use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi qw(command_bind command_runsub); $VERSION = '2002121801'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Daniel K. Gebhart, Marcus Rückert', contact => ',', name => 'BMI Calculator', description => 'a simple body mass index calculator for depression ;)', license => 'GPLv2', url => '', changed => $VERSION, ); sub bmi_help () { print ( CLIENTCRAP "\nBMI []\n" ); print ( CLIENTCRAP "please specify weight in kilograms (10-999kg) and height in cm (10-999cm). you can use decimal places. output precision (0-9).\n" ); print ( CLIENTCRAP "The optimal BMI is 19-24 for women and 20-25 for men.\n" ); } command_bind 'bmi help' => sub { bmi_help(); }; command_bind 'bmi' => sub { my ($data, $server, $item) = @_; $data =~ s/\s+$//g; $data =~ s/,/./g; if ($data eq '') { bmi_help(); } elsif ( $data =~ m/^help/i ) { command_runsub ( 'bmi', $data, $server, $item ); } else { if ( $data =~ m/^(\d{2,3}(\.\d+)?)\s+(\d{2,3}(\.\d+)?)(\s+(\d))?$/ ) { my ($kg, $cm) = ($1, $3); my $precision = ( defined ($6) ) ? $6 : 2; print ( CRAP "with $kg kg at $cm cm you have a bmi of " . sprintf("%." . $precision . "f", ( ( $kg/$cm**2 ) *10000 ) ) ); } else { print ( CRAP "please specify weight in kilograms (10-999kg) and height in cm (10-999cm). you can use decimal places. output precision (0-9)." ); print ( CRAP "params were: $data" ); } } };