# A simple script for all Norwegians who like to get # all incoming english text translated to Norwegian :D # Written by dpryo # # WARNING: # Dunno what freetranslation.com thinks about it ;D # ..so remember, this scripts sends ALL incoming public messages # as a webrequest to their server. That is, one request pr. # message you get. In other words, if somebody pubfloods 100 lines, you will # visit freetranslation.com 100 times ;) ###### # # There is at least one bug in it .. It doesn't check wether the # incoming text is english or not before it sends the request. # # Somebody could perhaps fix that?, since i'm a lazy asshole. # # Another thing, it doesn't handles channels or anything, so # I could call this a "Technology Preview" as all the big # guys are calling their software when it's in a buggy and # not-so-very-usefull stage of development :P # use Irssi; use LWP::Simple; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $translate =0; $VERSION = "0.2"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Harald Nesland", contact => "hnesland\@samsen.com", name => "EngNoTranslate", description => "Very simple script that sends incoming text to freetranslation.com for english->norwegian translation. May be modified to translate other languages.", license => "Public Domain", url => "http://www.satyra.net", changed => "Thu Apr 11 14:15:25 CEST 2002" ); sub income { my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask, $target) = @_; $eng = $data; if($translate=1) { $eng =~ s/ /+/ig; chop($eng); Irssi::command("/echo [$nick] $eng"); $result = get("http://ets.freetranslation.com:5081/?Sequence=core&Mode=txt&template=TextResults2.htm&Language=English/Norwegian&SrcText=$eng"); Irssi::command("/echo [$nick] $result"); } } sub trans { if($translate =0) { $translate=1; } else { $translate =0; } } Irssi::signal_add("message public", "income"); Irssi::command_bind("translate","trans");