// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Shortcuts * * Copyright (C) 2020 Tavmjong Bah * Rewrite of code (C) MenTalguY and others. * * The contents of this file may be used under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. * */ /* Much of the complexity of this code is in dealing with both Inkscape verbs and Gio::Actions at * the same time. When we remove verbs we can avoid using 'unsigned long long int shortcut' to * track keys and rely directly on Glib::ustring as used by * Gtk::Application::get_accels_for_action(). This will then automatically handle the '' * modifier value (which takes care of the differences between Linux and OSX) as well as allowing * us to set multiple accelerators for actions in InkscapePreferences. */ #include "shortcuts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "preferences.h" #include "inkscape-application.h" #include "inkscape-window.h" #include "io/dir-util.h" #include "io/resource.h" #include "io/sys.h" #include "ui/modifiers.h" #include "ui/tools/tool-base.h" // For latin keyval #include "ui/dialog/filedialog.h" // Importing/exporting files. #include "xml/simple-document.h" #include "xml/node.h" #include "xml/node-iterators.h" using namespace Inkscape::IO::Resource; using namespace Inkscape::Modifiers; namespace Inkscape { Shortcuts::Shortcuts() { Glib::RefPtr gapp = Gio::Application::get_default(); app = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(gapp); // Save as we constantly use it. if (!app) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::Shortcuts: No app! Shortcuts cannot be used without a Gtk::Application!" << std::endl; } } void Shortcuts::init() { initialized = true; // Clear arrays (we may be re-reading). clear(); bool success = false; // We've read a shortcut file! std::string path; // ------------ Open Inkscape shortcut file ------------ // Try filename from preferences first. Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); path = prefs->getString("/options/kbshortcuts/shortcutfile"); if (!path.empty()) { bool absolute = true; if (!Glib::path_is_absolute(path)) { path = get_path_string(SYSTEM, KEYS, path.c_str()); absolute = false; } Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(path); success = read(file); if (!success) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::Shortcut: Unable to read shortcut file listed in preferences: " + path << std::endl;; } // Save relative path to "share/keys" if possible to handle parallel installations of // Inskcape gracefully. if (success && absolute) { std::string relative_path = sp_relative_path_from_path(path, std::string(get_path(SYSTEM, KEYS))); prefs->setString("/options/kbshortcuts/shortcutfile", relative_path.c_str()); } } if (!success) { // std::cerr << "Shortcut::Shortcut: " << reason << ", trying default.xml" << std::endl; Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(SYSTEM, KEYS, "default.xml")); success = read(file); } if (!success) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::Shortcut: Failed to read file default.xml, trying inkscape.xml" << std::endl; Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(SYSTEM, KEYS, "inkscape.xml")); success = read(file); } if (!success) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::Shortcut: Failed to read file inkscape.xml; giving up!" << std::endl; } // ------------ Open Shared shortcut file ------------- Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(SHARED, KEYS, "default.xml")); // Test if file exists before attempting to read to avoid generating warning message. if (file->query_exists()) { read(file, true); } // ------------ Open User shortcut file ------------- file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(USER, KEYS, "default.xml")); // Test if file exists before attempting to read to avoid generating warning message. if (file->query_exists()) { read(file, true); } // dump(); } // Clear all shortcuts void Shortcuts::clear() { // Actions: We rely on Gtk for everything except user/system setting. for (auto action_description : app->list_action_descriptions()) { app->unset_accels_for_action(action_description); } action_user_set.clear(); } /** Trigger action from a shortcut. Useful if we want to intercept the event from GTK */ bool Shortcuts::invoke_action(GdkEventKey const *event) { Gtk::AccelKey shortcut = get_from_event(event); bool return_value = false; // This can be simplified in GTK4. Glib::ustring accel = Gtk::AccelGroup::name(shortcut.get_key(), shortcut.get_mod()); std::vector actions = app->get_actions_for_accel(accel); if (!actions.empty()) { Glib::ustring action = actions[0]; Glib::ustring action_name; Glib::VariantBase value; Gio::SimpleAction::parse_detailed_name_variant(action.substr(4), action_name, value); if (action.compare(0, 4, "app.") == 0) { app->activate_action(action_name, value); return_value = true; } else if (action.compare(0, 4, "win.") == 0) { auto window = dynamic_cast(app->get_active_window()); if (window) { window->activate_action(action_name, value); return_value = true; } } } return return_value; } Gdk::ModifierType parse_modifier_string(gchar const *modifiers_string) { Gdk::ModifierType modifiers(Gdk::ModifierType(0)); if (modifiers_string) { Glib::ustring str(modifiers_string); std::vector mod_vector = Glib::Regex::split_simple("\\s*,\\s*", modifiers_string); for (auto mod : mod_vector) { if (mod == "Control" || mod == "Ctrl") { modifiers |= Gdk::CONTROL_MASK; } else if (mod == "Shift") { modifiers |= Gdk::SHIFT_MASK; } else if (mod == "Alt") { modifiers |= Gdk::MOD1_MASK; } else if (mod == "Super") { modifiers |= Gdk::SUPER_MASK; // Not used } else if (mod == "Hyper") { modifiers |= Gdk::HYPER_MASK; // Not used } else if (mod == "Meta") { modifiers |= Gdk::META_MASK; } else if (mod == "Primary") { // System dependent key to invoke menus. (Needed for OSX in particular.) // We only read "Primary" and never write it. auto display = Gdk::Display::get_default(); if (display) { GdkKeymap* keymap = display->get_keymap(); GdkModifierType type = gdk_keymap_get_modifier_mask (keymap, GDK_MODIFIER_INTENT_PRIMARY_ACCELERATOR); gdk_keymap_add_virtual_modifiers(keymap, &type); if (type & Gdk::CONTROL_MASK) modifiers |= Gdk::CONTROL_MASK; else if (type & Gdk::META_MASK) modifiers |= Gdk::META_MASK; else { std::cerr << "Shortcut::read: Unknown primary accelerator!" << std::endl; modifiers |= Gdk::CONTROL_MASK; } } else { modifiers |= Gdk::CONTROL_MASK; } } else { std::cerr << "Shortcut::read: Unknown GDK modifier: " << mod.c_str() << std::endl; } } } return modifiers; } // Read a shortcut file. bool Shortcuts::read(Glib::RefPtr file, bool user_set) { if (!file->query_exists()) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::read: file does not exist: " << file->get_path() << std::endl; return false; } XML::Document *document = sp_repr_read_file(file->get_path().c_str(), nullptr, true); if (!document) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::read: could not parse file: " << file->get_path() << std::endl; return false; } XML::NodeConstSiblingIterator iter = document->firstChild(); for ( ; iter ; ++iter ) { // We iterate in case of comments. if (strcmp(iter->name(), "keys") == 0) { break; } } if (!iter) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::read: File in wrong format: " << file->get_path() << std::endl; return false; } // Loop through the children in (may have nested keys) _read(*iter, user_set); return true; } /** * Recursively reads shortcuts from shortcut file. * * @param keysnode The element. Its child nodes will be processed. * @param user_set true if reading from user shortcut file */ void Shortcuts::_read(XML::Node const &keysnode, bool user_set) { XML::NodeConstSiblingIterator iter {keysnode.firstChild()}; for ( ; iter ; ++iter ) { if (strcmp(iter->name(), "modifier") == 0) { gchar const *mod_name = iter->attribute("action"); if (!mod_name) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::read: Missing modifier for action!" << std::endl;; continue; } Modifier *mod = Modifier::get(mod_name); if (mod == nullptr) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::read: Can't find modifier: " << mod_name << std::endl; continue; } // If mods isn't specified then it should use default, if it's an empty string // then the modifier is None (i.e. happens all the time without a modifier) KeyMask and_modifier = NOT_SET; gchar const *mod_attr = iter->attribute("modifiers"); if (mod_attr) { and_modifier = (KeyMask) parse_modifier_string(mod_attr); } // Parse not (cold key) modifier KeyMask not_modifier = NOT_SET; gchar const *not_attr = iter->attribute("not_modifiers"); if (not_attr) { not_modifier = (KeyMask) parse_modifier_string(not_attr); } gchar const *disabled_attr = iter->attribute("disabled"); if (disabled_attr && strcmp(disabled_attr, "true") == 0) { and_modifier = NEVER; } if (and_modifier != NOT_SET) { if(user_set) { mod->set_user(and_modifier, not_modifier); } else { mod->set_keys(and_modifier, not_modifier); } } continue; } else if (strcmp(iter->name(), "keys") == 0) { _read(*iter, user_set); continue; } else if (strcmp(iter->name(), "bind") != 0) { // Unknown element, do not complain. continue; } // Gio::Action's gchar const *gaction = iter->attribute("gaction"); gchar const *keys = iter->attribute("keys"); if (gaction && keys) { // Trim leading spaces Glib::ustring Keys = keys; auto p = Keys.find_first_not_of(" "); Keys = Keys.erase(0, p); std::vector key_vector = Glib::Regex::split_simple("\\s*,\\s*", Keys); // Set one shortcut at a time so we can check if it has been previously used. for (auto key : key_vector) { add_shortcut(gaction, key, user_set); } // Uncomment to see what the cat dragged in. // if (!key_vector.empty()) { // std::cout << "Shortcut::read: gaction: "<< gaction // << ", user set: " << std::boolalpha << user_set << ", "; // for (auto key : key_vector) { // std::cout << key << ", "; // } // std::cout << std::endl; // } continue; } } } bool Shortcuts::write_user() { Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(USER, KEYS, "default.xml")); return write(file, User); } // In principle, we only write User shortcuts. But for debugging, we might want to write something else. bool Shortcuts::write(Glib::RefPtr file, What what) { auto *document = new XML::SimpleDocument(); XML::Node * node = document->createElement("keys"); switch (what) { case User: node->setAttribute("name", "User Shortcuts"); break; case System: node->setAttribute("name", "System Shortcuts"); break; default: node->setAttribute("name", "Inkscape Shortcuts"); } document->appendChild(node); // Actions: write out all actions with accelerators. for (auto action_name : list_all_detailed_action_names()) { if ( what == All || (what == System && !action_user_set[action_name]) || (what == User && action_user_set[action_name]) ) { std::vector accels = app->get_accels_for_action(action_name); if (!accels.empty()) { XML::Node * node = document->createElement("bind"); node->setAttribute("gaction", action_name); Glib::ustring keys; for (auto accel : accels) { keys += accel; keys += ","; } keys.resize(keys.size() - 1); node->setAttribute("keys", keys); document->root()->appendChild(node); } } } for(auto modifier: Inkscape::Modifiers::Modifier::getList()) { if (what == User && modifier->is_set_user()) { XML::Node * node = document->createElement("modifier"); node->setAttribute("action", modifier->get_id()); if (modifier->get_config_user_disabled()) { node->setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { node->setAttribute("modifiers", modifier->get_config_user_and()); auto not_mask = modifier->get_config_user_not(); if (!not_mask.empty() and not_mask != "-") { node->setAttribute("not_modifiers", not_mask); } } document->root()->appendChild(node); } } sp_repr_save_file(document, file->get_path().c_str(), nullptr); GC::release(document); return true; }; // Return if user set shortcut for Gio::Action. bool Shortcuts::is_user_set(Glib::ustring& action) { auto it = action_user_set.find(action); if (it != action_user_set.end()) { return action_user_set[action]; } else { return false; } } // Get a list of detailed action names (as defined in action extra data). // This is more useful for shortcuts than a list of all actions. std::vector Shortcuts::list_all_detailed_action_names() { auto *iapp = InkscapeApplication::instance(); InkActionExtraData& action_data = iapp->get_action_extra_data(); return action_data.get_actions(); } // Get a list of all actions (application, window, and document), properly prefixed. // We need to do this ourselves as Gtk::Application does not have a function for this. std::vector Shortcuts::list_all_actions() { std::vector all_actions; std::vector actions = app->list_actions(); std::sort(actions.begin(), actions.end()); for (auto const &action : actions) { all_actions.emplace_back("app." + action); } auto gwindow = app->get_active_window(); auto window = dynamic_cast(gwindow); if (window) { std::vector actions = window->list_actions(); std::sort(actions.begin(), actions.end()); for (auto const &action : actions) { all_actions.emplace_back("win." + action); } auto document = window->get_document(); if (document) { auto map = document->getActionGroup(); if (map) { std::vector actions = map->list_actions(); for (auto const &action : actions) { all_actions.emplace_back("doc." + action); } } else { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::list_all_actions: No document map!" << std::endl; } } } return all_actions; } // Add a shortcut, removing any previous use of shortcut. bool Shortcuts::add_shortcut(Glib::ustring name, const Gtk::AccelKey& shortcut, bool user) { // Remove previous use of shortcut (already removed if new user shortcut). if (Glib::ustring old_name = remove_shortcut(shortcut); old_name != "") { // std::cerr << "Shortcut::add_shortcut: duplicate shortcut found for: " << shortcut.get_abbrev().raw() // << " Old: " << old_name.raw() << " New: " << name.raw() << " !" << std::endl; } // Add shortcut // To see if action exists, We need to compare action names without values... Glib::ustring action_name_new; Glib::VariantBase value_new; Gio::SimpleAction::parse_detailed_name_variant(name, action_name_new, value_new); for (auto const &action : list_all_detailed_action_names()) { Glib::ustring action_name_old; Glib::VariantBase value_old; Gio::SimpleAction::parse_detailed_name_variant(action, action_name_old, value_old); if (action_name_new == action_name_old) { std::vector accels; // Action exists, add shortcut to list of shortcuts, if it's not a user shortcut. // If it is a user-defined shortcut, then it replaces any defaults that might have been present. // That's what we show in the UI when we define shortcuts (only new one) and that's also // the only way to let user "overwrite" default shortcut, as there's no removal possible. if (!user) { accels = app->get_accels_for_action(name); } accels.push_back(shortcut.get_abbrev()); app->set_accels_for_action(name, accels); action_user_set[name] = user; _changed.emit(); return true; } } // Oops, not an action! std::cerr << "Shortcuts::add_shortcut: No Action for " << name.raw() << std::endl; return false; } // Add a user shortcut, updating user's shortcut file if successful. bool Shortcuts::add_user_shortcut(Glib::ustring name, const Gtk::AccelKey& shortcut) { // Remove previous shortcut(s) for action. remove_shortcut(name); // Remove previous use of shortcut from other actions. remove_shortcut(shortcut); // Add shortcut, if successful, save to file. if (add_shortcut(name, shortcut, true)) { // Always user. // Save return write_user(); } std::cerr << "Shortcut::add_user_shortcut: Failed to add: " << name.raw() << " with shortcut " << shortcut.get_abbrev().raw() << std::endl; return false; }; // Remove a shortcut via key. Return name of removed action. Glib::ustring Shortcuts::remove_shortcut(const Gtk::AccelKey& shortcut) { std::vector actions = app->get_actions_for_accel(shortcut.get_abbrev()); if (actions.empty()) { return Glib::ustring(); // No action, no pie. } Glib::ustring action_name; for (auto const &action : actions) { // Remove just the one shortcut, leaving the others intact. std::vector accels = app->get_accels_for_action(action); auto it = std::find(accels.begin(), accels.end(), shortcut.get_abbrev()); if (it != accels.end()) { action_name = action; accels.erase(it); _changed.emit(); } app->set_accels_for_action(action, accels); } return action_name; } // Remove a shortcut via action name. bool Shortcuts::remove_shortcut(Glib::ustring name) { for (auto const &action : list_all_detailed_action_names()) { if (action == name) { // Action exists app->unset_accels_for_action(action); action_user_set.erase(action); _changed.emit(); return true; } } return false; } // Remove a user shortcut, updating user's shortcut file. bool Shortcuts::remove_user_shortcut(Glib::ustring name) { // Check if really user shortcut. bool user_shortcut = is_user_set(name); if (!user_shortcut) { // We don't allow removing non-user shortcuts. return false; } if (remove_shortcut(name)) { // Save write_user(); // Reread to get original shortcut (if any). init(); return true; } std::cerr << "Shortcuts::remove_user_shortcut: Failed to remove shortcut for: " << name.raw() << std::endl; return false; } // Remove all user's shortcuts (simply overwrites existing file). bool Shortcuts::clear_user_shortcuts() { // Create new empty document and save auto *document = new XML::SimpleDocument(); XML::Node * node = document->createElement("keys"); node->setAttribute("name", "User Shortcuts"); document->appendChild(node); Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(get_path_string(USER, KEYS, "default.xml")); sp_repr_save_file(document, file->get_path().c_str(), nullptr); GC::release(document); // Re-read everything! init(); _changed.emit(); return true; } Glib::ustring Shortcuts::get_label(const Gtk::AccelKey& shortcut) { Glib::ustring label; if (!shortcut.is_null()) { // ::get_label shows key pad and numeric keys identically. // TODO: Results in labels like "Numpad Alt+5" if (shortcut.get_abbrev().find("KP") != Glib::ustring::npos) { label += _("Numpad"); label += " "; } label += Gtk::AccelGroup::get_label(shortcut.get_key(), shortcut.get_mod()); } return label; } /* * Return: keyval translated to group 0 in lower 32 bits, modifier encoded in upper 32 bits. * * Usage of group 0 (i.e. the main, typically English layout) instead of simply event->keyval * ensures that shortcuts work regardless of the active keyboard layout (e.g. Cyrillic). * * The returned modifiers are the modifiers that were not "consumed" by the translation and * can be used by the application to define a shortcut, e.g. * - when pressing "Shift+9" the resulting character is "("; * the shift key was "consumed" to make this character and should not be part of the shortcut * - when pressing "Ctrl+9" the resulting character is "9"; * the ctrl key was *not* consumed to make this character and must be included in the shortcut * - Exception: letter keys like [A-Z] always need the shift modifier, * otherwise lower case and uper case keys are treated as equivalent. */ Gtk::AccelKey Shortcuts::get_from_event(GdkEventKey const *event, bool fix) { // MOD2 corresponds to the NumLock key. Masking it out allows // shortcuts to work regardless of its state. Gdk::ModifierType initial_modifiers = Gdk::ModifierType(event->state & ~Gdk::MOD2_MASK); unsigned int consumed_modifiers = 0; //Gdk::ModifierType consumed_modifiers = Gdk::ModifierType(0); unsigned int keyval = Inkscape::UI::Tools::get_latin_keyval(event, &consumed_modifiers); // If a key value is "convertible", i.e. it has different lower case and upper case versions, // convert to lower case and don't consume the "shift" modifier. bool is_case_convertible = !(gdk_keyval_is_upper(keyval) && gdk_keyval_is_lower(keyval)); if (is_case_convertible) { keyval = gdk_keyval_to_lower(keyval); consumed_modifiers &= ~ Gdk::SHIFT_MASK; } // The InkscapePreferences dialog returns an event structure where the Shift modifier is not // set for keys like '('. This causes '(' to be converted to '9' by get_latin_keyval. It also // returns 'Shift-k' for 'K' (instead of 'Shift-K') but this is not a problem. // We fix this by restoring keyval to its original value. if (fix) { keyval = event->keyval; } auto unused_modifiers = Gdk::ModifierType((initial_modifiers &~ consumed_modifiers) & GDK_MODIFIER_MASK &~ GDK_LOCK_MASK); // std::cout << "Shortcuts::get_from_event: End: " // << " Key: " << std::hex << keyval << " (" << (char)keyval << ")" // << " Mod: " << std::hex << unused_modifiers << std::endl; return (Gtk::AccelKey(keyval, unused_modifiers)); } // Get a list of filenames to populate menu std::vector> Shortcuts::get_file_names() { // TODO Filenames should be std::string but that means changing the whole stack. using namespace Inkscape::IO::Resource; // Make a list of all key files from System and User. Glib::ustring should be std::string! std::vector filenames = get_filenames(SYSTEM, KEYS, {".xml"}); // Exclude default.xml as it only contains user modifications. std::vector filenames_shared = get_filenames(SHARED, KEYS, {".xml"}, {"default.xml"}); // Exclude default.xml as it only contains user modifications. std::vector filenames_user = get_filenames(USER, KEYS, {".xml"}, {"default.xml"}); filenames.insert(filenames.end(), filenames_user.begin(), filenames_user.end()); filenames.insert(filenames.end(), filenames_shared.begin(), filenames_shared.end()); // Check file exists and extract out label if it does. std::vector> names_and_paths; for (auto &filename : filenames) { std::string label = Glib::path_get_basename(filename); Glib::ustring filename_relative = sp_relative_path_from_path(filename, std::string(get_path(SYSTEM, KEYS))); XML::Document *document = sp_repr_read_file(filename.c_str(), nullptr, true); if (!document) { std::cerr << "Shortcut::get_file_names: could not parse file: " << filename.raw() << std::endl; continue; } XML::NodeConstSiblingIterator iter = document->firstChild(); for ( ; iter ; ++iter ) { // We iterate in case of comments. if (strcmp(iter->name(), "keys") == 0) { gchar const *name = iter->attribute("name"); if (name) { label = Glib::ustring(name) + " (" + label + ")"; } std::pair name_and_path = std::make_pair(label, filename_relative); names_and_paths.emplace_back(name_and_path); break; } } if (!iter) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::get_File_names: not a shortcut keys file: " << filename.raw() << std::endl; } Inkscape::GC::release(document); } // Sort by name std::sort(names_and_paths.begin(), names_and_paths.end(), [](std::pair pair1, std::pair pair2) { return Glib::path_get_basename(pair1.first).compare(Glib::path_get_basename(pair2.first)) < 0; }); // But default.xml at top auto it_default = std::find_if(names_and_paths.begin(), names_and_paths.end(), [](std::pair& pair) { return !Glib::path_get_basename(pair.second).compare("default.xml"); }); if (it_default != names_and_paths.end()) { std::rotate(names_and_paths.begin(), it_default, it_default+1); } return names_and_paths; } // void on_foreach(Gtk::Widget& widget) { // std::cout << "on_foreach: " << widget.get_name() << std::endl;; // } /* * Update text with shortcuts. * Inkscape includes shortcuts in tooltips and in dialog titles. They need to be updated * anytime a tooltip is changed. */ void Shortcuts::update_gui_text_recursive(Gtk::Widget* widget) { // NOT what we want // auto activatable = dynamic_cast(widget); // We must do this until GTK4 GtkWidget* gwidget = widget->gobj(); bool is_actionable = GTK_IS_ACTIONABLE(gwidget); if (is_actionable) { const gchar* gaction = gtk_actionable_get_action_name(GTK_ACTIONABLE(gwidget)); if (gaction) { Glib::ustring action = gaction; Glib::ustring variant; GVariant* gvariant = gtk_actionable_get_action_target_value(GTK_ACTIONABLE(gwidget)); if (gvariant) { Glib::ustring type = g_variant_get_type_string(gvariant); if (type == "s") { variant = g_variant_get_string(gvariant, nullptr); action += "('" + variant + "')"; } else if (type == "i") { variant = std::to_string(g_variant_get_int32(gvariant)); action += "(" + variant + ")"; } else { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::update_gui_text_recursive: unhandled variant type: " << type.raw() << std::endl; } } std::vector accels = app->get_accels_for_action(action); Glib::ustring tooltip; auto *iapp = InkscapeApplication::instance(); if (iapp) { tooltip = iapp->get_action_extra_data().get_tooltip_for_action(action, true, true); } // Add new primary accelerator. if (accels.size() > 0) { // Add space between tooltip and accel if there is a tooltip if (!tooltip.empty()) { tooltip += " "; } // Convert to more user friendly notation. unsigned int key = 0; Gdk::ModifierType mod = Gdk::ModifierType(0); Gtk::AccelGroup::parse(accels[0], key, mod); tooltip += "(" + Gtk::AccelGroup::get_label(key, mod) + ")"; } // Update tooltip. widget->set_tooltip_markup(tooltip); } } auto container = dynamic_cast(widget); if (container) { auto children = container->get_children(); for (auto child : children) { update_gui_text_recursive(child); } } } // Dialogs // Import user shortcuts from a file. bool Shortcuts::import_shortcuts() { // Users key directory. Glib::ustring directory = get_path_string(USER, KEYS, ""); // Create and show the dialog Gtk::Window* window = app->get_active_window(); if (!window) { return false; } Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FileOpenDialog *importFileDialog = Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FileOpenDialog::create(*window, directory, Inkscape::UI::Dialog::CUSTOM_TYPE, _("Select a file to import")); importFileDialog->addFilterMenu(_("Inkscape shortcuts (*.xml)"), "*.xml"); bool const success = importFileDialog->show(); if (!success) { delete importFileDialog; return false; } // Get file name and read. Glib::ustring path = importFileDialog->getFilename(); // It's a full path, not just a filename! delete importFileDialog; Glib::RefPtr file_read = Gio::File::create_for_path(path); if (!read(file_read, true)) { std::cerr << "Shortcuts::import_shortcuts: Failed to read file!" << std::endl; return false; } // Save return write_user(); }; bool Shortcuts::export_shortcuts() { // Users key directory. Glib::ustring directory = get_path_string(USER, KEYS, ""); // Create and show the dialog Gtk::Window* window = app->get_active_window(); if (!window) { return false; } Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FileSaveDialog *saveFileDialog = Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FileSaveDialog::create(*window, directory, Inkscape::UI::Dialog::CUSTOM_TYPE, _("Select a filename for export"), "", "", Inkscape::Extension::FILE_SAVE_METHOD_SAVE_AS); saveFileDialog->addFilterMenu(_("Inkscape shortcuts (*.xml)"), "*.xml"); saveFileDialog->setFilename("shortcuts.xml"); bool success = saveFileDialog->show(); // Get file name and write. if (success) { Glib::ustring path = saveFileDialog->getFilename(); // It's a full path, not just a filename! if (Inkscape::IO::get_file_extension(path) != ".xml") { path += ".xml"; } if (path.size() > 0) { Glib::ustring newFileName = Glib::filename_to_utf8(path); // Is this really correct? (Paths should be std::string.) Glib::RefPtr file = Gio::File::create_for_path(path); success = write(file, User); } else { // Can this ever happen? success = false; } } delete saveFileDialog; return success; }; /** Connects to a signal emitted whenever the shortcuts change */ sigc::connection Shortcuts::connect_changed(sigc::slot const &slot) { return _changed.connect(slot); } // For debugging. void Shortcuts::dump() { // What shortcuts are being used? std::vector modifiers { Gdk::ModifierType(0), Gdk::SHIFT_MASK, Gdk::CONTROL_MASK, Gdk::MOD1_MASK, Gdk::SHIFT_MASK | Gdk::CONTROL_MASK, Gdk::SHIFT_MASK | Gdk::MOD1_MASK, Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::MOD1_MASK, Gdk::SHIFT_MASK | Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::MOD1_MASK }; for (auto mod : modifiers) { for (gchar key = '!'; key <= '~'; ++key) { Glib::ustring action; Glib::ustring accel = Gtk::AccelGroup::name(key, mod); std::vector actions = app->get_actions_for_accel(accel); if (!actions.empty()) { action = actions[0]; } std::cout << " shortcut:" << " " << std::setw(8) << std::hex << mod << " " << std::setw(8) << std::hex << key << " " << std::setw(30) << std::left << accel << " " << action << std::endl; } } } void Shortcuts::dump_all_recursive(Gtk::Widget* widget) { static unsigned int indent = 0; ++indent; for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) std::cout << " "; // NOT what we want // auto activatable = dynamic_cast(widget); // We must do this until GTK4 GtkWidget* gwidget = widget->gobj(); bool is_actionable = GTK_IS_ACTIONABLE(gwidget); Glib::ustring action; if (is_actionable) { const gchar* gaction = gtk_actionable_get_action_name( GTK_ACTIONABLE(gwidget) ); if (gaction) { action = gaction; } } std::cout << widget->get_name() << ": actionable: " << std::boolalpha << is_actionable << ": " << widget->get_tooltip_text() << ": " << action << std::endl; auto container = dynamic_cast(widget); if (container) { auto children = container->get_children(); for (auto child : children) { dump_all_recursive(child); } } --indent; } } // Namespace /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :