// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * Boolean operations. *//* * Authors: * see git history * Created by fred on Fri Dec 05 2003. * tweaked endlessly by bulia byak * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include <2geom/intersection-graph.h> #include <2geom/svg-path-parser.h> // to get from SVG on boolean to Geom::Path #include <2geom/utils.h> #include "path-boolop.h" #include "path-util.h" #include "message-stack.h" #include "path-chemistry.h" // copy_object_properties() #include "helper/geom.h" // pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers() #include "livarot/Path.h" #include "livarot/Shape.h" #include "object/sp-flowtext.h" #include "object/sp-shape.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "ui/icon-names.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "xml/repr-sorting.h" using Inkscape::DocumentUndo; // fonctions utilitaires bool Ancetre(Inkscape::XML::Node *a, Inkscape::XML::Node *who) { if (who == nullptr || a == nullptr) return false; if (who == a) return true; return Ancetre(a->parent(), who); } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathUnion(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_union, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-union"), _("Union"), silent); return DONE == result; } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathIntersect(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_inters, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-intersection"), _("Intersection"), silent); return DONE == result; } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathDiff(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_diff, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-difference"), _("Difference"), silent); return DONE == result; } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathSymDiff(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_symdiff, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-exclusion"), _("Exclusion"), silent); return DONE == result; } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathCut(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_cut, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-division"), _("Division"), silent); return DONE == result; } bool Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathSlice(const bool skip_undo, bool silent) { BoolOpErrors result = pathBoolOp(bool_op_slice, skip_undo, false, INKSCAPE_ICON("path-cut"), _("Cut path"), silent); return DONE == result; } // helper for printing error messages, regardless of whether we have a GUI or not // If desktop == NULL, errors will be shown on stderr static void boolop_display_error_message(SPDesktop *desktop, Glib::ustring const &msg) { if (desktop) { desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg); } else { g_printerr("%s\n", msg.c_str()); } } /** * Calculate the threshold for the given PathVector based * on it's bounding box. * * @param path - The PathVector to calculate the threshold for. * @param threshold - The starting threshold, usually 0.1 */ double get_threshold(Geom::PathVector const &path, double threshold) { auto maybe_box = path.boundsFast(); if (!maybe_box) return 0.0; Geom::Rect box = *maybe_box; double diagonal = Geom::distance( Geom::Point(box[Geom::X].min(), box[Geom::Y].min()), Geom::Point(box[Geom::X].max(), box[Geom::Y].max()) ); return threshold * (diagonal / 100); } void sp_flatten(Geom::PathVector &pathvector, FillRule fillkind) { Path *orig = new Path; orig->LoadPathVector(pathvector); Shape *theShape = new Shape; Shape *theRes = new Shape; orig->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathvector, 0.1)); orig->Fill(theShape, 0); theRes->ConvertToShape(theShape, fillkind); Path *originaux[1]; originaux[0] = orig; Path *res = new Path; theRes->ConvertToForme(res, 1, originaux, true); delete theShape; delete theRes; pathvector = res->MakePathVector(); delete res; delete orig; } // boolean operations PathVectors A,B -> PathVector result. // This is derived from sp_selected_path_boolop // take the source paths from the file, do the operation, delete the originals and add the results // fra,fra are fill_rules for PathVectors a,b Geom::PathVector sp_pathvector_boolop(Geom::PathVector const &pathva, Geom::PathVector const &pathvb, bool_op bop, fill_typ fra, fill_typ frb, bool livarotonly, bool flattenbefore) { int error = 0; return sp_pathvector_boolop(pathva, pathvb, bop, fra, frb, livarotonly, flattenbefore, error); } Geom::PathVector sp_pathvector_boolop(Geom::PathVector const &pathva, Geom::PathVector const &pathvb, bool_op bop, fill_typ fra, fill_typ frb, bool livarotonly, bool flattenbefore, int &error) { if (!livarotonly) { try { Geom::PathVector a = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(pathva); Geom::PathVector b = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(pathvb); if (flattenbefore) { sp_flatten(a, fra); sp_flatten(b, frb); } Geom::PathVector out; // dont change tolerande give errors on boolops auto pig = Geom::PathIntersectionGraph(a, b, Geom::EPSILON); if (bop == bool_op_inters) { out = pig.getIntersection(); } else if (bop == bool_op_union) { out = pig.getUnion(); } else if (bop == bool_op_symdiff) { out = pig.getXOR(); } else if (bop == bool_op_diff) { out = pig.getBminusA(); //livarot order... } else if (bop == bool_op_cut) { out = pig.getBminusA(); auto tmp = pig.getIntersection(); out.insert(out.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } else if (bop == bool_op_slice) { // go to livarot livarotonly = true; } if (!livarotonly) { return out; } } catch (...) { g_debug("Path Intersection Graph failed boolops, fallback to livarot"); } } error = 1; // extract the livarot Paths from the source objects // also get the winding rule specified in the style int nbOriginaux = 2; std::vector originaux(nbOriginaux); std::vector origWind(nbOriginaux); origWind[0]=fra; origWind[1]=frb; Geom::PathVector patht; // Livarot's outline of arcs is broken. So convert the path to linear and cubics only, for which the outline is created correctly. originaux[0] = Path_for_pathvector(pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers( pathva)); originaux[1] = Path_for_pathvector(pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers( pathvb)); // some temporary instances, first Shape *theShapeA = new Shape; Shape *theShapeB = new Shape; Shape *theShape = new Shape; Path *res = new Path; res->SetBackData(false); Path::cut_position *toCut=nullptr; int nbToCut = 0; if ( bop == bool_op_inters || bop == bool_op_union || bop == bool_op_diff || bop == bool_op_symdiff ) { // true boolean op // get the polygons of each path, with the winding rule specified, and apply the operation iteratively originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathva, 0.1)); originaux[0]->Fill(theShape, 0); theShapeA->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[0]); originaux[1]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathvb, 0.1)); originaux[1]->Fill(theShape, 1); theShapeB->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[1]); theShape->Booleen(theShapeB, theShapeA, bop); } else if ( bop == bool_op_cut ) { // cuts= sort of a bastard boolean operation, thus not the axact same modus operandi // technically, the cut path is not necessarily a polygon (thus has no winding rule) // it is just uncrossed, and cleaned from duplicate edges and points // then it's fed to Booleen() which will uncross it against the other path // then comes the trick: each edge of the cut path is duplicated (one in each direction), // thus making a polygon. the weight of the edges of the cut are all 0, but // the Booleen need to invert the ones inside the source polygon (for the subsequent // ConvertToForme) // the cut path needs to have the highest pathID in the back data // that's how the Booleen() function knows it's an edge of the cut { Path* swap=originaux[0];originaux[0]=originaux[1];originaux[1]=swap; int swai=origWind[0];origWind[0]=origWind[1];origWind[1]=(fill_typ)swai; } originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathvb, 0.1)); originaux[0]->Fill(theShape, 0); theShapeA->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[0]); originaux[1]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathva, 0.1)); if ((originaux[1]->pts.size() == 2) && originaux[1]->pts[0].isMoveTo && !originaux[1]->pts[1].isMoveTo) originaux[1]->Fill(theShape, 1,false,true,false); // see LP Bug 177956 else originaux[1]->Fill(theShape, 1,false,false,false); //do not closeIfNeeded theShapeB->ConvertToShape(theShape, fill_justDont); // fill_justDont doesn't computes winding numbers // les elements arrivent en ordre inverse dans la liste theShape->Booleen(theShapeB, theShapeA, bool_op_cut, 1); } else if ( bop == bool_op_slice ) { // slice is not really a boolean operation // you just put the 2 shapes in a single polygon, uncross it // the points where the degree is > 2 are intersections // just check it's an intersection on the path you want to cut, and keep it // the intersections you have found are then fed to ConvertPositionsToMoveTo() which will // make new subpath at each one of these positions // inversion pour l'opération { Path* swap=originaux[0];originaux[0]=originaux[1];originaux[1]=swap; int swai=origWind[0];origWind[0]=origWind[1];origWind[1]=(fill_typ)swai; } originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathvb, 0.1)); originaux[0]->Fill(theShapeA, 0,false,false,false); // don't closeIfNeeded originaux[1]->ConvertWithBackData(get_threshold(pathva, 0.1)); originaux[1]->Fill(theShapeA, 1,true,false,false);// don't closeIfNeeded and just dump in the shape, don't reset it theShape->ConvertToShape(theShapeA, fill_justDont); if ( theShape->hasBackData() ) { // should always be the case, but ya never know { for (int i = 0; i < theShape->numberOfPoints(); i++) { if ( theShape->getPoint(i).totalDegree() > 2 ) { // possibly an intersection // we need to check that at least one edge from the source path is incident to it // before we declare it's an intersection int cb = theShape->getPoint(i).incidentEdge[FIRST]; int nbOrig=0; int nbOther=0; int piece=-1; float t=0.0; while ( cb >= 0 && cb < theShape->numberOfEdges() ) { if ( theShape->ebData[cb].pathID == 0 ) { // the source has an edge incident to the point, get its position on the path piece=theShape->ebData[cb].pieceID; if ( theShape->getEdge(cb).st == i ) { t=theShape->ebData[cb].tSt; } else { t=theShape->ebData[cb].tEn; } nbOrig++; } if ( theShape->ebData[cb].pathID == 1 ) nbOther++; // the cut is incident to this point cb=theShape->NextAt(i, cb); } if ( nbOrig > 0 && nbOther > 0 ) { // point incident to both path and cut: an intersection // note that you only keep one position on the source; you could have degenerate // cases where the source crosses itself at this point, and you wouyld miss an intersection toCut=(Path::cut_position*)realloc(toCut, (nbToCut+1)*sizeof(Path::cut_position)); toCut[nbToCut].piece=piece; toCut[nbToCut].t=t; nbToCut++; } } } } { // i think it's useless now int i = theShape->numberOfEdges() - 1; for (;i>=0;i--) { if ( theShape->ebData[i].pathID == 1 ) { theShape->SubEdge(i); } } } } } // pour compenser le swap juste avant if ( bop == bool_op_slice ) { res->Copy(originaux[0]); res->ConvertPositionsToMoveTo(nbToCut, toCut); // cut where you found intersections free(toCut); } else { theShape->ConvertToForme(res, nbOriginaux, &originaux[0]); } delete theShape; delete theShapeA; delete theShapeB; delete originaux[0]; delete originaux[1]; auto outres = res->MakePathVector(); delete res; return outres; } /** * Workaround for buggy Path::Transform() which incorrectly transforms arc commands. * * TODO: Fix PathDescrArcTo::transform() and then remove this workaround. */ static void transformLivarotPath(Path *res, Geom::Affine const &affine) { res->LoadPathVector(res->MakePathVector() * affine); } // boolean operations on the desktop // take the source paths from the file, do the operation, delete the originals and add the results BoolOpErrors Inkscape::ObjectSet::pathBoolOp(bool_op bop, const bool skip_undo, const bool checked, const Glib::ustring icon_name, const Glib::ustring description, bool const silent) { if (nullptr != desktop() && !checked) { SPDocument *doc = desktop()->getDocument(); BoolOpErrors returnCode = ObjectSet::pathBoolOp(bop, true, true,icon_name); switch(returnCode) { case ERR_TOO_LESS_PATHS_1: if (!silent) { boolop_display_error_message(desktop(), _("Select at least 1 path to perform a boolean union.")); } break; case ERR_TOO_LESS_PATHS_2: if (!silent) { boolop_display_error_message(desktop(), _("Select at least 2 paths to perform a boolean operation.")); } break; case ERR_NO_PATHS: if (!silent) { boolop_display_error_message(desktop(), _("One of the objects is not a path, cannot perform boolean operation.")); } break; case ERR_Z_ORDER: if (!silent) { boolop_display_error_message(desktop(), _("Unable to determine the z-order of the objects selected for difference, XOR, division, or path cut.")); } break; case DONE_NO_PATH: if (!skip_undo) { DocumentUndo::done(doc, description, ""); } break; case DONE: if (!skip_undo) { DocumentUndo::done(doc, description, icon_name); } break; case DONE_NO_ACTION: // Do nothing (?) break; } return returnCode; } SPDocument *doc = document(); std::vector il(items().begin(), items().end()); // allow union on a single object for the purpose of removing self overlapse (svn log, revision 13334) if (il.size() < 2 && bop != bool_op_union) { return ERR_TOO_LESS_PATHS_2; } else if (il.size() < 1) { return ERR_TOO_LESS_PATHS_1; } g_assert(!il.empty()); // reverseOrderForOp marks whether the order of the list is the top->down order // it's only used when there are 2 objects, and for operations who need to know the // topmost object (differences, cuts) bool reverseOrderForOp = false; if (bop == bool_op_diff || bop == bool_op_cut || bop == bool_op_slice) { // check in the tree to find which element of the selection list is topmost (for 2-operand commands only) Inkscape::XML::Node *a = il.front()->getRepr(); Inkscape::XML::Node *b = il.back()->getRepr(); if (a == nullptr || b == nullptr) { return ERR_Z_ORDER; } if (Ancetre(a, b)) { // a is the parent of b, already in the proper order } else if (Ancetre(b, a)) { // reverse order reverseOrderForOp = true; } else { // objects are not in parent/child relationship; // find their lowest common ancestor Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = LCA(a, b); if (parent == nullptr) { return ERR_Z_ORDER; } // find the children of the LCA that lead from it to the a and b Inkscape::XML::Node *as = AncetreFils(a, parent); Inkscape::XML::Node *bs = AncetreFils(b, parent); // find out which comes first for (Inkscape::XML::Node *child = parent->firstChild(); child; child = child->next()) { if (child == as) { /* a first, so reverse. */ reverseOrderForOp = true; break; } if (child == bs) break; } } } g_assert(!il.empty()); // first check if all the input objects have shapes // otherwise bail out for (auto item : il) { if (!is(item) && !is(item) && !is(item)) { return ERR_NO_PATHS; } } // extract the livarot Paths from the source objects // also get the winding rule specified in the style int nbOriginaux = il.size(); std::vector originaux(nbOriginaux); std::vector origWind(nbOriginaux); std::vector origThresh(nbOriginaux); int curOrig; { curOrig = 0; for (auto item : il) { // apply live path effects prior to performing boolean operation char const *id = item->getAttribute("id"); auto lpeitem = cast(item); if (lpeitem) { SPDocument * document = item->document; lpeitem->removeAllPathEffects(true); SPObject *elemref = document->getObjectById(id); if (elemref && elemref != item) { // If the LPE item is a shape, it is converted to a path // so we need to reupdate the item item = cast(elemref); } } SPCSSAttr *css = sp_repr_css_attr(reinterpret_cast(il[0])->getRepr(), "style"); gchar const *val = sp_repr_css_property(css, "fill-rule", nullptr); if (val && strcmp(val, "nonzero") == 0) { origWind[curOrig]= fill_nonZero; } else if (val && strcmp(val, "evenodd") == 0) { origWind[curOrig]= fill_oddEven; } else { origWind[curOrig]= fill_nonZero; } sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); if (auto curve = curve_for_item(item)) { auto pathv = curve->get_pathvector() * item->i2doc_affine(); originaux[curOrig] = Path_for_pathvector(pathv); origThresh[curOrig] = get_threshold(pathv, 0.1); } else { originaux[curOrig] = nullptr; } if (originaux[curOrig] == nullptr || originaux[curOrig]->descr_cmd.size() <= 1) { for (int i = curOrig; i >= 0; i--) delete originaux[i]; return DONE_NO_ACTION; } curOrig++; } } // reverse if needed // note that the selection list keeps its order if ( reverseOrderForOp ) { std::swap(originaux[0], originaux[1]); std::swap(origWind[0], origWind[1]); std::swap(origThresh[0], origThresh[1]); } // and work // some temporary instances, first Shape *theShapeA = new Shape; Shape *theShapeB = new Shape; Shape *theShape = new Shape; Path *res = new Path; res->SetBackData(false); Path::cut_position *toCut=nullptr; int nbToCut=0; if ( bop == bool_op_inters || bop == bool_op_union || bop == bool_op_diff || bop == bool_op_symdiff ) { // true boolean op // get the polygons of each path, with the winding rule specified, and apply the operation iteratively originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[0]); originaux[0]->Fill(theShape, 0); theShapeA->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[0]); curOrig = 1; for (auto item : il){ if(item==il[0])continue; originaux[curOrig]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[curOrig]); originaux[curOrig]->Fill(theShape, curOrig); theShapeB->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[curOrig]); /* Due to quantization of the input shape coordinates, we may end up with A or B being empty. * If this is a union or symdiff operation, we just use the non-empty shape as the result: * A=0 => (0 or B) == B * B=0 => (A or 0) == A * A=0 => (0 xor B) == B * B=0 => (A xor 0) == A * If this is an intersection operation, we just use the empty shape as the result: * A=0 => (0 and B) == 0 == A * B=0 => (A and 0) == 0 == B * If this a difference operation, and the upper shape (A) is empty, we keep B. * If the lower shape (B) is empty, we still keep B, as it's empty: * A=0 => (B - 0) == B * B=0 => (0 - A) == 0 == B * * In any case, the output from this operation is stored in shape A, so we may apply * the above rules simply by judicious use of swapping A and B where necessary. */ bool zeroA = theShapeA->numberOfEdges() == 0; bool zeroB = theShapeB->numberOfEdges() == 0; if (zeroA || zeroB) { // We might need to do a swap. Apply the above rules depending on operation type. bool resultIsB = ((bop == bool_op_union || bop == bool_op_symdiff) && zeroA) || ((bop == bool_op_inters) && zeroB) || (bop == bool_op_diff); if (resultIsB) { // Swap A and B to use B as the result Shape *swap = theShapeB; theShapeB = theShapeA; theShapeA = swap; } } else { // Just do the Boolean operation as usual // les elements arrivent en ordre inverse dans la liste theShape->Booleen(theShapeB, theShapeA, bop); Shape *swap = theShape; theShape = theShapeA; theShapeA = swap; } curOrig++; } { Shape *swap = theShape; theShape = theShapeA; theShapeA = swap; } } else if ( bop == bool_op_cut ) { // cuts= sort of a bastard boolean operation, thus not the axact same modus operandi // technically, the cut path is not necessarily a polygon (thus has no winding rule) // it is just uncrossed, and cleaned from duplicate edges and points // then it's fed to Booleen() which will uncross it against the other path // then comes the trick: each edge of the cut path is duplicated (one in each direction), // thus making a polygon. the weight of the edges of the cut are all 0, but // the Booleen need to invert the ones inside the source polygon (for the subsequent // ConvertToForme) // the cut path needs to have the highest pathID in the back data // that's how the Booleen() function knows it's an edge of the cut { Path* swap=originaux[0];originaux[0]=originaux[1];originaux[1]=swap; int swai=origWind[0];origWind[0]=origWind[1];origWind[1]=(fill_typ)swai; std::swap(origThresh[0], origThresh[1]); } originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[0]); originaux[0]->Fill(theShape, 0); theShapeA->ConvertToShape(theShape, origWind[0]); originaux[1]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[1]); if ((originaux[1]->pts.size() == 2) && originaux[1]->pts[0].isMoveTo && !originaux[1]->pts[1].isMoveTo) originaux[1]->Fill(theShape, 1,false,true,false); // see LP Bug 177956 else originaux[1]->Fill(theShape, 1,false,false,false); //do not closeIfNeeded theShapeB->ConvertToShape(theShape, fill_justDont); // fill_justDont doesn't computes winding numbers // les elements arrivent en ordre inverse dans la liste theShape->Booleen(theShapeB, theShapeA, bool_op_cut, 1); } else if ( bop == bool_op_slice ) { // slice is not really a boolean operation // you just put the 2 shapes in a single polygon, uncross it // the points where the degree is > 2 are intersections // just check it's an intersection on the path you want to cut, and keep it // the intersections you have found are then fed to ConvertPositionsToMoveTo() which will // make new subpath at each one of these positions // inversion pour l'opération { Path* swap=originaux[0];originaux[0]=originaux[1];originaux[1]=swap; int swai=origWind[0];origWind[0]=origWind[1];origWind[1]=(fill_typ)swai; std::swap(origThresh[0], origThresh[1]); } originaux[0]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[0]); originaux[0]->Fill(theShapeA, 0,false,false,false); // don't closeIfNeeded originaux[1]->ConvertWithBackData(origThresh[1]); originaux[1]->Fill(theShapeA, 1,true,false,false);// don't closeIfNeeded and just dump in the shape, don't reset it theShape->ConvertToShape(theShapeA, fill_justDont); if ( theShape->hasBackData() ) { // should always be the case, but ya never know { for (int i = 0; i < theShape->numberOfPoints(); i++) { if ( theShape->getPoint(i).totalDegree() > 2 ) { // possibly an intersection // we need to check that at least one edge from the source path is incident to it // before we declare it's an intersection int cb = theShape->getPoint(i).incidentEdge[FIRST]; int nbOrig=0; int nbOther=0; int piece=-1; float t=0.0; while ( cb >= 0 && cb < theShape->numberOfEdges() ) { if ( theShape->ebData[cb].pathID == 0 ) { // the source has an edge incident to the point, get its position on the path piece=theShape->ebData[cb].pieceID; if ( theShape->getEdge(cb).st == i ) { t=theShape->ebData[cb].tSt; } else { t=theShape->ebData[cb].tEn; } nbOrig++; } if ( theShape->ebData[cb].pathID == 1 ) nbOther++; // the cut is incident to this point cb=theShape->NextAt(i, cb); } if ( nbOrig > 0 && nbOther > 0 ) { // point incident to both path and cut: an intersection // note that you only keep one position on the source; you could have degenerate // cases where the source crosses itself at this point, and you wouyld miss an intersection toCut=(Path::cut_position*)realloc(toCut, (nbToCut+1)*sizeof(Path::cut_position)); toCut[nbToCut].piece=piece; toCut[nbToCut].t=t; nbToCut++; } } } } { // i think it's useless now int i = theShape->numberOfEdges() - 1; for (;i>=0;i--) { if ( theShape->ebData[i].pathID == 1 ) { theShape->SubEdge(i); } } } } } int* nesting=nullptr; int* conts=nullptr; int nbNest=0; // pour compenser le swap juste avant if ( bop == bool_op_slice ) { // theShape->ConvertToForme(res, nbOriginaux, originaux, true); // res->ConvertForcedToMoveTo(); res->Copy(originaux[0]); res->ConvertPositionsToMoveTo(nbToCut, toCut); // cut where you found intersections free(toCut); } else if ( bop == bool_op_cut ) { // il faut appeler pour desallouer PointData (pas vital, mais bon) // the Booleen() function did not deallocate the point_data array in theShape, because this // function needs it. // this function uses the point_data to get the winding number of each path (ie: is a hole or not) // for later reconstruction in objects, you also need to extract which path is parent of holes (nesting info) theShape->ConvertToFormeNested(res, nbOriginaux, &originaux[0], 1, nbNest, nesting, conts); } else { theShape->ConvertToForme(res, nbOriginaux, &originaux[0]); } delete theShape; delete theShapeA; delete theShapeB; for (int i = 0; i < nbOriginaux; i++) delete originaux[i]; if (res->descr_cmd.size() <= 1) { // only one command, presumably a moveto: it isn't a path for (auto l : il){ l->deleteObject(); } clear(); delete res; return DONE_NO_PATH; } // get the source path object SPObject *source; if ( bop == bool_op_diff || bop == bool_op_cut || bop == bool_op_slice ) { if (reverseOrderForOp) { source = il[0]; } else { source = il.back(); } } else { // find out the bottom object std::vector sorted(xmlNodes().begin(), xmlNodes().end()); sort(sorted.begin(),sorted.end(),sp_repr_compare_position_bool); source = doc->getObjectByRepr(sorted.front()); } // adjust style properties that depend on a possible transform in the source object in order // to get a correct style attribute for the new path auto item_source = cast(source); Geom::Affine i2doc(item_source->i2doc_affine()); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr_source = source->getRepr(); // remember important aspects of the source path, to be restored gint pos = repr_source->position(); Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = repr_source->parent(); // remove source paths clear(); for (auto l : il){ if (l != item_source) { // delete the object for real, so that its clones can take appropriate action l->deleteObject(); } } auto const source2doc_inverse = i2doc.inverse(); char const *const old_transform_attibute = repr_source->attribute("transform"); // now that we have the result, add it on the canvas if ( bop == bool_op_cut || bop == bool_op_slice ) { int nbRP=0; Path** resPath; if ( bop == bool_op_slice ) { // there are moveto's at each intersection, but it's still one unique path // so break it down and add each subpath independently // we could call break_apart to do this, but while we have the description... resPath=res->SubPaths(nbRP, false); } else { // cut operation is a bit wicked: you need to keep holes // that's why you needed the nesting // ConvertToFormeNested() dumped all the subpath in a single Path "res", so we need // to get the path for each part of the polygon. that's why you need the nesting info: // to know in which subpath to add a subpath resPath=res->SubPathsWithNesting(nbRP, true, nbNest, nesting, conts); // cleaning if ( conts ) free(conts); if ( nesting ) free(nesting); } // add all the pieces resulting from cut or slice std::vector selection; for (int i=0;isvg_dump_path(); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = doc->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); Inkscape::copy_object_properties(repr, repr_source); // Delete source on last iteration (after we don't need repr_source anymore). As a consequence, the last // item will inherit the original's id. if (i + 1 == nbRP) { item_source->deleteObject(false); } repr->setAttribute("d", d); g_free(d); // for slice, remove fill if (bop == bool_op_slice) { SPCSSAttr *css; css = sp_repr_css_attr_new(); sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "fill", "none"); sp_repr_css_change(repr, css, "style"); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); } repr->setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty("transform", old_transform_attibute); // add the new repr to the parent // move to the saved position parent->addChildAtPos(repr, pos); selection.push_back(repr); Inkscape::GC::release(repr); delete resPath[i]; } setReprList(selection); if ( resPath ) free(resPath); } else { transformLivarotPath(res, source2doc_inverse); gchar *d = res->svg_dump_path(); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = doc->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); Inkscape::copy_object_properties(repr, repr_source); // delete it so that its clones don't get alerted; this object will be restored shortly, with the same id item_source->deleteObject(false); repr->setAttribute("d", d); g_free(d); repr->setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty("transform", old_transform_attibute); parent->addChildAtPos(repr, pos); set(repr); Inkscape::GC::release(repr); } delete res; return DONE; } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :