// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** * @file * Static style swatch (fill, stroke, opacity). */ /* Authors: * buliabyak@gmail.com * Krzysztof KosiƄski * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "style-swatch.h" #include #include #include #include "inkscape.h" #include "style.h" #include "actions/actions-tools.h" // Open tool preferences. #include "object/sp-linear-gradient.h" #include "object/sp-pattern.h" #include "object/sp-radial-gradient.h" #include "ui/widget/color-preview.h" #include "util/units.h" #include "widgets/spw-utilities.h" #include "xml/sp-css-attr.h" #include "xml/attribute-record.h" enum { SS_FILL, SS_STROKE }; namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { /** * Watches whether the tool uses the current style. */ class StyleSwatch::ToolObserver : public Inkscape::Preferences::Observer { public: ToolObserver(Glib::ustring const &path, StyleSwatch &ss) : Observer(path), _style_swatch(ss) {} void notify(Inkscape::Preferences::Entry const &val) override; private: StyleSwatch &_style_swatch; }; /** * Watches for changes in the observed style pref. */ class StyleSwatch::StyleObserver : public Inkscape::Preferences::Observer { public: StyleObserver(Glib::ustring const &path, StyleSwatch &ss) : Observer(path), _style_swatch(ss) { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); this->notify(prefs->getEntry(path)); } void notify(Inkscape::Preferences::Entry const &val) override { SPCSSAttr *css = val.getInheritedStyle(); _style_swatch.setStyle(css); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); } private: StyleSwatch &_style_swatch; }; void StyleSwatch::ToolObserver::notify(Inkscape::Preferences::Entry const &val) { bool usecurrent = val.getBool(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); if (_style_swatch._style_obs) delete _style_swatch._style_obs; if (usecurrent) { _style_swatch._style_obs = new StyleObserver("/desktop/style", _style_swatch); // If desktop's last-set style is empty, a tool uses its own fixed style even if set to use // last-set (so long as it's empty). To correctly show this, we get the tool's style // if the desktop's style is empty. SPCSSAttr *css = prefs->getStyle("/desktop/style"); const auto & al = css->attributeList(); if (al.empty()) { SPCSSAttr *css2 = prefs->getInheritedStyle(_style_swatch._tool_path + "/style"); _style_swatch.setStyle(css2); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css2); } sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); } else { _style_swatch._style_obs = new StyleObserver(_style_swatch._tool_path + "/style", _style_swatch); } prefs->addObserver(*_style_swatch._style_obs); } StyleSwatch::StyleSwatch(SPCSSAttr *css, gchar const *main_tip, Gtk::Orientation orient) : Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL), _desktop(nullptr), _css(nullptr), _tool_obs(nullptr), _style_obs(nullptr), _table(Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Grid())), _sw_unit(nullptr), _stroke(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { set_name("StyleSwatch"); _label[SS_FILL].set_markup(_("Fill:")); _label[SS_STROKE].set_markup(_("Stroke:")); for (int i = SS_FILL; i <= SS_STROKE; i++) { _label[i].set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); _label[i].set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); _label[i].set_margin_top(0); _label[i].set_margin_bottom(0); _label[i].set_margin_start(0); _label[i].set_margin_end(0); _color_preview[i] = new Inkscape::UI::Widget::ColorPreview (0); } _opacity_value.set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); _opacity_value.set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); _opacity_value.set_margin_top(0); _opacity_value.set_margin_bottom(0); _opacity_value.set_margin_start(0); _opacity_value.set_margin_end(0); _table->set_column_spacing(2); _table->set_row_spacing(0); _stroke.pack_start(_place[SS_STROKE]); _stroke_width_place.add(_stroke_width); _stroke.pack_start(_stroke_width_place, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); _opacity_place.add(_opacity_value); if (orient == Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { _table->attach(_label[SS_FILL], 0, 0, 1, 1); _table->attach(_label[SS_STROKE], 0, 1, 1, 1); _table->attach(_place[SS_FILL], 1, 0, 1, 1); _table->attach(_stroke, 1, 1, 1, 1); _table->attach(_empty_space, 2, 0, 1, 2); _table->attach(_opacity_place, 2, 0, 1, 2); _swatch.add(*_table); pack_start(_swatch, true, true, 0); set_size_request (STYLE_SWATCH_WIDTH, -1); } else { _table->set_column_spacing(4); _table->attach(_label[SS_FILL], 0, 0, 1, 1); _table->attach(_place[SS_FILL], 1, 0, 1, 1); _label[SS_STROKE].set_margin_start(6); _table->attach(_label[SS_STROKE], 2, 0, 1, 1); _table->attach(_stroke, 3, 0, 1, 1); _opacity_place.set_margin_start(6); _table->attach(_opacity_place, 4, 0, 1, 1); _swatch.add(*_table); pack_start(_swatch, true, true, 0); int patch_w = 6 * 6; _place[SS_FILL].set_size_request(patch_w, -1); _place[SS_STROKE].set_size_request(patch_w, -1); } setStyle (css); _swatch.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StyleSwatch::on_click)); if (main_tip) { _swatch.set_tooltip_text(main_tip); } } void StyleSwatch::setToolName(const Glib::ustring& tool_name) { _tool_name = tool_name; } void StyleSwatch::setDesktop(SPDesktop *desktop) { _desktop = desktop; } bool StyleSwatch::on_click(GdkEventButton */*event*/) { if (_desktop && !_tool_name.empty()) { auto win = _desktop->getInkscapeWindow(); open_tool_preferences(win, _tool_name); return true; } return false; } StyleSwatch::~StyleSwatch() { if (_css) sp_repr_css_attr_unref (_css); for (int i = SS_FILL; i <= SS_STROKE; i++) { delete _color_preview[i]; } if (_style_obs) delete _style_obs; if (_tool_obs) delete _tool_obs; } void StyleSwatch::setWatchedTool(const char *path, bool synthesize) { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); if (_tool_obs) { delete _tool_obs; _tool_obs = nullptr; } if (path) { _tool_path = path; _tool_obs = new ToolObserver(_tool_path + "/usecurrent", *this); prefs->addObserver(*_tool_obs); } else { _tool_path = ""; } // hack until there is a real synthesize events function for prefs, // which shouldn't be hard to write once there is sufficient need for it if (synthesize && _tool_obs) { _tool_obs->notify(prefs->getEntry(_tool_path + "/usecurrent")); } } void StyleSwatch::setStyle(SPCSSAttr *css) { if (_css) sp_repr_css_attr_unref (_css); if (!css) return; _css = sp_repr_css_attr_new(); sp_repr_css_merge(_css, css); Glib::ustring css_string; sp_repr_css_write_string (_css, css_string); SPStyle style(_desktop ? _desktop->getDocument() : nullptr); if (!css_string.empty()) { style.mergeString(css_string.c_str()); } setStyle (&style); } void StyleSwatch::setStyle(SPStyle *query) { _place[SS_FILL].remove(); _place[SS_STROKE].remove(); bool has_stroke = true; for (int i = SS_FILL; i <= SS_STROKE; i++) { Gtk::EventBox *place = &(_place[i]); SPIPaint *paint; if (i == SS_FILL) { paint = &(query->fill); } else { paint = &(query->stroke); } if (paint->set && paint->isPaintserver()) { SPPaintServer *server = (i == SS_FILL)? SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER (query) : SP_STYLE_STROKE_SERVER (query); if (is(server)) { _value[i].set_markup(_("L Gradient")); place->add(_value[i]); place->set_tooltip_text((i == SS_FILL)? (_("Linear gradient (fill)")) : (_("Linear gradient (stroke)"))); } else if (is(server)) { _value[i].set_markup(_("R Gradient")); place->add(_value[i]); place->set_tooltip_text((i == SS_FILL)? (_("Radial gradient (fill)")) : (_("Radial gradient (stroke)"))); } else if (is(server)) { _value[i].set_markup(_("Pattern")); place->add(_value[i]); place->set_tooltip_text((i == SS_FILL)? (_("Pattern (fill)")) : (_("Pattern (stroke)"))); } } else if (paint->set && paint->isColor()) { guint32 color = paint->value.color.toRGBA32( SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT ((i == SS_FILL)? query->fill_opacity.value : query->stroke_opacity.value) ); ((Inkscape::UI::Widget::ColorPreview*)_color_preview[i])->setRgba32 (color); _color_preview[i]->show_all(); place->add(*_color_preview[i]); gchar *tip; if (i == SS_FILL) { tip = g_strdup_printf (_("Fill: %06x/%.3g"), color >> 8, SP_RGBA32_A_F(color)); } else { tip = g_strdup_printf (_("Stroke: %06x/%.3g"), color >> 8, SP_RGBA32_A_F(color)); } place->set_tooltip_text(tip); g_free (tip); } else if (paint->set && paint->isNone()) { _value[i].set_markup(C_("Fill and stroke", "None")); place->add(_value[i]); place->set_tooltip_text((i == SS_FILL)? (C_("Fill and stroke", "No fill")) : (C_("Fill and stroke", "No stroke"))); if (i == SS_STROKE) has_stroke = false; } else if (!paint->set) { _value[i].set_markup(_("Unset")); place->add(_value[i]); place->set_tooltip_text((i == SS_FILL)? (_("Unset fill")) : (_("Unset stroke"))); if (i == SS_STROKE) has_stroke = false; } } // Now query stroke_width if (has_stroke) { if (query->stroke_extensions.hairline) { Glib::ustring swidth = ""; swidth += _("Hairline"); swidth += ""; _stroke_width.set_markup(swidth.c_str()); auto str = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Stroke width: %1"), _("Hairline")); _stroke_width_place.set_tooltip_text(str); } else { double w; if (_sw_unit) { w = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(query->stroke_width.computed, "px", _sw_unit); } else { w = query->stroke_width.computed; } { gchar *str = g_strdup_printf(" %.3g", w); Glib::ustring swidth = ""; swidth += str; swidth += ""; _stroke_width.set_markup(swidth.c_str()); g_free (str); } { gchar *str = g_strdup_printf(_("Stroke width: %.5g%s"), w, _sw_unit? _sw_unit->abbr.c_str() : "px"); _stroke_width_place.set_tooltip_text(str); g_free (str); } } } else { _stroke_width_place.set_tooltip_text(""); _stroke_width.set_markup(""); _stroke_width.set_has_tooltip(false); } gdouble op = SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(query->opacity.value); if (op != 1) { { gchar *str; str = g_strdup_printf(_("O: %2.0f"), (op*100.0)); Glib::ustring opacity = ""; opacity += str; opacity += ""; _opacity_value.set_markup (opacity.c_str()); g_free (str); } { gchar *str = g_strdup_printf(_("Opacity: %2.1f %%"), (op*100.0)); _opacity_place.set_tooltip_text(str); g_free (str); } } else { _opacity_place.set_tooltip_text(""); _opacity_value.set_markup(""); _opacity_value.set_has_tooltip(false); } show_all(); } } // namespace Widget } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :