path: root/scripts/
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1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce231d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
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+# _ _ _ _
+# __ _ _ __ __ ___ ____ _| (_) __| | __ _| |_ ___ _ __
+# / _` | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / _` | | |/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
+# | (_| | |_) | (_| |\ V / (_| | | | (_| | (_| | || (_) | |
+# \__, | .__/ \__, | \_/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|
+# |___/|_| |___/
+# for irssi - VERSION 0.1.3
+# this is a nice irssi's script coded by pallotron
+# based on a lovely implementation writed by valvoline for xchat client
+# valv`0 ( /
+# pallotron (
+# original idea & implementation by: valv'0
+# valv`0 thanx goes to:
+# asbesto, pallotron, quest, iron - for the development support
+# hellbreak, cmcsynth, hio, mircalla - for the moral support
+# it allows you to do gpg trusting of your friends using gnupg and irc
+# capabilities. in order to use it, you have to load the script into irssi
+# (read man pages or go to do know how do this). others users must
+# have loaded this script or another compatible script.
+# FAKE--
+# PARANOIA!++ o/
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# If you want to trust a your friend you must do this:
+# 1) simply type /validate <your_friend_nick>
+# 2) accept DCC Send (a chunck file containing gpg sign)
+# 3) type /verify <your_friend_nick>:)
+# To permit your trusting by other users you must do:
+# 1) type /setpass <your_gpg_passphrase>
+# 2) enjoy!
+# Now your irssi is listening for ctcp messages
+# WARING!!!!!!!
+# this isn't a *FULL SECURE* script, better improvements must follow *SOON*!
+# pallotron 23/09/2002 - -
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi qw(command_bind active_server);
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
+my $PASS = "NULL";
+my $VALIDATEDIR = "~/";
+$VERSION = "0.1.3";
+%IRSSI = (
+ authors=> 'original idea by valvoline, irssi porting by pallotron',
+ contact=> '',
+ name=> 'gpgvalidator v. 0.1.3',
+ description=> 'Have gpg-based trusting features in your irssi client!',
+ license=> 'GPL v2',
+ url=> '',
+Irssi::print("Loading irssi pallotron's porting of valvoline gpgvalidator 0.1.3");
+# create a new irssi command called /PASSPHRASE
+# /PASSPHRASE <your_GPG_pass>
+# create a new irssi command called /VERIFY
+# no particolare USAGE FORMAT
+# just call it with /VERIFY
+# it will verify the last <NICK>.asc file
+# download by the latest ctcp VALIDATE request
+# send a ctcp VALIDATE request to a friend we want to trust
+# USAGE: /validate <nick>
+# hook sub_validate function to signal 'ctcp msg'.
+# when your client receives /ctcp msg <your_nick> VALIDATE
+# it will performs some controls and then send, via DCC, a randomic
+# generated chunck file (yournick.asc) containing your gpg signature
+# to $nick (the user who had request validating)
+Irssi::signal_add('ctcp msg','ctcp_send_chunck_file');
+sub send_ctcp_request {
+ my $line = shift;
+ if(!($line)) {
+ Irssi::print("validate - wrong parameters:\nusage: validate <nick>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ active_server->command("/ctcp $line VALIDATE");
+ return 0;
+sub erasepass {
+ $PASS="";
+ Irssi::print("gpgvalidator - pass forgotten");
+ return 0;
+sub ctcp_send_chunck_file {
+ my ( $infos, $cmd, $nick, $host, $target) = @_;
+ my $test = $target;
+ $test =~ tr/\W/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/`/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/{/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/}/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/|/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/\\/_/;
+ if ( $cmd =~ /^VALIDATE/) {
+ if ( $PASS =~ /NULL/i ) {
+ Irssi::print("requested GPG-VALIDATE from $nick, but no passphrase in cache!\nplz, set a passphrase with /setpass <your_gpg_pass>");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ Irssi::print("requested GPG-VALIDATE from $nick\n");
+ my $result = `openssl rand -out $VALIDATEDIR/$test 1024`;
+ $result = `echo "$PASS" | gpg --batch --yes --status-fd 1 --passphrase-fd 0 --output $VALIDATEDIR/$test.asc --clearsign $VALIDATEDIR/$test | grep "[GNUPG:]"`;
+ if (( my $i = index($result,"GOOD_PASSPHRASE")) > -1) {
+ active_server->command("/DCC send $nick $VALIDATEDIR/$test.asc");
+ $result = `echo "$result" | grep "SIG_CREATED"`;
+ Irssi::print("\n$result\n");
+ }
+ if (( my $i = index($result,"BAD_PASSPHRASE")) > -1) {
+ $result = `echo "$result" | grep "BAS_PASSPHRASE"`;
+ Irssi::print("$result\nBAD passphrase - cannot unlock your secret keyring - please set a passprase with /setpass <yourpass>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+# this take the passphrase
+# expecially from security side... :)
+sub setpass {
+ my $line = shift;
+ if(!($line)) {
+ Irssi::print("setpass - wrong paramaters:\nusage: setpass <yourpass>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $PASS = $line;
+ # can i do better of this? ;p
+ Irssi::print("gpgvalidator - pass set correctly");
+ return 0;
+# this verify che <nick>.asc signed file trusting if the user
+# is in your keyring
+# usage /verify <nick>
+sub sub_verify {
+ my $result = "";
+ my $test = shift;
+ if(!($test)) {
+ Irssi::print("verify wrong parameters:\nusage: verifi <nick>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $test =~ tr/\W/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/`/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/{/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/}/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/|/_/;
+ $test =~ tr/\\/_/;
+ $result = `gpg --batch --status-fd 1 --verify $VALIDATEDIR/$test.asc 2>/dev/null | grep "[GNUPG:]"`;
+ if (( my $i = index($result,"GOODSIG")) > -1) {
+ $result = `echo "$result" | grep "GOODSIG"`;
+ Irssi::print("good signature! - user trusted - $result\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ Irssi::print("bad signature! - user UNtrusted\n$result\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub about {
+ Irssi::print("\n-------------------------------------------------------\nGPG validator v0.1.3 for irssi coded in perl by pallotron\n-------------------------------------------------------\n(c) 2002 - valvoline / VRL Team - valvoline\\nported to irssi by pallotron\\n-------------------------------------------------------\nthis's a simple script to validate users under irc, \nusing gpg. there're NO optimization, and the code was\nwritten in 10mins!. i'm not a perl-programmer, so...\n...fill free to make mods to the code, but, leave the\noriginal credits at the same place (=\n\ntype /greets to see greets!\n\ntype /manual to see user-manual\n");
+ return 1;
+sub greets {
+ Irssi::print("\n-------------------------------------------------------\ngreets fly out to the following:\nasbesto, pallotron, iron, quest - for beta testing support.\nhellbreak, cmcsynth, hio, mirc4ll4 - for moral and economic support (ehehe).\ns0ftpj staff - for the besta coding support ever made.\n\nall the other, that i've forgotten...sorry! :(\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ return 1;
+sub manual {
+ Irssi::print("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nmanual\n\nsetpass <pass> - to cache your password for the current session.\nerasepass - to forgot current password.\nvalidate <nick> - to request a validator-chunck to nick.\nverify <nick> - to verify the received validator-chunck of nick.\n\nbe sure, to have the DCC workin' correctly\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ return 1;