// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** * @file * Spellcheck dialog. */ /* Authors: * bulia byak * Jon A. Cruz * Abhishek Sharma * * Copyright (C) 2009 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #include "spellcheck.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "document.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "message-stack.h" #include "layer-manager.h" #include "selection-chemistry.h" #include "text-editing.h" #include "display/control/canvas-item-rect.h" #include "object/sp-defs.h" #include "object/sp-flowtext.h" #include "object/sp-object.h" #include "object/sp-root.h" #include "object/sp-string.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" #include "object/sp-tref.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-container.h" #include "ui/dialog/inkscape-preferences.h" // for PREFS_PAGE_SPELLCHECK #include "ui/icon-names.h" #include "ui/tools/text-tool.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Dialog { /** * Get the list of installed dictionaries/languages */ std::vector SpellCheck::get_available_langs() { std::vector langs; #if WITH_GSPELL // TODO: write a gspellmm library. // TODO: why is this not const? GList *list = const_cast(gspell_language_get_available()); g_list_foreach(list, [](gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { GspellLanguage *language = reinterpret_cast(data); std::vector *langs = reinterpret_cast*>(user_data); const gchar *name = gspell_language_get_name(language); const gchar *code = gspell_language_get_code(language); langs->emplace_back(name, code); }, &langs); #endif return langs; } static void show_spellcheck_preferences_dialog() { Inkscape::Preferences::get()->setInt("/dialogs/preferences/page", PREFS_PAGE_SPELLCHECK); SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->getContainer()->new_dialog("Spellcheck"); } SpellCheck::SpellCheck() : DialogBase("/dialogs/spellcheck/", "Spellcheck") , _text(nullptr) , _layout(nullptr) , _stops(0) , _adds(0) , _working(false) , _local_change(false) , _prefs(nullptr) , accept_button(_("_Accept"), true) , ignoreonce_button(_("_Ignore once"), true) , ignore_button(_("_Ignore"), true) , add_button(_("A_dd"), true) , dictionary_label(_("Language")) , dictionary_hbox(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) , stop_button(_("_Stop"), true) , start_button(_("_Start"), true) , suggestion_hbox(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) , changebutton_vbox(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { _prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); banner_hbox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_START); banner_hbox.add(banner_label); if (_langs.empty()) { _langs = get_available_langs(); if (_langs.empty()) { banner_label.set_markup(Glib::ustring::compose("%1", _("No dictionaries installed"))); } } scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN); scrolled_window.set_size_request(120, 96); scrolled_window.add(tree_view); model = Gtk::ListStore::create(tree_columns); tree_view.set_model(model); tree_view.append_column(_("Suggestions:"), tree_columns.suggestions); if (!_langs.empty()) { for (const LanguagePair &pair : _langs) { dictionary_combo.append(pair.second, pair.first); } // Set previously set language (or the first item) if(!dictionary_combo.set_active_id(_prefs->getString("/dialogs/spellcheck/lang"))) { dictionary_combo.set_active(0); } } accept_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Accept the chosen suggestion")); ignoreonce_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Ignore this word only once")); ignore_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Ignore this word in this session")); add_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Add this word to the chosen dictionary")); pref_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Preferences")); pref_button.set_image_from_icon_name("preferences-system"); dictionary_hbox.pack_start(dictionary_label, false, false, 6); dictionary_hbox.pack_start(dictionary_combo, true, true, 0); dictionary_hbox.pack_start(pref_button, false, false, 0); changebutton_vbox.set_spacing(4); changebutton_vbox.pack_start(accept_button, false, false, 0); changebutton_vbox.pack_start(ignoreonce_button, false, false, 0); changebutton_vbox.pack_start(ignore_button, false, false, 0); changebutton_vbox.pack_start(add_button, false, false, 0); suggestion_hbox.pack_start (scrolled_window, true, true, 4); suggestion_hbox.pack_end (changebutton_vbox, false, false, 0); stop_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Stop the check")); start_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Start the check")); actionbutton_hbox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); actionbutton_hbox.set_spacing(4); actionbutton_hbox.add(stop_button); actionbutton_hbox.add(start_button); /* * Main dialog */ set_spacing(6); pack_start (banner_hbox, false, false, 0); pack_start (suggestion_hbox, true, true, 0); pack_start (dictionary_hbox, false, false, 0); pack_start (action_sep, false, false, 6); pack_start (actionbutton_hbox, false, false, 0); /* * Signal handlers */ accept_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onAccept)); ignoreonce_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onIgnoreOnce)); ignore_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onIgnore)); add_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onAdd)); start_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onStart)); stop_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onStop)); tree_view.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onTreeSelectionChange)); dictionary_combo.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onLanguageChanged)); pref_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(show_spellcheck_preferences_dialog)); show_all_children (); tree_view.set_sensitive(false); accept_button.set_sensitive(false); ignore_button.set_sensitive(false); ignoreonce_button.set_sensitive(false); add_button.set_sensitive(false); stop_button.set_sensitive(false); } SpellCheck::~SpellCheck() { disconnect(); } void SpellCheck::documentReplaced() { if (_working) { // Stop and start on the new desktop finished(); onStart(); } } void SpellCheck::clearRects() { _rects.clear(); } void SpellCheck::disconnect() { if (_release_connection) { _release_connection.disconnect(); } if (_modified_connection) { _modified_connection.disconnect(); } } void SpellCheck::allTextItems (SPObject *r, std::vector &l, bool hidden, bool locked) { if (is(r)) return; // we're not interested in items in defs if (!strcmp(r->getRepr()->name(), "svg:metadata")) { return; // we're not interested in metadata } if (auto desktop = getDesktop()) { for (auto& child: r->children) { if (auto item = cast(&child)) { if (!child.cloned && !desktop->layerManager().isLayer(item)) { if ((hidden || !desktop->itemIsHidden(item)) && (locked || !item->isLocked())) { if (is(item) || is(item)) l.push_back(item); } } } allTextItems (&child, l, hidden, locked); } } return; } bool SpellCheck::textIsValid (SPObject *root, SPItem *text) { std::vector l; allTextItems (root, l, false, true); return (std::find(l.begin(), l.end(), text) != l.end()); } bool SpellCheck::compareTextBboxes(SPItem const *i1, SPItem const *i2)//returns adocumentVisualBounds(); Geom::OptRect bbox2 = i2->documentVisualBounds(); if (!bbox1 || !bbox2) { return false; } // vector between top left corners Geom::Point diff = bbox1->min() - bbox2->min(); return diff[Geom::Y] == 0 ? (diff[Geom::X] < 0) : (diff[Geom::Y] < 0); } // We regenerate and resort the list every time, because user could have changed it while the // dialog was waiting SPItem *SpellCheck::getText (SPObject *root) { std::vector l; allTextItems (root, l, false, true); std::sort(l.begin(),l.end(),SpellCheck::compareTextBboxes); for (auto item:l) { if(_seen_objects.insert(item).second) return item; } return nullptr; } void SpellCheck::nextText() { disconnect(); _text = getText(_root); if (_text) { _modified_connection = _text->connectModified(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onObjModified)); _release_connection = _text->connectRelease(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SpellCheck::onObjReleased)); _layout = te_get_layout (_text); _begin_w = _layout->begin(); } _end_w = _begin_w; _word.clear(); } void SpellCheck::deleteSpeller() { } bool SpellCheck::updateSpeller() { #if WITH_GSPELL auto lang = dictionary_combo.get_active_id(); if (!lang.empty()) { const GspellLanguage *language = gspell_language_lookup(lang.c_str()); _checker = gspell_checker_new(language); } return _checker != nullptr; #else return false; #endif } void SpellCheck::onStart() { if (!getDocument()) return; start_button.set_sensitive(false); _stops = 0; _adds = 0; clearRects(); if (!updateSpeller()) return; _root = getDocument()->getRoot(); // empty the list of objects we've checked _seen_objects.clear(); // grab first text nextText(); _working = true; doSpellcheck(); } void SpellCheck::finished () { deleteSpeller(); clearRects(); disconnect(); tree_view.unset_model(); tree_view.set_sensitive(false); accept_button.set_sensitive(false); ignore_button.set_sensitive(false); ignoreonce_button.set_sensitive(false); add_button.set_sensitive(false); stop_button.set_sensitive(false); start_button.set_sensitive(true); { gchar *label; if (_stops) label = g_strdup_printf(_("Finished, %d words added to dictionary"), _adds); else label = g_strdup_printf("%s", _("Finished, nothing suspicious found")); banner_label.set_markup(label); g_free(label); } _seen_objects.clear(); _root = nullptr; _working = false; } bool SpellCheck::nextWord() { auto desktop = getDesktop(); if (!_working || !desktop) return false; if (!_text) { finished(); return false; } _word.clear(); while (_word.size() == 0) { _begin_w = _end_w; if (!_layout || _begin_w == _layout->end()) { nextText(); return false; } if (!_layout->isStartOfWord(_begin_w)) { _begin_w.nextStartOfWord(); } _end_w = _begin_w; _end_w.nextEndOfWord(); _word = sp_te_get_string_multiline (_text, _begin_w, _end_w); } // try to link this word with the next if separated by ' SPObject *char_item = nullptr; Glib::ustring::iterator text_iter; _layout->getSourceOfCharacter(_end_w, &char_item, &text_iter); if (is(char_item)) { int this_char = *text_iter; if (this_char == '\'' || this_char == 0x2019) { Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator end_t = _end_w; end_t.nextCharacter(); _layout->getSourceOfCharacter(end_t, &char_item, &text_iter); if (is(char_item)) { int this_char = *text_iter; if (g_ascii_isalpha(this_char)) { // 's _end_w.nextEndOfWord(); _word = sp_te_get_string_multiline (_text, _begin_w, _end_w); } } } } // skip words containing digits if (_prefs->getInt(_prefs_path + "ignorenumbers") != 0) { bool digits = false; for (unsigned int i : _word) { if (g_unichar_isdigit(i)) { digits = true; break; } } if (digits) { return false; } } // skip ALL-CAPS words if (_prefs->getInt(_prefs_path + "ignoreallcaps") != 0) { bool allcaps = true; for (unsigned int i : _word) { if (!g_unichar_isupper(i)) { allcaps = false; break; } } if (allcaps) { return false; } } int have = 0; #if WITH_GSPELL if (_checker) { GError *error = nullptr; have += gspell_checker_check_word(_checker, _word.c_str(), -1, &error); } #endif /* WITH_GSPELL */ if (have == 0) { // not found in any! _stops ++; // display it in window { gchar *label = g_strdup_printf(_("Not in dictionary: %s"), _word.c_str()); banner_label.set_markup(label); g_free(label); } tree_view.set_sensitive(true); ignore_button.set_sensitive(true); ignoreonce_button.set_sensitive(true); add_button.set_sensitive(true); stop_button.set_sensitive(true); // draw rect std::vector points = _layout->createSelectionShape(_begin_w, _end_w, _text->i2dt_affine()); if (points.size() >= 4) { // We may not have a single quad if this is a clipped part of text on path; // in that case skip drawing the rect Geom::Point tl, br; tl = br = points.front(); for (auto & point : points) { if (point[Geom::X] < tl[Geom::X]) tl[Geom::X] = point[Geom::X]; if (point[Geom::Y] < tl[Geom::Y]) tl[Geom::Y] = point[Geom::Y]; if (point[Geom::X] > br[Geom::X]) br[Geom::X] = point[Geom::X]; if (point[Geom::Y] > br[Geom::Y]) br[Geom::Y] = point[Geom::Y]; } // expand slightly Geom::Rect area = Geom::Rect(tl, br); double mindim = fabs(tl[Geom::Y] - br[Geom::Y]); if (fabs(tl[Geom::X] - br[Geom::X]) < mindim) mindim = fabs(tl[Geom::X] - br[Geom::X]); area.expandBy(MAX(0.05 * mindim, 1)); // Create canvas item rect with red stroke. (TODO: a quad could allow non-axis aligned rects.) auto rect = new Inkscape::CanvasItemRect(desktop->getCanvasSketch(), area); rect->set_stroke(0xff0000ff); rect->show(); _rects.emplace_back(rect); // scroll to make it all visible Geom::Point const center = desktop->current_center(); area.expandBy(0.5 * mindim); Geom::Point scrollto; double dist = 0; for (unsigned corner = 0; corner < 4; corner ++) { if (Geom::L2(area.corner(corner) - center) > dist) { dist = Geom::L2(area.corner(corner) - center); scrollto = area.corner(corner); } } desktop->scroll_to_point(scrollto); } // select text; if in Text tool, position cursor to the beginning of word // unless it is already in the word if (desktop->getSelection()->singleItem() != _text) { desktop->getSelection()->set (_text); } if (dynamic_cast(desktop->event_context)) { Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator *cursor = sp_text_context_get_cursor_position(SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(desktop->event_context), _text); if (!cursor) // some other text is selected there desktop->getSelection()->set (_text); else if (*cursor <= _begin_w || *cursor >= _end_w) sp_text_context_place_cursor (SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(desktop->event_context), _text, _begin_w); } #if WITH_GSPELL // get suggestions model = Gtk::ListStore::create(tree_columns); tree_view.set_model(model); unsigned n_sugg = 0; if (_checker) { GSList *list = gspell_checker_get_suggestions(_checker, _word.c_str(), -1); std::vector suggs; // TODO: use a better API for that, or figure out how to make gspellmm. g_slist_foreach(list, [](gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { const gchar *suggestion = reinterpret_cast(data); std::vector *suggs = reinterpret_cast*>(user_data); suggs->push_back(suggestion); }, &suggs); g_slist_free_full(list, g_free); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter; for (std::string sugg : suggs) { iter = model->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[tree_columns.suggestions] = sugg; // select first suggestion if (++n_sugg == 1) { tree_view.get_selection()->select(iter); } } } accept_button.set_sensitive(n_sugg > 0); #endif /* WITH_GSPELL */ return true; } return false; } void SpellCheck::deleteLastRect() { if (!_rects.empty()) { _rects.pop_back(); } } void SpellCheck::doSpellcheck () { if (_langs.empty()) { return; } banner_label.set_markup(_("Checking...")); while (_working) if (nextWord()) break; } void SpellCheck::onTreeSelectionChange() { accept_button.set_sensitive(true); } void SpellCheck::onObjModified (SPObject* /* blah */, unsigned int /* bleh */) { if (_local_change) { // this was a change by this dialog, i.e. an Accept, skip it _local_change = false; return; } if (_working && _root) { // user may have edited the text we're checking; try to do the most sensible thing in this // situation // just in case, re-get text's layout _layout = te_get_layout (_text); // re-get the word _layout->validateIterator(&_begin_w); _end_w = _begin_w; _end_w.nextEndOfWord(); Glib::ustring word_new = sp_te_get_string_multiline (_text, _begin_w, _end_w); if (word_new != _word) { _end_w = _begin_w; deleteLastRect (); doSpellcheck (); // recheck this word and go ahead if it's ok } } } void SpellCheck::onObjReleased (SPObject* /* blah */) { if (_working && _root) { // the text object was deleted deleteLastRect (); nextText(); doSpellcheck (); // get next text and continue } } void SpellCheck::onAccept () { // insert chosen suggestion Glib::RefPtr selection = tree_view.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = selection->get_selected(); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring sugg = row[tree_columns.suggestions]; if (sugg.length() > 0) { //g_print("chosen: %s\n", sugg); _local_change = true; sp_te_replace(_text, _begin_w, _end_w, sugg.c_str()); // find the end of the word anew _end_w = _begin_w; _end_w.nextEndOfWord(); DocumentUndo::done(getDocument(), _("Fix spelling"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text")); } } deleteLastRect(); doSpellcheck(); } void SpellCheck::onIgnore () { #if WITH_GSPELL if (_checker) { gspell_checker_add_word_to_session(_checker, _word.c_str(), -1); } #endif /* WITH_GSPELL */ deleteLastRect(); doSpellcheck(); } void SpellCheck::onIgnoreOnce () { deleteLastRect(); doSpellcheck(); } void SpellCheck::onAdd () { _adds++; #if WITH_GSPELL if (_checker) { gspell_checker_add_word_to_personal(_checker, _word.c_str(), -1); } #endif /* WITH_GSPELL */ deleteLastRect(); doSpellcheck(); } void SpellCheck::onStop () { finished(); } void SpellCheck::onLanguageChanged() { // First, save language for next load auto lang = dictionary_combo.get_active_id(); _prefs->setString("/dialogs/spellcheck/lang", lang); if (!_working) { onStart(); return; } if (!updateSpeller()) { return; } // recheck current word _end_w = _begin_w; deleteLastRect(); doSpellcheck(); } } } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :