use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi::TextUI; $VERSION = "0.2"; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Doncho N. Gunchev', contact => '', name => 'UNIBG-autoident', description => 'Automaticaly /msg ident NS yourpassword when you connect or services come back from death', license => 'Public Domain', url => 'http://not.available.yet/', changed => '2018-09-10' ); # UNIBG NS auto identifyer # for irssi 0.8.1 by Doncho N. Gunchev # # Check /id help for help. my $msghead='autoident:'; # list of nicks/passwords my %passwords = (); my $numpasswords = 0; my $passwordspassword = ''; my $nsnick='NS'; my $nshost=''; my $nsreq='This nickname is registered and protected'; my $nsok ='Password accepted - you are now recognized'; my $nscmd ='identify'; # 2DO # 0. Do it! # 1. Make it take nick, passwor and network as parameters # 2. Make NS, CS, MS and maybe OS support # 3. Add eggdrop support # 4. Add encrypted passwords in config file... # 5. Add Global support or maybe /notify NS or bouth? # 6. Don't autoident 2 times in less than xxx seconds # 7. Change nick if we don't have the password / ask user for it # in xxx seconds before changing nicks # 8. Add /id newpass,setpass,permpas,ghost,kill.... # 9. Add /id chanadd chandel chan.... # sub cmd_print_help { Irssi::print(<{nick}/); if ($text =~ /$nsreq/) { if (exists($passwords{$server->{nick}})) { msg("'$nsnick!$nshost' requested identity, sending...", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); $server->command("MSG $nsnick $nscmd " . $passwords{$server->{nick}}); } else { msg("'$nsnick!$nshost' says '$nsreq' and we have no password set for it!", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); msg(" use /id add " . $server->{nick} . "  to set it!", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); msg(" ... autoident has left you in /dev/random", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } else { msg("'$nsnick!$nshost' accepted identity", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } sub addpassword { my ($name, $password) = @_; if (exists($passwords{$name})) { if ($password eq $passwords{$name}) { msg("Nick $name already has this password for autoident", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } else { msg("Nick $name's autoident password changed", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); $passwords{$name} = $password; } } else { $passwords{$name} = $password; $numpasswords++; msg("Nick $name added to autoident list ($numpasswords total)", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } sub delpassword { my $name = $_[0]; if (exists($passwords{$name})) { delete($passwords{$name}); $numpasswords--; msg("Nick $name removed from autoidentify list ($numpasswords left)", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } else { msg("Nick $name is not in autoident list", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } sub init_passwords { # Add the passwords at startup of the script my $passwordsstring = Irssi::settings_get_str('autoident'); if (length($passwordsstring) > 0) { my @passwords = split(/,/, $passwordsstring); foreach my $i (@passwords) { my $name = substr($i, 0, index($i, '=')); my $password = substr($i, index($i, '=') + 1, length($i)); addpassword($name, $password); } } } sub read_settings { # my $passwords = Irssi::settings_get_str('passwords'); } sub update_settings_string { my $setting; foreach my $name (keys(%passwords)) { $setting .= $name . "=" . $passwords{$name} . ","; } Irssi::settings_set_str("autoident", $setting); } sub cmd_addpassword { my ($name, $password) = split(/ +/, $_[0]); if ($name eq "" || $password eq "") { msg("Use /id add to add new nick to autoident list", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); return; } addpassword($name, $password); update_settings_string(); } sub cmd_delpassword { my $name = $_[0]; if ($name eq "") { msg("Use /id del to delete a nick from autoident list", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); return; } delpassword($name); update_settings_string(); } sub cmd_showpasswords { if ($numpasswords == 0) { msg("No nicks defined for autoident", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); return; } msg("Nicks for autoident:", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); my $n = 1; foreach my $nick (keys(%passwords)) { # msg("$nick: " . $mailboxes{$password}, MSGLEVEL_CRAP); msg("$n. $nick: ***", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); $n++; } } sub cmd_id { my ($data, $server, $item) = @_; if ($data =~ m/^[(show)|(add)|(del)|(help)]/i ) { Irssi::command_runsub('id', $data, $server, $item); } else { msg("Use /id (show|add|del|help)", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } Irssi::command_bind('id show', 'cmd_showpasswords'); Irssi::command_bind('id list', 'cmd_showpasswords'); Irssi::command_bind('id add', 'cmd_addpassword'); Irssi::command_bind('id del', 'cmd_delpassword'); Irssi::command_bind('id help', 'cmd_print_help'); Irssi::command_bind('id', 'cmd_id'); Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'autoident', ''); read_settings(); init_passwords(); Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'read_settings'); #Irssi::signal_add('event privmsg', 'event_privmsg'); Irssi::signal_add('event notice', 'event_notice'); msg("loaded ok", MSGLEVEL_CRAP); # EOF