// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** \file * LPE implementation */ /* * Authors: * Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz * Adam Belis <> * Copyright (C) Authors 2022-2022 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "live_effects/lpe-tiling.h" #include <2geom/intersection-graph.h> #include <2geom/path-intersection.h> #include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h> #include #include #include #include "display/curve.h" #include "helper/geom.h" #include "live_effects/lpeobject.h" #include "live_effects/parameter/satellite-reference.h" #include "object/sp-object.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include "object/sp-shape.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" #include "path-chemistry.h" #include "path/path-boolop.h" #include "style.h" #include "svg/path-string.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "xml/sp-css-attr.h" #include "ui/knot/knot-holder.h" #include "ui/knot/knot-holder-entity.h" #include "ui/icon-loader.h" #include "ui/icon-names.h" // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { namespace CoS { class KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX : public LPEKnotHolderEntity { public: KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX(LPETiling * effect) : LPEKnotHolderEntity(effect) {}; ~KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX() override; void knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &origin, guint state) override; void knot_click(guint state) override; Geom::Point knot_get() const override; double startpos = dynamic_cast (_effect)->gapx_unit; }; class KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY : public LPEKnotHolderEntity { public: KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY(LPETiling * effect) : LPEKnotHolderEntity(effect) {}; ~KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY() override; void knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &origin, guint state) override; void knot_click(guint state) override; Geom::Point knot_get() const override; double startpos = dynamic_cast (_effect)->gapy_unit; }; } // CoS LPETiling::LPETiling(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), // do not change name of this parameter is used in oncommit unit(_("Unit:"), _("Unit"), "unit", &wr, this, "px"), lpesatellites(_("lpesatellites"), _("Items satellites"), "lpesatellites", &wr, this, false), num_cols(_("Columns"), _("Number of columns"), "num_cols", &wr, this, 3), num_rows(_("Rows"), _("Number of rows"), "num_rows", &wr, this, 3), gapx(_("Gap X"), _("Horizontal gap between tiles (uses selected unit)"), "gapx", &wr, this, 0.0), gapy(_("Gap Y"), _("Vertical gap between tiles (uses selected unit)"), "gapy", &wr, this, 0.0), scale(_("Scale %"), _("Scale tiles by this percentage"), "scale", &wr, this, 0.0), rotate(_("Rotate °"), _("Rotate tiles by this amount of degrees"), "rotate", &wr, this, 0.0), offset(_("Offset %"), _("Offset tiles by this percentage of width/height"), "offset", &wr, this, 0.0), offset_type(_("Offset type"), _("Choose whether to offset rows or columns"), "offset_type", &wr, this, false), interpolate_scalex(_("Interpolate scale X"), _("Interpolate tile size in each row"), "interpolate_scalex", &wr, this, false), interpolate_scaley(_("Interpolate scale Y"), _("Interpolate tile size in each column"), "interpolate_scaley", &wr, this, true), shrink_interp(_("Minimize gaps"), _("Minimize gaps between scaled objects (does not work with rotation/diagonal mode)"), "shrink_interp", &wr, this, false), interpolate_rotatex(_("Interpolate rotation X"), _("Interpolate tile rotation in row"), "interpolate_rotatex", &wr, this, false), interpolate_rotatey(_("Interpolate rotation Y"), _("Interpolate tile rotation in column"), "interpolate_rotatey", &wr, this, true), split_items(_("Split elements"), _("Split elements, so they can be selected, styled, and moved (if grouped) independently"), "split_items", &wr, this, false), mirrorrowsx(_("Mirror rows in X"), _("Mirror rows horizontally"), "mirrorrowsx", &wr, this, false), mirrorrowsy(_("Mirror rows in Y"), _("Mirror rows vertically"), "mirrorrowsy", &wr, this, false), mirrorcolsx(_("Mirror cols in X"), _("Mirror columns horizontally"), "mirrorcolsx", &wr, this, false), mirrorcolsy(_("Mirror cols in Y"), _("Mirror columns vertically"), "mirrorcolsy", &wr, this, false), mirrortrans(_("Mirror transforms"), _("Mirror transformations"), "mirrortrans", &wr, this, false), link_styles(_("Link styles"), _("Link styles in split mode, can also be used to reset style of copies"), "link_styles", &wr, this, false), random_gap_x(_("Random gaps X"), _("Randomize horizontal gaps"), "random_gap_x", &wr, this, false), random_gap_y(_("Random gaps Y"), _("Randomize vertical gaps"), "random_gap_y", &wr, this, false), random_rotate(_("Random rotation"), _("Randomize tile rotation"), "random_rotate", &wr, this, false), random_scale(_("Random scale"), _("Randomize scale"), "random_scale", &wr, this, false), seed(_("Seed"), _("Randomization seed"), "seed", &wr, this, 1.), transformorigin("transformorigin:", "transformorigin","transformorigin", &wr, this, "", true) { show_orig_path = true; _provides_knotholder_entities = true; // register all your parameters here, so Inkscape knows which parameters this effect has: // please intense work on this widget and is important reorder parameters very carefully registerParameter(&unit); registerParameter(&seed); registerParameter(&lpesatellites); registerParameter(&num_rows); registerParameter(&num_cols); registerParameter(&gapx); registerParameter(&gapy); registerParameter(&offset); registerParameter(&offset_type); registerParameter(&scale); registerParameter(&rotate); registerParameter(&mirrorrowsx); registerParameter(&mirrorrowsy); registerParameter(&mirrorcolsx); registerParameter(&mirrorcolsy); registerParameter(&mirrortrans); registerParameter(&shrink_interp); registerParameter(&split_items); registerParameter(&link_styles); registerParameter(&interpolate_scalex); registerParameter(&interpolate_scaley); registerParameter(&interpolate_rotatex); registerParameter(&interpolate_rotatey); registerParameter(&random_scale); registerParameter(&random_rotate); registerParameter(&random_gap_y); registerParameter(&random_gap_x); registerParameter(&transformorigin); num_cols.param_set_range(1, 9999);// we need the input a bit tiny so this seems enough num_cols.param_make_integer(); num_cols.param_set_increments(1, 10); num_rows.param_set_range(1, 9999); num_rows.param_make_integer(); num_rows.param_set_increments(1, 10); scale.param_set_range(-9999.99,9999.99); scale.param_set_increments(1, 10); gapx.param_set_range(-99999,99999); gapx.param_set_increments(1.0, 10.0); gapy.param_set_range(-99999,99999); gapy.param_set_increments(1.0, 10.0); rotate.param_set_increments(1.0, 10.0); rotate.param_set_range(-900, 900); offset.param_set_range(-300, 300); offset.param_set_increments(1.0, 10.0); seed.param_set_range(1.0, 1.0); seed.param_set_randomsign(true); apply_to_clippath_and_mask = true; _provides_knotholder_entities = true; prev_num_cols = num_cols; prev_num_rows = num_rows; _knotholder = nullptr; reset = link_styles; } LPETiling::~LPETiling() = default; bool LPETiling::doOnOpen(SPLPEItem const *lpeitem) { bool fixed = false; if (!is_load || is_applied) { return fixed; } if (!split_items) { return fixed; } lpesatellites.update_satellites(); container = lpeitem->parent; return fixed; } void LPETiling::doAfterEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem, SPCurve *curve) { if (split_items) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return; } bool write = false; bool active = !lpesatellites.data().size(); for (auto lpereference : lpesatellites.data()) { if (lpereference && lpereference->isAttached() && lpereference.get()->getObject() != nullptr) { active = true; } } if (!active && !is_load && prev_split) { lpesatellites.clear(); prev_num_cols = 0; prev_num_rows = 0; } prev_split = split_items; container = sp_lpe_item->parent; if (prev_num_cols * prev_num_rows != num_cols * num_rows) { write = true; size_t pos = 0; for (auto lpereference : lpesatellites.data()) { if (lpereference && lpereference->isAttached()) { auto copies = cast(lpereference->getObject()); if (copies) { if (pos > num_cols * num_rows - 2) { copies->setHidden(true); } else if (copies->isHidden()) { copies->setHidden(false); } } } pos++; } prev_num_cols = num_cols; prev_num_rows = num_rows; } if (!gap_bbox) { return; } Geom::Point center = (*gap_bbox).midpoint() * transformoriginal.inverse(); bool forcewrite = false; Geom::Affine origin = Geom::Translate(center).inverse(); if (!interpolate_rotatex && !interpolate_rotatey && !random_rotate) { origin *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(rotate); } if (!interpolate_scalex && !interpolate_scaley && !random_scale) { origin *= Geom::Scale(scaleok, scaleok); } origin *= Geom::Translate(center); origin = origin.inverse(); size_t counter = 0; double gapscalex = 0; double maxheight = 0; double maxwidth = 0; double minheight = std::numeric_limits::max(); double y[(int)num_cols]; double ygap[(int)num_cols]; double yset = 0; Geom::OptRect prev_bbox; Geom::OptRect bbox = sp_lpe_item->geometricBounds(); Geom::Affine base_transform = sp_item_transform_repr(sp_lpe_item); Geom::Affine gapp = base_transform.inverse() * transformoriginal; Geom::Point spcenter_base = (*sp_lpe_item->geometricBounds(transformoriginal)).midpoint(); Geom::Point spcenter = (*sp_lpe_item->geometricBounds(base_transform)).midpoint(); Geom::Affine gap = gapp.withoutTranslation(); if (!bbox) { return; } (*bbox) *= transformoriginal; for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { double fracy = 1; if (num_rows != 1) { fracy = i/(double)(num_rows - 1); } for (int j = 0; j < num_cols; ++j) { double x = 0; double fracx = 1; if (num_cols != 1) { fracx = j/(double)(num_cols - 1); } Geom::Affine r = Geom::identity(); Geom::Scale mirror = Geom::Scale(1,1); if(mirrorrowsx || mirrorrowsy || mirrorcolsx || mirrorcolsy) { gint mx = 1; gint my = 1; if (mirrorrowsx && mirrorcolsx) { mx = (j+i)%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else { if (mirrorrowsx) { mx = i%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else if (mirrorcolsx) { mx = j%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } } if (mirrorrowsy && mirrorcolsy) { my = (j+i)%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else { if (mirrorrowsy) { my = i%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else if (mirrorcolsy) { my = j%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } } mirror = Geom::Scale(mx, my); } if (mirrortrans && interpolate_scalex && i%2 != 0) { fracx = 1-fracx; } double fracyin = fracy; if (mirrortrans && interpolate_scaley && j%2 != 0) { fracyin = 1-fracyin; } double rotatein = rotate; if (interpolate_rotatex && interpolate_rotatey) { rotatein = rotatein * (i + j); } else if (interpolate_rotatex) { rotatein = rotatein * j; } else if (interpolate_rotatey) { rotatein = rotatein * i; } if (mirrortrans && ((interpolate_rotatex && i%2 != 0) || (interpolate_rotatey && j%2 != 0) || (interpolate_rotatex && interpolate_rotatey))) { rotatein *=-1; } double scalein = 1; double scalegap = scaleok - scalein; if (interpolate_scalex && interpolate_scaley) { scalein = (scalegap * (i + j)) + 1; } else if (interpolate_scalex) { scalein = (scalegap * j) + 1; } else if (interpolate_scaley) { scalein = (scalegap * i) + 1; } else { scalein = scaleok; } if (!interpolate_rotatex && !interpolate_rotatey && !random_rotate) { r *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(rotatein).inverse(); } if (random_scale && scaleok != 1.0) { if (random_s.size() == counter) { double max = std::max(1.0,scaleok); double min = std::min(1.0,scaleok); random_s.emplace_back(seed.param_get_random_number() * (max - min) + min); } scalein = random_s[counter]; } if (random_rotate && rotate) { if (random_r.size() == counter) { random_r.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() - seed.param_get_random_number()) * rotate); } rotatein = random_r[counter]; } if (random_x.size() == counter) { if (random_gap_x && gapx_unit) { random_x.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() * gapx_unit)); // avoid overlapping } else { random_x.emplace_back(0); } } if (random_y.size() == counter) { if (random_gap_y && gapy_unit) { random_y.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() * gapy_unit)); // avoid overlapping } else { random_y.emplace_back(0); } } r *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(rotatein); r *= Geom::Scale(scalein, scalein); double scale_fix = end_scale(scaleok, true); double heightrows = original_height * scale_fix; double widthcols = original_width * scale_fix; double fixed_heightrows = heightrows; double fixed_widthcols = widthcols; bool shrink_interpove = shrink_interp; if (rotatein) { shrink_interpove = false; } if (scaleok != 1.0 && (interpolate_scalex || interpolate_scaley)) { maxheight = std::max(maxheight,(*bbox).height() * scalein); maxwidth = std::max(maxwidth,(*bbox).width() * scalein); minheight = std::min(minheight,(*bbox).height() * scalein); widthcols = std::max(original_width * end_scale(scaleok, false), original_width); heightrows = std::max(original_height * end_scale(scaleok, false), original_height); fixed_widthcols = widthcols; fixed_heightrows = heightrows; double cx = (*bbox).width() * scalein; double cy = (*bbox).height() * scalein; cx += gapx_unit; cy += gapy_unit; if (shrink_interpove && (!interpolate_scalex || !interpolate_scaley)) { double px = 0; double py = 0; if (prev_bbox) { px = (*prev_bbox).width(); py = (*prev_bbox).height(); px += gapx_unit; py += gapy_unit; } if (interpolate_scalex) { if (j) { x = cx - ((cx-px)/2.0); gapscalex += x; x = gapscalex; } else { x = 0; gapscalex = 0; } widthcols = 0; } else if (interpolate_scaley) { x = 0; if (i == 1) { ygap[j] = ((cy-y[j])/2.0); y[j] += ygap[j]; } yset = y[j]; y[j] += cy + ygap[j]; heightrows = 0; } } prev_bbox = bbox; } else { y[j] = 0; } if (!counter) { counter++; continue; } double xset = x; xset += widthcols * j; if (heightrows) { yset = heightrows * i; } SPItem * item = toItem(counter - 1, reset, write); if (item) { if (!(lpesatellites.data().size() > counter - 1 && lpesatellites.data()[counter - 1])) { item->deleteObject(true); return; } prev_bbox = item->geometricBounds(); (*prev_bbox) *= r; double offset_x = 0; double offset_y = 0; if (offset != 0) { if (offset_type && j%2) { offset_y = fixed_heightrows/(100.0/(double)offset); } if (!offset_type && i%2) { offset_x = fixed_widthcols/(100.0/(double)offset); } } auto p = Geom::Point(xset + offset_x - random_x[counter], yset + offset_y - random_y[counter]); auto translate = p * gap.inverse(); Geom::Affine finalit = (transformoriginal * Geom::Translate(spcenter_base).inverse() * mirror * Geom::Translate(spcenter_base)); finalit *= gapp.inverse() * Geom::Translate(spcenter).inverse() * originatrans.withoutTranslation().inverse() * r * translate * Geom::Translate(spcenter) ; item->doWriteTransform(finalit); item->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); forcewrite = forcewrite || write; } counter++; } } //we keep satellites connected and active if write needed bool connected = lpesatellites.is_connected(); if (forcewrite || !connected) { lpesatellites.write_to_SVG(); lpesatellites.start_listening(); if (!connected) { sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect(sp_lpe_item, false, false, true); } else { lpesatellites.update_satellites(); } } reset = link_styles; } } void LPETiling::cloneStyle(SPObject *orig, SPObject *dest) { dest->setAttribute("transform", orig->getAttribute("transform")); dest->setAttribute("style", orig->getAttribute("style")); dest->setAttribute("mask", orig->getAttribute("mask")); dest->setAttribute("clip-path", orig->getAttribute("clip-path")); dest->setAttribute("class", orig->getAttribute("class")); for (auto iter : orig->style->properties()) { if (iter->style_src != SPStyleSrc::UNSET) { auto key = iter->id(); if (key != SPAttr::FONT && key != SPAttr::D && key != SPAttr::MARKER) { const gchar *attr = orig->getAttribute(iter->name().c_str()); if (attr) { dest->setAttribute(iter->name(), attr); } } } } } void LPETiling::cloneD(SPObject *orig, SPObject *dest) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return; } if ( is(orig) && is(dest) && cast(orig)->getItemCount() == cast(dest)->getItemCount() ) { if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } std::vector< SPObject * > childs = orig->childList(true); size_t index = 0; for (auto & child : childs) { SPObject *dest_child = dest->nthChild(index); cloneD(child, dest_child); index++; } return; } else if( is(orig) && is(dest) && cast(orig)->getItemCount() != cast(dest)->getItemCount()) { split_items.param_setValue(false); return; } if ( is(orig) && is(dest) && cast(orig)->children.size() == cast(dest)->children.size()) { if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } size_t index = 0; for (auto & child : cast(orig)->children) { SPObject *dest_child = dest->nthChild(index); cloneD(&child, dest_child); index++; } } auto shape = cast(orig); auto path = cast(dest); if (shape) { SPCurve const *c = shape->curve(); if (c) { auto str = sp_svg_write_path(c->get_pathvector()); if (shape && !path) { const char *id = dest->getAttribute("id"); const char *style = dest->getAttribute("style"); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = dest->document->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *dest_node = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); dest_node->setAttribute("id", id); dest_node->setAttribute("style", style); dest->updateRepr(xml_doc, dest_node, SP_OBJECT_WRITE_ALL); path = cast(dest); } path->setAttribute("d", str); } else { path->removeAttribute("d"); } } if (reset) { cloneStyle(orig, dest); } } Inkscape::XML::Node * LPETiling::createPathBase(SPObject *elemref) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return nullptr; } Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = document->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *prev = elemref->getRepr(); auto group = cast(elemref); if (group) { Inkscape::XML::Node *container = xml_doc->createElement("svg:g"); container->setAttribute("transform", prev->attribute("transform")); container->setAttribute("mask", prev->attribute("mask")); container->setAttribute("clip-path", prev->attribute("clip-path")); container->setAttribute("class", prev->attribute("class")); container->setAttribute("style", prev->attribute("style")); std::vector const item_list = group->item_list(); Inkscape::XML::Node *previous = nullptr; for (auto sub_item : item_list) { Inkscape::XML::Node *resultnode = createPathBase(sub_item); container->addChild(resultnode, previous); previous = resultnode; } return container; } Inkscape::XML::Node *resultnode = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); resultnode->setAttribute("transform", prev->attribute("transform")); resultnode->setAttribute("style", prev->attribute("style")); resultnode->setAttribute("mask", prev->attribute("mask")); resultnode->setAttribute("clip-path", prev->attribute("clip-path")); resultnode->setAttribute("class", prev->attribute("class")); return resultnode; } SPItem * LPETiling::toItem(size_t i, bool reset, bool &write) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); if (!document) { return nullptr; } SPObject *elemref = nullptr; if (container != sp_lpe_item->parent) { lpesatellites.read_from_SVG(); return nullptr; } if (lpesatellites.data().size() > i && lpesatellites.data()[i]) { elemref = lpesatellites.data()[i]->getObject(); } Inkscape::XML::Node *phantom = nullptr; bool creation = false; if (elemref) { phantom = elemref->getRepr(); } else { creation = true; phantom = createPathBase(sp_lpe_item); reset = true; elemref = container->appendChildRepr(phantom); Inkscape::GC::release(phantom); } cloneD(sp_lpe_item, elemref); reset = link_styles; if (creation) { write = true; lpesatellites.link(elemref, i); } return cast(elemref); } Gtk::RadioButton* create_radio_button(Gtk::RadioButtonGroup& group, const Glib::ustring& tooltip, const Glib::ustring& icon_name) { auto button = Gtk::make_managed(group, Glib::ustring()); button->set_tooltip_text(tooltip); button->set_image_from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); button->property_draw_indicator() = false; button->property_always_show_image() = true; button->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); button->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); button->get_style_context()->add_class("lpe-square-button"); return button; } void align_widgets(const std::vector& widgets, int spinbutton_chars = 7) { // traverse container, locate n-th child in each row auto for_child_n = [=](int child_index, const std::function& action) { for (auto child : widgets) { auto container = dynamic_cast(child); if (!container) continue; if (auto inner = dynamic_cast(container)) { container = inner; } const auto& children = container->get_children(); if (children.size() > child_index) { action(children[child_index]); } } }; // column 0 - labels int max_width = 0; for_child_n(0, [&](Gtk::Widget* child){ if (auto label = dynamic_cast(child)) { label->set_xalign(0); // left-align int label_width = 0, dummy = 0; label->get_preferred_width(dummy, label_width); if (label_width > max_width) { max_width = label_width; } } }); // align for_child_n(0, [=](Gtk::Widget* child) { if (auto label = dynamic_cast(child)) { label->set_size_request(max_width); } }); // column 1 - align spin buttons, if any int button_width = 0; for_child_n(1, [&](Gtk::Widget* child) { if (auto spin = dynamic_cast(child)) { // arbitrarily selected spinbutton size spin->set_width_chars(spinbutton_chars); int dummy = 0; spin->get_preferred_width(dummy, button_width); } }); // set min size for comboboxes, if any int combo_size = button_width > 0 ? button_width : 50; // match with spinbuttons, or just min of 50px for_child_n(1, [=](Gtk::Widget* child) { if (auto combo = dynamic_cast(child)) { combo->set_size_request(combo_size); } }); } Gtk::Widget * LPETiling::newWidget() { // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might // still be pointing to this widget. Gtk::Box *vbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)); vbox->set_border_width(5); vbox->set_homogeneous(false); vbox->set_spacing(0); Gtk::Widget *combo = nullptr; Gtk::Widget *randbutton = nullptr; Gtk::Box *containerstart = nullptr; Gtk::Box *containerend = nullptr; Gtk::Box *movestart = nullptr; Gtk::Box *moveend = nullptr; Gtk::Box *rowcols = nullptr; std::vector::iterator it = param_vector.begin(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool usemirroricons = prefs->getBool("/live_effects/copy/mirroricons",true); std::vector scalars; while (it != param_vector.end()) { if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) { Parameter *param = *it; Gtk::Widget *widg = dynamic_cast(param->param_newWidget()); Glib::ustring *tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { if (param->param_key == "unit") { prev_unit = unit.get_abbreviation(); auto widgcombo = dynamic_cast(widg); delete widgcombo->get_children()[0]; combo = dynamic_cast(widgcombo); if (usemirroricons) { Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; Gtk::Frame * frame = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Frame(_("Mirroring mode"))); frame->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); Gtk::Box * cbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::Box * vbox1 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); Gtk::Box * hbox1 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::Box * hbox2 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::Box * vbox2 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); Gtk::Box * hbox3 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::Box * hbox4 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); vbox2->set_margin_start(5); vbox1->set_margin_bottom(3); cbox->pack_start(*vbox1, false, false, 0); cbox->pack_start(*vbox2, false, false, 0); cbox->set_margin_start(6); cbox->set_margin_end(6); cbox->set_margin_bottom(3); cbox->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); hbox1->set_margin_bottom(3); hbox3->set_margin_bottom(3); frame->add(*cbox); vbox->pack_start(*frame, false, false, 1); vbox1->pack_start(*hbox1, false, false, 0); vbox1->pack_start(*hbox2, false, false, 0); vbox2->pack_start(*hbox3, false, false, 0); vbox2->pack_start(*hbox4, false, false, 0); generate_buttons(hbox1, group, 0); generate_buttons(hbox2, group, 1); generate_buttons(hbox3, group, 2); generate_buttons(hbox4, group, 3); } ++it; continue; } else if (param->param_key == "seed"){ auto widgrand = dynamic_cast(widg); delete widgrand->get_children()[0]; widgrand->get_children()[0]->hide(); widgrand->get_children()[0]->set_no_show_all(true); auto button = dynamic_cast(widgrand->get_children()[1]); button->set_always_show_image(true); button->set_label(_("Randomize")); button->set_tooltip_markup(_("Randomization seed for random mode for scaling, rotation and gaps")); button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL); button->set_image_from_icon_name(INKSCAPE_ICON("randomize"), Gtk::IconSize(Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); widgrand->set_vexpand(false); widgrand->set_hexpand(false); widgrand->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); widgrand->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); randbutton = dynamic_cast(Gtk::manage(widgrand)); ++it; continue; } else if (param->param_key == "offset_type" || param->param_key == "mirrorrowsx" && usemirroricons || param->param_key == "mirrorrowsy" && usemirroricons || param->param_key == "mirrorcolsx" && usemirroricons || param->param_key == "mirrorcolsy" && usemirroricons || param->param_key == "interpolate_rotatex" || param->param_key == "interpolate_rotatey" || param->param_key == "interpolate_scalex" || param->param_key == "interpolate_scaley" || param->param_key == "random_scale" || param->param_key == "random_rotate" || param->param_key == "random_gap_x" || param->param_key == "random_gap_y") { ++it; continue; } else if (param->param_key == "offset") { movestart->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 2); /* widg->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END); */ /* widg->set_hexpand(true); */ /* auto widgscalar = dynamic_cast(widg); widgscalar->get_children()[0]->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); */ Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; auto rows = create_radio_button(group, _("Offset rows"), INKSCAPE_ICON("rows")); auto cols = create_radio_button(group, _("Offset columns"), INKSCAPE_ICON("cols")); rows->set_tooltip_markup(_("Offset alternate rows")); cols->set_tooltip_markup(_("Offset alternate cols")); if (offset_type) { cols->set_active(); } else { rows->set_active(); } container->pack_start(*rows, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*cols, false, false, 1); cols->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LPETiling::setOffsetCols)); rows->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LPETiling::setOffsetRows)); moveend->pack_start(*container, false, false, 2); } else if (param->param_key == "scale") { Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; auto cols = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate X"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-x")); auto rows = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate Y"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-y")); auto both = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate both"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-both")); auto none = create_radio_button(group, _("No interpolation"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-none")); auto rand = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate random"), INKSCAPE_ICON("scale-random")); if (interpolate_scalex && interpolate_scaley) { both->set_active(); } else if (interpolate_scalex) { cols->set_active(); } else if (interpolate_scaley) { rows->set_active(); } else if (random_scale) { rand->set_active(); } else { none->set_active(); } cols->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend scale from left to right (left column uses original scale, right column uses new scale)")); rows->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend scale from top to bottom (top row uses original scale, bottom row uses new scale)")); both->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend scale diagonally (top left tile uses original scale, bottom right tile uses new scale)")); none->set_tooltip_markup(_("Uniform scale")); rand->set_tooltip_markup(_("Random scale (hit Randomize button to shuffle)")); container->pack_start(*rows, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*cols, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*both, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*none, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*rand, false, false, 1); rand->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setScaleRandom)); none->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setScaleInterpolate), false, false)); cols->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setScaleInterpolate), true, false)); rows->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setScaleInterpolate), false, true)); both->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setScaleInterpolate), true, true)); movestart->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 2); moveend->pack_start(*container, false, false, 2); } else if (param->param_key == "rotate") { movestart->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 2); Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; auto cols = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate X"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-rotate-x")); auto rows = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate Y"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-rotate-y")); auto both = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate both"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-rotate-both")); auto none = create_radio_button(group, _("No interpolation"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-rotate-none")); auto rand = create_radio_button(group, _("Interpolate random"), INKSCAPE_ICON("rotate-random")); if (interpolate_rotatex && interpolate_rotatey) { both->set_active(); } else if (interpolate_rotatex) { cols->set_active(); } else if (interpolate_rotatey) { rows->set_active(); } else if (random_rotate) { rand->set_active(); } else { none->set_active(); } cols->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend rotation from left to right (left column uses original rotation, right column uses new rotation)")); rows->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend rotation from top to bottom (top row uses original rotation, bottom row uses new rotation)")); both->set_tooltip_markup(_("Blend rotation diagonally (top left tile uses original rotation, bottom right tile uses new rotation)")); none->set_tooltip_markup(_("Uniform rotation")); rand->set_tooltip_markup(_("Random rotation (hit Randomize button to shuffle)")); container->pack_start(*rows, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*cols, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*both, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*none, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*rand, false, false, 1); rand->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setRotateRandom)); none->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setRotateInterpolate), false, false)); cols->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setRotateInterpolate), true, false)); rows->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setRotateInterpolate), false, true)); both->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setRotateInterpolate), true, true)); moveend->pack_start(*container, false, false, 2); } else if (param->param_key == "gapx") { Gtk::Box *wrapper = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); movestart = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); moveend = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); moveend->set_homogeneous(); moveend->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_FILL); Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; auto normal = create_radio_button(group, _("Normal"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-none")); auto randx = create_radio_button(group, _("Random"), INKSCAPE_ICON("gap-random-x")); if (random_gap_x) { randx->set_active(); } else { normal->set_active(); } normal->set_tooltip_markup(_("All horizontal gaps have the same width")); randx->set_tooltip_markup(_("Random horizontal gaps (hit Randomize button to shuffle)")); normal->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setGapXMode), false)); randx->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setGapXMode), true)); container->pack_start(*normal, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*randx, false, false, 1); combo->set_margin_end(0); container->pack_end(*combo, false, false, 1); movestart->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 2); moveend->pack_start(*container, false, false, 2); wrapper->pack_start(*movestart, false, false, 0); wrapper->pack_start(*moveend, false, false, 0); //bwidg->set_hexpand(true); combo->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END); widg->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); vbox->pack_start(*wrapper, true, true, 0); } else if (param->param_key == "gapy") { movestart->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; auto normal = create_radio_button(group, _("Normal"), INKSCAPE_ICON("interpolate-scale-none")); auto randy = create_radio_button(group, _("Random"), INKSCAPE_ICON("gap-random-y")); if (random_gap_y) { randy->set_active(); } else { normal->set_active(); } normal->set_tooltip_markup(_("All vertical gaps have the same height")); randy->set_tooltip_markup(_("Random vertical gaps (hit Randomize button to shuffle)")); normal->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setGapYMode), false)); randy->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setGapYMode), true)); container->pack_start(*normal, false, false, 1); container->pack_start(*randy, false, false, 1); widg->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); moveend->pack_start(*container, false, false, 2); } else if (param->param_key == "mirrortrans"){ Gtk::Box *container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); Gtk::Box *containerwraper = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); containerend = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); containerstart = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); container->pack_start(*containerwraper, false, true, 0); containerwraper->pack_start(*containerstart, false, true, 0); containerwraper->pack_start(*containerend, true, true, 0); containerend->pack_end(*randbutton, true, true, 2); containerend->set_margin_start(8); containerstart->pack_start(*widg, false, true, 2); container->set_hexpand(false); containerwraper->set_hexpand(false); containerend->set_hexpand(false); containerstart->set_hexpand(false); vbox->pack_start(*container, false, true, 1); } else if ( param->param_key == "split_items" || param->param_key == "link_styles" || param->param_key == "shrink_interp") { containerstart->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); widg->set_vexpand(false); widg->set_hexpand(false); widg->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); widg->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); } else if (param->param_key == "num_rows") { rowcols = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0)); rowcols->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 0); vbox->pack_start(*rowcols, false, true, 2); } else if (param->param_key == "num_cols") { rowcols->pack_start(*widg, false, false, 0); } else { vbox->pack_start(*widg, false, true, 2); } if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_markup(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_markup(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } if (dynamic_cast(param)) { scalars.push_back(widg); } } } ++it; } vbox->show_all(); align_widgets(scalars, 5); return dynamic_cast(vbox); } void LPETiling::generate_buttons(Gtk::Box *container, Gtk::RadioButton::Group &group, gint pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gint position = (pos * 4) + i; Glib::ustring result = getMirrorMap(position); Glib::ustring iconname = "mirroring"; iconname += "-"; iconname += result; auto button = create_radio_button(group, Glib::ustring(), iconname); if (getActiveMirror(position)) { _updating = true; button->set_active(); _updating = false; } button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPETiling::setMirroring),position)); gint zero = Glib::ustring("0")[0]; Glib::ustring tooltip = result[0] == zero ? "" : "rx+"; tooltip += result[1] == zero ? "" : "ry+"; tooltip += result[2] == zero ? "" : "cx+"; tooltip += result[3] == zero ? "" : "cy+"; if (tooltip.size()) { tooltip.erase(tooltip.size()-1); } button->set_tooltip_markup(tooltip); button->set_margin_start(1); container->pack_start(*button, false, false, 1); } } Glib::ustring LPETiling::getMirrorMap(gint index) { Glib::ustring result = "0000"; if (index == 1) { result = "1000"; } else if (index == 2) { result = "1100"; } else if (index == 3) { result = "0100"; } else if (index == 4) { result = "0011"; } else if (index == 5) { result = "1011"; } else if (index == 6) { result = "1111"; } else if (index == 7) { result = "0111"; } else if (index == 8) { result = "0010"; } else if (index == 9) { result = "1010"; } else if (index == 10) { result = "1110"; } else if (index == 11) { result = "0110"; } else if (index == 12) { result = "0001"; } else if (index == 13) { result = "1001"; } else if (index == 14) { result = "1101"; } else if (index == 15) { result = "0101"; } return result; } bool LPETiling::getActiveMirror(gint index) { Glib::ustring result = getMirrorMap(index); return result[0] == Glib::ustring::format(mirrorrowsx)[0] && result[1] == Glib::ustring::format(mirrorrowsy)[0] && result[2] == Glib::ustring::format(mirrorcolsx)[0] && result[3] == Glib::ustring::format(mirrorcolsy)[0]; } void LPETiling::setMirroring(gint index) { if (_updating) { return; } _updating = true; Glib::ustring result = getMirrorMap(index); gint zero = Glib::ustring("0")[0]; mirrorrowsx.param_setValue(result[0] == zero ? false : true); mirrorrowsy.param_setValue(result[1] == zero ? false : true); mirrorcolsx.param_setValue(result[2] == zero ? false : true); mirrorcolsy.param_setValue(result[3] == zero ? false : true); writeParamsToSVG(); _updating = false; } void LPETiling::setOffsetCols(){ offset_type.param_setValue(true); offset_type.write_to_SVG(); } void LPETiling::setOffsetRows(){ offset_type.param_setValue(false); offset_type.write_to_SVG(); } void LPETiling::setRotateInterpolate(bool x, bool y){ interpolate_rotatex.param_setValue(x); interpolate_rotatey.param_setValue(y); random_rotate.param_setValue(false); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::setScaleInterpolate(bool x, bool y){ interpolate_scalex.param_setValue(x); interpolate_scaley.param_setValue(y); random_scale.param_setValue(false); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::setRotateRandom() { interpolate_rotatex.param_setValue(false); interpolate_rotatey.param_setValue(false); random_rotate.param_setValue(true); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::setScaleRandom() { interpolate_scalex.param_setValue(false); interpolate_scaley.param_setValue(false); random_scale.param_setValue(true); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::setGapXMode(bool random) { random_gap_x.param_setValue(random); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::setGapYMode(bool random) { random_gap_y.param_setValue(random); writeParamsToSVG(); } void LPETiling::doOnApply(SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { if (lpeitem->getAttribute("transform")) { transformorigin.param_setValue(lpeitem->getAttribute("transform"), true); } else { transformorigin.param_setValue("", true); } doBeforeEffect(lpeitem); } void LPETiling::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { auto transformorigin_str = lpeitem->getAttribute("transform"); if (transformorigin_str) { transformorigin.read_from_SVG(); auto transformorigin_str = transformorigin.param_getSVGValue(); transformoriginal = Geom::identity(); if (!transformorigin_str.empty()) { sp_svg_transform_read(transformorigin_str.c_str(), &transformoriginal); } } else { transformorigin.param_setValue("", true); transformoriginal = Geom::identity(); } //transformoriginal = transformoriginal.withoutTranslation(); using namespace Geom; seed.resetRandomizer(); random_x.clear(); random_y.clear(); random_s.clear(); random_r.clear(); if (prev_unit != unit.get_abbreviation()) { double newgapx = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(gapx, prev_unit, unit.get_abbreviation()); double newgapy = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(gapy, prev_unit, unit.get_abbreviation()); gapx.param_set_value(newgapx); gapy.param_set_value(newgapy); prev_unit = unit.get_abbreviation(); writeParamsToSVG(); } scaleok = (scale + 100) / 100.0; double seedset = seed.param_get_random_number() - seed.param_get_random_number(); affinebase = Geom::identity(); if (random_rotate && rotate) { affinebase *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(seedset * rotate); } if (random_scale && scaleok != 1) { affinebase *= Geom::Scale(seed.param_get_random_number() * (std::max(scaleok,1.0) - std::min(scaleok,1.0)) + std::min(scaleok,1.0)); } if (random_gap_x && gapx_unit) { affinebase *= Geom::Translate(seed.param_get_random_number() * gapx_unit * -1, 0); } if (random_gap_y && gapy_unit) { affinebase *= Geom::Translate(0,seed.param_get_random_number() * gapy_unit * -1); } if (!split_items && lpesatellites.data().size()) { processObjects(LPE_ERASE); } if (link_styles) { reset = true; } if (split_items && !lpesatellites.data().size()) { lpesatellites.read_from_SVG(); if (lpesatellites.data().size()) { lpesatellites.update_satellites(); } } Glib::ustring display_unit = lpeitem->document->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); gapx_unit = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(gapx, unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); gapy_unit = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(gapy, unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); original_bbox(sp_lpe_item, false, true, transformoriginal); originalbbox = Geom::OptRect(boundingbox_X,boundingbox_Y); Geom::Point A = Point(boundingbox_X.min() - (gapx_unit / 2.0), boundingbox_Y.min() - (gapy_unit / 2.0)); Geom::Point B = Point(boundingbox_X.max() + (gapx_unit / 2.0), boundingbox_Y.max() + (gapy_unit / 2.0)); gap_bbox = Geom::OptRect(A,B); if (!gap_bbox) { return; } double scale_fix = end_scale(scaleok, true); (*originalbbox) *= Geom::Translate((*originalbbox).midpoint()).inverse() * Geom::Scale(scale_fix) * Geom::Translate((*originalbbox).midpoint()); if (!interpolate_scalex && !interpolate_scaley && !random_scale) { (*gap_bbox) *= Geom::Translate((*gap_bbox).midpoint()).inverse() * Geom::Scale(scaleok,scaleok) * Geom::Translate((*gap_bbox).midpoint()); (*originalbbox) *= Geom::Translate((*originalbbox).midpoint()).inverse() * Geom::Scale(scaleok,scaleok) * Geom::Translate((*originalbbox).midpoint()); } original_width = (*gap_bbox).width(); original_height = (*gap_bbox).height(); } double LPETiling::end_scale(double scale_fix, bool tomax) const { if (interpolate_scalex && interpolate_scaley) { scale_fix = 1 + ((scale_fix - 1) * (num_rows + num_cols -1)); } else if (interpolate_scalex) { scale_fix = 1 + ((scale_fix - 1) * (num_cols -1)); } else if (interpolate_scaley) { scale_fix = 1 + ((scale_fix - 1) * (num_rows -1)); } if (tomax && (random_scale || interpolate_scalex || interpolate_scaley)) { scale_fix = std::max(scale_fix, 1.0); } return scale_fix; } Geom::PathVector LPETiling::doEffect_path (Geom::PathVector const & path_in) { Geom::PathVector path_out; FillRuleBool fillrule = fill_nonZero; if (current_shape->style && current_shape->style->fill_rule.set && current_shape->style->fill_rule.computed == SP_WIND_RULE_EVENODD) { fillrule = (FillRuleBool)fill_oddEven; } path_out = doEffect_path_post(path_in, fillrule); if (_knotholder) { _knotholder->update_knots(); } if (split_items) { return path_out; } else { return path_out * transformoriginal.inverse(); } } Geom::PathVector LPETiling::doEffect_path_post (Geom::PathVector const & path_in, FillRuleBool fillrule) { if (!gap_bbox) { return path_in; } Geom::Point center = (*gap_bbox).midpoint() * transformoriginal.inverse(); Geom::PathVector output; gint counter = 0; Geom::OptRect prev_bbox; double gapscalex = 0; double maxheight = 0; double maxwidth = 0; double minheight = std::numeric_limits::max(); Geom::OptRect bbox = path_in.boundsFast(); if (!bbox) { return path_in; } (*bbox) *= transformoriginal; double posx = ((*gap_bbox).left() - (*bbox).left()) / (*gap_bbox).width(); double factorx = original_width/(*bbox).width(); double factory = original_height/(*bbox).height(); double y[(int)num_cols]; double yset = 0; double gap[(int)num_cols]; for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { double fracy = 1; if (num_rows != 1) { fracy = i/(double)(num_rows - 1); } for (int j = 0; j < num_cols; ++j) { double x = 0; double fracx = 1; if (num_cols != 1) { fracx = j/(double)(num_cols - 1); } Geom::Affine r = Geom::identity(); r = Geom::identity(); Geom::Scale mirror = Geom::Scale(1,1); bool reverse_pv = false; if(mirrorrowsx || mirrorrowsy || mirrorcolsx || mirrorcolsy) { gint mx = 1; gint my = 1; if (mirrorrowsx && mirrorcolsx) { mx = (j+i)%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else { if (mirrorrowsx) { mx = i%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else if (mirrorcolsx) { mx = j%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } } if (mirrorrowsy && mirrorcolsy) { my = (j+i)%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else { if (mirrorrowsy) { my = i%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } else if (mirrorcolsy) { my = j%2 != 0 ? -1 : 1; } } mirror = Geom::Scale(mx, my); reverse_pv = mx * my == -1; } if (mirrortrans && interpolate_scalex && i%2 != 0) { fracx = 1-fracx; } double fracyin = fracy; if (mirrortrans && interpolate_scaley && j%2 != 0) { fracyin = 1-fracyin; } /* if (mirrortrans && interpolate_scaley && interpolate_scalex) { fract = 1-fract; } */ double rotatein = rotate; if (interpolate_rotatex && interpolate_rotatey) { rotatein = rotatein * (i + j); } else if (interpolate_rotatex) { rotatein = rotatein * j; } else if (interpolate_rotatey) { rotatein = rotatein * i; } if (mirrortrans && ((interpolate_rotatex && i%2 != 0) || (interpolate_rotatey && j%2 != 0) || (interpolate_rotatex && interpolate_rotatey))) { rotatein *=-1; } double scalein = 1; double scalegap = scaleok - scalein; if (interpolate_scalex && interpolate_scaley) { scalein = (scalegap * (i + j)) + 1; } else if (interpolate_scalex) { scalein = (scalegap * j) + 1; } else if (interpolate_scaley) { scalein = (scalegap * i) + 1; } else { scalein = scaleok; } if (random_scale && scaleok != 1.0) { if (random_s.size() == counter) { double max = std::max(1.0,scaleok); double min = std::min(1.0,scaleok); random_s.emplace_back(seed.param_get_random_number() * (max - min) + min); } scalein = random_s[counter]; } if (random_rotate && rotate) { if (random_r.size() == counter) { random_r.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() - seed.param_get_random_number()) * rotate); } rotatein = random_r[counter]; } if (random_x.size() == counter) { if (random_gap_x && gapx_unit && (j || i)) { random_x.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() * gapx_unit)); // avoid overlapping } else { random_x.emplace_back(0); } } if (random_y.size() == counter) { if (random_gap_y && gapy_unit && (j || i)) { random_y.emplace_back((seed.param_get_random_number() * gapy_unit)); // avoid overlapping } else { random_y.emplace_back(0); } } r *= Geom::Scale(scalein, scalein); r *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(rotatein); Geom::PathVector output_pv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(path_in); if (reverse_pv) { output_pv.reverse(); } output_pv *= Geom::Translate(center).inverse(); output_pv *= r; if (!interpolate_rotatex && !interpolate_rotatey && !random_rotate) { output_pv *= Geom::Rotate::from_degrees(rotate); } if (!interpolate_scalex && !interpolate_scaley && !random_scale) { output_pv *= Geom::Scale(scaleok, scaleok); } originatrans = r; output_pv *= Geom::Translate(center); if (split_items) { return output_pv; } double scale_fix = end_scale(scaleok, true); double heightrows = original_height * scale_fix; double widthcols = original_width * scale_fix; double fixed_heightrows = heightrows; double fixed_widthcols = widthcols; if (rotatein && shrink_interp) { shrink_interp.param_setValue(false); shrink_interp.write_to_SVG(); return path_in; } if (scaleok != 1.0 && (interpolate_scalex || interpolate_scaley )) { Geom::OptRect bbox = output_pv.boundsFast(); if (bbox) { maxheight = std::max(maxheight,(*bbox).height()); maxwidth = std::max(maxwidth,(*bbox).width()); minheight = std::min(minheight,(*bbox).height()); widthcols = std::max(original_width * end_scale(scaleok, false),original_width); heightrows = std::max(original_height * end_scale(scaleok, false),original_height); fixed_widthcols = widthcols; fixed_heightrows = heightrows; double cx = (*bbox).width(); double cy = (*bbox).height(); if (shrink_interp && (!interpolate_scalex || !interpolate_scaley)) { heightrows = 0; widthcols = 0; double px = 0; double py = 0; if (prev_bbox) { px = (*prev_bbox).width(); py = (*prev_bbox).height(); } if (interpolate_scalex) { if (j) { x = ((cx - ((cx - px) / 2.0))) * factorx; gapscalex += x; x = gapscalex; } else { x = 0; gapscalex = 0; } } else { x = (std::max(original_width * end_scale(scaleok, false), original_width) + posx) * j; } if (interpolate_scalex && i == 1) { y[j] = maxheight * factory; } else if(i == 0) { y[j] = 0; } if (i == 1 && !interpolate_scalex) { gap[j] = ((cy * factory) - y[j])/2.0; } else if (i == 0) { gap[j] = 0; } yset = y[j] + (gap[j] * i); if (interpolate_scaley) { y[j] += cy * factory; } else { y[j] += maxheight * factory; } } prev_bbox = bbox; } } else { y[j] = 0; } double xset = x; xset += widthcols * j; if (heightrows) { yset = heightrows * i; } double offset_x = 0; double offset_y = 0; if (offset != 0) { if (offset_type && j%2) { offset_y = fixed_heightrows/(100.0/(double)offset); } if (!offset_type && i%2) { offset_x = fixed_widthcols/(100.0/(double)offset); } } output_pv *= Geom::Translate(center).inverse() * mirror * Geom::Translate(center); output_pv *= transformoriginal; output_pv *= Geom::Translate(Geom::Point(xset + offset_x - random_x[counter],yset + offset_y - random_y[counter])); output.insert(output.end(), output_pv.begin(), output_pv.end()); counter++; } } return output; } void LPETiling::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const *lpeitem, std::vector &hp_vec) { if (!gap_bbox) { return; } using namespace Geom; hp_vec.clear(); Geom::Path hp = Geom::Path(*gap_bbox); double scale_fix = end_scale(scaleok, true); hp *= Geom::Translate((*gap_bbox).midpoint()).inverse() * Geom::Scale(scale_fix) * Geom::Translate((*gap_bbox).midpoint()); hp *= transformoriginal.inverse(); Geom::PathVector pathv; pathv.push_back(hp); hp_vec.push_back(pathv); } void LPETiling::resetDefaults(SPItem const* item) { Effect::resetDefaults(item); original_bbox(cast(item), false, true); } void LPETiling::doOnVisibilityToggled(SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { auto transformorigin_str = lpeitem->getAttribute("transform"); Geom::Affine ontoggle = Geom::identity(); if (transformorigin_str) { sp_svg_transform_read(transformorigin_str, &ontoggle); } ontoggle = ontoggle; if (is_visible) { if ( ontoggle == Geom::identity()) { transformorigin.param_setValue("", true); } else { ontoggle = ontoggle * hideaffine.inverse() * transformoriginal; transformorigin.param_setValue(sp_svg_transform_write(ontoggle), true); } } else { hideaffine = ontoggle; } processObjects(LPE_VISIBILITY); } void LPETiling::doOnRemove (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { if (keep_paths) { processObjects(LPE_TO_OBJECTS); return; } processObjects(LPE_ERASE); } void LPETiling::addKnotHolderEntities(KnotHolder *knotholder, SPItem *item) { _knotholder = knotholder; KnotHolderEntity *e = new CoS::KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX(this); e->create(nullptr, item, knotholder, Inkscape::CANVAS_ITEM_CTRL_TYPE_LPE, "LPE:CopiesGapX", _("Horizontal gaps between tiles: drag to adjust, Shift+click to reset")); knotholder->add(e); KnotHolderEntity *f = new CoS::KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY(this); f->create(nullptr, item, knotholder, Inkscape::CANVAS_ITEM_CTRL_TYPE_LPE, "LPE:CopiesGapY", _("Vertical gaps between tiles: drag to adjust, Shift+click to reset")); knotholder->add(f); } namespace CoS { KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX::~KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX() { LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); if (lpe) { lpe->_knotholder = nullptr; } } KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY::~KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY() { LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); if (lpe) { lpe->_knotholder = nullptr; } } void KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX::knot_click(guint state) { if (!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) { return; } LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); lpe->gapx.param_set_value(0); startpos = 0; sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect(cast(item), false, false); } void KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY::knot_click(guint state) { if (!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) { return; } LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); lpe->gapy.param_set_value(0); startpos = 0; sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect(cast(item), false, false); } void KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const&/*origin*/, guint state) { LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); Geom::Point const s = snap_knot_position(p, state); if (lpe->originalbbox) { Geom::Point point = (*lpe->originalbbox).corner(1); point *= lpe->transformoriginal.inverse(); double value = s[Geom::X] - point[Geom::X]; Glib::ustring display_unit = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); value = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert((value/lpe->end_scale(lpe->scaleok, false)) * 2, display_unit.c_str(),lpe->unit.get_abbreviation()); lpe->gapx.param_set_value(value); lpe->gapx.write_to_SVG(); } } void KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const& /*origin*/, guint state) { LPETiling* lpe = dynamic_cast(_effect); Geom::Point const s = snap_knot_position(p, state); if (lpe->originalbbox) { Geom::Point point = (*lpe->originalbbox).corner(3); point *= lpe->transformoriginal.inverse(); double value = s[Geom::Y] - point[Geom::Y]; Glib::ustring display_unit = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); value = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert((value/lpe->end_scale(lpe->scaleok, false)) * 2, display_unit.c_str(),lpe->unit.get_abbreviation()); lpe->gapy.param_set_value(value); lpe->gapy.write_to_SVG(); } } Geom::Point KnotHolderEntityCopyGapX::knot_get() const { LPETiling const * lpe = dynamic_cast (_effect); Geom::Point ret = Geom::Point(Geom::infinity(),Geom::infinity()); if (lpe->originalbbox) { auto bbox = (*lpe->originalbbox); Glib::ustring display_unit = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); double value = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(lpe->gapx, lpe->unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); double scale = lpe->scaleok; ret = (bbox).corner(1) + Geom::Point((value * lpe->end_scale(scale, false))/2.0,0); ret *= lpe->transformoriginal.inverse(); } return ret; } Geom::Point KnotHolderEntityCopyGapY::knot_get() const { LPETiling const * lpe = dynamic_cast (_effect); Geom::Point ret = Geom::Point(Geom::infinity(),Geom::infinity()); if (lpe->originalbbox) { auto bbox = (*lpe->originalbbox); Glib::ustring display_unit = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); double value = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(lpe->gapy, lpe->unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); double scale = lpe->scaleok; ret = (bbox).corner(3) + Geom::Point(0,(value * lpe->end_scale(scale, false))/2.0); ret *= lpe->transformoriginal.inverse(); } return ret; } } // namespace CoS } // namespace LivePathEffect } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-gaps:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :