// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Authors: * Johan Engelen * bulia byak * Bryce W. Harrington * Lauris Kaplinski * Jon Phillips * Ralf Stephan (Gtkmm) * Abhishek Sharma * * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "registered-widget.h" #include #include "object/sp-root.h" #include "svg/svg-color.h" #include "svg/stringstream.h" #include namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { /*######################################### * Registered CHECKBUTTON */ RegisteredCheckButton::RegisteredCheckButton (const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, bool right, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in, char const *active_str, char const *inactive_str) : RegisteredWidget() , _active_str(active_str) , _inactive_str(inactive_str) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; set_tooltip_text (tip); Gtk::Label *l = new Gtk::Label(); l->set_markup(label); l->set_use_underline (true); add (*manage (l)); if(right) set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END); else set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); } void RegisteredCheckButton::setActive (bool b) { setProgrammatically = true; set_active (b); //The slave button is greyed out if the master button is unchecked for (std::list::const_iterator i = _slavewidgets.begin(); i != _slavewidgets.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_sensitive(b); } setProgrammatically = false; } void RegisteredCheckButton::on_toggled() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); write_to_xml(get_active() ? _active_str : _inactive_str); //The slave button is greyed out if the master button is unchecked for (std::list::const_iterator i = _slavewidgets.begin(); i != _slavewidgets.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_sensitive(get_active()); } _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered TOGGLEBUTTON */ RegisteredToggleButton::RegisteredToggleButton (const Glib::ustring& /*label*/, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, bool right, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in, char const *icon_active, char const *icon_inactive) : RegisteredWidget() { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; set_tooltip_text (tip); if(right) set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END); else set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); } void RegisteredToggleButton::setActive (bool b) { setProgrammatically = true; set_active (b); //The slave button is greyed out if the master button is untoggled for (std::list::const_iterator i = _slavewidgets.begin(); i != _slavewidgets.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_sensitive(b); } setProgrammatically = false; } void RegisteredToggleButton::on_toggled() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); write_to_xml(get_active() ? "true" : "false"); //The slave button is greyed out if the master button is untoggled for (std::list::const_iterator i = _slavewidgets.begin(); i != _slavewidgets.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_sensitive(get_active()); } _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered UNITMENU */ RegisteredUnitMenu::~RegisteredUnitMenu() { _changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredUnitMenu::RegisteredUnitMenu (const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in) : RegisteredWidget (label, "" /*tooltip*/, new UnitMenu()) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); getUnitMenu()->setUnitType (UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR); _changed_connection = getUnitMenu()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredUnitMenu::on_changed)); } void RegisteredUnitMenu::setUnit (Glib::ustring unit) { getUnitMenu()->setUnit(unit); } void RegisteredUnitMenu::on_changed() { if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getUnitMenu()->getUnitAbbr(); _wr->setUpdating (true); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered SCALARUNIT */ RegisteredScalarUnit::~RegisteredScalarUnit() { _value_changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredScalarUnit::RegisteredScalarUnit (const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, const RegisteredUnitMenu &rum, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in, RSU_UserUnits user_units) : RegisteredWidget(label, tip, UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR, "", "", rum.getUnitMenu()), _um(nullptr) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; initScalar (-1e6, 1e6); setUnit (rum.getUnitMenu()->getUnitAbbr()); setDigits (2); _um = rum.getUnitMenu(); _user_units = user_units; _value_changed_connection = signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredScalarUnit::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredScalarUnit::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; if (_user_units != RSU_none) { // Output length in 'user units', taking into account scale in 'x' or 'y'. double scale = 1.0; if (doc) { SPRoot *root = doc->getRoot(); if (root->viewBox_set) { // check to see if scaling is uniform if(Geom::are_near((root->viewBox.width() * root->height.computed) / (root->width.computed * root->viewBox.height()), 1.0, Geom::EPSILON)) { scale = (root->viewBox.width() / root->width.computed + root->viewBox.height() / root->height.computed)/2.0; } else if (_user_units == RSU_x) { scale = root->viewBox.width() / root->width.computed; } else { scale = root->viewBox.height() / root->height.computed; } } } os << getValue("px") * scale; } else { // Output using unit identifiers. os << getValue(""); if (_um) os << _um->getUnitAbbr(); } write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered SCALAR */ RegisteredScalar::~RegisteredScalar() { _value_changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredScalar::RegisteredScalar ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument * doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget(label, tip) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; setRange (-1e6, 1e6); setDigits (2); setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _value_changed_connection = signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredScalar::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredScalar::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) { return; } _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; //Force exact 0 if decimals over to 6 double val = getValue() < 1e-6 && getValue() > -1e-6?0.0:getValue(); os << val; //TODO: Test is ok remove this sensitives //also removed in registered text and in registered random //set_sensitive(false); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); //set_sensitive(true); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered TEXT */ RegisteredText::~RegisteredText() { _activate_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredText::RegisteredText ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument * doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget(label, tip) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; _activate_connection = signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredText::on_activate)); } void RegisteredText::on_activate() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) { return; } _wr->setUpdating (true); Glib::ustring str(getText()); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << str; write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered COLORPICKER */ RegisteredColorPicker::RegisteredColorPicker(const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& title, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& ckey, const Glib::ustring& akey, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in) : RegisteredWidget (label, title, tip, 0, true) { init_parent("", wr, repr_in, doc_in); _ckey = ckey; _akey = akey; _changed_connection = connectChanged (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredColorPicker::on_changed)); } RegisteredColorPicker::~RegisteredColorPicker() { _changed_connection.disconnect(); } void RegisteredColorPicker::setRgba32 (guint32 rgba) { LabelledColorPicker::setRgba32 (rgba); } void RegisteredColorPicker::closeWindow() { LabelledColorPicker::closeWindow(); } void RegisteredColorPicker::on_changed (guint32 rgba) { if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); // Use local repr here. When repr is specified, use that one, but // if repr==NULL, get the repr of namedview of active desktop. Inkscape::XML::Node *local_repr = repr; SPDocument *local_doc = doc; if (!local_repr) { SPDesktop *dt = _wr->desktop(); if (!dt) { _wr->setUpdating(false); return; } local_repr = dt->getNamedView()->getRepr(); local_doc = dt->getDocument(); } gchar c[32]; if (_akey == _ckey + "_opacity_LPE") { //For LPE parameter we want stored with alpha sprintf(c, "#%08x", rgba); } else { sp_svg_write_color(c, sizeof(c), rgba); } { DocumentUndo::ScopedInsensitive _no_undo(local_doc); local_repr->setAttribute(_ckey, c); local_repr->setAttributeCssDouble(_akey.c_str(), (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0); } local_doc->setModifiedSinceSave(); DocumentUndo::done(local_doc, "registered-widget.cpp: RegisteredColorPicker::on_changed", ""); // TODO Fix description. _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered SUFFIXEDINTEGER */ RegisteredSuffixedInteger::~RegisteredSuffixedInteger() { _changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredSuffixedInteger::RegisteredSuffixedInteger (const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& suffix, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in) : RegisteredWidget(label, tip, 0, suffix), setProgrammatically(false) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setRange (0, 1e6); setDigits (0); setIncrements(1, 10); _changed_connection = signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RegisteredSuffixedInteger::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredSuffixedInteger::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getValue(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered RADIOBUTTONPAIR */ RegisteredRadioButtonPair::~RegisteredRadioButtonPair() { _changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredRadioButtonPair::RegisteredRadioButtonPair (const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& label1, const Glib::ustring& label2, const Glib::ustring& tip1, const Glib::ustring& tip2, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument *doc_in) : RegisteredWidget(), _rb1(nullptr), _rb2(nullptr) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; set_orientation(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); add(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(label))); _rb1 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::RadioButton(label1, true)); add (*_rb1); Gtk::RadioButtonGroup group = _rb1->get_group(); _rb2 = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::RadioButton(group, label2, true)); add (*_rb2); _rb2->set_active(); _rb1->set_tooltip_text(tip1); _rb2->set_tooltip_text(tip2); _changed_connection = _rb1->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredRadioButtonPair::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredRadioButtonPair::setValue (bool second) { if (!_rb1 || !_rb2) return; setProgrammatically = true; if (second) { _rb2->set_active(); } else { _rb1->set_active(); } } void RegisteredRadioButtonPair::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); bool second = _rb2->get_active(); write_to_xml(second ? "true" : "false"); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered POINT */ RegisteredPoint::~RegisteredPoint() { _value_x_changed_connection.disconnect(); _value_y_changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredPoint::RegisteredPoint ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument* doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget (label, tip) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setRange (-1e6, 1e6); setDigits (2); setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _value_x_changed_connection = signal_x_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredPoint::on_value_changed)); _value_y_changed_connection = signal_y_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredPoint::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredPoint::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getXValue() << "," << getYValue(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered TRANSFORMEDPOINT */ RegisteredTransformedPoint::~RegisteredTransformedPoint() { _value_x_changed_connection.disconnect(); _value_y_changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredTransformedPoint::RegisteredTransformedPoint ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument* doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget (label, tip), to_svg(Geom::identity()) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setRange (-1e6, 1e6); setDigits (2); setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _value_x_changed_connection = signal_x_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredTransformedPoint::on_value_changed)); _value_y_changed_connection = signal_y_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredTransformedPoint::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredTransformedPoint::setValue(Geom::Point const & p) { Geom::Point new_p = p * to_svg.inverse(); Point::setValue(new_p); // the Point widget should display things in canvas coordinates } void RegisteredTransformedPoint::setTransform(Geom::Affine const & canvas_to_svg) { // check if matrix is singular / has inverse if ( ! canvas_to_svg.isSingular() ) { to_svg = canvas_to_svg; } else { // set back to default to_svg = Geom::identity(); } } void RegisteredTransformedPoint::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Geom::Point pos = getValue() * to_svg; Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pos; write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered TRANSFORMEDPOINT */ RegisteredVector::~RegisteredVector() { _value_x_changed_connection.disconnect(); _value_y_changed_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredVector::RegisteredVector ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument* doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget (label, tip), _polar_coords(false) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setRange (-1e6, 1e6); setDigits (2); setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _value_x_changed_connection = signal_x_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredVector::on_value_changed)); _value_y_changed_connection = signal_y_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredVector::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredVector::setValue(Geom::Point const & p) { if (!_polar_coords) { Point::setValue(p); } else { Geom::Point polar; polar[Geom::X] = atan2(p) *180/M_PI; polar[Geom::Y] = p.length(); Point::setValue(polar); } } void RegisteredVector::setValue(Geom::Point const & p, Geom::Point const & origin) { RegisteredVector::setValue(p); _origin = origin; } void RegisteredVector::setPolarCoords(bool polar_coords) { _polar_coords = polar_coords; if (polar_coords) { xwidget.setLabelText(_("Angle:")); ywidget.setLabelText(_("Distance:")); } else { xwidget.setLabelText(_("X:")); ywidget.setLabelText(_("Y:")); } } void RegisteredVector::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Geom::Point origin = _origin; Geom::Point vector = getValue(); if (_polar_coords) { vector = Geom::Point::polar(vector[Geom::X]*M_PI/180, vector[Geom::Y]); } Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << origin << " , " << vector; write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered RANDOM */ RegisteredRandom::~RegisteredRandom() { _value_changed_connection.disconnect(); _reseeded_connection.disconnect(); } RegisteredRandom::RegisteredRandom ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument * doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget (label, tip) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); setProgrammatically = false; setRange (-1e6, 1e6); setDigits (2); setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _value_changed_connection = signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredRandom::on_value_changed)); _reseeded_connection = signal_reseeded.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RegisteredRandom::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredRandom::setValue (double val, long startseed) { Scalar::setValue (val); setStartSeed(startseed); } void RegisteredRandom::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) { return; } _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; //Force exact 0 if decimals over to 6 double val = getValue() < 1e-6 && getValue() > -1e-6?0.0:getValue(); os << val << ';' << getStartSeed(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } /*######################################### * Registered FONT-BUTTON */ RegisteredFontButton::~RegisteredFontButton() { _signal_font_set.disconnect(); } RegisteredFontButton::RegisteredFontButton ( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip, const Glib::ustring& key, Registry& wr, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr_in, SPDocument* doc_in ) : RegisteredWidget(label, tip) { init_parent(key, wr, repr_in, doc_in); _signal_font_set = signal_font_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegisteredFontButton::on_value_changed)); } void RegisteredFontButton::setValue (Glib::ustring fontspec) { FontButton::setValue(fontspec); } void RegisteredFontButton::on_value_changed() { if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getValue(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); } } // namespace Dialog } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :