/* session.c : irssi Copyright (C) 2001 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "module.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *session_file; char *irssi_binary = NULL; static char **session_args; void session_set_binary(const char *path) { g_free_and_null(irssi_binary); irssi_binary = g_find_program_in_path(path); } void session_upgrade(void) { if (session_args == NULL) return; execv(session_args[0], session_args); fprintf(stderr, "exec failed: %s: %s\n", session_args[0], g_strerror(errno)); } /* SYNTAX: UPGRADE [] */ static void cmd_upgrade(const char *data) { CONFIG_REC *session; char *session_file, *str, *name; char *binary; if (*data == '\0') name = irssi_binary; else name = convert_home(data); binary = g_find_program_in_path(name); if (name != irssi_binary) g_free(name); if (binary == NULL) cmd_return_error(CMDERR_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND); /* save the session */ session_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/session", get_irssi_dir()); session = config_open(session_file, 0600); unlink(session_file); signal_emit("session save", 1, session); config_write(session, NULL, -1); config_close(session); /* data may contain some other program as well, like /UPGRADE /usr/bin/screen irssi */ str = g_strdup_printf("%s --noconnect --session=%s --home=%s --config=%s", binary, session_file, get_irssi_dir(), get_irssi_config()); g_free(binary); g_free(session_file); session_args = g_strsplit(str, " ", -1); g_free(str); signal_emit("gui exit", 0); } static void session_save_nick(CHANNEL_REC *channel, NICK_REC *nick, CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node) { node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK); config_node_set_str(config, node, "nick", nick->nick); config_node_set_bool(config, node, "op", nick->op); config_node_set_bool(config, node, "halfop", nick->halfop); config_node_set_bool(config, node, "voice", nick->voice); config_node_set_str(config, node, "prefixes", nick->prefixes); signal_emit("session save nick", 4, channel, nick, config, node); } static void session_save_channel_nicks(CHANNEL_REC *channel, CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node) { GSList *tmp, *nicks; node = config_node_section(config, node, "nicks", NODE_TYPE_LIST); nicks = nicklist_getnicks(channel); for (tmp = nicks; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) session_save_nick(channel, tmp->data, config, node); g_slist_free(nicks); } static void session_save_channel(CHANNEL_REC *channel, CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node) { node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK); config_node_set_str(config, node, "name", channel->name); config_node_set_str(config, node, "visible_name", channel->visible_name); config_node_set_str(config, node, "topic", channel->topic); config_node_set_str(config, node, "topic_by", channel->topic_by); config_node_set_int(config, node, "topic_time", channel->topic_time); config_node_set_str(config, node, "key", channel->key); signal_emit("session save channel", 3, channel, config, node); } static void session_save_server_channels(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node) { GSList *tmp; /* save channels */ node = config_node_section(config, node, "channels", NODE_TYPE_LIST); for (tmp = server->channels; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) session_save_channel(tmp->data, config, node); } static void session_save_server(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node) { int handle; node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK); config_node_set_str(config, node, "chat_type", chat_protocol_find_id(server->chat_type)->name); config_node_set_str(config, node, "address", server->connrec->address); config_node_set_int(config, node, "port", server->connrec->port); config_node_set_str(config, node, "chatnet", server->connrec->chatnet); config_node_set_str(config, node, "password", server->connrec->password); config_node_set_str(config, node, "nick", server->nick); config_node_set_str(config, node, "version", server->version); config_node_set_bool(config, node, "use_tls", server->connrec->use_tls); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_cert", server->connrec->tls_cert); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pkey", server->connrec->tls_pkey); config_node_set_bool(config, node, "tls_verify", server->connrec->tls_verify); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_cafile", server->connrec->tls_cafile); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_capath", server->connrec->tls_capath); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_ciphers", server->connrec->tls_ciphers); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pinned_cert", server->connrec->tls_pinned_cert); config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pinned_pubkey", server->connrec->tls_pinned_pubkey); handle = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(net_sendbuffer_handle(server->handle)); config_node_set_int(config, node, "handle", handle); signal_emit("session save server", 3, server, config, node); /* fake the server disconnection */ g_io_channel_unref(net_sendbuffer_handle(server->handle)); net_sendbuffer_destroy(server->handle, FALSE); server->handle = NULL; server->connection_lost = TRUE; server->no_reconnect = TRUE; server_disconnect(server); } static void session_restore_channel_nicks(CHANNEL_REC *channel, CONFIG_NODE *node) { GSList *tmp; /* restore nicks */ node = config_node_section(NULL, node, "nicks", -1); if (node != NULL && node->type == NODE_TYPE_LIST) { tmp = config_node_first(node->value); for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp)) { signal_emit("session restore nick", 2, channel, tmp->data); } } } static void session_restore_channel(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_NODE *node) { CHANNEL_REC *channel; const char *name, *visible_name; name = config_node_get_str(node, "name", NULL); if (name == NULL) return; visible_name = config_node_get_str(node, "visible_name", NULL); channel = CHAT_PROTOCOL(server)->channel_create(server, name, visible_name, TRUE); channel->topic = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "topic", NULL)); channel->topic_by = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "topic_by", NULL)); channel->topic_time = config_node_get_int(node, "topic_time", 0); channel->key = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "key", NULL)); channel->session_rejoin = TRUE; signal_emit("session restore channel", 2, channel, node); } static void session_restore_server_channels(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_NODE *node) { GSList *tmp; /* restore channels */ node = config_node_section(NULL, node, "channels", -1); if (node != NULL && node->type == NODE_TYPE_LIST) { tmp = config_node_first(node->value); for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp)) session_restore_channel(server, tmp->data); } } static void session_restore_server(CONFIG_NODE *node) { CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC *proto; SERVER_CONNECT_REC *conn; SERVER_REC *server; const char *chat_type, *address, *chatnet, *password, *nick; int port, handle; chat_type = config_node_get_str(node, "chat_type", NULL); address = config_node_get_str(node, "address", NULL); port = config_node_get_int(node, "port", 0); chatnet = config_node_get_str(node, "chatnet", NULL); password = config_node_get_str(node, "password", NULL); nick = config_node_get_str(node, "nick", NULL); handle = config_node_get_int(node, "handle", -1); if (chat_type == NULL || address == NULL || nick == NULL || handle < 0) return; proto = chat_protocol_find(chat_type); if (proto == NULL || proto->not_initialized) { if (handle >= 0) close(handle); return; } conn = server_create_conn(proto->id, address, port, chatnet, password, nick); if (conn == NULL) return; conn->use_tls = config_node_get_bool(node, "use_tls", FALSE); conn->tls_cert = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_cert", NULL)); conn->tls_pkey = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_pkey", NULL)); conn->tls_verify = config_node_get_bool(node, "tls_verify", TRUE); conn->tls_cafile = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_cafile", NULL)); conn->tls_capath = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_capath", NULL)); conn->tls_ciphers = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_ciphers", NULL)); conn->tls_pinned_cert = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_pinned_cert", NULL)); conn->tls_pinned_pubkey = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "tls_pinned_pubkey", NULL)); conn->reconnection = TRUE; conn->connect_handle = i_io_channel_new(handle); server = proto->server_init_connect(conn); server->version = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "version", NULL)); server->session_reconnect = TRUE; signal_emit("session restore server", 2, server, node); proto->server_connect(server); } static void sig_session_save(CONFIG_REC *config) { CONFIG_NODE *node; GSList *tmp; GString *str; /* save servers */ node = config_node_traverse(config, "(servers", TRUE); while (servers != NULL) session_save_server(servers->data, config, node); /* save pids */ str = g_string_new(NULL); for (tmp = pidwait_get_pids(); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) g_string_append_printf(str, "%d ", GPOINTER_TO_INT(tmp->data)); config_node_set_str(config, config->mainnode, "pids", str->str); g_string_free(str, TRUE); } static void sig_session_restore(CONFIG_REC *config) { CONFIG_NODE *node; GSList *tmp; char **pids, **pid; /* restore servers */ node = config_node_traverse(config, "(servers", FALSE); if (node != NULL) { tmp = config_node_first(node->value); for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp)) session_restore_server(tmp->data); } /* restore pids (so we don't leave zombies) */ pids = g_strsplit(config_node_get_str(config->mainnode, "pids", ""), " ", -1); for (pid = pids; *pid != NULL; pid++) pidwait_add(atoi(*pid)); g_strfreev(pids); } static void sig_init_finished(void) { CONFIG_REC *session; if (session_file == NULL) return; session = config_open(session_file, -1); if (session == NULL) return; config_parse(session); signal_emit("session restore", 1, session); config_close(session); unlink(session_file); } void session_register_options(void) { static GOptionEntry options[] = { { "session", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &session_file, "Used by /UPGRADE command", "PATH" }, { NULL } }; session_file = NULL; args_register(options); } void session_init(void) { command_bind("upgrade", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_upgrade); signal_add("session save", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_save); signal_add("session restore", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_restore); signal_add("session save server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_server_channels); signal_add("session restore server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_server_channels); signal_add("session save channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_channel_nicks); signal_add("session restore channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_channel_nicks); signal_add("irssi init finished", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_init_finished); } void session_deinit(void) { g_free_not_null(irssi_binary); command_unbind("upgrade", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_upgrade); signal_remove("session save", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_save); signal_remove("session restore", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_restore); signal_remove("session save server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_server_channels); signal_remove("session restore server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_server_channels); signal_remove("session save channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_channel_nicks); signal_remove("session restore channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_channel_nicks); signal_remove("irssi init finished", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_init_finished); }