// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * @brief A dialog for the about screen * * Copyright (C) Martin Owens 2019 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "startup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "color-rgba.h" #include "file.h" #include "inkscape-application.h" #include "inkscape-version-info.h" #include "inkscape-version.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "io/resource.h" #include "object/sp-namedview.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "ui/dialog/filedialog.h" #include "ui/shortcuts.h" #include "ui/themes.h" #include "ui/util.h" #include "ui/widget/template-list.h" #include "util/units.h" using namespace Inkscape::IO; using namespace Inkscape::UI::View; using Inkscape::Util::unit_table; namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Dialog { class NameIdCols: public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: // These types must match those for the model in the .glade file NameIdCols() { this->add(this->col_name); this->add(this->col_id); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_id; }; class RecentCols: public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: // These types must match those for the model in the .glade file RecentCols() { this->add(this->col_name); this->add(this->col_id); this->add(this->col_dt); this->add(this->col_crash); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_dt; Gtk::TreeModelColumn col_crash; }; class CanvasCols: public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: // These types must match those for the model in the .glade file CanvasCols() { this->add(this->id); this->add(this->name); this->add(this->icon_filename); this->add(this->pagecolor); this->add(this->checkered); this->add(this->bordercolor); this->add(this->shadow); this->add(this->deskcolor); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn icon_filename; Gtk::TreeModelColumn pagecolor; Gtk::TreeModelColumn checkered; Gtk::TreeModelColumn bordercolor; Gtk::TreeModelColumn shadow; Gtk::TreeModelColumn deskcolor; }; class ThemeCols: public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: // These types must match those for the model in the .glade file ThemeCols() { this->add(this->id); this->add(this->name); this->add(this->theme); this->add(this->icons); this->add(this->base); this->add(this->base_dark); this->add(this->success); this->add(this->warn); this->add(this->error); this->add(this->symbolic); this->add(this->smallicons); this->add(this->enabled); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn theme; Gtk::TreeModelColumn icons; Gtk::TreeModelColumn base; Gtk::TreeModelColumn base_dark; Gtk::TreeModelColumn success; Gtk::TreeModelColumn warn; Gtk::TreeModelColumn error; Gtk::TreeModelColumn symbolic; Gtk::TreeModelColumn smallicons; Gtk::TreeModelColumn enabled; }; /** * Color is store as a string in the form #RRGGBBAA, '0' means "unset" * * @param color - The string color from glade. */ unsigned int get_color_value(const Glib::ustring color) { Gdk::RGBA gdk_color = Gdk::RGBA(color); ColorRGBA sp_color(gdk_color.get_red(), gdk_color.get_green(), gdk_color.get_blue(), gdk_color.get_alpha()); return sp_color.getIntValue(); } StartScreen::StartScreen() : Gtk::Dialog() { set_can_focus(true); grab_focus(); set_can_default(true); grab_default(); set_urgency_hint(true); // Draw user's attention to this window! set_modal(true); set_position(Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS); set_default_size(700, 360); Glib::ustring gladefile = Resource::get_filename(Resource::UIS, "inkscape-start.glade"); try { builder = Gtk::Builder::create_from_file(gladefile); } catch (const Glib::Error &ex) { g_error("Glade file loading failed for boot screen"); // cleanup? } // Get window from Glade file. builder->get_widget("start-screen-window", window); set_name("start-screen-window"); set_title(Inkscape::inkscape_version()); // Get references to various widgets used globally. builder->get_widget("tabs", tabs); builder->get_widget_derived("kinds", templates); builder->get_widget("banner", banners); builder->get_widget("themes", themes); builder->get_widget("recent_treeview", recent_treeview); // Populate with template extensions templates->init(Inkscape::Extension::TEMPLATE_NEW_WELCOME); // Get references to various widget used locally. (In order of appearance.) Gtk::ComboBox* canvas = nullptr; Gtk::ComboBox* keys = nullptr; Gtk::Button* save = nullptr; Gtk::Button* thanks = nullptr; Gtk::Button* close_btn = nullptr; Gtk::Button* new_btn = nullptr; Gtk::Button* show_toggle = nullptr; Gtk::Switch* dark_toggle = nullptr; builder->get_widget("canvas", canvas); builder->get_widget("keys", keys); builder->get_widget("save", save); builder->get_widget("thanks", thanks); builder->get_widget("show_toggle", show_toggle); builder->get_widget("dark_toggle", dark_toggle); builder->get_widget("load", load_btn); builder->get_widget("new", new_btn); builder->get_widget("close_window", close_btn); // Unparent to move to our dialog window. auto parent = banners->get_parent(); parent->remove(*banners); parent->remove(*tabs); // Add signals and setup things. auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); tabs->signal_switch_page().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::notebook_switch)); // Setup the lists of items enlist_recent_files(); enlist_keys(); filter_themes(); set_active_combo("themes", prefs->getString("/options/boot/theme")); set_active_combo("canvas", prefs->getString("/options/boot/canvas")); // initialise dark depending on prefs and background refresh_dark_switch(); // Welcome! tab std::string welcome_text_file = Resource::get_filename_string(Resource::SCREENS, "start-welcome-text.svg", true); Gtk::Image *welcome_text; builder->get_widget("welcome_text", welcome_text); welcome_text->set(welcome_text_file); canvas->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::canvas_changed)); keys->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::keyboard_changed)); themes->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::theme_changed)); dark_toggle->property_active().signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::theme_changed)); save->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::notebook_next), save)); // "Supported by You" tab thanks->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::notebook_next), thanks)); // "Time to Draw" tab recent_treeview->signal_row_activated().connect(sigc::hide(sigc::hide((sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::load_document))))); recent_treeview->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::on_recent_changed)); templates->signal_switch_page().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::on_kind_changed)); load_btn->set_sensitive(true); show_toggle->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::show_toggle)); load_btn->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::load_document)); templates->connectItemSelected(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::new_document)); new_btn->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StartScreen::new_document)); close_btn->signal_clicked().connect([=] { response(GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); }); // Reparent to our dialog window set_titlebar(*banners); Gtk::Box* box = get_content_area(); box->add(*tabs); // Show the first tab ONLY on the first run for this version std::string opt_shown = "/options/boot/shown/ver"; opt_shown += Inkscape::version_string_without_revision; if (!prefs->getBool(opt_shown, false)) { theme_changed(); tabs->set_current_page(0); prefs->setBool(opt_shown, true); } else { tabs->set_current_page(2); notebook_switch(nullptr, 2); } set_modal(true); set_position(Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS); property_resizable() = false; set_default_size(700, 360); show(); } StartScreen::~StartScreen() { // These are "owned" by builder... don't delete them! banners->get_parent()->remove(*banners); tabs->get_parent()->remove(*tabs); } /** * Return the active row of the named combo box. * * @param widget_name - The name of the widget in the glade file * @return Gtk Row object ready for use. * @throws Three errors depending on where it failed. */ Gtk::TreeModel::Row StartScreen::active_combo(std::string widget_name) { Gtk::ComboBox *combo; builder->get_widget(widget_name, combo); if (!combo) throw 1; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = combo->get_active(); if (!iter) throw 2; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if (!row) throw 3; return row; } /** * Set the active item in the combo based on the unique_id (column set in glade) * * @param widget_name - The name of the widget in the glade file * @param unique_id - The column id to activate, sets to first item if blank. */ void StartScreen::set_active_combo(std::string widget_name, std::string unique_id) { Gtk::ComboBox *combo; builder->get_widget(widget_name, combo); if (combo) { if (unique_id.empty()) { combo->set_active(0); // Select the first } else if(!combo->set_active_id(unique_id)) { combo->set_active(-1); // Select nothing } } } /** * When a notbook is switched, reveal the right banner image (gtk signal). */ void StartScreen::notebook_switch(Gtk::Widget *tab, guint page_num) { int page = 0; for (auto banner : banners->get_children()) { if (auto revealer = dynamic_cast(banner)) { revealer->set_reveal_child(page == page_num); page++; } } } void StartScreen::enlist_recent_files() { RecentCols cols; if (!recent_treeview) return; // We're not sure why we have to ask C for the TreeStore object auto store = Glib::wrap(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(recent_treeview->gobj()))); store->clear(); // Now sort the result by visited time store->set_sort_column(cols.col_dt, Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING); // Open [other] Gtk::TreeModel::Row first_row = *(store->append()); first_row[cols.col_name] = _("Browse for other files..."); first_row[cols.col_id] = ""; first_row[cols.col_dt] = std::numeric_limits::max(); recent_treeview->get_selection()->select(store->get_path(first_row)); Glib::RefPtr manager = Gtk::RecentManager::get_default(); for (auto item : manager->get_items()) { if (item->has_application(g_get_prgname()) || item->has_application("org.inkscape.Inkscape") || item->has_application("inkscape") || item->has_application("inkscape.exe") ) { // This uri is a GVFS uri, so parse it with that or it will fail. auto file = Gio::File::create_for_uri(item->get_uri()); std::string path = file->get_path(); if (!path.empty() && Glib::file_test(path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) && item->get_mime_type() == "image/svg+xml") { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(store->append()); row[cols.col_name] = item->get_display_name(); row[cols.col_id] = item->get_uri(); row[cols.col_dt] = item->get_modified(); row[cols.col_crash] = item->has_group("Crash"); } } } } /** * Called when a new recent document is selected. */ void StartScreen::on_recent_changed() { // TODO: In the future this is where previews and other information can be loaded. } /** * Called when the left side tabs are changed. */ void StartScreen::on_kind_changed(Gtk::Widget *tab, guint page_num) { if (page_num == 0) { load_btn->show(); } else { load_btn->hide(); } } /** * Called when new button clicked or template is double clicked, or escape pressed. */ void StartScreen::new_document() { // Generate a new document from the selected template. _document = templates->new_document(); if (_document) { // Quit welcome screen if options not 'canceled' response(GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY); } } /** * Called when load button clicked. */ void StartScreen::load_document() { RecentCols cols; auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); auto app = InkscapeApplication::instance(); if (!recent_treeview) return; auto iter = recent_treeview->get_selection()->get_selected(); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if (row) { Glib::ustring _file = row[cols.col_id]; Glib::RefPtr file; if (!_file.empty()) { file = Gio::File::create_for_uri(_file); } else { Glib::ustring open_path = prefs->getString("/dialogs/open/path"); if (open_path.empty()) { open_path = g_get_home_dir(); open_path.append(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S); } // Browse for file instead auto browser = Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FileOpenDialog::create( *this, open_path, Inkscape::UI::Dialog::SVG_TYPES, _("Open a different file")); if (browser->show()) { prefs->setString("/dialogs/open/path", browser->getCurrentDirectory()); file = Gio::File::create_for_path(browser->getFilename()); delete browser; } else { delete browser; return; // Cancel } } // Now we have filename, open document. bool canceled = false; _document = app->document_open(file, &canceled); if (!canceled && _document) { // We're done, hand back to app. response(GTK_RESPONSE_OK); } } } } /** * When a button needs to go to the next notebook page. */ void StartScreen::notebook_next(Gtk::Widget *button) { int page = tabs->get_current_page(); if (page == 2) { response(GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); // Only occurs from keypress. } else { tabs->set_current_page(page + 1); } } /** * When a key is pressed in the main window. */ bool StartScreen::on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* event) { #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ // On macOS only, if user press Cmd+Q => exit if (event->keyval == 'q' && event->state == (GDK_MOD2_MASK | GDK_META_MASK)) { close(); return false; } #endif switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_Escape: // Prevent loading any selected items response(GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); return true; case GDK_KEY_Return: notebook_next(nullptr); return true; } return false; } void StartScreen::on_response(int response_id) { if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT) { // Don't open a window for force closing. return; } if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL) { templates->reset_selection(); } if (response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK && !_document) { // Last ditch attempt to generate a new document while exiting. _document = templates->new_document(); } } void StartScreen::show_toggle() { Gtk::ToggleButton *button; builder->get_widget("show_toggle", button); if (button) { auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); prefs->setBool("/options/boot/enabled", button->get_active()); } else { g_warning("Can't find toggle button widget."); } } /** * Refresh theme in-place so user can see a semi-preview. This theme selection * is not meant to be perfect, but hint to the user that they can set the * theme if they want. * * @param theme_name - The name of the theme to load. */ void StartScreen::refresh_theme(Glib::ustring theme_name) { auto const screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default(); if (INKSCAPE.themecontext->getContrastThemeProvider()) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, INKSCAPE.themecontext->getContrastThemeProvider()); } auto settings = Gtk::Settings::get_default(); auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); settings->property_gtk_theme_name() = theme_name; settings->property_gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme() = prefs->getBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", true); settings->property_gtk_icon_theme_name() = prefs->getString("/theme/iconTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultIconTheme", "")); if (prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", false)) { get_style_context()->add_class("symbolic"); get_style_context()->remove_class("regular"); } else { get_style_context()->add_class("regular"); get_style_context()->remove_class("symbolic"); } if (INKSCAPE.themecontext->getColorizeProvider()) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, INKSCAPE.themecontext->getColorizeProvider()); } if (!prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultHighColors", false)) { Gtk::CssProvider::create(); Glib::ustring css_str = INKSCAPE.themecontext->get_symbolic_colors(); try { INKSCAPE.themecontext->getColorizeProvider()->load_from_data(css_str); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_data(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", css_str.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, INKSCAPE.themecontext->getColorizeProvider(), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } // set dark switch and disable if there is no prefer option for dark refresh_dark_switch(); INKSCAPE.themecontext->getChangeThemeSignal().emit(); } /** * Set the theme, icon pack and other theme options from a set defined * in the glade file. The combo box has a number of columns with the needed * data describing how to set up the theme. */ void StartScreen::theme_changed() { auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); ThemeCols cols; try { auto row = active_combo("themes"); Glib::ustring theme_id = row[cols.id]; if (theme_id == "custom") return; prefs->setString("/options/boot/theme", row[cols.id]); // Update theme from combo. Glib::ustring icons = row[cols.icons]; prefs->setBool("/toolbox/tools/small", row[cols.smallicons]); prefs->setString("/theme/gtkTheme", row[cols.theme]); prefs->setString("/theme/iconTheme", icons); prefs->setBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", row[cols.symbolic]); Gtk::Switch* dark_toggle = nullptr; builder->get_widget("dark_toggle", dark_toggle); bool is_dark = dark_toggle->get_active(); prefs->setBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", is_dark); prefs->setBool("/theme/darkTheme", is_dark); // Symbolic icon colours if (get_color_value(row[cols.base]) == 0) { prefs->setBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultBaseColors", true); prefs->setBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultHighColors", true); } else { Glib::ustring prefix = "/theme/" + icons; prefs->setBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultBaseColors", false); prefs->setBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultHighColors", false); if (is_dark) { prefs->setUInt(prefix + "/symbolicBaseColor", get_color_value(row[cols.base_dark])); } else { prefs->setUInt(prefix + "/symbolicBaseColor", get_color_value(row[cols.base])); } prefs->setUInt(prefix + "/symbolicSuccessColor", get_color_value(row[cols.success])); prefs->setUInt(prefix + "/symbolicWarningColor", get_color_value(row[cols.warn])); prefs->setUInt(prefix + "/symbolicErrorColor", get_color_value(row[cols.error])); } refresh_theme(prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", ""))); } catch(int e) { g_warning("Couldn't find theme value."); } } /** * Called when the canvas dropdown changes. */ void StartScreen::canvas_changed() { CanvasCols cols; try { auto row = active_combo("canvas"); auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); prefs->setString("/options/boot/canvas", row[cols.id]); Gdk::RGBA gdk_color = Gdk::RGBA(row[cols.pagecolor]); SPColor sp_color(gdk_color.get_red(), gdk_color.get_green(), gdk_color.get_blue()); prefs->setString("/template/base/pagecolor", sp_color.toString()); prefs->setDouble("/template/base/pageopacity", gdk_color.get_alpha()); Gdk::RGBA gdk_border = Gdk::RGBA(row[cols.bordercolor]); SPColor sp_border(gdk_border.get_red(), gdk_border.get_green(), gdk_border.get_blue()); prefs->setString("/template/base/bordercolor", sp_border.toString()); prefs->setDouble("/template/base/borderopacity", gdk_border.get_alpha()); prefs->setBool("/template/base/pagecheckerboard", row[cols.checkered]); prefs->setInt("/template/base/pageshadow", row[cols.shadow] ? 2 : 0); Gdk::RGBA gdk_desk = Gdk::RGBA(row[cols.deskcolor]); SPColor sp_desk(gdk_desk.get_red(), gdk_desk.get_green(), gdk_desk.get_blue()); prefs->setString("/template/base/deskcolor", sp_desk.toString()); } catch(int e) { g_warning("Couldn't find canvas value."); } } void StartScreen::filter_themes() { ThemeCols cols; // We need to disable themes which aren't available. auto store = Glib::wrap(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_combo_box_get_model(themes->gobj()))); auto available = INKSCAPE.themecontext->get_available_themes(); // Detect use of custom theme here, detect defaults used in many systems. auto settings = Gtk::Settings::get_default(); Glib::ustring theme_name = settings->property_gtk_theme_name(); Glib::ustring icons_name = settings->property_gtk_icon_theme_name(); bool has_system_theme = false; if (theme_name != "Adwaita" || icons_name != "hicolor") { has_system_theme = true; /* Enable if/when we want custom to be the default. if (prefs->getString("/options/boot/theme").empty()) { prefs->setString("/options/boot/theme", "system") theme_changed(); }*/ } for(auto row : store->children()) { Glib::ustring theme = row[cols.theme]; if (!row[cols.enabled]) { // Available themes; We only "enable" them, we don't disable them. row[cols.enabled] = available.find(theme) != available.end(); } else if(row[cols.id] == "system" && !has_system_theme) { // Disable system theme option if not available. row[cols.enabled] = false; } } } void StartScreen::enlist_keys() { NameIdCols cols; Gtk::ComboBox *keys; builder->get_widget("keys", keys); if (!keys) return; auto store = Glib::wrap(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_combo_box_get_model(keys->gobj()))); store->clear(); for(auto item: Inkscape::Shortcuts::get_file_names()){ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(store->append()); row[cols.col_name] = item.first; row[cols.col_id] = item.second; } auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); auto current = prefs->getString("/options/kbshortcuts/shortcutfile"); if (current.empty()) { current = "inkscape.xml"; } keys->set_active_id(current); } /** * Set the keys file based on the keys set in the enlist above */ void StartScreen::keyboard_changed() { NameIdCols cols; try { auto row = active_combo("keys"); auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); Glib::ustring set_to = row[cols.col_id]; prefs->setString("/options/kbshortcuts/shortcutfile", set_to); Inkscape::Shortcuts::getInstance().init(); Gtk::InfoBar* keys_warning; builder->get_widget("keys_warning", keys_warning); if (set_to != "inkscape.xml" && set_to != "default.xml") { keys_warning->set_message_type(Gtk::MessageType::MESSAGE_WARNING); keys_warning->show(); } else { keys_warning->hide(); } } catch(int e) { g_warning("Couldn't find keys value."); } } /** * Set Dark Switch based on current selected theme. * We will disable switch if current theme doesn't have prefer dark theme option. */ void StartScreen::refresh_dark_switch() { auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); Gtk::Container *window = dynamic_cast(get_toplevel()); bool dark = INKSCAPE.themecontext->isCurrentThemeDark(window); prefs->setBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", dark); prefs->setBool("/theme/darkTheme", dark); auto themes = INKSCAPE.themecontext->get_available_themes(); Glib::ustring current_theme = prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", "")); Gtk::Switch *dark_toggle = nullptr; builder->get_widget("dark_toggle", dark_toggle); if (!themes[current_theme]) { dark_toggle->set_sensitive(false); } else { dark_toggle->set_sensitive(true); } dark_toggle->set_active(dark); } } // namespace Dialog } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :