GDK_SHIFT_MASK) { dist_angle_handle = L2(B - A); } else { dist_angle_handle = L2(starting_point - origin); } } if (dist_angle_handle < 1.0) { dist_angle_handle = 1.0; } double distance = dist_angle_handle; if (previous_start_point != Geom::Point(0,0) || previous_origin != Geom::Point(0,0)) { distance = Geom::distance(previous_origin, starting_point); } start_pos = origin + dir * Rotate(-rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * distance; if (!near_start_point || !near_origin || split_items) { starting_point.param_setValue(start_pos); } previous_origin = (Geom::Point)origin; previous_start_point = (Geom::Point)starting_point; } void LPECopyRotate::split(Geom::PathVector &path_on, Geom::Path const ÷r) { Geom::PathVector tmp_path; double time_start = 0.0; Geom::Path original = path_on[0]; int position = 0; Geom::Crossings cs = crossings(original,divider); std::vector crossed; for(auto & c : cs) { crossed.push_back(c.ta); } std::sort(crossed.begin(), crossed.end()); for (double time_end : crossed) { if (time_start == time_end || time_end - time_start < Geom::EPSILON) { continue; } Geom::Path portion_original = original.portion(time_start,time_end); if (!portion_original.empty()) { Geom::Point side_checker = portion_original.pointAt(0.0001); position = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(divider[1].finalPoint() - divider[0].finalPoint(), side_checker - divider[0].finalPoint())); if (rotation_angle != 180) { position = pointInTriangle(side_checker, divider.initialPoint(), divider[0].finalPoint(), divider[1].finalPoint()); } if (position == 1) { tmp_path.push_back(portion_original); } portion_original.clear(); time_start = time_end; } } position = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(divider[1].finalPoint() - divider[0].finalPoint(), original.finalPoint() - divider[0].finalPoint())); if (rotation_angle != 180) { position = pointInTriangle(original.finalPoint(), divider.initialPoint(), divider[0].finalPoint(), divider[1].finalPoint()); } if (cs.size() > 0 && position == 1) { Geom::Path portion_original = original.portion(time_start, original.size()); if(!portion_original.empty()){ if (!original.closed()) { tmp_path.push_back(portion_original); } else { if (tmp_path.size() > 0 && tmp_path[0].size() > 0 ) { portion_original.setFinal(tmp_path[0].initialPoint()); portion_original.append(tmp_path[0]); tmp_path[0] = portion_original; } else { tmp_path.push_back(portion_original); } } portion_original.clear(); } } if (cs.size()==0 && position == 1) { tmp_path.push_back(original); } path_on = tmp_path; } Geom::PathVector LPECopyRotate::doEffect_path (Geom::PathVector const & path_in) { Geom::PathVector path_out; double diagonal = Geom::distance(Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(),boundingbox_Y.min()),Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(),boundingbox_Y.max())); Geom::OptRect bbox = sp_lpe_item->geometricBounds(); size_divider = Geom::distance(origin,bbox) + (diagonal * 6); Geom::Point line_start = origin + dir * Geom::Rotate(-(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle))) * size_divider; Geom::Point line_end = origin + dir * Geom::Rotate(-(Geom::rad_from_deg(rotation_angle + starting_angle))) * size_divider; divider = Geom::Path(line_start); divider.appendNew((Geom::Point)origin); divider.appendNew(line_end); divider.close(); half_dir = unit_vector(Geom::middle_point(line_start,line_end) - (Geom::Point)origin); FillRuleBool fillrule = fill_nonZero; if (current_shape->style && current_shape->style->fill_rule.set && current_shape->style->fill_rule.computed == SP_WIND_RULE_EVENODD) { fillrule = (FillRuleBool)fill_oddEven; } if (method != RM_NORMAL) { if (method != RM_KALEIDOSCOPE) { path_out = doEffect_path_post(path_in, fillrule); } else { path_out = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(path_in); } if (num_copies == 0) { return path_out; } Geom::PathVector triangle; triangle.push_back(divider); path_out = sp_pathvector_boolop(path_out, triangle, bool_op_inters, fillrule, fillrule, legacytest_livarotonly); if ( !split_items ) { path_out = doEffect_path_post(path_out, fillrule); } else { path_out *= Geom::Translate(half_dir * gap); } } else { path_out = doEffect_path_post(path_in, fillrule); } if (!split_items && method != RM_NORMAL) { Geom::PathVector path_out_tmp; for (const auto & path_it : path_out) { if (path_it.empty()) { continue; } Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); Geom::Path res; if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) { if (!Geom::are_near(curve_it1->initialPoint(), curve_it1->pointAt(0.5), 0.05)) { if (!res.empty()) { res.setFinal(curve_it1->initialPoint()); } Geom::Curve *c = curve_it1->duplicate(); res.append(c); } ++curve_it1; } if (path_it.closed()) { res.close(); } path_out_tmp.push_back(res); } path_out = path_out_tmp; } return pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(path_out); } Geom::PathVector LPECopyRotate::doEffect_path_post (Geom::PathVector const & path_in, FillRuleBool fillrule) { if ((split_items || num_copies == 1) && method == RM_NORMAL) { if (split_items) { Geom::PathVector path_out = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(path_in); Geom::Affine m = Geom::Translate(-origin) * Geom::Rotate(-(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle))); Geom::Affine t = m * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); return path_out * t; } return path_in; } Geom::Affine pre = Geom::Translate(-origin) * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)); Geom::PathVector original_pathv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(path_in); Geom::PathVector output_pv; Geom::PathVector output; for (int i = 0; i < num_copies; ++i) { Geom::Rotate rot(-Geom::rad_from_deg(rotation_angle * i)); Geom::Affine r = Geom::identity(); if( i%2 != 0 && mirror_copies) { r *= Geom::Rotate(Geom::Angle(half_dir)).inverse(); r *= Geom::Scale(1, -1); r *= Geom::Rotate(Geom::Angle(half_dir)); } Geom::Affine t = pre * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); if(mirror_copies && i%2 != 0) { t = pre * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)).inverse() * Geom::Translate(origin); } if (method != RM_NORMAL) { //we use safest way to union Geom::PathVector join_pv = original_pathv * t; join_pv *= Geom::Translate(half_dir * rot * gap); if (!output_pv.empty()) { output_pv = sp_pathvector_boolop(output_pv, join_pv, bool_op_union, fillrule, fillrule, legacytest_livarotonly); } else { output_pv = join_pv; } } else { t = pre * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); if(mirror_copies && i%2 != 0) { t = pre * Geom::Rotate(Geom::rad_from_deg(-starting_angle-rotation_angle)) * r * rot * Geom::Rotate(-Geom::rad_from_deg(starting_angle)) * Geom::Translate(origin); } output_pv = path_in * t; output.insert(output.end(), output_pv.begin(), output_pv.end()); } } if (method != RM_NORMAL) { output = output_pv; } return output; } void LPECopyRotate::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const */*lpeitem*/, std::vector &hp_vec) { using namespace Geom; hp_vec.clear(); Geom::Path hp; hp.start(start_pos); hp.appendNew((Geom::Point)origin); hp.appendNew(origin + dir * Rotate(-rad_from_deg(rotation_angle+starting_angle)) * Geom::distance(origin,starting_point)); Geom::PathVector pathv; pathv.push_back(hp); hp_vec.push_back(pathv); } void LPECopyRotate::resetDefaults(SPItem const* item) { Effect::resetDefaults(item); original_bbox(cast(item), false, true); } void LPECopyRotate::doOnVisibilityToggled(SPLPEItem const* /*lpeitem*/) { processObjects(LPE_VISIBILITY); } void LPECopyRotate::doOnRemove (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { if (keep_paths) { processObjects(LPE_TO_OBJECTS); return; } processObjects(LPE_ERASE); } } //namespace LivePathEffect } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :