path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc961ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+use strict;
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::Irc;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
+$VERSION = "1.3";
+%IRSSI = (
+ authors => 'Nathan Handler, Joseph Price',
+ contact => ',',
+ name => 'bansearch',
+ description => 'Searches for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a user',
+ license => 'GPLv3+',
+sub bansearch {
+ my($data,$server,$witem) = @_;
+ if($running) {
+ Irssi::print("bansearch is already running.");
+ }
+ $running=1;
+ @jchannels=();
+ @jchannelstocheck=();
+ #Clear variables and register redirects
+ &reset();
+ $debug = Irssi::settings_get_bool('bansearch_debug');
+ #Split command arguments into a nick and a channel separated by a space
+ ($person,$channel)=split(/ /, $data, 2);
+ #If no channel is specified, use the current window if it is a channel
+ if($channel!~m/^#/ && $person!~m/^\s*$/ && $witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL") {
+ $channel=$witem->{name};
+ }
+ #Stop the script and display usage information if they did not specify a person or if we can't find a channel to use
+ if($channel!~m/^#/ || $person=~m/^\s*$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("\x02Usage\x02: /bansearch nick [#channel]");
+ $running=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ #Print the name of the channel we are running on
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("\x02Channel\x02: $channel");
+ #Perform a /who <user> %uhnar
+ $server->redirect_event('who',1, '', 0, undef,
+ {
+ 'event 352' => 'redir rpl_whoreply',
+ 'event 354' => 'redir rpl_whospcrpl',
+ 'event 315' => 'redir rpl_endofwho',
+ 'event 401' => 'redir err_nosuchnick',
+ '' => 'event empty',
+ }
+ );
+ $server->send_raw("WHO $person %uhnar");
+#Irssi::signal_add('event empty', 'EMPTY');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_whoreply', 'RPL_WHOREPLY');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_whospcrpl', 'RPL_WHOSPCRPL');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_endofwho', 'RPL_ENDOFWHO');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir err_nosuchnick', 'ERR_NOSUCHNICK');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir err_nosuchchannel', 'ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL');
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_banlist', sub { my($server,$data) = @_; RPL_BANLIST($server, "Ban $data"); });
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_endofbanlist', sub { my($server,$data) = @_; RPL_ENDOFBANLIST($server, "Ban $data"); });
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_quietlist', sub { my($server,$data) = @_; RPL_BANLIST($server, "Quiet $data"); });
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_endofquietlist', sub { my($server,$data) = @_; RPL_ENDOFBANLIST($server, "Quiet $data"); });
+Irssi::signal_add('redir rpl_channelmodeis', 'RPL_CHANNELMODEIS');
+sub EMPTY {
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ Irssi::print("\x02EMPTY\x02: $data");
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ my($type, $mask, $setby, $banchannel, $jchannel);
+ if($data=~m/^Ban/) {
+ ($type, undef, $banchannel, $mask, $setby, undef) = split(/ /, $data, 6);
+ }
+ elsif($data=~m/^Quiet/) {
+ ($type, undef, $banchannel, undef, $mask, $setby, undef) = split(/ /, $data, 7);
+ }
+ my $maskreg = $mask;
+ $maskreg=~s/\$\#.*$//; #Support matching ban-forwards
+ $maskreg=~s/\./\\./g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\//\\\//g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\@/\\@/g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\[/\\[/g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\]/\\]/g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\|/\\|/g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\?/\./g;
+ $maskreg=~s/\*/\.\*\?/g;
+ #We only want to display who set the ban/quiet if it is listed as a person
+ if($setby!~m/!/) {
+ $setby='';
+ }
+ else {
+ $setby=" (Set by $setby)";
+ }
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$/) { #extban
+ # account
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$a:(.*?)$/i) {
+ if($account=~m/^$1$/i && $account!~m/^0$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches $account" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match $account" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ # cannot join other channel
+ if($channel == $banchannel) {
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$j:(.*?)$/i) {
+ $jchannel = $1;
+ if(!(grep {$jchannel eq $_} @jchannels)) {
+ push(@jchannels, $jchannel);
+ push(@jchannelstocheck, $jchannel);
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Following bans in "
+ . $jchannel . " will " . $type . " " . $person . " in " . $channel . $setby);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # any logged-in user
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$a$/i) {
+ if($account!~m/^0$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print(
+ "$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches identified user" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match unidentified user" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ # any unidentified user
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$\~a$/i) {
+ if($account=~m/^0$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print(
+ "$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches unidentified user" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match identified user" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ # ircname
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$r:(.*?)$/i) {
+ if($real=~m/^$1$/i) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print(
+ "$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches real name of $real" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match real name of $real" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ # full match
+ if($maskreg=~m/^\$x:(.*?)$/i) {
+ my $full = "$nick!$user\@$host\#$real";
+ if($full=~m/^$1$/i) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print(
+ "$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches $full" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match $full" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { #Normal Ban
+ if($string=~m/^$maskreg$/i) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel matches $string" . $setby);
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$type against \x02$mask\x02 in $banchannel does NOT match $string" . $setby) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+# Irssi::active_win()->print("End of Ban List");
+ if($data=~m/^Ban/) {
+ $server->redirect_event('mode q',1, $channel, 0, undef,
+ {
+ 'event 728' => 'redir rpl_quietlist',
+ 'event 729' => 'redir rpl_endofquietlist',
+ '' => 'event empty',
+ }
+ );
+ $server->send_raw("MODE $channel q");
+ }
+ elsif($data=~m/^Quiet/) {
+ if (@jchannelstocheck) {
+ my $nextchannel = pop(@jchannelstocheck);
+ $server->redirect_event('mode b',1, $nextchannel, 0, undef,
+ {
+ 'event 367' => 'redir rpl_banlist',
+ 'event 368' => 'redir rpl_endofbanlist',
+ 'event 403' => 'redir err_nosuchchannel',
+ '' => 'event empty',
+ }
+ );
+ $server->send_raw("MODE $nextchannel b");
+ } else {
+ $server->redirect_event('mode channel',1, $channel, 0, undef,
+ {
+ 'event 324' => 'redir rpl_channelmodeis',
+ '' => 'event empty',
+ }
+ );
+ $server->send_raw("MODE $channel");
+ }
+ }
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ # bw2 * ~pi rpi1 H :0 real name
+ (undef, undef, $user, $host, undef, $nick, undef, undef, $real) = split(/ /, $data,9);
+ $account='';
+ $real=~s/^://;
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("\x02User\x02: $nick [$account] ($real) $user\@$host");
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ # $server->send_raw("WHO $person %uhnar");
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ # bw2 ~bw1 bw1 bw2 :real name
+ (undef, $user, $host, $nick, $account, $real) = split(/ /, $data,6);
+ $real=~s/^://;
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("\x02User\x02: $nick [$account] ($real) $user\@$host");
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ if($nick=~m/^$/ && $user=~m/^$/ && $host=~m/^$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$person is currently offline.");
+ return;
+ }
+ $string="$nick!$user\@$host";
+ $server->redirect_event('mode b',1, $channel, 0, undef,
+ {
+ 'event 367' => 'redir rpl_banlist',
+ 'event 368' => 'redir rpl_endofbanlist',
+ 'event 403' => 'redir err_nosuchchannel',
+ '' => 'event empty',
+ }
+ );
+ $server->send_raw("MODE $channel b");
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$person is currently offline.");
+ $running=0;
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("$channel does not exist.");
+ $running=0;
+ my($server, $data) = @_;
+ return if(!$running);
+ my(undef, undef, $modes, $args) = split(/ /, $data, 4);
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("\x02Channel Modes\x02: $modes");
+ if($modes=~m/i/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Channel is \x02invite-only\x02 (+i)");
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ if($modes=~m/k/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Channel has a \x02password\x02 (+k)");
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ if($modes=~m/r/) {
+ if($account=~m/^0$/) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Channel is \x02blocking unidentified users\x02 (+r) and user is not identified");
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ }
+ if($modes=~m/m/) {
+ if($server->channel_find("$channel")) {
+ my $n = $server->channel_find("$channel")->nick_find("$nick");
+ if($n->{voice} == 0 && $n->{op} == 0) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Channel is \x02moderated\x02 (+m) and user is not voiced or oped");
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("Channel is \x02moderated\x02 (+m) and user might not be voiced or oped");
+ $issues++;
+ }
+ }
+ if($issues == 0) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("There does not appear to be anything preventing $person from joining/talking in $channel");
+ }
+ elsif ($issues == 1) {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("There is \x02$issues issue\x02 that might be preventing $person from joining/talking in $channel");
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::active_win()->print("There are \x02$issues issues\x02 that might be preventing $person from joining/talking in $channel");
+ }
+ $running=0;
+sub reset {
+ return if(!$running);
+ $channel='';
+ $person='';
+ $nick='';
+ $user='';
+ $host='';
+ $real='';
+ $account='';
+ $string='';
+ $issues=0;
+ &register_redirects();
+sub register_redirects {
+ return if(!$running);
+ #who
+ Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('who', 0, 0,
+ { "event 352" => 1, # start events
+ "event 354" => -1,
+ },
+ { # stop events
+ "event 315" => 1, # End of Who List
+ "event 401" => 1, # No Such Nick
+ },
+ undef, # optional events
+ );
+ #mode b
+ Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('mode b', 0, 0,
+ { "event 367" => 1 }, # start events
+ { # stop events
+ "event 368" => 1, # End of channel ban list
+ "event 403" => 1, # no such channel
+ "event 442" => 1, # "you're not on that channel"
+ "event 479" => 1 # "Cannot join channel (illegal name)"
+ },
+ undef, # optional events
+ );
+ #mode q
+ Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('mode q', 0, 0,
+ { "event 728" => 1 }, # start events
+ { # stop events
+ "event 729" => 1, # End of channel quiet list
+ "event 403" => 1, # no such channel
+ "event 442" => 1, # "you're not on that channel"
+ "event 479" => 1, # "Cannot join channel (illegal name)"
+ },
+ undef, # optional events
+ );
+ #mode channel
+ Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('mode channel', 0, 0, undef,
+ { # stop events
+ "event 324" => 1, # MODE-reply
+ "event 403" => 1, # no such channel
+ "event 442" => 1, # "you're not on that channel"
+ "event 479" => 1 # "Cannot join channel (illegal name)"
+ },
+ { "event 329" => 1 } # Channel create time
+ );
+Irssi::command_bind('bansearch', 'bansearch');
+Irssi::settings_add_bool('bansearch', 'bansearch_debug', 0);
+# vim:set ts=8 sw=4: