########################################################################### # # CopyLeft Veli Mankinen 2002 # HL-log/rcon bot irssi script. # ##################### # # USAGE: # # 1. copy the script to ~/.irssi/scripts/ # 2. Edit the variables below. # 3. load the script: /script load hlbot # 4. Join to the channel you want this script to work on. # 5. Make sure all the users have ops in the channel (security reasons) # 6. say in channel: .rcon logadress # Where ip is the ip of the machine where this script is running and # the port is the $listen_port you have set below # 7. say in channel: .rcon log on # # The script should now start flooding the channel about things hapening in # the channel. Ofcourse you can and I think you should add those # log -commands to your hl server.cfg. # # You can turn the flooding of by saying: ".log off" and turn it back on # with: ".log off". ".status" tells you whether the log is on or off. # Please note that the logfile is allways on. If you don't want to gather # the log in a file then you should put "/dev/null" to the $logfile below. # # # NOTE: There probably are few stupid things in this script and that is # just because I don't have a clue about making irssi script. # ## use strict; use Socket; use Sys::Hostname; use IO::Handle; use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); ##########################[ USER VARIABLES ]########################### my $listen_port = 10001; # Port to listen to my $logfile = "logi"; # Logfile my $hlserver = ""; # Ip of your half life server my $hlport = "28000"; # Port of your half life server my $rcon_pass = "password"; # Rcon password of your half life server my $channel = "#mychan"; # Channel where you want this to work ####################################################################### ##############[ YOU DON'T NEED TO TOUCH BELOW THIS LINE ]############## ####################################################################### $VERSION = "1.0"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Veli Mankinen", contact => "veli\@piipiip.net", name => "HL-log/rcon -bot", description => "Floods the channel about things that are hapening in your hl -server. Also enables you to send rcon commands to the server from channel.", license => "GPLv2", url => "http://piipiip.net/", ); ##################### my $serv_iaddr = inet_aton($hlserver) || die "unknown host: $hlserver\n"; my $serv_paddr = sockaddr_in($hlport, $serv_iaddr); my $challenge = ""; my $rcon_msg = ""; my $log_on = 1; ##################### sub run_bot { my $server = Irssi::active_server(); my $msg; (my $hispaddr = recv(S, $msg, 1000, 0)) or print "$!\n"; my ($port, $hisiaddr) = sockaddr_in($hispaddr); my $host = inet_ntoa($hisiaddr); $msg =~ s/\n.$//s; $msg =~ s/\n..$//s; print LOG "$host : $msg\n"; # Received logline if ($msg =~ s/^˙˙˙˙log L \d\d\/\d\d\/\d{4} - \d\d:\d\d:\d\d: //) { # We don't want to see these if ($log_on eq 0 || $msg =~ /^Server cvar/ || $msg =~ /^\[META\]/ || $msg =~ /^Log file/ || $msg =~ /^\[ADMIN\]/) { return; } # FORMAT THE LINE # Don't show the rcon password. $msg =~ s/^(Rcon: "rcon \d* )[^ ]*( .*)/$1*****$2/; # Print the logline if ($msg =~ /^"/) { $server->command("/action $channel $msg"); } else { $server->send_raw("PRIVMSG $channel :*log* $msg"); } } # Received challenge rcon reply.. elsif ($msg =~ /^˙˙˙˙challenge rcon (\d+)$/ && $rcon_msg) { $challenge = $1; my $data = "˙˙˙˙rcon $challenge $rcon_pass $rcon_msg"; defined(send(S, $data, 0, $serv_paddr)) or $server->command("/notice $channel Error sending rcon: $!"); } # Received rcon reply elsif ($msg =~ s/˙˙˙˙l//) { # Some rcon replies have this annoying log entry in the beginning. $msg =~ s/L \d\d\/\d\d\/\d{4} - \d\d:\d\d:\d\d: //g; # FORMAT THE LINE # Multiline rcon responses if ($msg =~ /\n/s) { my @rows = split /\n/, $msg; foreach my $row (@rows) { # We don't want to see these if ($row =~ /^[\t \n]*$/ || $row =~ /^[ADMIN] Load/ || $row =~ /^[ADMIN] WARNING/ || $row =~ /^[ADMIN] Plugins loaded/) { next; } $server->command("/notice $channel $row"); } # Single line rcon responses } else { $server->command("/notice $channel $msg"); } } } ############################ sub msg_command { my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask, $target) = @_; # Is this the right channel? unless ($target =~ /$channel/i) { return; } # Does the user have ops? my $CHAN = $server->channel_find($channel); my $NICK = $CHAN->nick_find($nick); if (! $NICK->{op}) { return; } # Rcon command. if ($data =~ /^\.rcon (.+)/) { $rcon_msg = $1; defined(send(S, "˙˙˙˙challenge rcon", 0, $serv_paddr)) or $server->command("/notice $channel Error asking challenge: $!"); } # log on elsif ($data =~ /^\.log on$/) { $log_on = 1; $server->command("/notice $channel Logging now ON"); } # log off elsif ($data =~ /^\.log off$/) { $log_on = 0; $server->command("/notice $channel Logging now OFF"); } # help elsif ($data =~ /^\.help$/) { $server->command("/notice $channel Commands: .rcon , " . ".log , .status"); } # status elsif ($data =~ /^\.status$/) { my $log_status = ""; if ($log_on eq 1) { $log_status = "on"; } else { $log_status = "off"; } $server->command("/notice $channel Log: $log_status"); } } #########[ MAIN ]########### # Open the logfile. open LOG, ">>", $logfile or die "Cannot open logfile!\n"; LOG->autoflush(1); # Start listening the socket for udp messages. my $iaddr = gethostbyname(hostname()); my $proto = getprotobyname('udp'); my $paddr = sockaddr_in($listen_port, $iaddr); socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!\n"; bind(S, $paddr) || die "bind: $!\n"; # Set input and signals etc. irssi related stuff. Irssi::input_add(fileno(S), INPUT_READ, "run_bot", ""); Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', 'msg_command');