path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af68499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Header ###############################
+use strict;
+use Encode();
+use Irssi;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
+$VERSION = 'r4';
+%IRSSI = (
+ 'name' => 'colored_nicks',
+ 'authors' => 'Trilkk',
+ 'contact' => 'trilkk ät',
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'license' => 'BSD',
+ 'description' => 'Exposes colored nickname variables for themes',
+# List of protocols to act on.
+my @action_protos = qw(irc silc xmpp);
+# Global expando variable.
+my $expando_cnnick = '';
+# Global expando variable.
+my $expando_cnpadl = '';
+# Global expando variable.
+my $expando_cnpads = '';
+# Global expando variable.
+my $expando_cnuser = '';
+# Functions ############################
+# Creates a terminal color command code string.
+# Use to check string input.
+# Similar function in by Nei was used as basis.
+# See:
+# \param 0 Irssi color code.
+# \return Color command code.
+sub create_color_command_code
+ my $input_code = $_[0];
+ $input_code =~ /%(.*)/;
+ my $code = $1;
+ # First, try simple 16-color terminal codes.
+ my %color_map_16c =
+ (
+ 'k' => '0',
+ 'b' => '1',
+ 'g' => '2',
+ 'c' => '3',
+ 'r' => '4',
+ 'm' => '5',
+ 'y' => '6',
+ 'w' => '7',
+ 'K' => '8',
+ 'B' => '9',
+ 'G' => ':',
+ 'C' => ';',
+ 'R' => '<',
+ 'M' => '=',
+ 'Y' => '>',
+ 'W' => '?',
+ );
+ if(exists $color_map_16c{$code})
+ {
+ return "\cD" . $color_map_16c{$code} . '/';
+ }
+ # Try 256-color terminal codes.
+ my @ext_colour_off =
+ (
+ '.', '-', ',', '+', "'", '&',
+ );
+ if($code =~ /^(x)(?:0([[:xdigit:]])|([1-6])(?:([0-9])|([a-z]))|7([a-x]))$/i)
+ {
+ my $bg = $1 eq 'x';
+ my $col = defined $2 ? hex $2
+ : defined $6 ? 232 + (ord lc $6) - (ord 'a')
+ : 16 + 36 * ($3 - 1) + (defined $4 ? $4 : 10 + (ord lc $5) - (ord 'a'));
+ if ($col < 0x10)
+ {
+ my $chr = chr $col + ord '0';
+ return "\cD" . ($bg ? "/$chr" : "$chr/")
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "\cD" . $ext_colour_off[($col - 0x10) / 0x50 + $bg * 3] . chr (($col - 0x10) % 0x50 - 1 + ord '0')
+ }
+ }
+ # Default fallback is just gray.
+ return "\cD" . '7/';
+# Create an irssi nickname string for a nick with maximum amount of characters.
+# \param 0 Nick.
+# \param 1 Attribution.
+# \param 2 Number of characters nick can use at maximum.
+# \return Truncated, colored nickname string.
+sub create_irssi_nick
+ my $nick = $_[0];
+ my $attr = $_[1];
+ my $truncation = $_[2];
+ my $len = nick_length($nick);
+ if($attr)
+ {
+ $len += nick_length($attr);
+ }
+ # Hash the color before modifying nick.
+ my $color = simple_hash_color($nick);
+ my $format = create_color_command_code($color);
+ # Decrease until within parameters.
+ if($truncation > 0)
+ {
+ while($len > $truncation)
+ {
+ if(length($attr) > 1)
+ {
+ chop($attr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chop($nick);
+ }
+ --$len;
+ }
+ }
+ if($attr)
+ {
+ return $format . $nick . create_color_command_code('%K') . $attr;
+ }
+ return $format . $nick;
+# Create a buffer of spaces to pad a nick to n characters.
+# \param 0 Nick.
+# \param 1 Attribution.
+# \param 2 Number of characters nick can use at maximum.
+# \return Whitespace padding buffer.
+sub create_padding
+ my $nick = $_[0];
+ my $attr = $_[1];
+ my $truncation = $_[2];
+ my $len = nick_length($nick);
+ if($attr)
+ {
+ $len += nick_length($attr);
+ }
+ my $ret = '';
+ if($truncation > 0)
+ {
+ while($len < $truncation)
+ {
+ ++$len;
+ $ret .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# Extracts attribution information from the message.
+# \param 0 Nick.
+# \return Tuple of (nickname part, attribution part).
+sub extract_attribution
+ my $nick = $_[0];
+ Encode::_utf8_on($nick);
+ # Split nickname from boundary of allowed IRC nickname characters.
+ # Non-breakable space and zero-width space are valid characters.
+ $nick =~ /^([\w\s\|\^_`\-\{\}\[\]\\\x{00A0}\x{200B}\x{202F}]+)(.*)$/;
+ return ($1, $2);
+# Calculates djb2 hash over an array.
+# \param 0 Input array.
+# \return calculated hash.
+sub hash_djb2
+ my @array = @_;
+ my $ret = 5381;
+ foreach my $cc (@array)
+ {
+ my $oo = ord($cc);
+ if(!is_zero_width($oo))
+ {
+ $ret = (($ret * 33) + $oo) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# Calculates sdbm hash over an array.
+# \param 0 Input array.
+# \return calculated hash.
+sub hash_sdbm
+ my @array = @_;
+ my $ret = 0;
+ foreach my $cc (@array)
+ {
+ my $oo = ord($cc);
+ if(!is_zero_width($oo))
+ {
+ $ret = (($ret * 65599) + $oo) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# Gets the color array.
+# \return Color array.
+sub get_color_array()
+ my $ret = Irssi::settings_get_str('colored_nicks_colors');
+ $ret =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $ret =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return split /\s/, $ret;
+# Tells if a character has zero width.
+# \param 0 Character.
+# \return True if character has zero widh, false otherwise.
+sub is_zero_width
+ my $cc = $_[0];
+ my @zero_width_chars =
+ (
+ 0x200B,
+ );
+ foreach my $zz (@zero_width_chars)
+ {
+ if(($cc == $zz) || (ord($cc) == $zz))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Calculate real length of a nickname.
+# Non-breakable space is not included.
+# \param 0 Nick, must be in unicode.
+# \return Nick length in terminal characters.
+sub nick_length
+ my $nick = $_[0];
+ my $ret = 0;
+ foreach my $cc (split //,$nick)
+ {
+ if(!is_zero_width($cc))
+ {
+ ++$ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# Simple hash based on nick.
+# \param 0 String to hash.
+# \return Hash value.
+sub simple_hash
+ # Remove characters that should not be taken into account for.
+ my $input_string = $_[0];
+ $input_string =~ s/^[\s_\-^]*//;
+ $input_string =~ s/[\s_\-^]*$//;
+ my @array = split(//, $input_string);
+ # Check for djb2 hash.
+ my $hash_function = Irssi::settings_get_str('colored_nicks_hash_function');
+ if($hash_function =~ /^djb2$/i)
+ {
+ return hash_djb2(@array);
+ }
+ # Fallback to sdbm hash.
+ return hash_sdbm(@array);
+# Simple hash, but pick color based on nick.
+# \param 0 String to hash.
+# \return Color change string.
+sub simple_hash_color
+ my $input_string = $_[0];
+ my @colors = get_color_array();
+ return $colors[simple_hash($input_string) % @colors];
+# Commands #############################
+# Test command to list all colors in use.
+sub cmd_cn_list
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win;
+ my @colors = get_color_array();
+ for(my $ii = 0; ($ii < @colors); ++$ii)
+ {
+ my $color = @colors[$ii];
+ my $code = create_color_command_code($color);
+ # Insert non-breakable space as second character so irssi doesn't use the color code.
+ $color = substr($color, 0, 1) . "\x{200B}" . substr($color, 1);
+ $window->print($code . 'colored_nicks_' . $ii . '_' . $color, $mode);
+ }
+# Test command for given input.
+# \param 0 Test nickname.
+sub cmd_cn_test
+ my @nicks = split /\s/, $_[0];
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win;
+ my $truncation_long = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_long');
+ # Iterate over the input.
+ my $ret = '';
+ foreach my $nick (@nicks)
+ {
+ if($ret)
+ {
+ $ret .= ' ';
+ }
+ $ret .= create_irssi_nick($nick, '', $truncation_long);
+ }
+ # Only print if there was legit input.
+ if($ret)
+ {
+ $window->print($ret, $mode);
+ }
+# Signal hooks #########################
+# Signal function for private messages to the user.
+# \param 0 Server struct.
+# \param 1 ???
+# \param 2 Input nickname.
+# \param 3 ???
+# \param 4 ???
+sub signal_cn_private
+ my ($server, $param1, $input_nick, $param3, $param4) = @_;
+ my ($nick, $attr) = extract_attribution($input_nick);
+ my $truncation_long = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_long');
+ $expando_cnnick = create_irssi_nick($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpadl = create_padding($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpads = '';
+ $expando_cnuser = '';
+# Signal function for public messages by others.
+# \param 0 Server struct.
+# \param 1 ???
+# \param 2 Input nickname.
+# \param 3 ???
+# \param 4 ???
+sub signal_cn_public
+ my ($server, $param1, $input_nick, $param3, $param4) = @_;
+ my ($nick, $attr) = extract_attribution($input_nick);
+ my $truncation_long = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_long');
+ my $truncation_short = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_short');
+ $expando_cnnick = create_irssi_nick($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpadl = create_padding($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpads = create_padding($nick, $attr, $truncation_short);
+ $expando_cnuser = '';
+# Signal function for public messages from the user.
+# \param 0 Server struct.
+# \param 1 ???
+# \param 2 ???
+sub signal_cn_own_public
+ my ($server, $param1, $param2) = @_;
+ my $truncation_long = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_long');
+ $expando_cnnick = '';
+ $expando_cnpadl = create_padding($server->{nick}, '', $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpads = '';
+ $expando_cnuser = create_irssi_nick($server->{nick}, '', $truncation_long);
+# Signal function for private messages from the user.
+# \param 0 Server struct.
+# \param 1 ???
+# \param 2 Input nick
+# \param 3 ???
+# \param 4 ???
+sub signal_cn_own_private
+ my ($server, $param1, $input_nick, $param3) = @_;
+ my ($nick, $attr) = extract_attribution($input_nick);
+ my $truncation_long = Irssi::settings_get_int('colored_nicks_truncation_long');
+ $expando_cnnick = create_irssi_nick($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpadl = create_padding($nick, $attr, $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnpads = create_padding($server->{nick}, '', $truncation_long);
+ $expando_cnuser = create_irssi_nick($server->{nick}, '', $truncation_long);
+# Irssi:: ##############################
+Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'colored_nicks_colors',
+ '%c %X3N' . # cyans
+ ' ' .
+ '%X59 %X4B %X4A %m' . # magentas/purples
+ ' ' .
+ '%w %X7P %X7Q %X7R' . # whites
+ ' ' .
+ '%g %X1J %X2I %X2J %X3I' . # greens
+ ' ' .
+ '%X46 %X4C %X5I' . # browns
+ ' ' .
+ '%X2N %X2M %X1N %B' . # blues
+ ' ' .
+ '%X5C %X56 %y' . # oranges/yellows
+ ' ' .
+ '%X58 %X57' . # pinks/reds
+ '');
+Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'colored_nicks_hash_function', 'djb2');
+Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'colored_nicks_truncation_long', 12);
+Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'colored_nicks_truncation_short', 11);
+Irssi::expando_create('cnnick', sub { $expando_cnnick }, {
+ 'message public' => 'none',
+ 'message own_public' => 'none',
+ (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
+ "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
+ } @action_protos),
+ });
+Irssi::expando_create('cnpadl', sub { $expando_cnpadl }, {
+ 'message public' => 'none',
+ 'message own_public' => 'none',
+ (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
+ "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
+ } @action_protos),
+ });
+Irssi::expando_create('cnpads', sub { $expando_cnpads }, {
+ 'message public' => 'none',
+ 'message own_public' => 'none',
+ (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
+ "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
+ } @action_protos),
+ });
+Irssi::expando_create('cnuser', sub { $expando_cnuser }, {
+ 'message public' => 'none',
+ 'message own_public' => 'none',
+ (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
+ "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
+ } @action_protos),
+ });
+ 'message private' => 'signal_cn_private',
+ 'message public' => 'signal_cn_public',
+ 'message own_public' => 'signal_cn_own_public',
+ 'message own_private' => 'signal_cn_own_private',
+Irssi::command_bind('colored_nicks_list', 'cmd_cn_list');
+Irssi::command_bind('colored_nicks_test', 'cmd_cn_test');