path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 20:19:02 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 20:19:02 +0000
commit03929dac2a29664878d2c971648a4fe1fb698462 (patch)
tree02c5e2b3e006234aa29545f7a93a1ce01b291a8b /scripts/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 20231031.upstream/20231031upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8915dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+use Irssi 20020300;
+use 5.6.0;
+use strict;
+use Socket;
+use POSIX;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI %HELP);
+$HELP{ban} = "
+BAN [channel] [-normal|-host|-user|-domain|-crap|-ip|-class -before \"command\"|-after \"command\" nicks|masks] ...
+Bans the specified nicks or userhost masks.
+If nick is given as parameter, the ban type is used to generate the ban mask.
+/SET banpl_type specified the default ban type. Ban type is one of the following:
+ normal - *!fahren\@*
+ host - *!*\
+ user - *!fahren@*
+ domain - *!*\@*
+ crap - *?fah???\@?l??.?s??.??h.???.?l
+ ip - *!fahren\@149.156.124.*
+ class - *!*\@149.156.124.*
+Only one flag can be specified for a given nick.
+Script removes any conflicting bans before banning.
+You can specify command that will be executed before or after
+banning nick/mask using -before or -after.
+ /BAN fahren - Bans the nick 'fahren'
+ /BAN -ip fahren - Bans the ip of nick 'fahren'
+ /BAN fahren -ip fantazja -crap nerhaf -normal ff
+ - Bans 'fahren' (using banpl_type set), ip of 'fantazja',
+ host with crap mask of 'nerhaf' and 'ff' with normal bantype.
+ /BAN *!*fahren@* - Bans '*!*fahren@*'
+ /BAN #chan -after \"KICK #chan fahren :reason\" fahren
+ - Bans and kicks 'fahren' from channel '#chan' with reason 'reason'.
+ /ALIAS ipkb ban \$C -after \"KICK \$C \$0 \$1-\" -ip \$0
+ - Adds command /ipkb <nick> [reason] which kicks 'nick' and bans it's ip address.
+$VERSION = "1.4d";
+%IRSSI = (
+ authors => "Maciek \'fahren\' Freudenheim",
+ contact => "fahren\",
+ name => "ban",
+ description => "/BAN [channel] [-normal|-host|-user|-domain|-crap|-ip|-class -before|-after \"cmd\" nick|mask] ... - bans several nicks/masks on channel, removes any conflicting bans before banning",
+ license => "GNU GPLv2 or later",
+ changed => "Tue Nov 19 18:11:09 CET 2002"
+# Changelog:
+# 1.4d
+# - getting user@host of someone who isn't on channel was broken
+# 1.4c
+# - fixed banning of unresolved hosts
+# - fixed problem with /ban unexisting_nick other_nick
+# 1.4b
+# - doesn't require op to see banlist :)
+# 1.4
+# - few fixes
+# - using banpl_type instead of irssi's builtin ban_type
+# - changed -normal behaviour
+# 1.3
+# - :( fixed crap banning (yes, i'm to stupid to code it)
+# 1.2
+# - queuing MODES for nicks that aren't on channel
+# 1.11
+# - fixed .. surprise! crap banning
+# - added use 5.6.0
+# 1.1
+# - fixed banning 10-char long idents
+# - fixed crap banning (once more)
+# - added -before and -after [command] for executing command before/after setting ban
+# 1.0
+# - -o+b if banning opped nick
+# - fixed -crap banning
+# - always banning with *!*ident@ (instead of *!ident@)
+# - can take channel as first argument now
+# - displays error if it couldn't resolve host for -ip / -class ban
+# - groups all modes and sends them at once, ie. -bbo\n+b-o+b
+# - gets user@host via USERHOST if requested ban of someone who is not on channel
+# - added help
+my (%ftag, $parent, %modes, %modes_args, %b, @userhosts);
+sub cmd_ban {
+ my ($args, $server, $winit) = @_;
+ my $chan;
+ my ($channel) = $args =~ /^([^\s]+)/;
+ if (($server->ischannel($channel))) {
+ $args =~ s/^[^\s]+\s?//;
+ return unless ($args);
+ unless (($chan = $server->channel_find($channel)) && $chan->{chanop}) {
+ Irssi::print("%R>>%n You are not on $channel or you are not opped.");
+ Irssi::signal_stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return unless ($args);
+ unless ($winit && $winit->{type} eq "CHANNEL" && $winit->{chanop}) {
+ Irssi::print("%R>>%n You don't have active channel in that window or you are not opped.");
+ Irssi::signal_stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ $chan = $winit;
+ $channel = $chan->{name};
+ }
+ Irssi::signal_stop();
+ my $bantype = Irssi::settings_get_str("banpl_type");
+ my $max = $server->{max_modes_in_cmd};
+ my ($cmdwhat, $cmdwhen) = (0, 0);
+ $b{$channel} = 0;
+ # counts nicks/masks to ban, lame :|
+ for my $cmd (split("\"", $args)) {
+ ($cmdwhen) and $cmdwhen = 0, next;
+ for (split(/ +/, $cmd)) {
+ next unless $_;
+ /^-(normal|host|user|domain|crap|ip|class)$/ and next;
+ /^-(before|after)$/ and $cmdwhen = 1, next;
+ $b{$channel}++;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $cmd (split("\"", $args)) {
+ ($cmdwhen && !$cmdwhat) and $cmdwhat = $cmd, next;
+ for my $arg (split(/ +/, $cmd)) {
+ next unless $arg;
+ $arg =~ /^-(normal|host|user|domain|crap|ip|class)$/ and $bantype = $1, next;
+ $arg eq "-before" and $cmdwhen = 1, next;
+ $arg eq "-after" and $cmdwhen = 2, next;
+ if (index($arg, "@") == -1) {
+ my $n;
+ if ($n = $chan->nick_find($arg)) {
+ # nick is on channel
+ my ($user, $host) = split("@", $n->{host});
+ if ($bantype eq "ip" || $bantype eq "class") {
+ # requested ip ban, forking
+ my $pid = &ban_fork;
+ unless (defined $pid) { # error
+ $cmdwhen = $cmdwhat = 0;
+ $b{$channel}--;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($pid) { # parent
+ $cmdwhen = $cmdwhat = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $ia = gethostbyname($host);
+ unless ($ia) {
+ print($parent "error $channel %R>>%n Couldn't resolve $host.\n");
+ } else {
+ print($parent "execute $server->{tag} $channel " . (($n->{op})? $arg : 0) . " " . make_ban($user, inet_ntoa($ia), $bantype) . " $cmdwhen $cmdwhat\n");
+ }
+ close $parent; POSIX::_exit(1);
+ }
+ ban_execute($chan, (($n->{op})? $arg : 0), make_ban($user, $host, $bantype), $max, $cmdwhen, $cmdwhat);
+ } else {
+ # nick is not on channel, trying to get addres via /userhost
+ $server->redirect_event('userhost', 1, $arg, 0, undef, {
+ 'event 302' => 'redir ban userhost',
+ '' => 'event empty' } );
+ $server->send_raw("USERHOST :$arg");
+ my $uh = {
+ tag => $server->{tag},
+ nick => lc($arg),
+ channel => $channel,
+ chanhash => $chan,
+ bantype => $bantype,
+ cmdwhen => $cmdwhen,
+ cmdwhat => $cmdwhat
+ };
+ push @userhosts, $uh;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # specified mask
+ my $ban;
+ $ban = "*!" if (index($arg, "!") == -1);
+ $ban .= $arg;
+ ban_execute($chan, 0, $ban, $max, $cmdwhen, $cmdwhat);
+ }
+ $cmdwhen = $cmdwhat = 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub push_mode ($$$$) {
+ my ($chan, $mode, $arg, $max) = @_;
+ my $channel = $chan->{name};
+ $modes{$channel} .= $mode;
+ $modes_args{$channel} .= "$arg ";
+ flush_mode($chan) if (length($modes{$channel}) >= ($max * 2));
+sub flush_mode ($) {
+ my $chan = shift;
+ my $channel = $chan->{name};
+ return unless (defined $modes{$channel});
+# Irssi::print("MODE $channel $modes{$channel} $modes_args{$channel}");
+ $chan->command("MODE $channel $modes{$channel} $modes_args{$channel}");
+ undef $modes{$channel}; undef $modes_args{$channel};
+sub userhost_red {
+ my ($server, $data) = @_;
+ $data =~ s/^[^ ]* :?//;
+ my $uh = shift @userhosts;
+ unless ($data && $data =~ /^([^=\*]*)\*?=.(.*)@(.*)/ && lc($1) eq $uh->{nick}) {
+ Irssi::print("%R>>%n No such nickname: $uh->{nick}");
+ $b{$uh->{channel}}--;
+ flush_mode($uh->{chanhash}) unless ($b{$uh->{channel}});
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($user, $host) = (lc($2), lc($3));
+ if ($uh->{bantype} eq "ip" || $uh->{bantype} eq "class") {
+ # requested ip ;/
+ my $pid = &ban_fork;
+ unless (defined $pid) { # error
+ $b{$uh->{channel}}--;
+ return;
+ } elsif ($pid) { # parent
+ return;
+ }
+ my $ia = gethostbyname($host);
+ unless ($ia) {
+ print($parent "error " . $uh->{channel} . " %R>>%n Couldn't resolve $host.\n");
+ } else {
+ print($parent "execute " . $uh->{tag} . " " . $uh->{channel} . " 0 " . make_ban($user, inet_ntoa($ia), $uh->{bantype}) . " " . $uh->{cmdwhen} . " " . $uh->{cmdwhat} . "\n");
+ }
+ close $parent; POSIX::_exit(1);
+ }
+ my $serv = Irssi::server_find_tag($uh->{tag});
+ ban_execute($uh->{chanhash}, 0, make_ban($user, $host, $uh->{bantype}), $serv->{max_modes_in_cmd}, $uh->{cmdwhen}, $uh->{cmdwhat});
+sub ban_execute ($$$$$$) {
+ my ($chan, $nick, $ban, $max, $cmdwhen, $cmdwhat) = @_;
+ my $no = 0;
+ my $channel = $chan->{name};
+ for my $hash ($chan->bans()) {
+ if (mask_match($ban, $hash->{ban})) {
+ # should display also who set the ban (if available)
+ Irssi::print("%Y>>%n $channel: ban $hash->{ban}");
+ $no = 1;
+ last;
+ } elsif (mask_match($hash->{ban}, $ban)) {
+ push_mode($chan, "-b", $hash->{ban}, $max);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($no) {
+ my ($cmdmode, $cmdarg);
+ # is requested command a MODE so we can put it to queue?
+ ($cmdmode, $cmdarg) = $cmdwhat =~ /^MODE\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/i if $cmdwhen;
+ if ($cmdwhen == 1) { # command requested *before* banning
+ unless ($cmdmode) { # command isn't mode, ie: KICK
+ flush_mode($chan); # flush all -b conflicting bans
+ $chan->command($cmdwhat); # execute
+ } else { # command is MODE, we can add it to queue
+ push_mode($chan, $cmdmode, $cmdarg, $max);
+ }
+ }
+ push_mode($chan, "-o", $nick, $max) if ($nick);
+ push_mode($chan, "+b", $ban, $max);
+ if ($cmdwhen == 2) { # command requested *after* banning
+ unless ($cmdmode) {
+ flush_mode($chan); # flush all modes
+ $chan->command($cmdwhat);
+ } else {
+ push_mode($chan, $cmdmode, $cmdarg, $max);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $b{$channel}--;
+ flush_mode($chan) unless ($b{$channel});
+sub ban_fork {
+ my ($rh, $wh);
+ pipe($rh, $wh);
+ my $pid = fork();
+ unless (defined $pid) {
+ Irssi::print("%R>>%n Failed to fork() :/ - $!");
+ close $rh; close $wh;
+ return undef;
+ } elsif ($pid) { # parent
+ close $wh;
+ $ftag{$rh} = Irssi::input_add(fileno($rh), INPUT_READ, \&ifork, $rh);
+ Irssi::pidwait_add($pid);
+ } else { # child
+ close $rh;
+ $parent = $wh;
+ }
+ return $pid;
+sub ifork {
+ my $rh = shift;
+ while (<$rh>) {
+ /^error\s([^\s]+)\s(.+)/ and $b{$1}--, Irssi::print("$2"), last;
+ if (/^execute\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s(.+)/) {
+ my $serv = Irssi::server_find_tag($1);
+ ban_execute($serv->channel_find($2), $3, $4, $serv->{max_modes_in_cmd}, $5, $6);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ Irssi::input_remove($ftag{$rh});
+ delete $ftag{$rh};
+ close $rh;
+sub make_ban ($$$) {
+ my ($user, $host, $bantype) = @_;
+ $user =~ s/^[~+\-=^]/*/;
+ if ($bantype eq "ip") {
+ $host =~ s/\.[0-9]+$/.*/;
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "class") {
+ $user = "*";
+ $host =~ s/\.[0-9]+$/.*/;
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "user") {
+ $host = "*";
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "domain") {
+ # i know -- lame
+ if ($host =~ /^.*\..*\..*\..*$/) {
+ $host =~ s/.*(\..+\..+\..+)$/*\1/;
+ } elsif ($host =~ /^.*\..*\..*$/) {
+ $host =~ s/.*(\..+\..+)$/*\1/;
+ }
+ $user = "*";
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "host") {
+ $user = "*";
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "normal") {
+# $host =~ s/^[A-Za-z\-]*[0-9]+\./*./;
+ if ($host =~ /\d$/) {
+ $host =~ s/\.[0-9]+$/.*/;
+ } else {
+ $host =~ s/^[^.]+\./*./ if $host =~ /^.*\..*\..*$/;
+ }
+ } elsif ($bantype eq "crap") {
+ my $crap;
+ for my $c (split(//, $user)) {
+ $crap .= ((int(rand(2)))? "?" : $c);
+ }
+ $user = $crap;
+ $crap = "";
+ for my $c (split(//, $host)) {
+ $crap .= ((int(rand(2)))? "?" : $c);
+ }
+ $host = $crap;
+ }
+ return ("*!" . $user . "@" . $host);
+sub mask_match ($$) {
+ my ($what, $match) = @_;
+ # stolen from shasta's
+ $match =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $match =~ s/\./\\\./g;
+ $match =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
+ $match =~ s/\!/\\\!/g;
+ $match =~ s/\?/\./g;
+ $match =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;
+ $match =~ s/\^/\\\^/g;
+ $match =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
+ return ($what =~ /^$match$/i);
+Irssi::command_bind 'ban' => \&cmd_ban;
+Irssi::settings_add_str 'misc', 'banpl_type', 'normal';
+Irssi::signal_add 'redir ban userhost' => \&userhost_red;