use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi; $VERSION = '1.00'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Pascal Hakim', contact => '', name => 'topic-diff', description => 'This script shows you changes in the topic. ', license => 'GPL' ); my %topics; sub new_channel { my ($channel) = @_; $topics{$channel->{server}->{tag}."_".$channel->{name}} = $channel->{topic}; } sub new_topic { my ($server, $channel, $topic, $user, $real) = @_; my $i; my $diff; my $i = 0; my $j = 0; my $k = 0; # $server->print ($channel, $server->{tag}); if ($topics{$server->{tag}."_".$channel}) { $topics{$server->{tag}."_".$channel} =~ s/^ +| +$//g; $topic =~ s/^ +| +$//g; my @original = split /\s*\|\s*|\s+-\s+/, $topics{$server->{tag}."_".$channel}; my @modified = split /\s*\|\s*|\s+-\s+/, $topic; outer: while( $i <= $#original) { if ($j <= $#modified && $original[$i] eq $modified[$j]) { $modified[$j] = ''; $i += 1; $j += 1; next; } else { # First two don't match, check the rest of the list for ($k = $j ; $k <= $#modified; $k++) { if ($modified[$k] eq $original[$i]) { $modified[$k] = ''; $i += 1; next outer; } } $diff = ($diff ? $diff." | " : "").$original[$i]; $i += 1; } } if ($diff ne '') { $server->print ($channel, "Topic: -: ".$diff);} $diff = join " | ", (grep {$_ ne ''} @modified); if ($diff ne '') { $server->print ($channel, "Topic: +: ".$diff);} } $topics{$server->{tag}."_".$channel} = $topic; } # Start by reading all the channels currently opened, and recording their topic my @channels = Irssi::channels () ; foreach my $channel (@channels) { $topics{$channel->{server}->{tag}."_".$channel->{name}} = $channel->{topic}; } # Topic has changed Irssi::signal_add 'message topic' => \& new_topic; # We've joined a new channel Irssi::signal_add 'channel joined' => \& new_channel;