%9Syntax:%9 STATUSBAR ADD%||MODIFY [-disable | -nodisable] [-type window|root] [-placement top|bottom] [-position #] [-visible always|active|inactive] STATUSBAR RESET %| STATUSBAR ADDITEM%||MODIFYITEM [-before | -after ] [-priority #] [-alignment left|right] STATUSBAR REMOVEITEM %| STATUSBAR INFO %| %9Parameters:%9 ADD: Adds a statusbar to the list of statusbars. MODIFY: Modifies the configuration of a statusbar. RESET: Restores the default statusbar configuration. ADDITEM: Adds an item to the specified statusbar. It can be set to appear before/after another item and left/right aligned on the screen. MODIFYITEM: Changes an item position inside a bar. REMOVEITEM: Removes an item from the specified statusbar. INFO: List the current details and items of the specified statusbar. -disable: Removes a statusbar from the list. -type: Sets the type of statusbar, for each split window or only once at the root (very top or bottom) of the screen. -placement: Sets the placement of the statusbar, either at the top or the bottom of the screen or split window. -position: Sets the position of the statusbar. Represented as a number, with smaller numbers implying a position further to the top. -visible: Sets the visibility of the statusbar. If set to always, it is visible on all split windows, otherwise if set to inactive or active then it is only visible on inactive or active split windows, respectively. -before: This item is added before the other item. -after: This item is added after the other item. -priority: When the statusbar items overflow, the item with the lowest priority is removed or truncated first. Priority can be negative, in which case it'll have to be quoted (e.g. -priority "-1") -alignment: Display the item on the right side. Where statusbar refers to the name of the statusbar; if no argument is given, or `LIST` is given, the entire list of statusbars along with a quick overview of their properties will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Allows adjustment of the attributes and items of a statusbar, as well as where it is located and whether or not it is currently visible. %9Examples:%9 /STATUSBAR /STATUSBAR INFO window /STATUSBAR REMOVEITEM time window /STATUSBAR ADDITEM time window /STATUSBAR RESET window /STATUSBAR MODIFY -disable topic /STATUSBAR MODIFY -nodisable topic %9Remarks:%9 Statusbar syntax was changed in Irssi 1.2. The old syntax is still accepted for backward compatibility, but no longer documented. %9See also:%9 WINDOW