%9Syntax:%9 HILIGHT %|[-nick | -word | -line] [-mask | -full | -matchcase | -regexp] [-color ] [-actcolor ] [-level ] [-network ] [-channels ] %9Parameters:%9 -nick: Highlights only the nickname and not the whole line. -word: Highlights only the word and not the whole line. -line: Highlights the whole line. -mask: Highlights all messages from users matching the mask. -full: The text must match the full word. -matchcase: The text must match case. -regexp: The text is a regular expression. -color: The color to display the highlight in. -actcolor: The color to mark the highlight activity in the statusbar. -level: Matches only on the given message level. -network: Matches only on the given network. -channels: Matches only on the given channels. -priority: The priority to use when multiple highlights match. The text to highlight on; if no argument is given, the list of highlights will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Highlights the keyword or pattern to make sure that you don't miss any important messages. %9Examples:%9 /HILIGHT /HILIGHT mike /HILIGHT -regexp mi+ke+ /HILIGHT -mask -color %%G bob!*@*.irssi.org /HILIGHT -full -color %%G -actcolor %%Y redbull %9References:%9 https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/formats.txt %9See also:%9 DEHILIGHT, LEVELS