// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** * @file * Multi path manipulator - implementation. */ /* Authors: * Krzysztof KosiƄski * Abhishek Sharma * * Copyright (C) 2009 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include #include "desktop.h" #include "document.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "message-stack.h" #include "node.h" #include "live_effects/lpeobject.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include "ui/icon-names.h" #include "ui/tool/control-point-selection.h" #include "ui/tool/event-utils.h" #include "ui/tool/multi-path-manipulator.h" #include "ui/tool/path-manipulator.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace { struct hash_nodelist_iterator { std::size_t operator()(NodeList::iterator i) const { return std::hash()(&*i); } }; typedef std::pair IterPair; typedef std::vector IterPairList; typedef std::unordered_set IterSet; typedef std::multimap DistanceMap; typedef std::pair DistanceMapItem; /** Find pairs of selected endnodes suitable for joining. */ void find_join_iterators(ControlPointSelection &sel, IterPairList &pairs) { IterSet join_iters; // find all endnodes in selection for (auto i : sel) { Node *node = dynamic_cast(i); if (!node) continue; NodeList::iterator iter = NodeList::get_iterator(node); if (!iter.next() || !iter.prev()) join_iters.insert(iter); } if (join_iters.size() < 2) return; // Below we find the closest pairs. The algorithm is O(N^3). // We can go down to O(N^2 log N) by using O(N^2) memory, by putting all pairs // with their distances in a multimap (not worth it IMO). while (join_iters.size() >= 2) { double closest = DBL_MAX; IterPair closest_pair; for (IterSet::iterator i = join_iters.begin(); i != join_iters.end(); ++i) { for (IterSet::iterator j = join_iters.begin(); j != i; ++j) { double dist = Geom::distance(**i, **j); if (dist < closest) { closest = dist; closest_pair = std::make_pair(*i, *j); } } } pairs.push_back(closest_pair); join_iters.erase(closest_pair.first); join_iters.erase(closest_pair.second); } } /** After this function, first should be at the end of path and second at the beginning. * @returns True if the nodes are in the same subpath */ bool prepare_join(IterPair &join_iters) { if (&NodeList::get(join_iters.first) == &NodeList::get(join_iters.second)) { if (join_iters.first.next()) // if first is begin, swap the iterators std::swap(join_iters.first, join_iters.second); return true; } NodeList &sp_first = NodeList::get(join_iters.first); NodeList &sp_second = NodeList::get(join_iters.second); if (join_iters.first.next()) { // first is begin if (join_iters.second.next()) { // second is begin sp_first.reverse(); } else { // second is end std::swap(join_iters.first, join_iters.second); } } else { // first is end if (join_iters.second.next()) { // second is begin // do nothing } else { // second is end sp_second.reverse(); } } return false; } } // anonymous namespace MultiPathManipulator::MultiPathManipulator(PathSharedData &data, sigc::connection &chg) : PointManipulator(data.node_data.desktop, *data.node_data.selection) , _path_data(data) , _changed(chg) { _selection.signal_commit.connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MultiPathManipulator::_commit)); _selection.signal_selection_changed.connect( sigc::hide( sigc::hide( signal_coords_changed.make_slot()))); } MultiPathManipulator::~MultiPathManipulator() { _mmap.clear(); } /** Remove empty manipulators. */ void MultiPathManipulator::cleanup() { for (MapType::iterator i = _mmap.begin(); i != _mmap.end(); ) { if (i->second->empty()) i = _mmap.erase(i); else ++i; } } /** * Change the set of items to edit. * * This method attempts to preserve as much of the state as possible. */ void MultiPathManipulator::setItems(std::set const &s) { std::set shapes(s); // iterate over currently edited items, modifying / removing them as necessary for (MapType::iterator i = _mmap.begin(); i != _mmap.end();) { std::set::iterator si = shapes.find(i->first); if (si == shapes.end()) { // This item is no longer supposed to be edited - remove its manipulator i = _mmap.erase(i); } else { ShapeRecord const &sr = i->first; ShapeRecord const &sr_new = *si; // if the shape record differs, replace the key only and modify other values if (sr.edit_transform != sr_new.edit_transform || sr.role != sr_new.role) { std::shared_ptr hold(i->second); if (sr.edit_transform != sr_new.edit_transform) hold->setControlsTransform(sr_new.edit_transform); if (sr.role != sr_new.role) { //hold->setOutlineColor(_getOutlineColor(sr_new.role)); } i = _mmap.erase(i); _mmap.insert(std::make_pair(sr_new, hold)); } else { ++i; } shapes.erase(si); // remove the processed record } } // add newly selected items for (const auto & r : shapes) { auto lpobj = cast(r.object); if (!is(r.object) && !lpobj) continue; std::shared_ptr newpm(new PathManipulator(*this, (SPPath*) r.object, r.edit_transform, _getOutlineColor(r.role, r.object), r.lpe_key)); newpm->showHandles(_show_handles); // always show outlines for clips and masks newpm->showOutline(_show_outline || r.role != SHAPE_ROLE_NORMAL); newpm->showPathDirection(_show_path_direction); newpm->setLiveOutline(_live_outline); newpm->setLiveObjects(_live_objects); _mmap.insert(std::make_pair(r, newpm)); } } void MultiPathManipulator::selectSubpaths() { if (_selection.empty()) { _selection.selectAll(); } else { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::selectSubpaths); } } void MultiPathManipulator::shiftSelection(int dir) { if (empty()) return; // 1. find last selected node // 2. select the next node; if the last node or nothing is selected, // select first node MapType::iterator last_i; SubpathList::iterator last_j; NodeList::iterator last_k; bool anything_found = false; bool anynode_found = false; for (MapType::iterator i = _mmap.begin(); i != _mmap.end(); ++i) { SubpathList &sp = i->second->subpathList(); for (SubpathList::iterator j = sp.begin(); j != sp.end(); ++j) { anynode_found = true; for (NodeList::iterator k = (*j)->begin(); k != (*j)->end(); ++k) { if (k->selected()) { last_i = i; last_j = j; last_k = k; anything_found = true; // when tabbing backwards, we want the first node if (dir == -1) goto exit_loop; } } } } exit_loop: // NOTE: we should not assume the _selection contains only nodes // in future it might also contain handles and other types of control points // this is why we use a flag instead in the loop above, instead of calling // selection.empty() if (!anything_found) { // select first / last node // this should never fail because there must be at least 1 non-empty manipulator if (anynode_found) { if (dir == 1) { _selection.insert((*_mmap.begin()->second->subpathList().begin())->begin().ptr()); } else { _selection.insert((--(*--(--_mmap.end())->second->subpathList().end())->end()).ptr()); } } return; } // three levels deep - w00t! if (dir == 1) { if (++last_k == (*last_j)->end()) { // here, last_k points to the node to be selected ++last_j; if (last_j == last_i->second->subpathList().end()) { ++last_i; if (last_i == _mmap.end()) { last_i = _mmap.begin(); } last_j = last_i->second->subpathList().begin(); } last_k = (*last_j)->begin(); } } else { if (!last_k || last_k == (*last_j)->begin()) { if (last_j == last_i->second->subpathList().begin()) { if (last_i == _mmap.begin()) { last_i = _mmap.end(); } --last_i; last_j = last_i->second->subpathList().end(); } --last_j; last_k = (*last_j)->end(); } --last_k; } _selection.clear(); _selection.insert(last_k.ptr()); } void MultiPathManipulator::invertSelectionInSubpaths() { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::invertSelectionInSubpaths); } void MultiPathManipulator::setNodeType(NodeType type) { if (_selection.empty()) return; // When all selected nodes are already cusp, retract their handles bool retract_handles = (type == NODE_CUSP); for (auto i : _selection) { Node *node = dynamic_cast(i); if (node) { retract_handles &= (node->type() == NODE_CUSP); node->setType(type); } } if (retract_handles) { for (auto i : _selection) { Node *node = dynamic_cast(i); if (node) { node->front()->retract(); node->back()->retract(); } } } _done(retract_handles ? _("Retract handles") : _("Change node type")); } void MultiPathManipulator::setSegmentType(SegmentType type) { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::setSegmentType, type); if (type == SEGMENT_STRAIGHT) { _done(_("Straighten segments")); } else { _done(_("Make segments curves")); } } void MultiPathManipulator::insertNodes() { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::insertNodes); _done(_("Add nodes")); } void MultiPathManipulator::insertNodesAtExtrema(ExtremumType extremum) { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::insertNodeAtExtremum, extremum); _done(_("Add extremum nodes")); } void MultiPathManipulator::insertNode(Geom::Point pt) { // When double clicking to insert nodes, we might not have a selection of nodes (and we don't need one) // so don't check for "_selection.empty()" here, contrary to the other methods above and below this one invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::insertNode, pt); _done(_("Add nodes")); } void MultiPathManipulator::duplicateNodes() { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::duplicateNodes); _done(_("Duplicate nodes")); } void MultiPathManipulator::copySelectedPath(Geom::PathBuilder *builder) { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::copySelectedPath, builder); _done(_("Copy nodes")); } void MultiPathManipulator::joinNodes() { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::hideDragPoint); // Node join has two parts. In the first one we join two subpaths by fusing endpoints // into one. In the second we fuse nodes in each subpath. IterPairList joins; NodeList::iterator preserve_pos; Node *mouseover_node = dynamic_cast(ControlPoint::mouseovered_point); if (mouseover_node) { preserve_pos = NodeList::get_iterator(mouseover_node); } find_join_iterators(_selection, joins); for (auto & join : joins) { bool same_path = prepare_join(join); NodeList &sp_first = NodeList::get(join.first); NodeList &sp_second = NodeList::get(join.second); join.first->setType(NODE_CUSP, false); Geom::Point joined_pos, pos_handle_front, pos_handle_back; pos_handle_front = *join.second->front(); pos_handle_back = *join.first->back(); // When we encounter the mouseover node, we unset the iterator - it will be invalidated if (join.first == preserve_pos) { joined_pos = *join.first; preserve_pos = NodeList::iterator(); } else if (join.second == preserve_pos) { joined_pos = *join.second; preserve_pos = NodeList::iterator(); } else { joined_pos = Geom::middle_point(*join.first, *join.second); } // if the handles aren't degenerate, don't move them join.first->move(joined_pos); Node *joined_node = join.first.ptr(); if (!join.second->front()->isDegenerate()) { joined_node->front()->setPosition(pos_handle_front); } if (!join.first->back()->isDegenerate()) { joined_node->back()->setPosition(pos_handle_back); } sp_second.erase(join.second); if (same_path) { sp_first.setClosed(true); } else { sp_first.splice(sp_first.end(), sp_second); sp_second.kill(); } _selection.insert(join.first.ptr()); } if (joins.empty()) { // Second part replaces contiguous selections of nodes with single nodes invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::weldNodes, preserve_pos); } _doneWithCleanup(_("Join nodes"), true); } void MultiPathManipulator::breakNodes() { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::breakNodes); _done(_("Break nodes"), true); } void MultiPathManipulator::deleteNodes(bool keep_shape) { deleteNodes(keep_shape ? NodeDeleteMode::curve_fit : NodeDeleteMode::line_segment); } void MultiPathManipulator::deleteNodes(NodeDeleteMode mode) { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::deleteNodes, mode); _doneWithCleanup(_("Delete nodes"), true); } /** Join selected endpoints to create segments. */ void MultiPathManipulator::joinSegments() { if (_selection.empty()) return; IterPairList joins; find_join_iterators(_selection, joins); for (auto & join : joins) { bool same_path = prepare_join(join); NodeList &sp_first = NodeList::get(join.first); NodeList &sp_second = NodeList::get(join.second); join.first->setType(NODE_CUSP, false); join.second->setType(NODE_CUSP, false); if (same_path) { sp_first.setClosed(true); } else { sp_first.splice(sp_first.end(), sp_second); sp_second.kill(); } } if (joins.empty()) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::weldSegments); } _doneWithCleanup("Join segments", true); } void MultiPathManipulator::deleteSegments() { if (_selection.empty()) return; invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::deleteSegments); _doneWithCleanup("Delete segments", true); } void MultiPathManipulator::alignNodes(Geom::Dim2 d, AlignTargetNode target) { if (_selection.empty()) return; _selection.align(d, target); if (d == Geom::X) { _done("Align nodes to a horizontal line"); } else { _done("Align nodes to a vertical line"); } } void MultiPathManipulator::distributeNodes(Geom::Dim2 d) { if (_selection.empty()) return; _selection.distribute(d); if (d == Geom::X) { _done("Distribute nodes horizontally"); } else { _done("Distribute nodes vertically"); } } void MultiPathManipulator::reverseSubpaths() { if (_selection.empty()) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::reverseSubpaths, false); _done("Reverse subpaths"); } else { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::reverseSubpaths, true); _done("Reverse selected subpaths"); } } void MultiPathManipulator::move(Geom::Point const &delta) { if (_selection.empty()) return; _selection.transform(Geom::Translate(delta)); _done("Move nodes"); } void MultiPathManipulator::showOutline(bool show) { for (auto & i : _mmap) { // always show outlines for clipping paths and masks i.second->showOutline(show || i.first.role != SHAPE_ROLE_NORMAL); } _show_outline = show; } void MultiPathManipulator::showHandles(bool show) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::showHandles, show); _show_handles = show; } void MultiPathManipulator::showPathDirection(bool show) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::showPathDirection, show); _show_path_direction = show; } /** * Set live outline update status. * When set to true, outline will be updated continuously when dragging * or transforming nodes. Otherwise it will only update when changes are committed * to XML. */ void MultiPathManipulator::setLiveOutline(bool set) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::setLiveOutline, set); _live_outline = set; } /** * Set live object update status. * When set to true, objects will be updated continuously when dragging * or transforming nodes. Otherwise they will only update when changes are committed * to XML. */ void MultiPathManipulator::setLiveObjects(bool set) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::setLiveObjects, set); _live_objects = set; } void MultiPathManipulator::updateOutlineColors() { //for (MapType::iterator i = _mmap.begin(); i != _mmap.end(); ++i) { // i->second->setOutlineColor(_getOutlineColor(i->first.role)); //} } void MultiPathManipulator::updateHandles() { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::updateHandles); } void MultiPathManipulator::updatePaths() { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::updatePath); } bool MultiPathManipulator::event(Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase *event_context, GdkEvent *event) { _tracker.event(event); guint key = 0; if (event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) { key = shortcut_key(event->key); } // Single handle adjustments go here. if (_selection.size() == 1 && event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) { do { Node *n = dynamic_cast(*_selection.begin()); if (!n) break; PathManipulator &pm = n->nodeList().subpathList().pm(); int which = 0; if (_tracker.rightAlt() || _tracker.rightControl()) { which = 1; } if (_tracker.leftAlt() || _tracker.leftControl()) { if (which != 0) break; // ambiguous which = -1; } if (which == 0) break; // no handle chosen bool one_pixel = _tracker.leftAlt() || _tracker.rightAlt(); bool handled = true; switch (key) { // single handle functions // rotation case GDK_KEY_bracketleft: case GDK_KEY_braceleft: pm.rotateHandle(n, which, -_desktop->yaxisdir(), one_pixel); break; case GDK_KEY_bracketright: case GDK_KEY_braceright: pm.rotateHandle(n, which, _desktop->yaxisdir(), one_pixel); break; // adjust length case GDK_KEY_period: case GDK_KEY_greater: pm.scaleHandle(n, which, 1, one_pixel); break; case GDK_KEY_comma: case GDK_KEY_less: pm.scaleHandle(n, which, -1, one_pixel); break; default: handled = false; break; } if (handled) return true; } while(false); } switch (event->type) { case GDK_KEY_PRESS: switch (key) { case GDK_KEY_Insert: case GDK_KEY_KP_Insert: // Insert - insert nodes in the middle of selected segments insertNodes(); return true; case GDK_KEY_i: case GDK_KEY_I: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+I - insert nodes (alternate keybinding for Mac keyboards // that don't have the Insert key) insertNodes(); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_d: case GDK_KEY_D: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { duplicateNodes(); return true; } case GDK_KEY_j: case GDK_KEY_J: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+J - join nodes joinNodes(); return true; } if (held_only_alt(event->key)) { // Alt+J - join segments joinSegments(); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_b: case GDK_KEY_B: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+B - break nodes breakNodes(); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_Delete: case GDK_KEY_KP_Delete: case GDK_KEY_BackSpace: if (held_shift(event->key)) break; if (held_alt(event->key)) { // Alt+Delete - delete segments deleteSegments(); } else { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool del_preserves_shape = prefs->getBool("/tools/nodes/delete_preserves_shape", true); //MK: how can multi-path-manipulator know it is dealing with a bspline if it's checking tool mode??? /* // pass keep_shape = true when: // a) del preserves shape, and control is not pressed // b) ctrl+del preserves shape (del_preserves_shape is false), and control is pressed // Hence xor guint mode = prefs->getInt("/tools/freehand/pen/freehand-mode", 0); //if the trace is bspline ( mode 2) if(mode==2){ // is this correct ? if(del_preserves_shape ^ held_control(event->key)){ deleteNodes(false); } else { deleteNodes(true); } } else { */ auto mode = held_control(event->key) ? (del_preserves_shape ? NodeDeleteMode::inverse_auto : NodeDeleteMode::curve_fit) : (del_preserves_shape ? NodeDeleteMode::automatic : NodeDeleteMode::line_segment); deleteNodes(mode); // Delete any selected gradient nodes as well event_context->deleteSelectedDrag(held_control(event->key)); } return true; case GDK_KEY_c: case GDK_KEY_C: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+C - make nodes cusp setNodeType(NODE_CUSP); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_s: case GDK_KEY_S: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+S - make nodes smooth setNodeType(NODE_SMOOTH); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_a: case GDK_KEY_A: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+A - make nodes auto-smooth setNodeType(NODE_AUTO); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_y: case GDK_KEY_Y: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+Y - make nodes symmetric setNodeType(NODE_SYMMETRIC); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_r: case GDK_KEY_R: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+R - reverse subpaths reverseSubpaths(); return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_l: case GDK_KEY_L: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+L - make segments linear setSegmentType(SEGMENT_STRAIGHT); return true; } case GDK_KEY_u: case GDK_KEY_U: if (held_only_shift(event->key)) { // Shift+U - make segments curves setSegmentType(SEGMENT_CUBIC_BEZIER); return true; } default: break; } break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: for (auto & i : _mmap) { if (i.second->event(event_context, event)) return true; } break; default: break; } return false; } /** Commit changes to XML and add undo stack entry based on the action that was done. Invoked * by sub-manipulators, for example TransformHandleSet and ControlPointSelection. */ void MultiPathManipulator::_commit(CommitEvent cps) { gchar const *reason = nullptr; gchar const *key = nullptr; switch(cps) { case COMMIT_MOUSE_MOVE: reason = _("Move nodes"); break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_MOVE_X: reason = _("Move nodes horizontally"); key = "node:move:x"; break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_MOVE_Y: reason = _("Move nodes vertically"); key = "node:move:y"; break; case COMMIT_MOUSE_ROTATE: reason = _("Rotate nodes"); break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_ROTATE: reason = _("Rotate nodes"); key = "node:rotate"; break; case COMMIT_MOUSE_SCALE_UNIFORM: reason = _("Scale nodes uniformly"); break; case COMMIT_MOUSE_SCALE: reason = _("Scale nodes"); break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_SCALE_UNIFORM: reason = _("Scale nodes uniformly"); key = "node:scale:uniform"; break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_SCALE_X: reason = _("Scale nodes horizontally"); key = "node:scale:x"; break; case COMMIT_KEYBOARD_SCALE_Y: reason = _("Scale nodes vertically"); key = "node:scale:y"; break; case COMMIT_MOUSE_SKEW_X: reason = _("Skew nodes horizontally"); key = "node:skew:x"; break; case COMMIT_MOUSE_SKEW_Y: reason = _("Skew nodes vertically"); key = "node:skew:y"; break; case COMMIT_FLIP_X: reason = _("Flip nodes horizontally"); break; case COMMIT_FLIP_Y: reason = _("Flip nodes vertically"); break; default: return; } _selection.signal_update.emit(); invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::writeXML); if (key) { DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), key, reason, INKSCAPE_ICON("tool-node-editor")); } else { DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), reason, INKSCAPE_ICON("tool-node-editor")); } signal_coords_changed.emit(); } /** Commits changes to XML and adds undo stack entry. */ void MultiPathManipulator::_done(gchar const *reason, bool alert_LPE) { invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::update, alert_LPE); invokeForAll(&PathManipulator::writeXML); DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), reason, INKSCAPE_ICON("tool-node-editor")); signal_coords_changed.emit(); } /** Commits changes to XML, adds undo stack entry and removes empty manipulators. */ void MultiPathManipulator::_doneWithCleanup(gchar const *reason, bool alert_LPE) { _changed.block(); _done(reason, alert_LPE); cleanup(); _changed.unblock(); } /** Get an outline color based on the shape's role (normal, mask, LPE parameter, etc.). */ guint32 MultiPathManipulator::_getOutlineColor(ShapeRole role, SPObject *object) { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); switch(role) { case SHAPE_ROLE_CLIPPING_PATH: return prefs->getColor("/tools/nodes/clipping_path_color", 0x00ff00ff); case SHAPE_ROLE_MASK: return prefs->getColor("/tools/nodes/mask_color", 0x0000ffff); case SHAPE_ROLE_LPE_PARAM: return prefs->getColor("/tools/nodes/lpe_param_color", 0x009000ff); case SHAPE_ROLE_NORMAL: default: return cast(object)->highlight_color(); } } } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :