// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #ifndef INKSCAPE_LIVEPATHEFFECT_PARAMETER_PATH_H #define INKSCAPE_LIVEPATHEFFECT_PARAMETER_PATH_H /* * Inkscape::LivePathEffectParameters * * Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include <2geom/path.h> #include "live_effects/parameter/parameter.h" #include "live_effects/parameter/path-reference.h" #include #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { class PathParam : public Parameter { public: PathParam ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Inkscape::UI::Widget::Registry* wr, Effect* effect, const gchar * default_value = "M0,0 L1,1"); ~PathParam() override; Geom::PathVector const & get_pathvector() const; void reload(); Geom::Affine get_relative_affine(); Geom::Piecewise > const & get_pwd2(); Gtk::Widget * param_newWidget() override; std::vector param_get_satellites() override; bool param_readSVGValue(const gchar * strvalue) override; Glib::ustring param_getSVGValue() const override; Glib::ustring param_getDefaultSVGValue() const override; void param_set_default() override; void param_update_default(const gchar * default_value) override; void param_set_and_write_default(); void set_new_value (Geom::PathVector const &newpath, bool write_to_svg); void set_new_value (Geom::Piecewise > const &newpath, bool write_to_svg); void set_buttons(bool edit_button, bool copy_button, bool paste_button, bool link_button); void param_editOncanvas(SPItem * item, SPDesktop * dt) override; void param_setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) override; void addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const* lpeitem, std::vector &hp_vec) override; void param_transform_multiply(Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set) override; void setFromOriginalD(bool from_original_d){ _from_original_d = from_original_d; }; sigc::signal signal_path_pasted; sigc::signal signal_path_changed; bool changed; /* this gets set whenever the path is changed (this is set to true, and then the signal_path_changed signal is emitted). * the user must set it back to false if she wants to use it sensibly */ SPObject * getObject() const { if (ref.isAttached()) {return ref.getObject();} return nullptr;} void paste_param_path(const char *svgd); void on_paste_button_click(); void linkitem(Glib::ustring pathid); ParamType paramType() const override { return ParamType::PATH; }; protected: Geom::PathVector _pathvector; // this is primary data storage, since it is closest to SVG. Geom::Piecewise > _pwd2; // secondary, hence the bool must_recalculate_pwd2 bool must_recalculate_pwd2; // set when _pathvector was updated, but _pwd2 not void ensure_pwd2(); // ensures _pwd2 is up to date gchar * href; // contains link to other object, e.g. "#path2428", NULL if PathParam contains pathdata itself PathReference ref; friend class LPEFillBetweenStrokes; friend class LPEPatternAlongPath; friend class LPEBendPath; friend class LPECurveStitch; friend class LPEAttachPath; friend class LPEEnvelope; friend class LPEBoundingBox; friend class LPEInterpolate; friend class LPEVonKoch; sigc::connection ref_changed_connection; sigc::connection linked_deleted_connection; sigc::connection linked_modified_connection; sigc::connection linked_transformed_connection; void ref_changed(SPObject *old_ref, SPObject *new_ref); void unlink(); void start_listening(SPObject * to); void quit_listening(); void linked_deleted(SPObject *deleted); void linked_modified(SPObject *linked_obj, guint flags); void linked_transformed(Geom::Affine const *rel_transf, SPItem *moved_item); virtual void linked_modified_callback(SPObject *linked_obj, guint flags); void on_edit_button_click(); void on_copy_button_click(); void on_link_button_click(); void emit_changed(); gchar * defvalue; bool _from_original_d; private: bool _edit_button; bool _copy_button; bool _paste_button; bool _link_button; PathParam(const PathParam&) = delete; PathParam& operator=(const PathParam&) = delete; }; } //namespace LivePathEffect } //namespace Inkscape #endif