path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h
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index 0000000..d34b1c5
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+// Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#ifndef CFGMGR_H
+#define CFGMGR_H
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <dhcp/option.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_space.h>
+#include <dhcp/classify.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/d2_client_mgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/pool.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/srv_config.h>
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <util/optional.h>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+namespace isc {
+namespace dhcp {
+/// @brief Exception thrown when the same interface has been specified twice.
+/// In particular, this exception is thrown when adding interface to the set
+/// of interfaces on which server is supposed to listen.
+class DuplicateListeningIface : public Exception {
+ DuplicateListeningIface(const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ isc::Exception(file, line, what) { };
+/// @brief Configuration Manager
+/// This singleton class holds the whole configuration for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6
+/// servers.
+/// Below is a sketch of configuration inheritance.
+/// Let's investigate the following configuration:
+/// @code
+/// preferred-lifetime 500;
+/// valid-lifetime 1000;
+/// subnet6 2001:db8:1::/48 {
+/// pool6 2001::db8:1::1 - 2001::db8:1::ff;
+/// };
+/// subnet6 2001:db8:2::/48 {
+/// valid-lifetime 2000;
+/// pool6 2001::db8:2::1 - 2001::db8:2::ff;
+/// };
+/// @endcode
+/// Parameters defined in a global scope are applicable to everything until
+/// they are overwritten in a smaller scope, in this case subnet6.
+/// In the example above, the first subnet6 has preferred lifetime of 500s
+/// and a valid lifetime of 1000s. The second subnet has preferred lifetime
+/// of 500s, but valid lifetime of 2000s.
+/// Parameter inheritance is implemented in dedicated classes. See
+/// @ref isc::dhcp::SimpleParser4::deriveParameters and
+/// @ref isc::dhcp::SimpleParser6::deriveParameters.
+class CfgMgr : public boost::noncopyable {
+ /// @brief A number of configurations held by @c CfgMgr.
+ ///
+ /// @todo Make it configurable.
+ static const size_t CONFIG_LIST_SIZE;
+ /// @brief returns a single instance of Configuration Manager
+ ///
+ /// CfgMgr is a singleton and this method is the only way of
+ /// accessing it.
+ static CfgMgr& instance();
+ /// @brief returns path do the data directory
+ ///
+ /// This method returns a path to writable directory that DHCP servers
+ /// can store data in.
+ /// @return data directory
+ util::Optional<std::string> getDataDir() const;
+ /// @brief Sets new data directory.
+ ///
+ /// @param datadir New data directory.
+ /// @param unspecified Initial state. Default is "unspecified".
+ void setDataDir(const std::string& datadir, bool unspecified = true);
+ /// @brief Updates the DHCP-DDNS client configuration to the given value.
+ ///
+ /// Passes the new configuration to the D2ClientMgr instance,
+ /// d2_client_mgr_, which will attempt to apply the new configuration
+ /// by shutting down its sender and opening a new connection per the new
+ /// configuration (see @c D2ClientMgr::setD2ClientConfig()).
+ ///
+ /// @param new_config pointer to the new client configuration.
+ ///
+ /// @throw Underlying method(s) will throw D2ClientError if given an empty
+ /// pointer.
+ void setD2ClientConfig(D2ClientConfigPtr& new_config);
+ /// @brief Convenience method for checking if DHCP-DDNS updates are enabled.
+ ///
+ /// @return True if the D2 configuration is enabled.
+ bool ddnsEnabled();
+ /// @brief Fetches the DHCP-DDNS configuration pointer.
+ ///
+ /// @return a reference to the current configuration pointer.
+ const D2ClientConfigPtr& getD2ClientConfig() const;
+ /// @brief Fetches the DHCP-DDNS manager.
+ ///
+ /// @return a reference to the DHCP-DDNS manager.
+ D2ClientMgr& getD2ClientMgr();
+ /// @name Methods managing the collection of configurations.
+ ///
+ /// The following methods manage the process of preparing a configuration
+ /// without affecting a currently used configuration and then committing
+ /// the configuration to replace current configuration atomically.
+ /// They also allow for keeping a history of previous configurations so
+ /// as the @c CfgMgr can revert to the historical configuration when
+ /// required.
+ ///
+ /// @todo Migrate all configuration parameters to use the model supported
+ /// by these functions.
+ ///
+ /// @todo Make the size of the configurations history configurable.
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// @brief Removes current, staging and all previous configurations.
+ ///
+ /// This function removes all configurations, including current,
+ /// staging and external configurations. It creates a new current
+ /// configuration with default settings.
+ ///
+ /// This function is exception safe.
+ void clear();
+ /// @brief Commits the staging configuration.
+ ///
+ /// The staging configuration becomes current configuration when this
+ /// function is called. It removes the oldest configuration held in the
+ /// history so as the size of the list of configuration does not exceed
+ /// the @c CONFIG_LIST_SIZE.
+ ///
+ /// This function is exception safe.
+ void commit();
+ /// @brief Removes staging configuration.
+ ///
+ /// This function should be called when there is a staging configuration
+ /// (likely created in the previous configuration attempt) but the entire
+ /// new configuration should be created. It removes the existing staging
+ /// configuration and the next call to @c CfgMgr::getStagingCfg will return a
+ /// fresh (default) configuration.
+ ///
+ /// This function is exception safe.
+ void rollback();
+ /// @brief Reverts to one of the previous configurations.
+ ///
+ /// This function reverts to selected previous configuration. The previous
+ /// configuration is entirely copied to a new @c SrvConfig instance. This
+ /// new instance has a unique sequence id (sequence id is not copied). The
+ /// previous configuration (being copied) is not modified by this operation.
+ ///
+ /// The configuration to be copied is identified by the index value which
+ /// is the distance between the current (most recent) and desired
+ /// configuration. If the index is out of range an exception is thrown.
+ ///
+ /// @warning Revert operation will rollback any changes to the staging
+ /// configuration (if it exists).
+ ///
+ /// @warning This function requires that the entire previous configuration
+ /// is copied to the new configuration object. This is not working for
+ /// some of the complex configuration objects, e.g. subnets. Hence, the
+ /// "revert" operation is not really usable at this point.
+ ///
+ /// @param index A distance from the current configuration to the
+ /// past configuration to be reverted. The minimal value is 1 which points
+ /// to the nearest configuration.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::OutOfRange if the specified index is out of range.
+ void revert(const size_t index);
+ /// @brief Returns a pointer to the current configuration.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns pointer to the current configuration. If the
+ /// current configuration is not set it will create a default configuration
+ /// and return it.
+ ///
+ /// In the previous Kea releases this method used to return a const pointer
+ /// to the current configuration to ensure that it is not accidentally
+ /// modified while the server is running. This has been changed in Kea 1.3
+ /// release and now this function returns a non-const pointer. The reason
+ /// is that there are certain use cases when current configuration must
+ /// be modified without going through a full cycle of server
+ /// reconfiguration, e.g. add a subnet to the current configuration as
+ /// a result of receiving a command over control API. In such case the
+ /// performance of processing such command is critical and rebuilding the
+ /// whole configuration just for this small configuration change is out
+ /// of question.
+ ///
+ /// Nevertheless, such configuration updates should always be made with
+ /// caution and one has to make sure that the configuration data integrity
+ /// is preserved.
+ ///
+ /// @return Non-null pointer to the current configuration.
+ SrvConfigPtr getCurrentCfg();
+ /// @brief Returns a pointer to the staging configuration.
+ ///
+ /// The staging configuration is used by the configuration parsers to
+ /// create new configuration. The staging configuration doesn't affect the
+ /// server's operation until it is committed. The staging configuration
+ /// is a non-const object which can be modified by the caller.
+ ///
+ /// Multiple consecutive calls to this function return the same object
+ /// which can be modified from various places of the code (e.g. various
+ /// configuration parsers).
+ ///
+ /// @return non-null pointer to the staging configuration.
+ SrvConfigPtr getStagingCfg();
+ /// @brief Creates an external configuration and returns pointer to it.
+ ///
+ /// External configurations are those that come from other sources than
+ /// from the configuration file, e.g. a database or a command. They
+ /// are created aside and merged into the staging or current configuration.
+ /// External configurations are accessed by their sequence numbers. The
+ /// sequence numbers are autogenerated when the external configuration
+ /// instance is created.
+ ///
+ /// @return non-null pointer to created external configuration.
+ SrvConfigPtr createExternalCfg();
+ /// @brief Merges external configuration with the given sequence number
+ /// into the staging configuration.
+ ///
+ /// After the merge, the source configuration is discarded from the
+ /// @c CfgMgr as it should not be used anymore.
+ ///
+ /// @param seq Source configuration sequence number.
+ ///
+ /// @throw BadValue if the external configuration with the given sequence
+ /// number doesn't exist.
+ void mergeIntoStagingCfg(const uint32_t seq);
+ /// @brief Merges external configuration with the given sequence number
+ /// into the current configuration.
+ ///
+ /// After the merge, the source configuration is discarded from the
+ /// @c CfgMgr as it should not be used anymore.
+ ///
+ /// @param seq Source configuration sequence number.
+ ///
+ /// @throw BadValue if the external configuration with the given sequence
+ /// number doesn't exist.
+ void mergeIntoCurrentCfg(const uint32_t seq);
+ //@}
+ /// @brief Sets address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6)
+ void setFamily(uint16_t family) {
+ family_ = family == AF_INET ? AF_INET : AF_INET6;
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns address family.
+ uint16_t getFamily() const {
+ return (family_);
+ }
+ //@}
+ /// @brief Protected constructor.
+ ///
+ /// This constructor is protected for 2 reasons. First, it forbids any
+ /// instantiations of this class (CfgMgr is a singleton). Second, it
+ /// allows derived class to instantiate it. That is useful for testing
+ /// purposes.
+ CfgMgr();
+ /// @brief virtual destructor
+ virtual ~CfgMgr();
+ /// @brief Checks if current configuration is created and creates it if needed.
+ ///
+ /// This private method is called to ensure that the current configuration
+ /// is created. If current configuration is not set, it creates the
+ /// default current configuration.
+ void ensureCurrentAllocated();
+ /// @brief Merges external configuration with the given sequence number
+ /// into the specified configuration.
+ ///
+ /// @param target_config Pointer to the configuration into which the
+ /// external configuration should be merged.
+ /// @param seq Source configuration sequence number.
+ void mergeIntoCfg(const SrvConfigPtr& taget_config, const uint32_t seq);
+ /// @brief directory where data files (e.g. server-id) are stored
+ util::Optional<std::string> datadir_;
+ /// @brief Manages the DHCP-DDNS client and its configuration.
+ D2ClientMgr d2_client_mgr_;
+ /// @brief Server configuration
+ ///
+ /// This is a structure that will hold all configuration.
+ /// @todo: migrate all other parameters to that structure.
+ SrvConfigPtr configuration_;
+ /// @name Configuration List.
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// @brief Server configuration list type.
+ typedef std::list<SrvConfigPtr> SrvConfigList;
+ /// @brief Container holding all previous and current configurations.
+ SrvConfigList configs_;
+ //@}
+ /// @name Map of external configurations.
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// @brief Server configuration map type.
+ typedef std::map<uint32_t, SrvConfigPtr> SrvConfigMap;
+ /// @brief Map of external configurations with sequence numbers used
+ /// as keys.
+ SrvConfigMap external_configs_;
+ //@}
+ /// @brief Address family.
+ uint16_t family_;
+} // namespace isc::dhcp
+} // namespace isc
+#endif // CFGMGR_H