intel-microcode for Debian -------------------------- Adding new microcodes to the package: * Regular microcode bundles (upstream releases): Add them to the top-level dir, names must match the patterns: * microcode-.dat for Intel text format bundles; * microcode-.bin for Intel binary bundles. * microcode-.d/ for directories with split binary microcode. should be the upstream release date in YYYYMMDD format. If it is not, you must make sure microcode files that have been released later also come later in C collating order. Some upstream releases contain the microcode update data twice: in .dat, and as a directory with several binary files. In that case, you must compare the contents (e.g. using iucode_tool -L) to ensure that they match. Don't add both copies of the update data to the package: it is a waste of mirror space, and only one copy (the one that sorts last) would be used to generate the final microcode pack (so you would still have to ensure both formats had the same contents anyway). Hint: iucode_tool will compare two "supposedly identical" microcodes to ensure they are just that: identical. So, it is enough to do something like this: iucode_tool --write-all-named-to=/tmp/dir1 file1.dat ; iucode_tool --write-all-named-to=/tmp/dir2 intel-ucode/ ; diff -R /tmp/dir1 /tmp/dir2 && echo ok ; iucode_tool -v /tmp/dir1 /tmp/dir2 Later regular microcode bundles have precedence over older regular microcode bundles, and may downgrade microcode revisions. This implements the automatic "revision rollback" mechanism. The "oldies" and the IUC_INCLUDE mechanisms of the main Makefile may select microcodes from any of the regular microcode bundles. Otherwise, only microcodes in the latest regular microcode bundle will be selected. This logic implements the "automatic removal" mechanism to handle microcode recalls. Directories of microcodes must not have nested subdirectories. The contents of the directory will be processed into a temporary ".dbin" binary microcode file, to allow the automatic "revision rollback" mechanism to work in a predictable way. Due to sorting order, ".dbin" files are preferred over ".dat" files when deciding which would be used to generate the final microcode pack. Supplementary microcode bundles and microcode overrides can select additional microcode (see below). * Latest available version of a microcode that is not being shipped anymore, but which is present in an older microcode bundle: Add "-s " to IUC_INCLUDE in the Makefile. * Supplementary microcode bundles: The intended usage for this feature is to ship microcode updates that fix important errata before they are available through a regular Intel microcode bundle release. Add them to the top-level dir, names must match the pattern: * supplementary-ucode-.bin * supplementary-ucode-.d/ should be a descriptive name, sorting order does not matter. It must not have spaces or tabs. These bundles have the same precedence as the newest regular microcode bundle: microcodes with the highest revision among the newest regular microcode bundle and every supplementary microcode bundles will be selected. Supplementary microcode bundles must be in binary format. Use "iucode_tool -w" to create supplementary microcode bundles. The bundles may have any number of microcodes inside, and should be described in the "upstream" changelog. Directories of supplementary microcode updates must not have nested subdirectories. The data files inside the directory should be in binary format, and may contain more than one microcode update. They should be descriptively named, and should be described in the "upstream" changelog. WARNING: microcodes added through supplementary bundles cannot be "recalled" (excluded or downgraded) automatically by the latest regular microcode bundle, only by overrides and IUC_EXCLUDE. * Individual microcode overrides (at a specific revision): The intended usage for this feature is to ship microcode at a specific revision. For microcode that should be superseded by a newer version when available, use a supplementary bundle (see above), instead. These overrides have the highest precedence, and will override (possibly downgrading) microcodes in the other bundles, regular or supplementary. Add them to the top-level dir, names should be in the format: * s_m_r.fw is the CPU signature, is the processor flags mask, and revision is the microcode revision level. All values in hexadecimal using uppercase letters, no leading prefixes, with left padding with zeroes, field length 8, as in the printf mask: s%08X_m%08X_r%08X.fw The files must be in binary format, and should contain only a single microcode (to ensure maintainer sanity). "iucode_tool -s -W" can be used to easily extract microcodes and create (and name) .fw override files. * Excluding microcodes, no matter where they were sourced from: Add "-s !" to IUC_EXCLUDE in the Makefile. This will remove from the final microcode distribution even microcodes that were sourced from override files. When you add a new microcode (bundle or otherwise): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Always verify if you do not have to remove microcodes from the !!! !!! exclusion list in the top Makefile. !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please avoid shipping microcodes "recalled" by Intel, unless you DO know better (i.e. you know the reason why it was "recalled", and you consider that Debian users would be best served by its inclusion). Always document why you're doing this as much as you are allowed to in the package changelog. Microcode override files (.fw files) can be used to make sure a specific microcode is shipped, however, should you want to ship the latest available version of a microcode from older bundles, you must use IUC_INCLUDE. If you are adding a microcode bundle made available directly by Intel in their public site, please update the "upstream changelog". There is no fully automated way to do it yet, but you can use "iucode_tool -l" to list the contents of the bundles, and apply some sed magic, sort, and "diff -u" to find out which microcodes were added, deleted, updated, or downgraded. The debian/ script should be of help. Please check all additions against the changelog, and annotate them as appropriate when the microcode was present in a previous release. Intel has done a "delete in one release, add back with a downgraded revision in the next release" once in the past. Annotations should say when the microcode was updated or downgraded, or just re-added with the same revision. Please check all deletions. When very recent microcode is deleted, it could well mean an unfriendly "microcode revision recall" is happening (someone at Intel decided to remove it instead of directly marking it a downgrade by publishing the previously known-good revision). When microcodes for older processors are deleted, it is probably safe to assume it is just the regular housekeeping cleanups, and the microcode should still be shipped by distros that have users running 10-15 year-old boxes, like Debian. If you know that a microcode signature belongs to alpha or beta hardware (engineering samples), you may remove the microcodes for that signature by adding them to IUC_EXCLUDE in the Makefile, on the grounds that such microcodes just waste space on everyone's system. Unfortunately, a list of the CPU signatures of such unsupported processors is hard to come by. Keeping useless microcode out of amd64 and x32 binary packages: It is useless to ship microcode that targets processors not capable of Intel64 (X86-64) on the amd64 and x32 arch-specific binary packages. The top-level Makefile tries to avoid this by parsing cpu-signatures.txt and ignoring anything listed as i?86 when building intel-microcode-64.bin, which debian/rules will use instead of intel-microcode.bin for non-i386. Failure to update cpu-signatures.txt should be mostly harmless (it is engineered to fail safe, and distribute unlisted microcode so that at most it will waste some space). It is unlikely that new i686 microcode signatures will show up, but it may be useful to know to which processors a microcode update apply even for newer processors, just in case we have to issue a critical update and warn users. Where to find processor signature information: They appear to be listed only in the Specification Updates for each processor, you'll have to locate and download them all from Intel's site (this is _not_ easy to do, some of these documents are hard to track down). Better information is likely to available (possibly under NDA) on the Intel developer channels. As for non-canonical sources, there is a CPUID database in the Internet and a memory/latency timings database used by HPC people which are of some help. Search engines will often find a BIOS/UEFI firmware upgrade changelog that names the particular core of a microcode update signature. Cross-check by searching the S-SPEC numbers in the Intel ARK directory (e.g. to verify whether it supports X86-64 or not). Backport notes: 1. Only kernels 3.10 and above are supported in the 3.x branch of intel-microcode. To support older kernels, you will have to backport the 2.x or 1.x branches of intel-microcode, instead. -- Henrique de Moraes Holschuh