# $Id: modelist-r.pl,v 0.8.0-rc4 2004/11/04 19:56 derwan Exp $ # # This script creates cache of channel invites, ban exceptions and reops. # Reop list is included only in ircd >= 2.11.0 (in IRCnet) - for other servers # and networks use modelist.pl ( http://derwan.irssi.pl/modelist.pl). # # Script commands: # /si - shows channel invites # /se - shows ban exception # /sr - shows reop list # # /uninvite [] # - removes the specified invite(s) from the channel # /unexcept [] # - removes the specified ban exception(s) from the channel # /unreop [] # - removes the specified reop(s) from the channel # # Examples: # /si # /uninvite 1 # /unexcept *!*@ # /unreop 1 *!*@ 5 # # After loading modelist-r.pl run command # /statusbar window add -priority 0 -after usercount modelist # # You can customize the look of this item from theme file: # sb_modelist = "{sb $0 modes ($1-)}"; # sb_ml_b = "b/%r$*%n"; # bans # sb_ml_e = "e/%c$*%n"; # ban exceptions # sb_ml_I = "I/%G$*%n"; # invites # sb_ml_R = "R/%R$*%n"; # reops # sb_ml_space = " "; # separator # # Theme formats: # modelist $0 - index, $1 - channel, $2 - hostmask, 3 - mode # modelist_long $4 - nick, $5 - time # modelist_empty $0 - channel, $1 - mode # modelist_chan_not_synced $0 - channel # modelist_not_joined # modelist_server_version $0 - version # use strict; use vars ('$VERSION', '%IRSSI'); use Irssi 20020600 (); use Irssi::Irc; use Irssi::TextUI; $VERSION = '0.8.0-rc4'; %IRSSI = ( 'authors' => 'Marcin Rozycki', 'contact' => 'derwan@irssi.pl', 'name' => 'modelist-r', 'description' => 'Cache of invites, ban exceptions and reops in channel. Script commands: '. '/si, /se, /sr, /unexcept, /uninvite, /unreop (version only for ircd >= 2.11.0).', 'sbitems' => 'modelist', 'license' => 'GNU GPL v2', 'modules' => '', 'url' => 'http://derwan.irssi.pl', 'changed' => 'Thu Nov 4 17:56:17 2004', ); Irssi::theme_register ([ # $0 - index, $1 - channel name, $2 - hostmask, $3 - mode (invite, ban exception, reop) 'modelist', '$0 - {channel $1}: $3 {ban $2}', # $0 - index, $1 - channel name, $2 - hostmask, $3 - mode, $4 - nick, $5 - time 'modelist_long', '$0 - {channel $1}: $3 {ban $2} {comment by {nick $4}, $5 secs ago}', # $0 - channel name, $1 - mode 'modelist_empty', 'No $1s in channel {channel $0}', # $0 - channel name 'modelist_chan_not_synced', 'Channel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while', # $0 - channel name 'modelist_chan_no_modes', 'Channel {channel $0} doesn\'t support modes', 'modelist_not_joined', 'Not joined to any channel', # $0 - version 'modelist_server_version', 'This script working only in ircd {hilight >= 2.11.0} with reop list {comment active ircd $0}' ]); # $modelist{str servertag}->{lc str channel}->{str mode} = [ $moderec, ... ] # $moderec = [ str hostmask, str nick, str time ] my %modelist = (); # $synced{str servertag}->{lc str channel} = int synced my %synced = (); # $visible{str mode} = str list my %visible = ( 'e' => 'ban exception', 'I' => 'invite', 'R' => 'reop' ); # $sb->{str mode} = int modes my $sb = {}; # server redirections: # 'modelist I' ( 346, 347, 403, 442, 472, 479, 482) # 'modelist e' ( 348, 349, 403, 442, 472, 479, 482) # 'modelist R' ( 344, 345, 403, 442, 472, 479, 482) Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('modelist I', 0, 0, { 'event 346' => 1 }, { 'event 347' => 1, # end of channel invite list 'event 403' => 1, # no such channel 'event 442' => 1, # you're not on that channel 'event 472' => 1, # unknown mode 'event 479' => 1, # illegal channel name 'event 482' => 1 # you're not channel operator }, undef ); Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('modelist e', 0, 0, { 'event 348' => 1 }, { 'event 349' => 1, # end of channel exception list 'event 403' => 1, 'event 442' => 1, 'event 472' => 1, 'event 479' => 1, 'event 482' => 1 }, undef ); Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('modelist R', 0, 0, { 'event 344' => 1 }, { 'event 345' => 1, # end of channel reop list 'event 403' => 1, 'event 442' => 1, 'event 472' => 1, 'event 479' => 1, 'event 482' => 1 }, undef ); # create_channel (rec channel, int sync) sub create_channel ($;$) { destroy_channel($_[0]); sb_update(); my ($server, $tag, $channel) = ($_[0]->{server}, $_[0]->{server}->{tag}, lc $_[0]->{name}); if ( !test_version($server) or $_[0]->{no_modes} ) { $synced{$tag}->{$channel} = 1; return; } $synced{$tag}->{$channel} = ( defined $_[1] ) ? $_[1] : 0; $modelist{$tag}->{$channel}->{I} = []; $server->redirect_event('modelist I', 1, $channel, 0, undef, { 'event 346' => 'redir modelist invite', '' => 'event empty' }); $server->send_raw(sprintf('mode %s +I', $channel)); $modelist{$tag}->{$channel}->{e} = []; $server->redirect_event('modelist e', 1, $channel, 0, undef, { 'event 348' => 'redir modelist except', '' => 'event empty' }); $server->send_raw(sprintf('mode %s +e', $channel)); $modelist{$tag}->{$channel}->{R} = []; $server->redirect_event('modelist R', 1, $channel, 0, undef, { 'event 344' => 'redir modelist reop', 'event 345' => 'redir modelist sync', 'event 403' => 'redir modelist sync', 'event 442' => 'redir modelist sync', 'event 472' => 'redir modelist sync', 'event 479' => 'redir modelist sync', 'event 482' => 'redir modelist sync', '' => 'event empty' }); $server->send_raw(sprintf('mode %s +R', $channel)); } # destroy_channel (rec channel) sub destroy_channel ($) { my ($tag, $channel) = ($_[0]->{server}->{tag}, lc $_[0]->{name}); delete $synced{$tag}->{$channel}; delete $modelist{$tag}->{$channel}; sb_update(); } # sig_redir_modelist (rec server, str data, str mode) sub sig_redir_modelist ($$$) { my $chanrec = $_[0]->channel_find(((split(' ', $_[1], 3))[1])); if ( ref $chanrec ) { mode($chanrec, 1, $_[2], ((split(/ +/, $_[1], 4))[2]), undef); } } # mode (rec channel, int type, str mode, str hostmask, str setby) sub mode ($$$$$) { my $rec = get_list($_[0], $_[2]); if ( ref $rec and $_[1] eq 1 ) { push @{$rec}, [ $_[3], $_[4], time ]; } elsif ( ref $rec and $_[1] eq 0 ) { for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#{$rec}; $idx++ ) { if ( lc $rec->[$idx]->[0] eq lc $_[3] ) { splice @{$rec}, $idx, 1; last; } } } sb_update(); } # sig_channel_sync (rec channel) sub sig_channel_sync ($) { if ( ++$synced{$_[0]->{server}->{tag}}->{lc $_[0]->{name}} < 2 ) { Irssi::signal_stop(); } } # sig_modelist_sync (rec server, str data) sub sig_modelist_sync ($$) { my $chanrec = $_[0]->channel_find(((split(/ +/, $_[1], 3))[1])); if ( ref $chanrec ) { Irssi::signal_emit('channel sync', $chanrec); sb_update(); } } # sig_message_irc_mode (rec server, str channel, str nick, str userhost, str mode) sub sig_message_irc_mode ($$$$$) { my $chanrec = $_[0]->channel_find($_[1]); unless ( ref $chanrec ) { return; } my ($q, $mods, @a) = (1, split(/ +/, $_[4])); foreach my $mod ( split('', $mods) ) { ( $mod eq '+' ) and $q = 1, next; ( $mod eq '-' ) and $q = 0, next; my $a = ( rindex('beIkloRvhx', $mod) >= 0 && $q eq 1 or rindex('beIkoRvhx', $mod) >= 0 && $q eq 0 ) ? shift(@a) : undef; if ( rindex('eIR', $mod) >= 0 ) { mode($chanrec, $q, $mod, $a, $_[2]); } } } # get_list (rec channel, str mode), rec list sub get_list ($$) { if ( ref $_[0] and defined $modelist{$_[0]->{server}->{tag}}->{lc $_[0]->{name}}->{$_[1]} ) { return $modelist{$_[0]->{server}->{tag}}->{lc $_[0]->{name}}->{$_[1]}; } } # test_version (rec server), bool 0/1 sub test_version ($) { if ( $_[0] and ref $_[0] and $_[0]->{version} =~ m/^(\d+\.\d+)\./ and $1 >= 2.11 ) { return 1; } return 0; } # test_channel (rec channel, bool quiet), bool 0/1 sub test_channel ($;$) { unless ( ref $_[0] and $_[0]->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' ) { Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'modelist_not_joined') unless ( $_[1] ); return 0; } if ( $_[0]->{no_modes} ) { $_[0]->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'modelist_chan_no_modes', $_[0]->{name}) unless ( $_[1] ); return 0; } if ( !test_version($_[0]->{server}) ) { $_[0]->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'modelist_server_version', $_[0]->{server}->{version}) unless ( $_[1] ); return 0; } if ( $synced{$_[0]->{server}->{tag}}->{lc $_[0]->{name}} < 2 ) { $_[0]->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'modelist_chan_not_synced', $_[0]->{name}) unless ( $_[1] ); return 0; } return 1; } # cmd_modelist_show (str mode) sub cmd_modelist_show ($) { my $chanrec = Irssi::active_win() ? Irssi::active_win()->{active} : undef; unless ( test_channel($chanrec) ) { return; } my $rec = get_list($chanrec, $_[0]); unless ( $#{$rec} >= 0 ) { $chanrec->printformat ( MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'modelist_empty', $chanrec->{name}, $visible{$_[0]} ); return; } for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#{$rec}; $idx++ ) { $chanrec->printformat ( MSGLEVEL_CRAP, ( defined $rec->[$idx]->[1] ? 'modelist_long' : 'modelist'), ($idx + 1), $chanrec->{name}, visible($rec->[$idx]->[0]), $visible{$_[0]}, $rec->[$idx]->[1], (time() - $rec->[$idx]->[2]) ); } } # cmd_modelist_del (str mode, str data) sub cmd_modelist_del ($$) { my $chanrec = Irssi::active_win() ? Irssi::active_win()->{active} : undef; unless ( test_channel($chanrec) ) { return; } my ($rec, @m) = (get_list($chanrec, $_[0])); foreach my $search ( split /[,;\s]+/, $_[1] ) { if ( $search =~ m/^\d+$/ ) { next unless ( $search-- and $search <= $#{$rec} ); $search = $rec->[$search]->[0]; } push @m, $search; } if ( $#m >= 0 ) { $chanrec->{server}->command(sprintf("mode %s -%s %s", $chanrec->{name}, $_[0] x scalar(@m), join(' ', @m))); } } # visible (str data), str data sub visible ($) { my $str = shift(); $str =~ tr/\240\002\003\037\026/\206\202\203\237\226/; return $str; } # sb_update () sub sb_update () { $sb->{b} = $sb->{e} = $sb->{I} = $sb->{R} = $sb->{T} = 0; my $chanrec = Irssi::active_win() ? Irssi::active_win()->{active} : undef; unless ( test_channel($chanrec, 1) ) { return; } $sb->{b} = scalar @{[$chanrec->bans]}; $sb->{e} = scalar @{get_list($chanrec, 'e')}; $sb->{I} = scalar @{get_list($chanrec, 'I')}; $sb->{R} = scalar @{get_list($chanrec, 'R')}; $sb->{T} = $sb->{b} + $sb->{e} + $sb->{I} + $sb->{R}; Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('modelist'); } # sb_modelist(rec item, bool get_size_only) # tahnks usercount.pl! sub sb_modelist ($$) { unless ( $sb->{T} ) { $_[0]->{min_size} = $_[0]->{max_size} = 0 if ( ref $_[0] ); return; } my $theme = Irssi::current_theme(); my $format = $theme->format_expand('{sb_modelist}'); if ( $format ) { my ($str, $space) = ('', $theme->format_expand('{sb_ml_space}')); foreach my $mod ( 'b', 'e', 'I', 'R' ) { next unless ( $sb->{$mod} > 0 ); my $tmp = $theme->format_expand ( sprintf('{sb_ml_%s %d}', $mod, $sb->{$mod}), Irssi::EXPAND_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY ); $str .= $tmp . $space; } $str =~ s/\Q$space\E$//; $format = $theme->format_expand ( sprintf('{sb_modelist %d %s}', $sb->{T}, $str), Irssi::EXPAND_FLAG_IGNORE_REPLACES ); } else { my $str = undef; foreach my $mod ( 'b', 'e', 'I', 'R' ) { next unless ( $sb->{$mod} > 0 ); $str .= sprintf('%s%d ', $mod, $sb->{$mod}) } chop($str); $format = sprintf('{sb \%%_%d\%%_ modes ', $sb->{T}); $format .= sprintf('\%%c(\%%n%s\%%c)', $str) if ( $str ); } $_[0]->default_handler($_[1], $format, undef, 1); } Irssi::signal_add_first('channel sync', 'sig_channel_sync'); Irssi::signal_add('channel joined' => sub { create_channel($_[0], 0) }); Irssi::signal_add('channel destroyed' => sub { destroy_channel($_[0]) }); Irssi::signal_add('redir modelist invite' => sub { sig_redir_modelist($_[0], $_[1], 'I'); }); Irssi::signal_add('redir modelist except' => sub { sig_redir_modelist($_[0], $_[1], 'e'); }); Irssi::signal_add('redir modelist reop' => sub { sig_redir_modelist($_[0], $_[1], 'R'); }); Irssi::signal_add('redir modelist sync', 'sig_modelist_sync'); Irssi::signal_add('message irc mode', 'sig_message_irc_mode'); Irssi::signal_add_last('ban new', 'sb_update'); Irssi::signal_add_last('ban remove', 'sb_update'); Irssi::signal_add_last('window changed', 'sb_update'); Irssi::signal_add_last('window item changed', 'sb_update'); Irssi::command_bind('si' => sub { cmd_modelist_show('I') }); Irssi::command_bind('se' => sub { cmd_modelist_show('e') }); Irssi::command_bind('sr' => sub { cmd_modelist_show('R') }); Irssi::command_bind('uninvite' => sub { cmd_modelist_del('I', $_[0]) }); Irssi::command_bind('unexcept' => sub { cmd_modelist_del('e', $_[0]) }); Irssi::command_bind('unreop' => sub { cmd_modelist_del('R', $_[0]) }); sb_update(); Irssi::statusbar_item_register('modelist', undef, 'sb_modelist'); Irssi::statusbars_recreate_items(); foreach my $server ( Irssi::servers ) { foreach my $chanrec ( $server->channels ) { create_channel($chanrec, 1); } }