use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; use Irssi::TextUI; $VERSION = '1.02'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'John Engelbrecht', contact => '', name => '', description => 'Animated Topic bar.', sbitems => 'twtopic', license => 'Public Domain', changed => '2018-09-08', url => ''."\n", ); my $instrut = ".--------------------------------------------------.\n". "| 1.) shell> mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts |\n". "| 2.) shell> cp ~/.irssi/scripts/ |\n". "| 3.) shell> mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun |\n". "| 4.) shell> ln -s ~/.irssi/scripts/ \\ |\n". "| ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ |\n". "| 5.) /sbar topic remove topic |\n". "| 6.) /sbar topic remove topic_empty |\n". "| 7.) /sbar topic add -after topicbarstart |\n". "| -priority 100 -alignment left twtopic |\n". "| 9.) /toggle twtopic_instruct and last /save |\n". "|--------------------------------------------------|\n". "| Options: Default: |\n". "| /set twtopic_refresh 150 |\n". "| /set twtopic_size 20 |\n". "| /toggle twtopic_instruct |Startup instructions |\n". "\`--------------------------------------------------'"; my $timeout=0; my $start_pos=0; my $flipflop=0; my @mirc_color_arr = ("\0031","\0035","\0033","\0037","\0032","\0036","\00310","\0030","\00314","\0034","\0039","\0038","\00312","\00313","\00311","\00315","\017"); sub setup { my $time = Irssi::settings_get_int('twtopic_refresh'); Irssi::timeout_remove($timeout) if ($timeout != 0); if ($time < 10 ) { print "Warning: 'twtopic_refresh' must be >= 10"; $time=150; Irssi::settings_set_int('twtopic_refresh',$time); } $timeout = Irssi::timeout_add($time, 'reload' , undef); } sub show { my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_; my $text = get(); $text="[".$text."]"; $item->default_handler($get_size_only,$text, undef, 1); } sub get_topic { my $topic = ""; my $name = Irssi::active_win()->{active}->{name}; my $type = Irssi::active_win()->{active}->{type}; $name = "Status" if($name eq ""); if($name eq "Status") { return "Irssi website:, Irssi IRC channel: #irssi @ irc://irc.freenode:6667, twtopic has been written by Tech Wizard"; } if($type eq "QUERY") { my $text = "You are now talking too...... ".$name; return $text; } my $channel = Irssi::Irc::Server->channel_find($name); $topic = $channel->{topic}; foreach (@mirc_color_arr) { $topic =~ s/$_//g; } return $topic; } sub get { my $str=get_topic(); $str =~ s/(\00313)+//; $str =~ s/(\002)+//; $str =~ s/(\001)+//; my $extra_str= " "; my $size = Irssi::settings_get_int('twtopic_size'); if($str eq "") { my $str = "=-=-=-=-= No Topic=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"; } my @str_arr = split //, $str; my $total = $#str_arr; $str=substr($extra_str,0,$size).$str.$extra_str; my $text = substr($str,$start_pos,$size); if($start_pos > $total+$size) { $start_pos=0; } if(!$flipflop) { $flipflop=1; return $text; } $start_pos++; $flipflop=0; return $text; } sub reload { Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('twtopic'); } Irssi::statusbar_item_register('twtopic', '$0', 'show'); Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'setup'); Irssi::settings_add_int('tech_addon', 'twtopic_refresh', 150); Irssi::settings_add_bool('tech_addon', 'twtopic_instruct', 1); Irssi::settings_add_int('tech_addon', 'twtopic_size',20); setup(); if(Irssi::settings_get_bool('twtopic_instruct')) { print $instrut; }