// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * @brief A wrapper for Gtk::Notebook. * * Authors: see git history * Tavmjong Bah * * Copyright (c) 2018 Tavmjong Bah, Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "dialog-notebook.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "enums.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "inkscape-window.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-base.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-data.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-container.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-multipaned.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-window.h" #include "ui/icon-loader.h" #include "ui/util.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Dialog { std::list DialogNotebook::_instances; /** * DialogNotebook constructor. * * @param container the parent DialogContainer of the notebook. */ DialogNotebook::DialogNotebook(DialogContainer *container) : Gtk::ScrolledWindow() , _container(container) , _labels_auto(true) , _detaching_duplicate(false) , _selected_page(nullptr) , _label_visible(true) { set_name("DialogNotebook"); set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER); set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); set_vexpand(true); set_hexpand(true); // =========== Getting preferences ========== Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); if (prefs == nullptr) { return; } gint labelstautus = prefs->getInt("/options/notebooklabels/value", PREFS_NOTEBOOK_LABELS_AUTO); _labels_auto = labelstautus == PREFS_NOTEBOOK_LABELS_AUTO; _labels_off = labelstautus == PREFS_NOTEBOOK_LABELS_OFF; // ============= Notebook menu ============== _notebook.set_name("DockedDialogNotebook"); _notebook.set_show_border(false); _notebook.set_group_name("InkscapeDialogGroup"); _notebook.set_scrollable(true); Gtk::MenuItem *new_menu_item = nullptr; int row = 0; // Close tab new_menu_item = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(_("Close Current Tab"))); _conn.emplace_back( new_menu_item->signal_activate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::close_tab_callback))); _menu.attach(*new_menu_item, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; // Close notebook new_menu_item = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(_("Close Panel"))); _conn.emplace_back( new_menu_item->signal_activate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::close_notebook_callback))); _menu.attach(*new_menu_item, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; // Move to new window new_menu_item = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(_("Move Tab to New Window"))); _conn.emplace_back( new_menu_item->signal_activate().connect([=]() { pop_tab_callback(); })); _menu.attach(*new_menu_item, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; // Separator menu item // new_menu_item = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem()); // _menu.attach(*new_menu_item, 0, 2, row, row + 1); // row++; struct Dialog { Glib::ustring key; Glib::ustring label; Glib::ustring order; Glib::ustring icon_name; DialogData::Category category; ScrollProvider provide_scroll; }; std::vector all_dialogs; auto const &dialog_data = get_dialog_data(); all_dialogs.reserve(dialog_data.size()); for (auto&& kv : dialog_data) { const auto& key = kv.first; const auto& data = kv.second; if (data.category == DialogData::Other) { continue; } // for sorting dialogs alphabetically, remove '_' (used for accelerators) Glib::ustring order = data.label; // Already translated auto underscore = order.find('_'); if (underscore != Glib::ustring::npos) { order = order.erase(underscore, 1); } all_dialogs.emplace_back(Dialog { .key = key, .label = data.label, .order = order, .icon_name = data.icon_name, .category = data.category, .provide_scroll = data.provide_scroll }); } // sort by categories and then by names std::sort(all_dialogs.begin(), all_dialogs.end(), [](const Dialog& a, const Dialog& b){ if (a.category != b.category) return a.category < b.category; return a.order < b.order; }); int col = 0; DialogData::Category category = DialogData::Other; for (auto&& data : all_dialogs) { if (data.category != category) { if (col > 0) row++; auto separator = Gtk::make_managed(); _menu.attach(*separator, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; category = data.category; auto sep = Gtk::make_managed(); sep->set_label(Glib::ustring(gettext(dialog_categories[category])).uppercase()); sep->get_style_context()->add_class("menu-category"); sep->set_sensitive(false); _menu.attach(*sep, 0, 2, row, row + 1); col = 0; row++; } auto key = data.key; auto dlg = Gtk::make_managed(); auto *grid = Gtk::make_managed(); grid->set_row_spacing(10); grid->set_column_spacing(8); grid->insert_row(0); grid->insert_column(0); grid->insert_column(1); grid->attach(*Gtk::make_managed(data.icon_name, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU),0,0); grid->attach(*Gtk::make_managed(data.label, Gtk::ALIGN_START, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, true),1,0); dlg->add(*grid); dlg->signal_activate().connect([=](){ // get desktop's container, it may be different than current '_container'! if (auto desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) { if (auto container = desktop->getContainer()) { container->new_dialog(key); } } }); _menu.attach(*dlg, col, col + 1, row, row + 1); col++; if (col > 1) { col = 0; row++; } } if (prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", true)) { _menu.get_style_context()->add_class("symbolic"); } _menu.show_all_children(); Gtk::Button* menubtn = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button()); menubtn->set_image_from_icon_name("go-down-symbolic"); menubtn->signal_clicked().connect([=](){ _menu.popup_at_widget(menubtn, Gdk::GRAVITY_SOUTH, Gdk::GRAVITY_NORTH, nullptr); }); _notebook.set_action_widget(menubtn, Gtk::PACK_END); menubtn->show(); menubtn->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL); menubtn->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); menubtn->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); menubtn->set_can_focus(false); menubtn->set_name("DialogMenuButton"); // =============== Signals ================== _conn.emplace_back(signal_size_allocate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_size_allocate_scroll))); _conn.emplace_back(_notebook.signal_drag_begin().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_drag_begin))); _conn.emplace_back(_notebook.signal_drag_end().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_drag_end))); _conn.emplace_back(_notebook.signal_page_added().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_page_added))); _conn.emplace_back(_notebook.signal_page_removed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_page_removed))); _conn.emplace_back(_notebook.signal_switch_page().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_page_switch))); // ============= Finish setup =============== _reload_context = true; add(_notebook); show_all(); _instances.push_back(this); } DialogNotebook::~DialogNotebook() { // disconnect signals first, so no handlers are invoked when removing pages for_each(_conn.begin(), _conn.end(), [&](auto c) { c.disconnect(); }); for_each(_connmenu.begin(), _connmenu.end(), [&](auto c) { c.disconnect(); }); for_each(_tab_connections.begin(), _tab_connections.end(), [&](auto it) { it.second.disconnect(); }); // Unlink and remove pages for (int i = _notebook.get_n_pages(); i >= 0; --i) { DialogBase *dialog = dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_nth_page(i)); _container->unlink_dialog(dialog); _notebook.remove_page(i); } _conn.clear(); _connmenu.clear(); _tab_connections.clear(); _instances.remove(this); } void DialogNotebook::add_highlight_header() { const auto &style = _notebook.get_style_context(); style->add_class("nb-highlight"); } void DialogNotebook::remove_highlight_header() { const auto &style = _notebook.get_style_context(); style->remove_class("nb-highlight"); } /** * get provide scroll */ bool DialogNotebook::provide_scroll(Gtk::Widget &page) { auto const &dialog_data = get_dialog_data(); auto dialogbase = dynamic_cast(&page); if (dialogbase) { auto data = dialog_data.find(dialogbase->get_type()); if ((*data).second.provide_scroll == ScrollProvider::PROVIDE) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set provide scroll */ Gtk::ScrolledWindow * DialogNotebook::get_current_scrolledwindow(bool skip_scroll_provider) { gint pagenum = _notebook.get_current_page(); Gtk::Widget *page = _notebook.get_nth_page(pagenum); if (page) { if (skip_scroll_provider && provide_scroll(*page)) { return nullptr; } auto container = dynamic_cast(page); if (container) { std::vector widgs = container->get_children(); if (widgs.size()) { auto scrolledwindow = dynamic_cast(widgs[0]); if (scrolledwindow) { return scrolledwindow; } } } } return nullptr; } /** * Adds a widget as a new page with a tab. */ void DialogNotebook::add_page(Gtk::Widget &page, Gtk::Widget &tab, Glib::ustring) { _reload_context = true; page.set_vexpand(); auto container = dynamic_cast(&page); if (container) { auto *wrapper = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ScrolledWindow()); wrapper->set_vexpand(true); wrapper->set_propagate_natural_height(true); wrapper->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_FILL); wrapper->set_overlay_scrolling(false); wrapper->set_can_focus(false); wrapper->get_style_context()->add_class("noborder"); auto *wrapperbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,0)); wrapperbox->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_FILL); wrapperbox->set_vexpand(true); std::vector widgs = container->get_children(); for (auto widg : widgs) { bool expand = container->child_property_expand(*widg); bool fill = container->child_property_fill(*widg); guint padding = container->child_property_expand(*widg); Gtk::PackType pack_type = container->child_property_pack_type(*widg); container->remove(*widg); if (pack_type == Gtk::PACK_START) { wrapperbox->pack_start(*widg, expand, fill, padding); } else { wrapperbox->pack_end (*widg, expand, fill, padding); } } wrapper->add(*wrapperbox); container->add(*wrapper); if (provide_scroll(page)) { wrapper->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_EXTERNAL); } else { wrapper->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); } } int page_number = _notebook.append_page(page, tab); _notebook.set_tab_reorderable(page); _notebook.set_tab_detachable(page); _notebook.show_all(); _notebook.set_current_page(page_number); } /** * Moves a page from a different notebook to this one. */ void DialogNotebook::move_page(Gtk::Widget &page) { // Find old notebook Gtk::Notebook *old_notebook = dynamic_cast(page.get_parent()); if (!old_notebook) { std::cerr << "DialogNotebook::move_page: page not in notebook!" << std::endl; return; } Gtk::Widget *tab = old_notebook->get_tab_label(page); Glib::ustring text = old_notebook->get_menu_label_text(page); // Keep references until re-attachment tab->reference(); page.reference(); old_notebook->detach_tab(page); _notebook.append_page(page, *tab); // Remove unnecessary references tab->unreference(); page.unreference(); // Set default settings for a new page _notebook.set_tab_reorderable(page); _notebook.set_tab_detachable(page); _notebook.show_all(); _reload_context = true; } // ============ Notebook callbacks ============== /** * Callback to close the current active tab. */ void DialogNotebook::close_tab_callback() { int page_number = _notebook.get_current_page(); if (_selected_page) { page_number = _notebook.page_num(*_selected_page); _selected_page = nullptr; } if (dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_nth_page(page_number))) { // is this a dialog in a floating window? if (auto window = dynamic_cast(_container->get_toplevel())) { // store state of floating dialog before it gets deleted DialogManager::singleton().store_state(*window); } } // Remove page from notebook _notebook.remove_page(page_number); // Delete the signal connection remove_close_tab_callback(_selected_page); if (_notebook.get_n_pages() == 0) { close_notebook_callback(); return; } // Update tab labels by comparing the sum of their widths to the allocation Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); on_size_allocate_scroll(allocation); _reload_context = true; } /** * Shutdown callback - delete the parent DialogMultipaned before destructing. */ void DialogNotebook::close_notebook_callback() { // Search for DialogMultipaned DialogMultipaned *multipaned = dynamic_cast(get_parent()); if (multipaned) { multipaned->remove(*this); } else if (get_parent()) { std::cerr << "DialogNotebook::close_notebook_callback: Unexpected parent!" << std::endl; get_parent()->remove(*this); } delete this; } /** * Callback to move the current active tab. */ DialogWindow* DialogNotebook::pop_tab_callback() { // Find page. Gtk::Widget *page = _notebook.get_nth_page(_notebook.get_current_page()); if (_selected_page) { page = _selected_page; _selected_page = nullptr; } if (!page) { std::cerr << "DialogNotebook::pop_tab_callback: page not found!" << std::endl; return nullptr; } // Move page to notebook in new dialog window (attached to active InkscapeWindow). auto inkscape_window = _container->get_inkscape_window(); auto window = new DialogWindow(inkscape_window, page); window->show_all(); if (_notebook.get_n_pages() == 0) { close_notebook_callback(); return window; } // Update tab labels by comparing the sum of their widths to the allocation Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); on_size_allocate_scroll(allocation); return window; } // ========= Signal handlers - notebook ========= /** * Signal handler to pop a dragged tab into its own DialogWindow. * * A failed drag means that the page was not dropped on an existing notebook. * Thus create a new window with notebook to move page to. * * BUG: this has inconsistent behavior on Wayland. */ void DialogNotebook::on_drag_end(const Glib::RefPtr &context) { // Remove dropzone highlights MyDropZone::remove_highlight_instances(); for (auto instance : _instances) { instance->remove_highlight_header(); } bool set_floating = !context->get_dest_window(); if (!set_floating && context->get_dest_window()->get_window_type() == Gdk::WINDOW_FOREIGN) { set_floating = true; } if (set_floating) { Gtk::Widget *source = Gtk::Widget::drag_get_source_widget(context); // Find source notebook and page Gtk::Notebook *old_notebook = dynamic_cast(source); if (!old_notebook) { std::cerr << "DialogNotebook::on_drag_end: notebook not found!" << std::endl; } else { // Find page Gtk::Widget *page = old_notebook->get_nth_page(old_notebook->get_current_page()); if (page) { // Move page to notebook in new dialog window auto inkscape_window = _container->get_inkscape_window(); auto window = new DialogWindow(inkscape_window, page); // Move window to mouse pointer if (auto device = context->get_device()) { int x = 0, y = 0; device->get_position(x, y); window->move(std::max(0, x - 50), std::max(0, y - 50)); } window->show_all(); } } } // Closes the notebook if empty. if (_notebook.get_n_pages() == 0) { close_notebook_callback(); return; } // Update tab labels by comparing the sum of their widths to the allocation Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); on_size_allocate_scroll(allocation); } void DialogNotebook::on_drag_begin(const Glib::RefPtr &context) { MyDropZone::add_highlight_instances(); for (auto instance : _instances) { instance->add_highlight_header(); } } /** * Signal handler to update dialog list when adding a page. */ void DialogNotebook::on_page_added(Gtk::Widget *page, int page_num) { DialogBase *dialog = dynamic_cast(page); // Does current container/window already have such a dialog? if (dialog && _container->has_dialog_of_type(dialog)) { // We already have a dialog of the same type // Highlight first dialog DialogBase *other_dialog = _container->get_dialog(dialog->get_type()); other_dialog->blink(); // Remove page from notebook _detaching_duplicate = true; // HACK: prevent removing the initial dialog of the same type _notebook.detach_tab(*page); return; } else if (dialog) { // We don't have a dialog of this type // Add to dialog list _container->link_dialog(dialog); } else { // This is not a dialog return; } // add close tab signal add_close_tab_callback(page); // Switch tab labels if needed if (!_labels_auto) { toggle_tab_labels_callback(false); } // Update tab labels by comparing the sum of their widths to the allocation Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); on_size_allocate_scroll(allocation); } /** * Signal handler to update dialog list when removing a page. */ void DialogNotebook::on_page_removed(Gtk::Widget *page, int page_num) { /** * When adding a dialog in a notebooks header zone of the same type as an existing one, * we remove it immediately, which triggers a call to this method. We use `_detaching_duplicate` * to prevent reemoving the initial dialog. */ if (_detaching_duplicate) { _detaching_duplicate = false; return; } // Remove from dialog list DialogBase *dialog = dynamic_cast(page); if (dialog) { _container->unlink_dialog(dialog); } // remove old close tab signal remove_close_tab_callback(page); } /** * We need to remove the scrollbar to snap a whole DialogNotebook to width 0. * */ void DialogNotebook::on_size_allocate_scroll(Gtk::Allocation &a) { // magic number const int MIN_HEIGHT = 60; // set or unset scrollbars to completely hide a notebook // because we have a "blocking" scroll per tab we need to loop to aboid // other page stop out scroll for (auto const &page : _notebook.get_children()) { auto *container = dynamic_cast(page); if (container && !provide_scroll(*page)) { std::vector widgs = container->get_children(); if (widgs.size()) { auto scrolledwindow = dynamic_cast(widgs[0]); if (scrolledwindow) { double height = scrolledwindow->get_allocation().get_height(); if (height > 1) { Gtk::PolicyType policy = scrolledwindow->property_vscrollbar_policy().get_value(); if (height >= MIN_HEIGHT && policy != Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC) { scrolledwindow->property_vscrollbar_policy().set_value(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); } else if(height < MIN_HEIGHT && policy != Gtk::POLICY_EXTERNAL) { scrolledwindow->property_vscrollbar_policy().set_value(Gtk::POLICY_EXTERNAL); } else { // we don't need to update; break break; } } } } } } set_allocation(a); // only update notebook tabs on horizontal changes if (a.get_width() != _prev_alloc_width) { on_size_allocate_notebook(a); } } /** * This function hides the tab labels if necessary (and _labels_auto == true) */ void DialogNotebook::on_size_allocate_notebook(Gtk::Allocation &a) { // we unset scrollable when FULL mode on to prevent overflow with // container at full size that makes an unmaximized desktop freeze _notebook.set_scrollable(false); if (!_labels_set_off && !_labels_auto) { toggle_tab_labels_callback(false); } if (!_labels_auto) { return; } int alloc_width = get_allocation().get_width(); // Don't update on closed dialog container, prevent console errors if (alloc_width < 2) { _notebook.set_scrollable(true); return; } int nat_width = 0; int initial_width = 0; int total_width = 0; _notebook.get_preferred_width(initial_width, nat_width); // get current notebook allocation for (auto const &page : _notebook.get_children()) { Gtk::EventBox *cover = dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_tab_label(*page)); if (!cover) { continue; } cover->show_all(); } _notebook.get_preferred_width(total_width, nat_width); // get full notebook allocation (all open) prev_tabstatus = tabstatus; if (_single_tab_width != _none_tab_width && ((_none_tab_width && _none_tab_width > alloc_width) || (_single_tab_width > alloc_width && _single_tab_width < total_width))) { tabstatus = TabsStatus::NONE; if (_single_tab_width != initial_width || prev_tabstatus == TabsStatus::NONE) { _none_tab_width = initial_width; } } else { tabstatus = (alloc_width <= total_width) ? TabsStatus::SINGLE : TabsStatus::ALL; if (total_width != initial_width && prev_tabstatus == TabsStatus::SINGLE && tabstatus == TabsStatus::SINGLE) { _single_tab_width = initial_width; } } if ((_single_tab_width && !_none_tab_width) || (_single_tab_width && _single_tab_width == _none_tab_width)) { _none_tab_width = _single_tab_width - 1; } /* std::cout << "::::::::::tabstatus::" << (int)tabstatus << std::endl; std::cout << ":::::prev_tabstatus::" << (int)prev_tabstatus << std::endl; std::cout << "::::::::alloc_width::" << alloc_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::_prev_alloc_width::" << _prev_alloc_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::::::initial_width::" << initial_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::::::::::nat_width::" << nat_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::::::::total_width::" << total_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::::_none_tab_width::" << _none_tab_width << std::endl; std::cout << "::_single_tab_width::" << _single_tab_width << std::endl; std::cout << ":::::::::::::::::::::" << std::endl; */ _prev_alloc_width = alloc_width; bool show = tabstatus == TabsStatus::ALL; toggle_tab_labels_callback(show); } /** * Signal handler to close a tab when middle-clicking. */ bool DialogNotebook::on_tab_click_event(GdkEventButton *event, Gtk::Widget *page) { if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { if (event->button == 2) { // Close tab _selected_page = page; close_tab_callback(); } else if (event->button == 3) { // Show menu _selected_page = page; reload_tab_menu(); _menutabs.popup_at_pointer((GdkEvent *)event); } } return false; } void DialogNotebook::on_close_button_click_event(Gtk::Widget *page) { _selected_page = page; close_tab_callback(); } // ================== Helpers =================== /** * Reload tab menu */ void DialogNotebook::reload_tab_menu() { if (_reload_context) { _reload_context = false; Gtk::MenuItem* menuitem = nullptr; for_each(_connmenu.begin(), _connmenu.end(), [&](auto c) { c.disconnect(); }); _connmenu.clear(); for (auto widget : _menutabs.get_children()) { delete widget; } auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool symbolic = false; if (prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", false)) { symbolic = true; } for (auto const &page : _notebook.get_children()) { Gtk::EventBox *cover = dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_tab_label(*page)); if (!cover) { continue; } Gtk::Box *box = dynamic_cast(cover->get_child()); if (!box) { continue; } auto childs = box->get_children(); if (childs.size() < 2) { continue; } // Create a box to hold icon and label as Gtk::MenuItem derives from GtkBin and can // only hold one child Gtk::Box *boxmenu = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)); boxmenu->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); menuitem = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem()); menuitem->add(*boxmenu); Gtk::Label *label = dynamic_cast(childs[1]); Gtk::Label *labelto = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(label->get_text())); Gtk::Image *icon = dynamic_cast(childs[0]); if (icon) { int min_width, nat_width; icon->get_preferred_width(min_width, nat_width); _icon_width = min_width; auto name = icon->get_icon_name(); if (!name.empty()) { if (symbolic && name.find("-symbolic") == Glib::ustring::npos) { name += Glib::ustring("-symbolic"); } Gtk::Image *iconend = sp_get_icon_image(name, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); boxmenu->pack_start(*iconend, false, false, 0); } } boxmenu->pack_start(*labelto, true, true, 0); size_t pagenum = _notebook.page_num(*page); _connmenu.emplace_back( menuitem->signal_activate().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::change_page),pagenum))); _menutabs.append(*Gtk::manage(menuitem)); } } _menutabs.show_all(); } /** * Callback to toggle all tab labels to the selected state. * @param show: whether you want the labels to show or not */ void DialogNotebook::toggle_tab_labels_callback(bool show) { _label_visible = show; for (auto const &page : _notebook.get_children()) { Gtk::EventBox *cover = dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_tab_label(*page)); if (!cover) { continue; } Gtk::Box *box = dynamic_cast(cover->get_child()); if (!box) { continue; } Gtk::Label *label = dynamic_cast(box->get_children()[1]); Gtk::Button *close = dynamic_cast(*box->get_children().rbegin()); int n = _notebook.get_current_page(); if (close && label) { if (page != _notebook.get_nth_page(n)) { show ? close->show() : close->hide(); show ? label->show() : label->hide(); } else if (tabstatus == TabsStatus::NONE || _labels_off) { if (page != _notebook.get_nth_page(n)) { close->hide(); } else { close->show(); } label->hide(); } else { close->show(); label->show(); } } } _labels_set_off = _labels_off; if (_prev_alloc_width && prev_tabstatus != tabstatus && (show || tabstatus != TabsStatus::NONE || !_labels_off)) { resize_widget_children(&_notebook); } if (show && _single_tab_width) { _notebook.set_scrollable(true); } } void DialogNotebook::on_page_switch(Gtk::Widget *curr_page, guint) { if (auto container = dynamic_cast(curr_page)) { container->show_all_children(); } for (auto const &page : _notebook.get_children()) { auto dialogbase = dynamic_cast(page); if (dialogbase) { std::vector widgs = dialogbase->get_children(); if (widgs.size()) { if (curr_page == page) { widgs[0]->show_now(); } else { widgs[0]->hide(); } } if (_prev_alloc_width) { dialogbase->setShowing(curr_page == page); } } if (_label_visible) { continue; } Gtk::EventBox *cover = dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_tab_label(*page)); if (!cover) { continue; } if (cover == dynamic_cast(_notebook.get_tab_label(*curr_page))) { Gtk::Box *box = dynamic_cast(cover->get_child()); Gtk::Label *label = dynamic_cast(box->get_children()[1]); Gtk::Button *close = dynamic_cast(*box->get_children().rbegin()); if (label) { if (tabstatus == TabsStatus::NONE) { label->hide(); } else { label->show(); } } if (close) { if (tabstatus == TabsStatus::NONE && curr_page != page) { close->hide(); } else { close->show(); } } continue; } Gtk::Box *box = dynamic_cast(cover->get_child()); if (!box) { continue; } Gtk::Label *label = dynamic_cast(box->get_children()[1]); Gtk::Button *close = dynamic_cast(*box->get_children().rbegin()); close->hide(); label->hide(); } if (_prev_alloc_width) { if (!_label_visible) { queue_allocate(); } auto window = dynamic_cast(_container->get_toplevel()); if (window) { resize_widget_children(window->get_container()); } else { if (auto desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) { if (auto container = desktop->getContainer()) { resize_widget_children(container); } } } } } /** * Helper method that change the page */ void DialogNotebook::change_page(size_t pagenum) { _notebook.set_current_page(pagenum); } /** * Helper method that adds the close tab signal connection for the page given. */ void DialogNotebook::add_close_tab_callback(Gtk::Widget *page) { Gtk::Widget *tab = _notebook.get_tab_label(*page); auto *eventbox = static_cast(tab); auto *box = static_cast(*eventbox->get_children().begin()); auto children = box->get_children(); auto *close = static_cast(*children.crbegin()); sigc::connection close_connection = close->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_close_button_click_event), page), true); sigc::connection tab_connection = tab->signal_button_press_event().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DialogNotebook::on_tab_click_event), page), true); _tab_connections.insert(std::pair(page, tab_connection)); _tab_connections.insert(std::pair(page, close_connection)); } /** * Helper method that removes the close tab signal connection for the page given. */ void DialogNotebook::remove_close_tab_callback(Gtk::Widget *page) { auto tab_connection_it = _tab_connections.find(page); while (tab_connection_it != _tab_connections.end()) { (*tab_connection_it).second.disconnect(); _tab_connections.erase(tab_connection_it); tab_connection_it = _tab_connections.find(page); } } void DialogNotebook::get_preferred_height_for_width_vfunc(int width, int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const { Gtk::ScrolledWindow::get_preferred_height_for_width_vfunc(width, minimum_height, natural_height); if (_natural_height > 0) { natural_height = _natural_height; if (minimum_height > _natural_height) { minimum_height = _natural_height; } } } void DialogNotebook::get_preferred_height_vfunc(int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const { Gtk::ScrolledWindow::get_preferred_height_vfunc(minimum_height, natural_height); if (_natural_height > 0) { natural_height = _natural_height; if (minimum_height > _natural_height) { minimum_height = _natural_height; } } } void DialogNotebook::set_requested_height(int height) { _natural_height = height; } } // namespace Dialog } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :