use Irssi; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '0.0.7'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Wouter Coekaerts, Koenraad Heijlen', contact => ',', name => 'away_verbose', description => 'A verbose away script, displays a verbose away/back message in the channels you are in. BUT it can limit the channels (not spamming every channel!)', license => 'GNU GPL version 2', url => '', changed => '2004-01-01' ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Changelog #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 0.7 (2004-01-01) # * Wouter Coekaerts # - don't hard code the command char # # 0.5 (2002-11-17) # * James Seward # - make regex case insensitive # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------- my $away_time_texts = "wk,wks,day,days,hr,hrs,min,mins,sec,secs"; my ($away_set, $away_time, $away_reason, $away_silent)=(0,0,"",0); my %myHELP = (); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help function #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_help { my ($about) = @_; %myHELP = ( back => " BACK Away is unset, the time you were away is displayed in the channel with the reason. like this: /me away_back_text_part1 <reason> away_back_text_part2 TIME Currently it will display: /me " . Irssi::settings_get_str('away_back_text_part1') . " Some Reason " . Irssi::settings_get_str('away_back_text_part2') . " " . &secs2text(10000) . " You can change this by changing the settings (with /set setting_name): * away_back_text_part1 (default: is back from) * away_back_text_part2 (default: after) * away_time_texts (default: wk,wks,day,days,hr,hrs,min,mins,sec,secs) ", gone => " GONE <your away reason> Sets you away with the given reason, and displays it publically on the allowed channels. like this: /me away_gone_text <reason> Currently it will display: /me " . Irssi::settings_get_str('away_gone_text') . " Some Reason You can change this by changing the settings (with /set setting_name): * away_gone_text (default: is gone:) How do I decide on which channels they away message is displayed? ----------------------------------------------------------------- You set 2 settings: away_order_channels, away_allow_channels. away_order_channels = [allow|exclude] Should the channels be allowed or excluded using a regular expression. (exclude = all but the matching channels). away_allow_channels = <regular expression> The regular expression limiting the channels (eg 'linux|home' without the ''). ", awe => " AWE [<your away reason>] When a reason is given, it acts as GONE When no reason is supplied it acts as BACK. SEE ALSO: HELP BACK, HELP GONE ", ); if ( $about =~ /(back|gone|awe)/i ) { Irssi::print($myHELP{$1}); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Translate the number of seconds to a human readable format. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub secs2text { $away_time_texts = Irssi::settings_get_str('away_time_texts'); my ($secs) = @_; my ($wk_,$wks_,$day_,$days_,$hr_,$hrs_,$min_,$mins_,$sec_,$secs_) = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); my @texts = split(/,/,$away_time_texts); my $mins=int($secs/60); $secs -= ($mins*60); my $hrs=int($mins/60); $mins -= ($hrs*60); my $days=int($hrs/24); $hrs -= ($days*24); my $wks=int($days/7); $days -= ($wks*7); my $text = (($wks>0) ? (($wks>1) ? "$wks $texts[$wks_] " : "$wks $texts[$wk_] ") : "" ); $text .= (($days>0) ? (($days>1) ? "$days $texts[$days_] " : "$days $texts[$day_] ") : "" ); $text .= (($hrs>0) ? (($hrs>1) ? "$hrs $texts[$hrs_] " : "$hrs $texts[$hr_] ") : "" ); $text .= (($mins>0) ? (($mins>1) ? "$mins $texts[$mins_] " : "$mins $texts[$min_] ") : "" ); $text .= (($secs>0) ? (($secs>1) ? "$secs $texts[$secs_] " : "$secs $texts[$sec_] ") : "" ); $text =~ s/ $//; return $text; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output the public away on all permitted channels. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub away_describe_pub_channels { my $away_allow_channels=Irssi::settings_get_str('away_allow_channels'); my $away_order_channels=Irssi::settings_get_str('away_order_channels'); my ($server,$text) = @_; foreach my $server (Irssi::servers) { foreach my $chan ($server->channels) { if ((($server->{chatnet} .":". $chan->{name}) =~ /$away_allow_channels/i) != ($away_order_channels eq "exclude")) { $server->command("DESCRIBE $chan->{name} $text"); } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the away reason, and call the function to do the announce. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub away_setaway { my ($server, $reason)=@_; my $away_gone_text=Irssi::settings_get_str('away_gone_text'); $server->command("AWAY " . $reason); away_describe_pub_channels($server,"$away_gone_text $reason"); $away_time=time; $away_reason=$reason; $away_set=1; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the away reason, and call the function to do the announce. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub away_back { my($server)=@_; my $away_back_text_part1=Irssi::settings_get_str('away_back_text_part1'); my $away_back_text_part2=Irssi::settings_get_str('away_back_text_part2'); if ( $away_set ) { $server->command("AWAY"); away_describe_pub_channels($server,"$away_back_text_part1 $away_reason $away_back_text_part2 " . secs2text(time - $away_time)); $away_time=0; $away_reason=""; $away_set=0; } else { Irssi::print("Don't use back if you are not away! OXYMORON"); Irssi::print("(ed. note) OXYMORON: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (as cruel kindness)"); return; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defintion of /gone, /back and /awe #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gone { my ($args, $server, $item) = @_; away_setaway($server,$args); } sub back { my ($args, $server, $item) = @_; away_back($server); } sub cmd_away { my ($args, $server, $item) = @_; if ( $args ) { away_setaway($server,$args); } else { away_back($server); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Irssi::Settings / Irssi::command_bind #-------------------------------------------------------------------- Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_allow_channels', "^\$"); Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_order_channels', "exclude"); Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_time_texts', $away_time_texts); Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_gone_text', "is gone:"); Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_back_text_part1', "is back from"); Irssi::settings_add_str('away', 'away_back_text_part2', "after"); Irssi::command_bind("gone", "gone", "Advanced Away"); Irssi::command_bind("back", "back", "Advanced Away"); Irssi::command_bind("awe","cmd_away", "Advanced Away"); Irssi::command_bind("help","cmd_help", "Irssi commands"); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # This text is printed at Load time. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- Irssi::print("Use /back, /gone <reason>, or the toggle /awe [<reason>]"); Irssi::print("Use /away [<reason>] for silent away"); Irssi::print("Use /help back or gone or awe for more information."); #- end