// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * TODO: insert short description here *//* * Authors: see git history * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ /* */ #include #include #include #include "attributes.h" #include "xml/repr.h" #include "style.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "document.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "desktop-style.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "snap-candidate.h" #include "snap-preferences.h" #include "text-tag-attributes.h" #include "text-editing.h" #include "sp-flowdiv.h" #include "sp-flowregion.h" #include "sp-flowtext.h" #include "sp-rect.h" #include "sp-string.h" #include "sp-text.h" #include "sp-use.h" #include "libnrtype/font-instance.h" #include "libnrtype/font-factory.h" #include "livarot/Shape.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "display/drawing-text.h" #include "layer-manager.h" SPFlowtext::SPFlowtext() : SPItem(), par_indent(0), _optimizeScaledText(false) { } SPFlowtext::~SPFlowtext() = default; void SPFlowtext::release() { view_style_attachments.clear(); SPItem::release(); } void SPFlowtext::child_added(Inkscape::XML::Node* child, Inkscape::XML::Node* ref) { SPItem::child_added(child, ref); this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } /* fixme: hide (Lauris) */ void SPFlowtext::remove_child(Inkscape::XML::Node* child) { SPItem::remove_child(child); this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } void SPFlowtext::update(SPCtx* ctx, unsigned int flags) { SPItemCtx *ictx = (SPItemCtx *) ctx; SPItemCtx cctx = *ictx; unsigned childflags = flags; if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) { childflags |= SP_OBJECT_PARENT_MODIFIED_FLAG; } childflags &= SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_CASCADE; std::vector l; for (auto& child: children) { sp_object_ref(&child); l.push_back(&child); } for (auto child:l) { g_assert(child != nullptr); if (childflags || (child->uflags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_CHILD_MODIFIED_FLAG))) { auto item = cast(child); if (item) { SPItem const &chi = *item; cctx.i2doc = chi.transform * ictx->i2doc; cctx.i2vp = chi.transform * ictx->i2vp; child->updateDisplay((SPCtx *)&cctx, childflags); } else { child->updateDisplay(ctx, childflags); } } sp_object_unref(child); } SPItem::update(ctx, flags); this->rebuildLayout(); Geom::OptRect pbox = this->geometricBounds(); for (auto &v : views) { auto &sa = view_style_attachments[v.key]; sa.unattachAll(); auto g = cast(v.drawingitem.get()); _clearFlow(g); g->setStyle(style); // pass the bbox of the flowtext object as paintbox (used for paintserver fills) layout.show(g, sa, pbox); } } void SPFlowtext::modified(unsigned int flags) { SPObject *region = nullptr; if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) { flags |= SP_OBJECT_PARENT_MODIFIED_FLAG; } flags &= SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_CASCADE; // FIXME: the below stanza is copied over from sp_text_modified, consider factoring it out if (flags & ( SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG )) { Geom::OptRect pbox = geometricBounds(); for (auto &v : views) { auto &sa = view_style_attachments[v.key]; sa.unattachAll(); auto g = cast(v.drawingitem.get()); _clearFlow(g); g->setStyle(style); layout.show(g, sa, pbox); } } for (auto& o: children) { if (is(&o)) { region = &o; break; } } if (region) { if (flags || (region->mflags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_CHILD_MODIFIED_FLAG))) { region->emitModified(flags); // pass down to the region only } } } void SPFlowtext::build(SPDocument* doc, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr) { this->_requireSVGVersion(Inkscape::Version(1, 2)); SPItem::build(doc, repr); this->readAttr(SPAttr::LAYOUT_OPTIONS); // must happen after css has been read } void SPFlowtext::set(SPAttr key, const gchar* value) { switch (key) { case SPAttr::LAYOUT_OPTIONS: { // deprecated attribute, read for backward compatibility only //XML Tree being directly used while it shouldn't be. SPCSSAttr *opts = sp_repr_css_attr(this->getRepr(), "inkscape:layoutOptions"); { gchar const *val = sp_repr_css_property(opts, "justification", nullptr); if (val != nullptr && !this->style->text_align.set) { if ( strcmp(val, "0") == 0 || strcmp(val, "false") == 0 ) { this->style->text_align.value = SP_CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT; } else { this->style->text_align.value = SP_CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY; } this->style->text_align.set = TRUE; this->style->text_align.inherit = FALSE; this->style->text_align.computed = this->style->text_align.value; } } /* no equivalent css attribute for these two (yet) { gchar const *val = sp_repr_css_property(opts, "layoutAlgo", NULL); if ( val == NULL ) { group->algo = 0; } else { if ( strcmp(val, "better") == 0 ) { // knuth-plass, never worked for general cases group->algo = 2; } else if ( strcmp(val, "simple") == 0 ) { // greedy, but allowed lines to be compressed by up to 20% if it would make them fit group->algo = 1; } else if ( strcmp(val, "default") == 0 ) { // the same one we use, a standard greedy group->algo = 0; } } } */ { // This would probably translate to padding-left, if SPStyle had it. gchar const *val = sp_repr_css_property(opts, "par-indent", nullptr); if ( val == nullptr ) { this->par_indent = 0.0; } else { this->par_indent = g_ascii_strtod(val, nullptr); } } sp_repr_css_attr_unref(opts); this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); break; } default: SPItem::set(key, value); break; } } Inkscape::XML::Node* SPFlowtext::write(Inkscape::XML::Document* doc, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr, guint flags) { if ( flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD ) { if ( repr == nullptr ) { repr = doc->createElement("svg:flowRoot"); } std::vector l; for (auto& child: children) { Inkscape::XML::Node *c_repr = nullptr; if (is(&child) || is(&child) || is(&child) || is(&child)) { c_repr = child.updateRepr(doc, nullptr, flags); } if ( c_repr ) { l.push_back(c_repr); } } for (auto i=l.rbegin();i!=l.rend();++i) { repr->addChild(*i, nullptr); Inkscape::GC::release(*i); } } else { for (auto& child: children) { if (is(&child) || is(&child) || is(&child) || is(&child)) { child.updateRepr(flags); } } } this->rebuildLayout(); // copied from update(), see LP Bug 1339305 SPItem::write(doc, repr, flags); return repr; } Geom::OptRect SPFlowtext::bbox(Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType type) const { return this->layout.bounds(transform, type == SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX); } void SPFlowtext::print(SPPrintContext *ctx) { Geom::OptRect pbox, bbox, dbox; pbox = this->geometricBounds(); bbox = this->desktopVisualBounds(); dbox = Geom::Rect::from_xywh(Geom::Point(0,0), this->document->getDimensions()); Geom::Affine const ctm (this->i2dt_affine()); this->layout.print(ctx, pbox, dbox, bbox, ctm); } const char* SPFlowtext::typeName() const { return "text"; } const char* SPFlowtext::displayName() const { if (has_internal_frame()) { return _("Flowed Text"); } else { return _("Linked Flowed Text"); } } gchar* SPFlowtext::description() const { int const nChars = layout.iteratorToCharIndex(layout.end()); char const *trunc = (layout.inputTruncated()) ? _(" [truncated]") : ""; return g_strdup_printf(ngettext("(%d character%s)", "(%d characters%s)", nChars), nChars, trunc); } void SPFlowtext::snappoints(std::vector &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs) const { if (snapprefs->isTargetSnappable(Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_TEXT_BASELINE)) { // Choose a point on the baseline for snapping from or to, with the horizontal position // of this point depending on the text alignment (left vs. right) Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout((SPItem *) this); if (layout != nullptr && layout->outputExists()) { std::optional pt = layout->baselineAnchorPoint(); if (pt) { p.emplace_back((*pt) * this->i2dt_affine(), Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_TEXT_ANCHOR, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_TEXT_ANCHOR); } } } } Inkscape::DrawingItem* SPFlowtext::show(Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int /*flags*/) { Inkscape::DrawingGroup *flowed = new Inkscape::DrawingGroup(drawing); flowed->setPickChildren(false); flowed->setStyle(this->style); // pass the bbox of the flowtext object as paintbox (used for paintserver fills) Geom::OptRect bbox = this->geometricBounds(); layout.show(flowed, view_style_attachments[key], bbox); return flowed; } void SPFlowtext::hide(unsigned key) { view_style_attachments.erase(key); for (auto &v : views) { if (v.key == key) { auto g = cast(v.drawingitem.get()); _clearFlow(g); } } } /* * */ void SPFlowtext::_buildLayoutInput(SPObject *root, Shape const *exclusion_shape, std::list *shapes, SPObject **pending_line_break_object) { Inkscape::Text::Layout::OptionalTextTagAttrs pi; bool with_indent = false; if (is(root) || is(root)) { layout.wrap_mode = Inkscape::Text::Layout::WRAP_SHAPE_INSIDE; layout.strut.reset(); if (style) { auto font = FontFactory::get().FaceFromStyle(style); if (font) { font->FontMetrics(layout.strut.ascent, layout.strut.descent, layout.strut.xheight); } layout.strut *= style->font_size.computed; if (style->line_height.normal ) { layout.strut.computeEffective( Inkscape::Text::Layout::LINE_HEIGHT_NORMAL ); } else if (style->line_height.unit == SP_CSS_UNIT_NONE) { layout.strut.computeEffective( style->line_height.computed ); } else { if( style->font_size.computed > 0.0 ) { layout.strut.computeEffective( style->line_height.computed/style->font_size.computed ); } } } // emulate par-indent with the first char's kern SPObject *t = root; SPFlowtext *ft = nullptr; while (t && !ft) { ft = cast(t); t = t->parent; } if (ft) { double indent = ft->par_indent; if (indent != 0) { with_indent = true; SVGLength sl; sl.value = sl.computed = indent; sl._set = true; pi.dx.push_back(sl); } } } if (*pending_line_break_object) { if (is(*pending_line_break_object)) { layout.appendControlCode(Inkscape::Text::Layout::SHAPE_BREAK, *pending_line_break_object); } else { layout.appendControlCode(Inkscape::Text::Layout::PARAGRAPH_BREAK, *pending_line_break_object); } *pending_line_break_object = nullptr; } for (auto& child: root->children) { auto str = cast(&child); if (str) { if (*pending_line_break_object) { if (is(*pending_line_break_object)) layout.appendControlCode(Inkscape::Text::Layout::SHAPE_BREAK, *pending_line_break_object); else { layout.appendControlCode(Inkscape::Text::Layout::PARAGRAPH_BREAK, *pending_line_break_object); } *pending_line_break_object = nullptr; } if (with_indent) { layout.appendText(str->string, root->style, &child, &pi); } else { layout.appendText(str->string, root->style, &child); } } else { auto region = cast(&child); if (region) { std::vector const &computed = region->computed; for (auto it : computed) { shapes->push_back(Shape()); if (exclusion_shape->hasEdges()) { shapes->back().Booleen(it, const_cast(exclusion_shape), bool_op_diff); } else { shapes->back().Copy(it); } layout.appendWrapShape(&shapes->back()); } } //Xml Tree is being directly used while it shouldn't be. else if (!is(&child) && !sp_repr_is_meta_element(child.getRepr())) { _buildLayoutInput(&child, exclusion_shape, shapes, pending_line_break_object); } } } if (is(root) || is(root) || is(root) || is(root)) { if (!root->hasChildren()) { layout.appendText("", root->style, root); } *pending_line_break_object = root; } } Shape* SPFlowtext::_buildExclusionShape() const { Shape *shape = new Shape(); Shape *shape_temp = new Shape(); for (auto& child: children) { // RH: is it right that this shouldn't be recursive? auto c_child = cast(const_cast(&child)); if ( c_child && c_child->computed && c_child->computed->hasEdges() ) { if (shape->hasEdges()) { shape_temp->Booleen(shape, c_child->computed, bool_op_union); std::swap(shape, shape_temp); } else { shape->Copy(c_child->computed); } } } delete shape_temp; return shape; } void SPFlowtext::rebuildLayout() { std::list shapes; layout.clear(); Shape *exclusion_shape = _buildExclusionShape(); SPObject *pending_line_break_object = nullptr; _buildLayoutInput(this, exclusion_shape, &shapes, &pending_line_break_object); delete exclusion_shape; layout.calculateFlow(); #if DEBUG_TEXTLAYOUT_DUMPASTEXT g_print("%s", layout.dumpAsText().c_str()); #endif } void SPFlowtext::_clearFlow(Inkscape::DrawingGroup *in_arena) { in_arena->clearChildren(); } SPCurve SPFlowtext::getNormalizedBpath() const { return layout.convertToCurves(); } Inkscape::XML::Node *SPFlowtext::getAsText() { if (!this->layout.outputExists()) { return nullptr; } Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = this->document->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:text"); repr->setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); repr->setAttribute("style", this->getRepr()->attribute("style")); Geom::Point anchor_point = this->layout.characterAnchorPoint(this->layout.begin()); repr->setAttributeSvgDouble("x", anchor_point[Geom::X]); repr->setAttributeSvgDouble("y", anchor_point[Geom::Y]); for (Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it = this->layout.begin() ; it != this->layout.end() ; ) { Inkscape::XML::Node *line_tspan = xml_doc->createElement("svg:tspan"); line_tspan->setAttribute("sodipodi:role", "line"); Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it_line_end = it; it_line_end.nextStartOfLine(); while (it != it_line_end) { Inkscape::XML::Node *span_tspan = xml_doc->createElement("svg:tspan"); Geom::Point anchor_point = this->layout.characterAnchorPoint(it); // use kerning to simulate justification and whatnot Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it_span_end = it; it_span_end.nextStartOfSpan(); Inkscape::Text::Layout::OptionalTextTagAttrs attrs; this->layout.simulateLayoutUsingKerning(it, it_span_end, &attrs); // set x,y attributes only when we need to bool set_x = false; bool set_y = false; if (!this->transform.isIdentity()) { set_x = set_y = true; } else { Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it_chunk_start = it; it_chunk_start.thisStartOfChunk(); if (it == it_chunk_start) { set_x = true; // don't set y so linespacing adjustments and things will still work } Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it_shape_start = it; it_shape_start.thisStartOfShape(); if (it == it_shape_start) set_y = true; } if (set_x && !attrs.dx.empty()) attrs.dx[0] = 0.0; TextTagAttributes(attrs).writeTo(span_tspan); if (set_x) span_tspan->setAttributeSvgDouble("x", anchor_point[Geom::X]); // FIXME: this will pick up the wrong end of counter-directional runs if (set_y) span_tspan->setAttributeSvgDouble("y", anchor_point[Geom::Y]); if (line_tspan->childCount() == 0) { line_tspan->setAttributeSvgDouble("x", anchor_point[Geom::X]); // FIXME: this will pick up the wrong end of counter-directional runs line_tspan->setAttributeSvgDouble("y", anchor_point[Geom::Y]); } SPObject *source_obj = nullptr; Glib::ustring::iterator span_text_start_iter; this->layout.getSourceOfCharacter(it, &source_obj, &span_text_start_iter); Glib::ustring style_text = (cast(source_obj) ? source_obj->parent : source_obj) ->style->writeIfDiff(this->style); span_tspan->setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty("style", style_text); auto str = cast(source_obj); if (str) { Glib::ustring *string = &(str->string); // TODO fixme: dangerous, unsafe premature-optimization SPObject *span_end_obj = nullptr; Glib::ustring::iterator span_text_end_iter; this->layout.getSourceOfCharacter(it_span_end, &span_end_obj, &span_text_end_iter); if (span_end_obj != source_obj) { if (it_span_end == this->layout.end()) { span_text_end_iter = span_text_start_iter; for (int i = this->layout.iteratorToCharIndex(it_span_end) - this->layout.iteratorToCharIndex(it) ; i ; --i) ++span_text_end_iter; } else span_text_end_iter = string->end(); // spans will never straddle a source boundary } if (span_text_start_iter != span_text_end_iter) { Glib::ustring new_string; while (span_text_start_iter != span_text_end_iter) new_string += *span_text_start_iter++; // grr. no substr() with iterators Inkscape::XML::Node *new_text = xml_doc->createTextNode(new_string.c_str()); span_tspan->appendChild(new_text); Inkscape::GC::release(new_text); } } it = it_span_end; line_tspan->appendChild(span_tspan); Inkscape::GC::release(span_tspan); } repr->appendChild(line_tspan); Inkscape::GC::release(line_tspan); } return repr; } SPItem const *SPFlowtext::get_frame(SPItem const *after) const { SPItem *item = const_cast(this)->get_frame(after); return item; } SPItem *SPFlowtext::get_frame(SPItem const *after) { SPItem *frame = nullptr; SPObject *region = nullptr; for (auto& o: children) { if (is(&o)) { region = &o; break; } } if (region) { bool past = false; for (auto& o: region->children) { auto item = cast(&o); if (item) { if ( (after == nullptr) || past ) { frame = item; } else { if (item == after) { past = true; } } } } auto use = cast(frame); if ( use ) { frame = use->get_original(); } } return frame; } bool SPFlowtext::has_internal_frame() const { SPItem const *frame = get_frame(nullptr); return (frame && isAncestorOf(frame) && cast(frame)); } SPItem *create_flowtext_with_internal_frame (SPDesktop *desktop, Geom::Point p0, Geom::Point p1) { SPDocument *doc = desktop->getDocument(); auto const parent = desktop->layerManager().currentLayer(); assert(parent); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = doc->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *root_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowRoot"); root_repr->setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); // we preserve spaces in the text objects we create root_repr->setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty("transform", sp_svg_transform_write(parent->i2doc_affine().inverse())); /* Set style */ sp_desktop_apply_style_tool(desktop, root_repr, "/tools/text", true); auto ft_item = cast(parent->appendChildRepr(root_repr)); g_assert(ft_item != nullptr); SPObject *root_object = doc->getObjectByRepr(root_repr); g_assert(cast(root_object) != nullptr); Inkscape::XML::Node *region_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowRegion"); root_repr->appendChild(region_repr); SPObject *region_object = doc->getObjectByRepr(region_repr); g_assert(cast(region_object) != nullptr); Inkscape::XML::Node *rect_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:rect"); // FIXME: use path!!! after rects are converted to use path region_repr->appendChild(rect_repr); auto rect = cast(doc->getObjectByRepr(rect_repr)); g_assert(rect != nullptr); p0 *= desktop->dt2doc(); p1 *= desktop->dt2doc(); using Geom::X; using Geom::Y; Geom::Coord const x0 = MIN(p0[X], p1[X]); Geom::Coord const y0 = MIN(p0[Y], p1[Y]); Geom::Coord const x1 = MAX(p0[X], p1[X]); Geom::Coord const y1 = MAX(p0[Y], p1[Y]); Geom::Coord const w = x1 - x0; Geom::Coord const h = y1 - y0; rect->setPosition(x0, y0, w, h); rect->updateRepr(); Inkscape::XML::Node *para_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowPara"); root_repr->appendChild(para_repr); SPObject *para_object = doc->getObjectByRepr(para_repr); g_assert(cast(para_object) != nullptr); Inkscape::XML::Node *text = xml_doc->createTextNode(""); para_repr->appendChild(text); Inkscape::GC::release(root_repr); Inkscape::GC::release(region_repr); Inkscape::GC::release(para_repr); Inkscape::GC::release(rect_repr); return ft_item; } void SPFlowtext::fix_overflow_flowregion(bool inverse) { SPObject *object = this; for (auto child : object->childList(false)) { auto flowregion = cast(child); if (flowregion) { object = flowregion; for (auto childshapes : object->childList(false)) { Geom::Scale scale = Geom::Scale(1000); //200? maybe find better way to fix overglow issue removing new lines... if (inverse) { scale = scale.inverse(); } cast(childshapes)->doWriteTransform(scale, nullptr, true); } break; } } } Geom::Affine SPFlowtext::set_transform (Geom::Affine const &xform) { if ((this->_optimizeScaledText && !xform.withoutTranslation().isNonzeroUniformScale()) || (!this->_optimizeScaledText && !xform.isNonzeroUniformScale())) { this->_optimizeScaledText = false; return xform; } this->_optimizeScaledText = false; SPText *text = reinterpret_cast(this); double const ex = xform.descrim(); if (ex == 0) { return xform; } SPObject *region = nullptr; for (auto& o: children) { if (is(&o)) { region = &o; break; } } if (region) { auto rect = cast(region->firstChild()); if (rect) { rect->set_i2d_affine(xform * rect->i2dt_affine()); rect->doWriteTransform(rect->transform, nullptr, true); } } Geom::Affine ret(xform); ret[0] /= ex; ret[1] /= ex; ret[2] /= ex; ret[3] /= ex; // Adjust font size text->_adjustFontsizeRecursive (this, ex); // Adjust stroke width this->adjust_stroke_width_recursive (ex); // Adjust pattern fill this->adjust_pattern(xform * ret.inverse()); // Adjust gradient fill this->adjust_gradient(xform * ret.inverse()); return Geom::Affine(); } /** * Get the position of the baseline point for this text object. */ std::optional SPFlowtext::getBaselinePoint() const { if (layout.outputExists()) { return layout.baselineAnchorPoint(); } return std::optional(); } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :