# Show IRC gallery (http://irc-galleria.net, finnish only) information # on /WHOIS or /GALLERY # version 1.13 # for irssi 0.8.0 by Timo Sirainen use strict; use Symbol; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = "1.13"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Timo \'cras\' Sirainen", contact => "tss\@iki.fi", name => "ircgallery", description => "Show IRC gallery (http://irc-galleria.net, finnish only) information on /WHOIS or /GALLERY", license => "Public Domain", url => "http://irssi.org/", changed => "2002-03-04T22:47+0100" ); Irssi::theme_register([ 'whois_gallery', '{whois gallery $1}', 'gallery_header', '{hilight $0} - IRC gallery information', 'gallery_line', ' $[8]0 : $1', 'gallery_footer', 'End of info', 'gallery_notfound', '$0 is not in IRC gallery', 'gallery_nolist', 'Nick list of IRC gallery not downloaded yet - please wait' ]); my $cache_path = glob "~/.irssi/ircgallery"; my @print_queue; my $nicklist_path = "$cache_path/nicks.list"; my $gallery_nicks_time = 0; my %gallery_nicks = {}; my $last_whois_nick; sub get_view_url { return 'http://irc-galleria.net/view.php?nick='.$_[0]; } # print the gallery information - assumes the file is in cache directory sub print_gallery { my %print_notfound; my $nick = shift; my $found = 0; my $next_channels = 0; my $channels; local $/ = "\n"; my $f = gensym; if (!open($f, "<", "$cache_path/$nick")) { Irssi::print("Couldn't open file $cache_path/$nick: $!", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR); return; } while (<$f>) { last if (/\<title\>.*Etsi nick/); # unknown nick if ($next_channels) { if (m,\<a .*\>(#.*)\</a>,) { $channels .= "$1 "; next; } else { $next_channels = 0; if ($channels) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_line', "channels", $channels); $channels = ""; } } } if (/\<h1\>[^\(]*\(([^\)]*)/) { my $realname = $1; Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_header', $nick); Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_line', "ircname", $realname); Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_line', "url", get_view_url($nick)); $found = 1; next; } if (/\<img.*src="([^"]*)".*alt="$nick"/) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_line', "image", "http://irc-galleria.net/$1"); next; } my ($title, $value) = $_ =~ m,\<span class="otsikko"\>([^:]+):\</span\> (.*)\<br /\>,; if ($value =~ m,\<a .*\>(.*)\</a\>,) { $value = $1; } $next_channels = 1 if (m,\<span class="otsikko"\>Kanavat,); if ($title && $value) { if ($title eq "Maili") { $title = "e-mail"; } elsif ($title =~ /Kaupunki/) { $title = "city"; } elsif ($title eq "Syntynyt") { $title = "birthday"; } elsif ($title eq "Muutettu") { $title = "last modified"; } Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_line', $title, $value); } } close($f); if ($found) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_footer', $nick); } elsif ($print_notfound{$nick}) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_notfound', $nick); } delete $print_notfound{$nick}; } # download the info from gallery to cache dir, # if the files aren't there already. sub download_nicks_info { foreach my $nick (@_) { my $filename = "$cache_path/$nick"; if (! -f $filename) { # FIXME: we could do this ourself with sockets... Irssi::command("exec - wget -O$filename.tmp -q -UMozilla ".get_view_url($nick)."; mv $filename.tmp $filename"); } } } # print info from all given nicks that have file in cache dir sub gallery_show { foreach my $nick (@_) { if (-f "$cache_path/$nick") { print_gallery($nick); } else { push @print_queue, $nick; } } } sub print_whois_gallery { my ($server, $nick) = @_; if ($gallery_nicks{lc $nick}) { $server->printformat($nick, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'whois_gallery', $nick, get_view_url($nick)); } } # /WHOIS - print the gallery URL after realname sub event_whois { my ($server, $data) = @_; my ($temp, $nick) = split(" ", $data); print_whois_gallery($server, $last_whois_nick) if ($last_whois_nick); $last_whois_nick = $nick; } sub event_end_of_whois { my ($server) = @_; if ($last_whois_nick) { print_whois_gallery($server, $last_whois_nick); $last_whois_nick = undef; } } # /GALLERY <nicks> sub cmd_gallery { my @nicks = split(/[, ]/, $_[0]); if (!$gallery_nicks_time) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR, 'gallery_nolist'); return; } my @new_list; foreach my $nick (@nicks) { my $gallery_nick = $gallery_nicks{lc $nick}; if (!$gallery_nick) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'gallery_notfound', $nick); } else { push @new_list, $gallery_nick; } } download_nicks_info(@new_list); gallery_show(@new_list); if ($gallery_nicks_time < time()-(3600*8)) { # nicklist hasn't been updated for a while, refresh it download_nicklist(); } } # parse all known nicks from nick index file sub parse_nicks { my $filename = shift; %gallery_nicks = {}; $gallery_nicks_time = time(); my $f = gensym; if (!open($f, "<", $filename)) { Irssi::print("Couldn't open file $filename: $!", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR); return; } while (<$f>) { if (m,\<a href="view.php.*\>(.*)\</a\>,) { $gallery_nicks{lc $1} = $1; } } close($f); } # /EXEC finished - maybe there's new files downloaded in cache dir? sub sig_exec_remove { my @new_queue; if (-f $nicklist_path) { parse_nicks($nicklist_path); unlink($nicklist_path); } foreach my $nick (@print_queue) { if (-f "$cache_path/$nick") { print_gallery($nick); } else { push @new_queue, $nick; } } @print_queue = @new_queue; } sub download_nicklist { Irssi::command("exec - wget -O$nicklist_path -q -UMozilla http://irc-galleria.net/list.php?letter=_"); } # clear cache dir if (-d $cache_path) { unlink(<$cache_path/*>); } else { mkdir($cache_path, 0700) || die "Can't create cache directory $cache_path"; } # we need the nick list, get it once per hour download_nicklist(); Irssi::signal_add_first('event 311', 'event_whois'); Irssi::signal_add_first('event 318', 'event_end_of_whois'); Irssi::signal_add('exec remove', 'sig_exec_remove'); Irssi::command_bind('gallery', 'cmd_gallery');