// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** \file * Gtk helper code. */ /* * Authors: * Jabiertxof * Martin Owens * * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "themes.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "io/resource.h" #include "svg/svg-color.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svg/css-ostringstream.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-manager.h" #include "ui/dialog/dialog-window.h" #include "ui/util.h" #include "config.h" #if WITH_GSOURCEVIEW # include #endif namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { ThemeContext::ThemeContext() { } /** * Inkscape fill gtk, taken from glib/gtk code with our own checks. */ void ThemeContext::inkscape_fill_gtk(const gchar *path, gtkThemeList &themes) { const gchar *dir_entry; GDir *dir = g_dir_open(path, 0, nullptr); if (!dir) return; while ((dir_entry = g_dir_read_name(dir))) { gchar *filename = g_build_filename(path, dir_entry, "gtk-3.0", "gtk.css", nullptr); bool has_prefer_dark = false; Glib::ustring theme = dir_entry; gchar *filenamedark = g_build_filename(path, dir_entry, "gtk-3.0", "gtk-dark.css", nullptr); if (g_file_test(filenamedark, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) has_prefer_dark = true; if (themes.find(theme) != themes.end() && !has_prefer_dark) { continue; } if (g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { themes[theme] = has_prefer_dark; } g_free(filename); g_free(filenamedark); } g_dir_close(dir); } /** * Get available themes based on locations of gtk directories. */ std::map ThemeContext::get_available_themes() { gtkThemeList themes; Glib::ustring theme = ""; gchar *path; gchar **builtin_themes; guint i, j; const gchar *const *dirs; /* Builtin themes */ builtin_themes = g_resources_enumerate_children("/org/gtk/libgtk/theme", G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, nullptr); for (i = 0; builtin_themes[i] != NULL; i++) { if (g_str_has_suffix(builtin_themes[i], "/")) { theme = builtin_themes[i]; theme.resize(theme.size() - 1); Glib::ustring theme_path = "/org/gtk/libgtk/theme"; theme_path += "/" + theme; gchar **builtin_themes_files = g_resources_enumerate_children(theme_path.c_str(), G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, nullptr); bool has_prefer_dark = false; if (builtin_themes_files != NULL) { for (j = 0; builtin_themes_files[j] != NULL; j++) { Glib::ustring file = builtin_themes_files[j]; if (file == "gtk-dark.css") { has_prefer_dark = true; } } } g_strfreev(builtin_themes_files); themes[theme] = has_prefer_dark; } } g_strfreev(builtin_themes); path = g_build_filename(g_get_user_data_dir(), "themes", nullptr); inkscape_fill_gtk(path, themes); g_free(path); path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".themes", nullptr); inkscape_fill_gtk(path, themes); g_free(path); dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs(); for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i++) { path = g_build_filename(dirs[i], "themes", nullptr); inkscape_fill_gtk(path, themes); g_free(path); } return themes; } Glib::ustring ThemeContext::get_symbolic_colors() { Glib::ustring css_str; gchar colornamed[64]; gchar colornamedsuccess[64]; gchar colornamedwarning[64]; gchar colornamederror[64]; gchar colornamed_inverse[64]; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); Glib::ustring themeiconname = prefs->getString("/theme/iconTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultIconTheme", "")); guint32 colorsetbase = 0x2E3436ff; guint32 colorsetbase_inverse; guint32 colorsetsuccess = 0x4AD589ff; guint32 colorsetwarning = 0xF57900ff; guint32 colorseterror = 0xCC0000ff; colorsetbase = prefs->getUInt("/theme/" + themeiconname + "/symbolicBaseColor", colorsetbase); colorsetsuccess = prefs->getUInt("/theme/" + themeiconname + "/symbolicSuccessColor", colorsetsuccess); colorsetwarning = prefs->getUInt("/theme/" + themeiconname + "/symbolicWarningColor", colorsetwarning); colorseterror = prefs->getUInt("/theme/" + themeiconname + "/symbolicErrorColor", colorseterror); sp_svg_write_color(colornamed, sizeof(colornamed), colorsetbase); sp_svg_write_color(colornamedsuccess, sizeof(colornamedsuccess), colorsetsuccess); sp_svg_write_color(colornamedwarning, sizeof(colornamedwarning), colorsetwarning); sp_svg_write_color(colornamederror, sizeof(colornamederror), colorseterror); colorsetbase_inverse = colorsetbase ^ 0xffffff00; sp_svg_write_color(colornamed_inverse, sizeof(colornamed_inverse), colorsetbase_inverse); css_str += "@define-color warning_color " + Glib::ustring(colornamedwarning) + ";\n"; css_str += "@define-color error_color " + Glib::ustring(colornamederror) + ";\n"; css_str += "@define-color success_color " + Glib::ustring(colornamedsuccess) + ";\n"; /* ":not(.rawstyle) > image" works only on images in first level of widget container if in the future we use a complex widget with more levels and we dont want to tweak the color here, retaining default we can add more lines like ":not(.rawstyle) > > image" if we not override the color we use defautt theme colors*/ bool overridebasecolor = !prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicDefaultBaseColors", true); if (overridebasecolor) { css_str += "#InkRuler,"; css_str += ":not(.rawstyle) > image"; css_str += "{color:"; css_str += colornamed; css_str += ";}"; } css_str += ".dark .forcebright :not(.rawstyle) > image,"; css_str += ".dark .forcebright image:not(.rawstyle),"; css_str += ".bright .forcedark :not(.rawstyle) > image,"; css_str += ".bright .forcedark image:not(.rawstyle),"; css_str += ".dark :not(.rawstyle) > image.forcebright,"; css_str += ".dark image.forcebright:not(.rawstyle),"; css_str += ".bright :not(.rawstyle) > image.forcedark,"; css_str += ".bright image.forcedark:not(.rawstyle),"; css_str += ".inverse :not(.rawstyle) > image,"; css_str += ".inverse image:not(.rawstyle)"; css_str += "{color:"; if (overridebasecolor) { css_str += colornamed_inverse; } else { // we override base color in this special cases using inverse color css_str += "@theme_bg_color"; } css_str += ";}"; return css_str; } std::string sp_tweak_background_colors(std::string cssstring, double crossfade, double contrast, bool dark) { static std::regex re_no_affect("(inherit|unset|initial|none|url)"); static std::regex re_color("background-color( ){0,3}:(.*?);"); static std::regex re_image("background-image( ){0,3}:(.*?\\)) *?;"); std::string sub = ""; std::smatch m; std::regex_search(cssstring, m, re_no_affect); if (m.size() == 0) { if (cssstring.find("background-color") != std::string::npos) { sub = "background-color:shade($2," + Glib::ustring::format(crossfade) + ");"; cssstring = std::regex_replace(cssstring, re_color, sub); } else if (cssstring.find("background-image") != std::string::npos) { if (dark) { contrast = std::clamp((int)((contrast) * 27), 0, 100); sub = "background-image:cross-fade(" + Glib::ustring::format(contrast) + "% image(rgb(255,255,255)), image($2));"; } else { contrast = std::clamp((int)((contrast) * 90), 0 , 100); sub = "background-image:cross-fade(" + Glib::ustring::format(contrast) + "% image(rgb(0,0,0)), image($2));"; } cssstring = std::regex_replace(cssstring, re_image, sub); } } else { cssstring = ""; } return cssstring; } static void show_parsing_error(const Glib::RefPtr& section, const Glib::Error& error) { #ifndef NDEBUG g_warning("There is a warning parsing theme CSS:: %s", error.what().c_str()); #endif } // callback for a "narrow spinbutton" preference change struct NarrowSpinbuttonObserver : Preferences::Observer { NarrowSpinbuttonObserver(const char* path, Glib::RefPtr provider): Preferences::Observer(path), _provider(std::move(provider)) {} void notify(Preferences::Entry const& new_val) override { auto screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default(); if (new_val.getBool()) { Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _provider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } else { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _provider); } } Glib::RefPtr _provider; }; /** * \brief Add our CSS style sheets * @param only_providers: Apply only the providers part, from inkscape preferences::theme change, no need to reaply */ void ThemeContext::add_gtk_css(bool only_providers, bool cached) { using namespace Inkscape::IO::Resource; // Add style sheet (GTK3) auto const screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); gchar *gtkThemeName = nullptr; gchar *gtkIconThemeName = nullptr; Glib::ustring themeiconname; gboolean gtkApplicationPreferDarkTheme; GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); if (settings && !only_providers) { g_object_get(settings, "gtk-icon-theme-name", >kIconThemeName, nullptr); g_object_get(settings, "gtk-theme-name", >kThemeName, nullptr); g_object_get(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", >kApplicationPreferDarkTheme, nullptr); prefs->setBool("/theme/defaultPreferDarkTheme", gtkApplicationPreferDarkTheme); prefs->setString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", Glib::ustring(gtkThemeName)); prefs->setString("/theme/defaultIconTheme", Glib::ustring(gtkIconThemeName)); Glib::ustring gtkthemename = prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme"); if (gtkthemename != "") { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", gtkthemename.c_str(), nullptr); } bool preferdarktheme = prefs->getBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", false); g_object_set(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", preferdarktheme, nullptr); themeiconname = prefs->getString("/theme/iconTheme"); if (themeiconname != "") { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-icon-theme-name", themeiconname.c_str(), nullptr); } } g_free(gtkThemeName); g_free(gtkIconThemeName); int themecontrast = prefs->getInt("/theme/contrast", 10); if (!_contrastthemeprovider) { _contrastthemeprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); // We can uncomment this line to remove warnings and errors on the theme _contrastthemeprovider->signal_parsing_error().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(show_parsing_error)); } static std::string cssstringcached = ""; // we use contrast only if is setup (!= 10) if (themecontrast < 10) { Glib::ustring css_contrast = ""; double contrast = (10 - themecontrast) / 30.0; double shade = 1 - contrast; const gchar *variant = nullptr; if (prefs->getBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", false)) { variant = "dark"; } bool dark = prefs->getBool("/theme/darkTheme", false); if (dark) { contrast *= 2.5; shade = 1 + contrast; } Glib::ustring current_theme = prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", "")); std::string cssstring = ""; if (cached && !cssstringcached.empty()) { cssstring = cssstringcached; } else { GtkCssProvider *current_themeprovider = gtk_css_provider_get_named(current_theme.c_str(), variant); cssstring = gtk_css_provider_to_string(current_themeprovider); } if (contrast) { std::string cssdefined = ""; // we do this way to fix issue Inkscape#2345 // windows seem crash if text length > 2000; std::istringstream f(cssstring); std::string line; while (std::getline(f, line)) { // here we ignore most of class to parse because is in additive mode // so stiles not applied are set on previous context style if (line.find(";") != std::string::npos && line.find("background-image") == std::string::npos && line.find("background-color") == std::string::npos) { continue; } cssdefined += sp_tweak_background_colors(line, shade, contrast, dark); cssdefined += "\n"; if (!cached) { cssstringcached += line; cssstringcached += "\n"; } } if (!cached) { // Split on curly brackets. Even tokens are selectors, odd are values. std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[}{]", cssstringcached); cssstringcached = ""; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.size() - 1; i += 2) { Glib::ustring selector = tokens[i]; Glib::ustring properties = ""; if ((i + 1) < tokens.size()) { properties = tokens[i + 1]; } if (properties.find(";") != Glib::ustring::npos) { cssstringcached += selector; cssstringcached += "{\n"; cssstringcached += properties; cssstringcached += "}\n"; } } } cssstring = cssdefined; } if (!cssstring.empty()) { // Use c format allow parse with errors or warnings gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (_contrastthemeprovider->gobj(), cssstring.c_str(), -1, nullptr); Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _contrastthemeprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_SETTINGS); } } else { cssstringcached = ""; if (_contrastthemeprovider) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _contrastthemeprovider); } } Glib::ustring style = get_filename(UIS, "style.css"); if (!style.empty()) { if (_styleprovider) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _styleprovider); } if (!_styleprovider) { _styleprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); } try { _styleprovider->load_from_path(style); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_path(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", style.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _styleprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } // load small CSS snippet to style spinbuttons by removing excessive padding if (!_spinbuttonprovider) { _spinbuttonprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); Glib::ustring style = get_filename(UIS, "spinbutton.css"); if (!style.empty()) { try { _spinbuttonprovider->load_from_path(style); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_path(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", style.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } } } _spinbutton_observer = std::make_unique("/theme/narrowSpinButton", _spinbuttonprovider); // note: ideally we should remove the callback during destruction, but ThemeContext is never deleted prefs->addObserver(*_spinbutton_observer); // establish default value, so both this setting here and checkbox in preferences are in sync if (!prefs->getEntry(_spinbutton_observer->observed_path).isValid()) { prefs->setBool(_spinbutton_observer->observed_path, true); } _spinbutton_observer->notify(prefs->getEntry(_spinbutton_observer->observed_path)); Glib::ustring gtkthemename = prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", "")); gtkthemename += ".css"; style = get_filename(UIS, gtkthemename.c_str(), false, true); if (!style.empty()) { if (_themeprovider) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _themeprovider); } if (!_themeprovider) { _themeprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); } try { _themeprovider->load_from_path(style); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_path(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", style.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _themeprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } if (!_colorizeprovider) { _colorizeprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); } Glib::ustring css_str = ""; if (prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", false)) { css_str = get_symbolic_colors(); } try { _colorizeprovider->load_from_data(css_str); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_data(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", css_str.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _colorizeprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); #if __APPLE__ Glib::ustring macstyle = get_filename(UIS, "mac.css"); if (!macstyle.empty()) { if (_macstyleprovider) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _macstyleprovider); } if (!_macstyleprovider) { _macstyleprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); } try { _macstyleprovider->load_from_path(macstyle); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_path(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", macstyle.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _macstyleprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } #endif style = get_filename(UIS, "user.css"); if (!style.empty()) { if (_userprovider) { Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _userprovider); } if (!_userprovider) { _userprovider = Gtk::CssProvider::create(); } try { _userprovider->load_from_path(style); } catch (const Gtk::CssProviderError &ex) { g_critical("CSSProviderError::load_from_path(): failed to load '%s'\n(%s)", style.c_str(), ex.what().c_str()); } Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _userprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } } /** * Check if current applied theme is dark or not by looking at style context. * This is important to check system default theme is dark or not * It only return True for dark and False for Bright. It does not apply any * property other than preferDarkTheme, so theme should be set before calling * this function as it may otherwise return outdated result. */ bool ThemeContext::isCurrentThemeDark(Gtk::Container *window) { bool dark = false; if (window) { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); Glib::ustring current_theme = prefs->getString("/theme/gtkTheme", prefs->getString("/theme/defaultGtkTheme", "")); auto settings = Gtk::Settings::get_default(); if (settings) { settings->property_gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme() = prefs->getBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", false); } dark = current_theme.find(":dark") != std::string::npos; // if theme is dark or we use contrast slider feature and have set preferDarkTheme we force the theme dark // and avoid color check, this fix a issue with low contrast themes bad switch of dark theme toggle dark = dark || (prefs->getInt("/theme/contrast", 10) != 10 && prefs->getBool("/theme/preferDarkTheme", false)); if (!dark) { Glib::RefPtr stylecontext = window->get_style_context(); Gdk::RGBA rgba; bool background_set = stylecontext->lookup_color("theme_bg_color", rgba); if (background_set && (0.299 * rgba.get_red() + 0.587 * rgba.get_green() + 0.114 * rgba.get_blue()) < 0.5) { dark = true; } } } return dark; } void ThemeContext::themechangecallback() { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); // sync "dark" class between app window and floating dialog windows to ensure that // CSS providers relying on it apply in dialog windows too auto dark = prefs->getBool("/theme/darkTheme", false); std::vector winds; for (auto wnd : Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DialogManager::singleton().get_all_floating_dialog_windows()) { winds.push_back(dynamic_cast(wnd)); } if (auto desktops = INKSCAPE.get_desktops()) { for (auto & desktop : *desktops) { if (desktop == SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) { winds.push_back(dynamic_cast(desktop->getToplevel())); } else { winds.insert(winds.begin(), dynamic_cast(desktop->getToplevel())); } } } for (auto wnd : winds) { if (Glib::RefPtr w = wnd->get_window()) { set_dark_tittlebar(w, dark); } if (dark) { wnd->get_style_context()->add_class("dark"); wnd->get_style_context()->remove_class("bright"); } else { wnd->get_style_context()->add_class("bright"); wnd->get_style_context()->remove_class("dark"); } if (prefs->getBool("/theme/symbolicIcons", false)) { wnd->get_style_context()->add_class("symbolic"); wnd->get_style_context()->remove_class("regular"); } else { wnd->get_style_context()->add_class("regular"); wnd->get_style_context()->remove_class("symbolic"); } #if (defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)) wnd->present(); #endif } // set default highlight colors (dark/light theme-specific) if (!winds.empty()) { set_default_highlight_colors(getHighlightColors(winds.front())); } // select default syntax coloring theme, if needed if (auto desktop = INKSCAPE.active_desktop()) { select_default_syntax_style(isCurrentThemeDark(desktop->getToplevel())); } } /** * Load the highlight colours from the current theme. If the theme changes * you can call this function again to refresh the list. */ std::vector ThemeContext::getHighlightColors(Gtk::Window *window) { std::vector colors; if (!window) return colors; Glib::ustring name = "highlight-color-"; for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) { auto context = Gtk::StyleContext::create(); // The highlight colors will be attached to a GtkWidget // but it isn't neccessary to use this in the .css file. auto path = window->get_style_context()->get_path(); path.path_append_type(Gtk::Widget::get_type()); path.iter_add_class(-1, name + Glib::ustring::format(i)); context->set_path(path); // Get the color from the new context auto color = context->get_color(); guint32 rgba = gint32(0xff * color.get_red()) << 24 | gint32(0xff * color.get_green()) << 16 | gint32(0xff * color.get_blue()) << 8 | gint32(0xff * color.get_alpha()); colors.push_back(rgba); } return colors; } void ThemeContext::adjustGlobalFontScale(double factor) { if (factor < 0.1 || factor > 10) { g_warning("Invalid font scaling factor %f in ThemeContext::adjust_global_font_scale", factor); return; } auto screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default(); Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_screen(screen, _fontsizeprovider); Inkscape::CSSOStringStream os; os.precision(3); os << "widget, menuitem, popover { font-size: " << factor << "rem; }\n"; os << ".mono-font {"; auto desc = getMonospacedFont(); os << "font-family: " << desc.get_family() << ";"; switch (desc.get_style()) { case Pango::STYLE_ITALIC: os << "font-style: italic;"; break; case Pango::STYLE_OBLIQUE: os << "font-style: oblique;"; break; } os << "font-weight: " << static_cast(desc.get_weight()) << ";"; double size = desc.get_size(); os << "font-size: " << factor * (desc.get_size_is_absolute() ? size : size / Pango::SCALE) << "px;"; os << "}"; _fontsizeprovider->load_from_data(os.str()); // note: priority set to APP - 1 to make sure styles.css take precedence over generic font-size Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen(screen, _fontsizeprovider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION - 1); } void ThemeContext::initialize_source_syntax_styles() { #if WITH_GSOURCEVIEW auto manager = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_default(); // to reset path: gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_set_search_path(manager, nullptr); auto themes = IO::Resource::get_path_string(IO::Resource::SYSTEM, IO::Resource::UIS, "syntax-themes"); gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_prepend_search_path(manager, themes.c_str()); #endif } void ThemeContext::select_default_syntax_style(bool dark_theme) { #if WITH_GSOURCEVIEW auto prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); auto default_theme = prefs->getString("/theme/syntax-color-theme"); auto light = "inkscape-light"; auto dark = "inkscape-dark"; if (default_theme.empty() || default_theme == light || default_theme == dark) { prefs->setString("/theme/syntax-color-theme", dark_theme ? dark : light); } #endif } void ThemeContext::saveMonospacedFont(Pango::FontDescription desc) { Preferences::get()->setString(get_monospaced_font_pref_path(), desc.to_string()); } Pango::FontDescription ThemeContext::getMonospacedFont() const { auto font = Preferences::get()->getString(get_monospaced_font_pref_path(), "Monospace 13"); return Pango::FontDescription(font); } double ThemeContext::getFontScale() const { return Preferences::get()->getDoubleLimited(get_font_scale_pref_path(), 100.0, 10.0, 500.0); } void ThemeContext::saveFontScale(double scale) { Preferences::get()->setDouble(get_font_scale_pref_path(), scale); } } // UI } // Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :