// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * @brief Clone tiling dialog */ /* Authors: * bulia byak * * Copyright (C) 2004 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifndef __SP_CLONE_TILER_H__ #define __SP_CLONE_TILER_H__ #include "ui/dialog/dialog-base.h" #include "ui/widget/color-picker.h" namespace Gtk { class Box; class ComboBox; class Grid; class Notebook; class SizeGroup; class ToggleButton; } class SPItem; class SPObject; namespace Geom { class Rect; class Affine; } namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { class CheckButtonInternal; class UnitMenu; } namespace Dialog { class CloneTiler : public DialogBase { public: CloneTiler(); ~CloneTiler() override; void show_page_trace(); protected: enum PickType { PICK_COLOR, PICK_OPACITY, PICK_R, PICK_G, PICK_B, PICK_H, PICK_S, PICK_L }; Gtk::Box * new_tab(Gtk::Notebook *nb, const gchar *label); Gtk::Grid * table_x_y_rand(int values); Gtk::Widget * spinbox(const char *tip, const Glib::ustring &attr, double lower, double upper, const gchar *suffix, bool exponent = false); Gtk::Widget * checkbox(const char *tip, const Glib::ustring &attr); void table_attach(Gtk::Grid *table, Gtk::Widget *widget, float align, int row, int col); void symgroup_changed(Gtk::ComboBox *cb); void on_picker_color_changed(guint rgba); void trace_hide_tiled_clones_recursively(SPObject *from); guint number_of_clones(SPObject *obj); void trace_setup(SPDocument *doc, gdouble zoom, SPItem *original); guint32 trace_pick(Geom::Rect box); void trace_finish(); bool is_a_clone_of(SPObject *tile, SPObject *obj); Geom::Rect transform_rect(Geom::Rect const &r, Geom::Affine const &m); double randomize01(double val, double rand); void apply(); void change_selection(Inkscape::Selection *selection); void checkbox_toggled(Gtk::ToggleButton *tb, Glib::ustring const &attr); void do_pick_toggled(); void external_change(); void fill_width_changed(); void fill_height_changed(); void keep_bbox_toggled(); void on_remove_button_clicked() {remove();} void pick_switched(PickType); void pick_to(Gtk::ToggleButton *tb, Glib::ustring const &pref); void remove(bool do_undo = true); void reset(); void reset_recursive(Gtk::Widget *w); void switch_to_create(); void switch_to_fill(); void unclump(); void unit_changed(); void value_changed(Glib::RefPtr &adj, Glib::ustring const &pref); void xy_changed(Glib::RefPtr &adj, Glib::ustring const &pref); Geom::Affine get_transform( // symmetry group int type, // row, column int i, int j, // center, width, height of the tile double cx, double cy, double w, double h, // values from the dialog: // Shift double shiftx_per_i, double shifty_per_i, double shiftx_per_j, double shifty_per_j, double shiftx_rand, double shifty_rand, double shiftx_exp, double shifty_exp, int shiftx_alternate, int shifty_alternate, int shiftx_cumulate, int shifty_cumulate, int shiftx_excludew, int shifty_excludeh, // Scale double scalex_per_i, double scaley_per_i, double scalex_per_j, double scaley_per_j, double scalex_rand, double scaley_rand, double scalex_exp, double scaley_exp, double scalex_log, double scaley_log, int scalex_alternate, int scaley_alternate, int scalex_cumulate, int scaley_cumulate, // Rotation double rotate_per_i, double rotate_per_j, double rotate_rand, int rotate_alternatei, int rotate_alternatej, int rotate_cumulatei, int rotate_cumulatej ); private: UI::Widget::CheckButtonInternal *_b; UI::Widget::CheckButtonInternal *_cb_keep_bbox; Gtk::Notebook *nb = nullptr; Inkscape::UI::Widget::ColorPicker *color_picker; Glib::RefPtr table_row_labels; Inkscape::UI::Widget::UnitMenu *unit_menu; Glib::RefPtr fill_width; Glib::RefPtr fill_height; sigc::connection selectChangedConn; sigc::connection externChangedConn; sigc::connection color_changed_connection; sigc::connection unitChangedConn; Gtk::Box *_buttons_on_tiles; Gtk::Box *_dotrace; Gtk::Label *_status; std::vector _rowscols; std::vector _widthheight; }; enum { TILE_P1, TILE_P2, TILE_PM, TILE_PG, TILE_CM, TILE_PMM, TILE_PMG, TILE_PGG, TILE_CMM, TILE_P4, TILE_P4M, TILE_P4G, TILE_P3, TILE_P31M, TILE_P3M1, TILE_P6, TILE_P6M }; } // namespace Dialog } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape #endif /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :