// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #ifndef SEEN_SP_DESKTOP_WIDGET_H #define SEEN_SP_DESKTOP_WIDGET_H /** \file * SPDesktopWidget: handling Gtk events on a desktop. * * Authors: * Jon A. Cruz (c) 2010 * John Bintz (c) 2006 * Ralf Stephan (c) 2005 * Abhishek Sharma * ? -2004 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #include #include <2geom/point.h> #include #include #include "message.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "ui/view/view-widget.h" #include "display/control/canvas-item-ptr.h" // forward declaration typedef struct _EgeColorProfTracker EgeColorProfTracker; class InkscapeWindow; struct SPCanvasItem; class SPDocument; class SPDesktop; struct SPDesktopWidget; class SPObject; namespace Inkscape { class CanvasItemGuideLine; namespace UI { namespace Dialog { class DialogContainer; class DialogMultipaned; class SwatchesPanel; } // namespace Dialog namespace Widget { class Button; class Canvas; class CanvasGrid; class LayerSelector; class PageSelector; class SelectedStyle; class SpinButton; class Ruler; } // namespace Widget } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape #define SP_DESKTOP_WIDGET(o) dynamic_cast(o) #define SP_IS_DESKTOP_WIDGET(o) bool(dynamic_cast(o)) void sp_desktop_widget_show_decorations(SPDesktopWidget *dtw, gboolean show); void sp_desktop_widget_update_hruler (SPDesktopWidget *dtw); void sp_desktop_widget_update_vruler (SPDesktopWidget *dtw); /* Show/hide rulers & scrollbars */ void sp_desktop_widget_update_scrollbars (SPDesktopWidget *dtw, double scale); /// A GtkEventBox on an SPDesktop. class SPDesktopWidget : public SPViewWidget { using parent_type = SPViewWidget; SPDesktopWidget(InkscapeWindow *inkscape_window); public: SPDesktopWidget(InkscapeWindow *inkscape_window, SPDocument *document); ~SPDesktopWidget() override; Inkscape::UI::Widget::CanvasGrid *get_canvas_grid() { return _canvas_grid; } // Temp, I hope! Inkscape::UI::Widget::Canvas *get_canvas() { return _canvas; } Gio::ActionMap* get_action_map(); void on_realize() override; void on_unrealize() override; sigc::connection modified_connection; SPDesktop *desktop = nullptr; InkscapeWindow *window = nullptr; Gtk::MenuBar *_menubar; private: // Flags for ruler event handling bool _ruler_clicked = false; ///< True if the ruler has been clicked bool _ruler_dragged = false; ///< True if a drag on the ruler is occurring bool update = false; CanvasItemPtr _active_guide; ///< The guide being handled during a ruler event Geom::Point _normal; ///< Normal to the guide currently being handled during ruler event int _xp = 0; ///< x coordinate for start of drag int _yp = 0; ///< y coordinate for start of drag // The root vbox of the window layout. Gtk::Box *_vbox; Gtk::Paned *_tbbox; Gtk::Box *_hbox; Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DialogContainer *_container = nullptr; Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DialogMultipaned *_columns; Gtk::Grid* _top_toolbars; Gtk::Box *_statusbar; Inkscape::UI::Dialog::SwatchesPanel *_panels; Glib::RefPtr _hadj; Glib::RefPtr _vadj; Gtk::Grid *_coord_status; Gtk::Label *_select_status; Gtk::Label *_coord_status_x; Gtk::Label *_coord_status_y; Gtk::Box* _zoom_status_box; Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton *_zoom_status; sigc::connection _zoom_status_input_connection; sigc::connection _zoom_status_output_connection; sigc::connection _zoom_status_value_changed_connection; sigc::connection _zoom_status_populate_popup_connection; Gtk::Box* _rotation_status_box; Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton *_rotation_status = nullptr; sigc::connection _rotation_status_input_connection; sigc::connection _rotation_status_output_connection; sigc::connection _rotation_status_value_changed_connection; sigc::connection _rotation_status_populate_popup_connection; Inkscape::UI::Widget::SelectedStyle *_selected_style; /** A grid for display the canvas, rulers, and scrollbars. */ Inkscape::UI::Widget::CanvasGrid *_canvas_grid; unsigned int _interaction_disabled_counter = 0; public: double _dt2r; private: Inkscape::UI::Widget::Canvas *_canvas = nullptr; std::vector _connections; Inkscape::PrefObserver _statusbar_preferences_observer; Inkscape::UI::Widget::LayerSelector* _layer_selector; Inkscape::UI::Widget::PageSelector* _page_selector; public: EgeColorProfTracker* _tracker; void setMessage(Inkscape::MessageType type, gchar const *message); void viewSetPosition (Geom::Point p); void letZoomGrabFocus(); void getWindowGeometry (gint &x, gint &y, gint &w, gint &h); void setWindowPosition (Geom::Point p); void setWindowSize (gint w, gint h); void setWindowTransient (void *p, int transient_policy); void presentWindow(); bool showInfoDialog( Glib::ustring const &message ); bool warnDialog (Glib::ustring const &text); Gtk::Toolbar* get_toolbar_by_name(const Glib::ustring& name); void setToolboxFocusTo (gchar const *); void setToolboxAdjustmentValue (gchar const * id, double value); bool isToolboxButtonActive (gchar const *id); void setCoordinateStatus(Geom::Point p); void enableInteraction(); void disableInteraction(); void updateTitle(gchar const *uri); bool onFocusInEvent(GdkEventFocus *); Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DialogContainer *getDialogContainer(); void showNotice(Glib::ustring const &msg, unsigned timeout = 0); Gtk::MenuBar *menubar() { return _menubar; } void updateNamedview(); void update_guides_lock(); // Canvas Grid Widget void cms_adjust_set_sensitive(bool enabled); bool get_color_prof_adj_enabled() const; void toggle_color_prof_adj(); void update_zoom(); void update_rotation(); void update_rulers(); void repack_snaptoolbar(); void iconify(); void maximize(); void fullscreen(); static gint ruler_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, SPDesktopWidget *dtw, bool horiz); void layoutWidgets(); void toggle_scrollbars(); void update_scrollbars(double scale); void toggle_command_palette(); void toggle_rulers(); void sticky_zoom_toggled(); void sticky_zoom_updated(); Gtk::Widget *get_tool_toolbox() const { return Glib::wrap(tool_toolbox); } private: GtkWidget *tool_toolbox; GtkWidget *aux_toolbox; GtkWidget *commands_toolbox; GtkWidget *snap_toolbox; Inkscape::PrefObserver _tb_snap_pos; Inkscape::PrefObserver _tb_icon_sizes1; Inkscape::PrefObserver _tb_icon_sizes2; Inkscape::PrefObserver _tb_visible_buttons; Inkscape::PrefObserver _ds_sticky_zoom; void namedviewModified(SPObject *obj, guint flags); int zoom_input(double *new_val); bool zoom_output(); void zoom_value_changed(); void zoom_menu_handler(double factor); void zoom_populate_popup(Gtk::Menu *menu); bool rotation_output(); void rotation_value_changed(); void rotation_populate_popup(Gtk::Menu *menu); //void canvas_tbl_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation &allocation); void update_statusbar_visibility(); void apply_ctrlbar_settings(); public: void cms_adjust_toggled(); private: static void color_profile_event(EgeColorProfTracker *tracker, SPDesktopWidget *dtw); static void ruler_snap_new_guide(SPDesktop *desktop, Geom::Point &event_dt, Geom::Point &normal); static gint event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, SPDesktopWidget *dtw); public: // Move to CanvasGrid bool on_ruler_box_button_press_event(GdkEventButton *event, Gtk::Widget *widget, bool horiz); bool on_ruler_box_button_release_event(GdkEventButton *event, Gtk::Widget *widget, bool horiz); bool on_ruler_box_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion *event, Gtk::Widget *widget, bool horiz); void on_adjustment_value_changed(); }; #endif /* !SEEN_SP_DESKTOP_WIDGET_H */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :