use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi; use Irssi::UI; use Irssi::TextUI; use MIME::Base64; use File::Glob qw/:bsd_glob/; $VERSION = '0.10'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'vague,bw1', contact => '', name => 'copy', description => 'copy a line in a paste buffer', license => 'Public Domain', url => '', changed => '2020-09-26', modules => 'MIME::Base64 File::Glob', commands=> 'copy', ); my $help = << "END"; %9Name%9 $IRSSI{name} %9Version%9 $VERSION %9Synopsis%9 /copy [start [end]] /copy <-f word> %9Description%9 $IRSSI{description} Tested with xterm, tmux, screen and ssh see man xterm /disallowedWindowOps %9Settings%9 $IRSSI{name}_selection c clipboard p primary q secondary s select 0-7 cut buffers $IRSSI{name}_method xterm xclip xsel screen print file $IRSSI{name}_file filename for method 'file' $IRSSI{name}_file_mode open mode for method 'file' $IRSSI{name}_file_eol end of line string for method 'file' %9See also%9*/Code/urxvt/ END # Thanks # # dive # /tmp/screen-exchange # nei #*/Code/urxvt/ # vague # line buffer my ($copy_selection, $copy_method); my ($copy_file, $copy_file_mode, $copy_file_eol); sub cmd_copy { my ($args, $server, $witem)=@_; my ($opt, $arg) = Irssi::command_parse_options('copy', $args); if (exists $opt->{f}) { cmd_find($opt->{f}, $server, $witem); } else { cmd_num($args, $server, $witem); } } sub cmd_find { my ($args, $server, $witem)=@_; my $line=Irssi::active_win->view->{startline}; my $str; while ( defined $line ) { my $s= $line->get_text(0); if ( $s =~ /$args/ ) { $str =$s; last; } $line= $line->next(); } if (defined $str) { paste ($str); } } sub cmd_num { my ($args, $server, $witem)=@_; my $line=Irssi::active_win->view->{buffer}{cur_line}; unless (defined $line) { Irssi::print('No Copy!', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return(); } my @arg = split /[\s-]/, $args; if(@arg > 2 || grep {/[^\d]+/} @arg) { Irssi::print('Illegal range!', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return(); } $arg[0] = 1 if ($arg[0]==0); $arg[0] -= 1; $arg[1] -= 1 if defined $arg[1]; for(1..$arg[0]) { last unless $line->prev; $line = $line->prev; } my $str; for($arg[0]..($arg[1] // $arg[0])) { $str = join $copy_file_eol, $line->get_text(0), $str; last unless $line->prev; $line = $line->prev; } paste ($str); } sub paste { my ($str)= @_; if ( $copy_method eq 'xterm' ) { paste_xterm($str, $copy_selection); } elsif ( $copy_method eq 'xclip' ) { paste_xclip($str, $copy_selection); } elsif ( $copy_method eq 'xsel' ) { paste_xsel($str, $copy_selection); } elsif ( $copy_method eq 'screen' ) { paste_screen($str, $copy_selection); } elsif ( $copy_method eq 'print' ) { paste_print($str, $copy_selection); } elsif ( $copy_method eq 'file' ) { paste_file($str, $copy_selection); } } sub paste_file { my ($str, $par)= @_; open my $fa, $copy_file_mode, $copy_file; print $fa $str, $copy_file_eol; close $fa; } sub paste_print { my ($str, $par)= @_; Irssi::print($str, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); } sub paste_screen { my ($str, $par)= @_; my $fn= '/tmp/screen-exchange'; open my $fa, ">", $fn; print $fa $str; close $fa; } sub paste_xclip { my ($str, $par)= @_; my %ma= ( 0=>'buffer-cut', p=>'primary', q=>'secondary', c=>'clipboard', ); my $sel= $ma{substr($par,0,1)}; if (defined $sel) { $sel= "-selection $sel"; } my $cmd="xclip -i $sel"; open my $fa, "|-", $cmd; print $fa $str; close $fa; } sub paste_xsel { my ($str, $par)= @_; my %ma= ( p=>'--primary', q=>'--secondary', c=>'--clipboard', ); my $sel= $ma{substr($par,0,1)}; my $cmd="xsel -i $sel"; open my $fa, "|-", $cmd; print $fa $str; close $fa; } sub paste_xterm { my ($str,$par)=@_; my $b64=encode_base64($str,''); #print STDERR "\033]52;cpqs01234;".$b64."\007"; my $pstr="\033]52;".$par.";".$b64."\007"; if ($ENV{TERM} =~ m/^xterm/) { print STDERR $pstr; } elsif ($ENV{TERM} eq 'screen') { # tmux if (defined $ENV{TMUX}) { my $tc = `tmux list-clients`; $ENV{TMUX} =~ m/,(\d+)$/; my $tcn =$1; my $pty; foreach (split /\n/,$tc) { $_ =~ m/^(.*?): (\d+)/; if ($tcn == $2) { $pty = $1; last(); } } my $fa; open $fa,'>',$pty; print $fa $pstr; close $fa; # screen } elsif (defined $ENV{STY}) { $ENV{STY} =~ m/\..*?-(\d+)\./; my $pty = "/dev/pts/$1"; my $fa; open $fa,'>',$pty; print $fa $pstr; close $fa; } } } sub cmd_help { my ($args, $server, $witem)=@_; $args=~ s/\s+//g; if ($IRSSI{name} eq $args) { Irssi::print($help, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); Irssi::signal_stop(); } } sub sig_setup_changed { my $cs= Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{name}.'_selection'); if ($cs =~ m/^[cpqs0-7]*$/ ) { $copy_selection=$cs; } else { $cs =~ s/[^cpqs0-7]//g; $copy_selection=$cs; Irssi::settings_set_str($IRSSI{name}.'_selection', $cs); } my $cm= Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{name}.'_method'); my %md=(xterm=>1, xclip=>1, xsel=>1, screen=>1, print=>1, file=>1 ); if (exists $md{$cm} ) { $copy_method= $cm; } else { $cm= $copy_method; Irssi::settings_set_str($IRSSI{name}.'_method', $cm); } my $fn= Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{name}.'_file'); $copy_file= bsd_glob($fn); my $fm= Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{name}.'_file_mode'); $copy_file_mode= $fm; my $fe= Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{name}.'_file_eol'); $fe =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $fe =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $copy_file_eol= $fe; } Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', \&sig_setup_changed); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name} ,$IRSSI{name}.'_selection', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name} ,$IRSSI{name}.'_method', 'xterm'); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name} ,$IRSSI{name}.'_file', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name} ,$IRSSI{name}.'_file_mode', '>'); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name} ,$IRSSI{name}.'_file_eol', '\n'); Irssi::command_bind($IRSSI{name}, \&cmd_copy); Irssi::command_bind('help', \&cmd_help); Irssi::command_set_options('copy','+f'); sig_setup_changed();