## # autorejoinpunish - your solution for banning people who don't # know what kicks are for. # This script is for irssi 0.8.4, and was written by Paul Raade, # laaama in IRCNet. ## # Explanations for the settings, with defaults shown: # # /set autorejoinpunish_time_limit 3 # - The time limit in seconds for measuring what is an # autorejoin, and what is not. # /set autorejoinpunish_kickban_message Kickban for autorejoining. # - Kick reason, if kickban was selected. # /set autorejoinpunish_knockout ON # - Whether kick or knockout. As default, knockout is # selected, so that the bans will be removed automatically. # /set autorejoinpunish_knockout_time 60 # - Time in seconds how long a ban will be kept if # knockout is selected. # /set autorejoinpunish_knockout_message Temporary ban for autorejoining. # - Kick reason, if knockout was selected. # /set autorejoinpunish_channels # - Space separated list of channels on which autorejoin punishment # be used will # /set autorejoinpunish_only_own_kicks ON # - If set ON, only people kicked by you will be banned. ## # Changelog: # - 0.2: Better way of checking channels, /set autorejoinpunish_only_own_kicks added. # - 0.1: Initial release. ## # Happy banning! ;) ## use strict; use Irssi qw(settings_get_str settings_get_int settings_get_bool timeout_add settings_add_int settings_add_str settings_add_bool signal_add_first command server_find_tag); use vars qw(%IRSSI $VERSION); $VERSION = '0.3'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Paul \'laaama\' Raade', contact => 'paul\@raade.org', name => 'Autorejoin punisher', description => 'Kickbans or knockouts people who use autorejoin on kick.', license => 'BSD', url => 'http://www.raade.org/~paul/irssi/scripts/', changes => 'Changed signals to be added to the top of the list to make the script work with scripts that stop the signals (autorealname, for example).', changed => 'Thu 02 May 2002, 22:04:48 EEST' ); my %victims; my %bans; sub message_kick { # Set a time stamp for people who are kicked. # "message kick", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *kicker, char *address, char *reason my ($server, $channel, $nick, $kicker, $address, undef) = @_; if ((settings_get_bool('autorejoinpunish_only_own_kicks') == 0) || (settings_get_bool('autorejoinpunish_only_own_kicks') == 1 && ($kicker eq $server->{nick}) )) { foreach my $item (split(' ', lc(settings_get_str('autorejoinpunish_channels')))) { if ((lc $channel) eq $item) { $victims{$channel}{$nick} = time(); } } } } sub message_join { # Check for recent kicks, # "message join", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address) = @_; if ($victims{$channel}{$nick} && ((time()-$victims{$channel}{$nick}) <= settings_get_int('autorejoinpunish_time_limit'))) { if (settings_get_bool('autorejoinpunish_knockout') == 1) { $server->command('mode' . ' ' . $channel . ' +b *!' . $address); $server->command('kick' . ' ' . $channel . ' ' . $nick . ' ' . settings_get_str('autorejoinpunish_knockout_message')); $bans{$server->{tag}}{time()} = $channel . '/' . $address; } else { $server->command('mode' . ' ' . $channel . ' +b *!' . $address); $server->command('kick' . ' ' . $channel . ' ' . $nick . ' ' . settings_get_str('autorejoinpunish_kickban_message')); } } delete $victims{$channel}{$nick}; } sub clean_list { my ($channelkey, $nickkey); if (%victims) { foreach $channelkey (keys %victims) { foreach $nickkey (keys %{$victims{$channelkey}}) { if ((time()-$victims{$channelkey}{$nickkey}) > settings_get_int('autorejoinpunish_time_limit')) { delete $victims{$channelkey}{$nickkey}; } } } } } sub check_bans { my ($server, $timestamp); if (%bans) { foreach $server (keys %bans) { foreach $timestamp (keys %{$bans{$server}}) { if ((time()-$timestamp) > settings_get_int('autorejoinpunish_knockout_time')) { my ($channel, $address) = split(/\//, $bans{$server}{$timestamp}); server_find_tag($server)->command('mode' . ' ' . $channel . ' -b *!' . $address); delete $bans{$server}{$timestamp}; } } } } } settings_add_int ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_time_limit', '3'); settings_add_str ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_kickban_message', 'Kickban for autorejoining.'); settings_add_bool ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_knockout', '1'); settings_add_int ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_knockout_time', '60'); settings_add_str ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_knockout_message', 'Temporary ban for autorejoining.'); settings_add_str ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_channels', ''); settings_add_bool ('misc', 'autorejoinpunish_only_own_kicks', '1'); signal_add_first 'message join' => 'message_join'; signal_add_first 'message kick' => 'message_kick'; timeout_add ('5000', 'check_bans', ''); timeout_add ('3600000', 'clean_list', ''); # 1h = 60min * 60s * 1000ms = 3600000ms