use strict; use Irssi 20011210.0000 (); use Storable; use vars qw/$VERSION %IRSSI/; $VERSION = "1.13"; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'David Leadbeater', contact => '', name => '', description => '/on command - this is very simple and not really designed to be the same as ircII - it tries to fit into Irssi\'s usage style more than emulating ircII.', license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later', url => '', ); my %on; =head1 /on command - this is very simple and not really designed to be the same as ircII - it tries to fit into Irssi's usage style more than emulating ircII. =head1 Features This script allow you to bind Irssi commands or a piece of perl code to s particular signal with some forms of filtering. A command can be set to run in a particular channel (nearly) and on a particular chatnet. The commands that you add are automatically saved into a file (usually ~/.irssi/ =head1 Usage /on list /on add [-global] [-perl] [-server] [-channel #channel] [-stop] 'signal name' command /on remove signal name /on reload =head2 ON ADD -global: run the command with Irssi::command -perl: Interpret command as perl instead of the default Irssi -server: Only trigger for events from this chat network -channel #channel: only trigger for events in #channel (only works where $channel->{name} is present (message signals mostly) -stop: Call Irssi::signal_stop() (probably not a good idea to use this) If you supply a signal name then it must be quoted so it is interpeted as one, if you wish to bind to a numeric then just entering it will work. Currently if you specify a Irssi command $0 and $$0 are escaped, $0 $1 and so on are the parameters sent to the signal (except the first REC), $$0 and so on are the results of spliting $0 on a space so if the signal is an event then $$0 will usually be your nickname, $$1 will be the channel or nickname the numeric is targeting and so on.. =head2 ON REMOVE This removes *all* events from the signal specified (if you want to remove a numeric you must add event eg: /on remove event 401 =head2 ON RELOAD Reloads the saved list from ~/.irssi/ into memory, useful if you have to edit it manually (and very useful during debugging :) (perl -MStorable -MData::Dumper -e "print Dumper(retrieve(''));") =head1 Examples These are pretty generic examples, there are many more specific uses for the commands. To automatically run a /whowas when the no such nick/channel event is recieved: /on add 401 /whowas $$0 To automatically run a command when you become an irc operator on this chatnet: /on add -server 381 /whatever To automatically move to a window with activtiy in it on a hilight: /on add -global 'window hilight' /window goto active Obviously perl commands could be used here or many different signals (see docs/signals.text in the irssi sources for a list of all the signals) =head2 more test items /on add -perl 'channel topic changed' print "topic changed"; /on add -channel #test 'channel topic changed' /echo topic changed /on add -stop 332 /echo event 332 =cut Irssi::command_bind('on','cmd_on'); Irssi::command_bind('on add','cmd_on'); Irssi::command_bind('on remove','cmd_on'); Irssi::command_bind('on reload','cmd_on'); Irssi::command_bind('on list','cmd_on'); # This makes tab completion work :) Irssi::command_set_options('on','global stop server perl +channel'); load(); add_signals(); # Loads the saved on settings from the saved file sub load { my $file = Irssi::get_irssi_dir . '/'; return 0 unless -f $file; %on = %{retrieve($file)}; } # Saves the settings currently in the %on hash into the save file sub save { my $file = Irssi::get_irssi_dir . '/'; store(\%on, $file); } # Adds signals from the hash to irssi (only needs to be called once) sub add_signals { for(keys %on) { Irssi::signal_add($_, 'signal_handler'); } } # Irssi calls this and it figures out what to do with the event sub signal_handler { my($item, @stuff) = @_; my $signal = Irssi::signal_get_emitted(); if(exists $on{$signal}) { for(@{$on{$signal}}) { next if $_->{chatnet} ne 'all' and $_->{chatnet} ne $item->{chatnet}; next if $_->{channel} and $item->{name} ne $_->{channel}; event_handle(@$_{'settings','cmd'},$item,@stuff); } }else{ Irssi::signal_remove($signal,'signal_handler'); } } # Called with the params needed to handle an event from signal_handler sub event_handle { my($settings,$cmd,$item,@stuff) = @_; my %settings = %{$settings}; if($settings{type} == 1) { local @_; @_ = ($item,@stuff); eval('no strict;' . $cmd); }else{ $cmd =~ s!\$\$(\d)!(split / /,$stuff[0])[$1]!ge; $cmd =~ s/\$(\d)/$stuff[$1]/g; if (defined $settings{global}) { Irssi::command($cmd); } else { $item->command($cmd); } } Irssi::signal_stop() if $settings{stop}; } # Called by the /on command sub cmd_on { my $text = shift; if($text =~ s/^add //) { my($cmd,%options) = option_parse($text); if(!$options{event} || !$cmd) { Irssi::print('No '.($cmd ? 'command' : 'event'). ' supplied'); }else{ my($chatnet,%settings,$channel,$event); $chatnet = ($options{server} ? Irssi::active_server()->{chatnet} : 'all'); $event = $options{event}; $channel = $options{channel}; $settings{type} = $options{perl}; $settings{stop} = $options{stop}; $settings{global} = $options{global}; add_on($event,$cmd,$chatnet,$channel,%settings); save(); } }elsif($text =~ s/^remove //) { if(del_on($text)) { Irssi::print("Event $text deleted",MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); }else{ Irssi::print("Event not found",MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); } save(); }elsif($text =~ /^reload/) { %on = (); load(); }elsif($text eq "help") { Irssi::print( <{chatnet} ne 'all' ? $_->{chatnet} : '') . ' ' . $_->{cmd}, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP ); } } } # Adds into %on and adds a signal if needed. sub add_on { my($event,$cmd,$chatnet,$channel,%settings) = @_; Irssi::signal_add($event, 'signal_handler') unless $on{$event}; push(@{$on{$event}}, { 'chatnet' => $chatnet || 'all', 'settings' => {%settings}, 'channel' => $channel, 'cmd' => $cmd, } ); } # Deletes all ons under the event sub del_on { my $on = shift; Irssi::signal_remove($on, 'signal_handler'); return delete($on{$on}); } # This is nasty. # It would be nice if perl scripts could use Irssi's internal stuff for option # parsing sub option_parse { my $text = shift; my($last,%options,$cmd); for(split(' ',$text)) { if($cmd) { $cmd .= " $_"; }elsif(/^-(.+)$/) { $last = 'channel' if $1 eq 'channel'; $options{$1}++; }elsif(/^["'0-9]/) { if(/^\d+$/) { $options{event} = "event $_" if /^\d+$/; }else{ $last = 'event'; s/^['"]//; $options{event} = $_; } }elsif($last eq 'event'){ $last = "" if s/['"]$//; $options{event} .= " $_"; }elsif($last) { $options{$last} = $_; $last = ""; }else{ $cmd = $_; } } return ($cmd,%options); } # vim:set ts=4 sw=3 expandtab: