// Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace isc::asiolink; using namespace isc::util; namespace isc { namespace dhcp { namespace test { Dhcp4Client::Configuration::Configuration() : routers_(), dns_servers_(), log_servers_(), quotes_servers_(), serverid_(""), siaddr_(IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS()) { reset(); } void Dhcp4Client::Configuration::reset() { routers_.clear(); dns_servers_.clear(); log_servers_.clear(); quotes_servers_.clear(); serverid_ = IOAddress(""); siaddr_ = IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(); sname_.clear(); boot_file_name_.clear(); lease_ = Lease4(); } Dhcp4Client::Dhcp4Client(const Dhcp4Client::State& state) : config_(), ciaddr_(), curr_transid_(0), dest_addr_(""), hwaddr_(generateHWAddr()), clientid_(), iface_name_("eth0"), iface_index_(ETH0_INDEX), relay_addr_(""), requested_options_(), server_facing_relay_addr_(""), srv_(boost::shared_ptr(new NakedDhcpv4Srv(0))), state_(state), use_relay_(false), circuit_id_() { } Dhcp4Client::Dhcp4Client(boost::shared_ptr srv, const Dhcp4Client::State& state) : config_(), ciaddr_(), curr_transid_(0), dest_addr_(""), fqdn_(), hwaddr_(generateHWAddr()), clientid_(), iface_name_("eth0"), iface_index_(ETH0_INDEX), relay_addr_(""), requested_options_(), server_facing_relay_addr_(""), srv_(srv), state_(state), use_relay_(false), circuit_id_() { } void Dhcp4Client::addRequestedAddress(const IOAddress& addr) { if (context_.query_) { Option4AddrLstPtr opt(new Option4AddrLst(DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS, addr)); context_.query_->addOption(opt); } } void Dhcp4Client::appendClientId() { if (!context_.query_) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "pointer to the query must not be NULL" " when adding Client Identifier option"); } if (clientid_) { OptionPtr opt(new Option(Option::V4, DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, clientid_->getClientId())); context_.query_->addOption(opt); } } void Dhcp4Client::appendServerId() { OptionPtr opt(new Option4AddrLst(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, config_.serverid_)); context_.query_->addOption(opt); } void Dhcp4Client::appendName() { if (!context_.query_) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "pointer to the query must not be NULL" " when adding FQDN or Hostname option"); } if (fqdn_) { context_.query_->addOption(fqdn_); } else if (hostname_) { context_.query_->addOption(hostname_); } } void Dhcp4Client::appendPRL() { if (!context_.query_) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "pointer to the query must not be NULL" " when adding option codes to the PRL option"); } else if (!requested_options_.empty()) { // Include Parameter Request List if at least one option code // has been specified to be requested. OptionUint8ArrayPtr prl(new OptionUint8Array(Option::V4, DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST)); for (std::set::const_iterator opt = requested_options_.begin(); opt != requested_options_.end(); ++opt) { prl->addValue(*opt); } context_.query_->addOption(prl); } } void Dhcp4Client::applyConfiguration() { Pkt4Ptr resp = context_.response_; if (!resp) { return; } // Let's keep the old lease in case this is a response to Inform. Lease4 old_lease = config_.lease_; config_.reset(); // Routers Option4AddrLstPtr opt_routers = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< Option4AddrLst>(resp->getOption(DHO_ROUTERS)); if (opt_routers) { config_.routers_ = opt_routers->getAddresses(); } // DNS Servers Option4AddrLstPtr opt_dns_servers = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< Option4AddrLst>(resp->getOption(DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS)); if (opt_dns_servers) { config_.dns_servers_ = opt_dns_servers->getAddresses(); } // Log Servers Option4AddrLstPtr opt_log_servers = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< Option4AddrLst>(resp->getOption(DHO_LOG_SERVERS)); if (opt_log_servers) { config_.log_servers_ = opt_log_servers->getAddresses(); } // Quotes Servers Option4AddrLstPtr opt_quotes_servers = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< Option4AddrLst>(resp->getOption(DHO_COOKIE_SERVERS)); if (opt_quotes_servers) { config_.quotes_servers_ = opt_quotes_servers->getAddresses(); } // Vendor Specific options OptionVendorPtr opt_vendor = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< OptionVendor>(resp->getOption(DHO_VIVSO_SUBOPTIONS)); if (opt_vendor) { config_.vendor_suboptions_ = opt_vendor->getOptions(); } // siaddr config_.siaddr_ = resp->getSiaddr(); // sname OptionBuffer buf = resp->getSname(); // sname is a fixed length field holding null terminated string. Use // of c_str() guarantees that only a useful portion (ending with null // character) is assigned. config_.sname_.assign(std::string(buf.begin(), buf.end()).c_str()); // (boot)file buf = resp->getFile(); config_.boot_file_name_.assign(std::string(buf.begin(), buf.end()).c_str()); // Server Identifier OptionCustomPtr opt_serverid = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< OptionCustom>(resp->getOption(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER)); if (opt_serverid) { config_.serverid_ = opt_serverid->readAddress(); } // If the message sent was Inform, we don't want to throw // away the old lease info, just the bits about options. if (context_.query_->getType() == DHCPINFORM) { config_.lease_ = old_lease; } else { /// @todo Set the valid lifetime, t1, t2 etc. config_.lease_ = Lease4(IOAddress(context_.response_->getYiaddr()), context_.response_->getHWAddr(), 0, 0, 0, time(NULL), 0, false, false, ""); } } void Dhcp4Client::createLease(const IOAddress& addr, const uint32_t valid_lft) { Lease4 lease(addr, hwaddr_, 0, 0, valid_lft, time(NULL), 0, false, false, ""); config_.lease_ = lease; } Pkt4Ptr Dhcp4Client::createMsg(const uint8_t msg_type) { Pkt4Ptr msg(new Pkt4(msg_type, curr_transid_++)); msg->setHWAddr(hwaddr_); return (msg); } void Dhcp4Client::appendExtraOptions() { // If there are any custom options specified, add them all to the message. if (!extra_options_.empty()) { for (OptionCollection::iterator opt = extra_options_.begin(); opt != extra_options_.end(); ++opt) { // Call base class function so that unittests can add multiple // options with the same code. context_.query_->Pkt::addOption(opt->second); } } } void Dhcp4Client::appendClasses() { for (ClientClasses::const_iterator cclass = classes_.cbegin(); cclass != classes_.cend(); ++cclass) { context_.query_->addClass(*cclass); } } void Dhcp4Client::doDiscover(const boost::shared_ptr& requested_addr) { context_.query_ = createMsg(DHCPDISCOVER); // Request options if any. appendPRL(); // Include FQDN or Hostname. appendName(); // Include Client Identifier appendClientId(); if (requested_addr) { addRequestedAddress(*requested_addr); } // Override the default ciaddr if specified by a test. if (!ciaddr_.unspecified()) { context_.query_->setCiaddr(ciaddr_); } appendExtraOptions(); appendClasses(); // Send the message to the server. sendMsg(context_.query_); // Expect response. context_.response_ = receiveOneMsg(); } void Dhcp4Client::doDORA(const boost::shared_ptr& requested_addr) { doDiscover(requested_addr); if (context_.response_ && (context_.response_->getType() == DHCPOFFER)) { doRequest(); } } void Dhcp4Client::doInform(const bool set_ciaddr) { context_.query_ = createMsg(DHCPINFORM); // Request options if any. appendPRL(); // Any other options to be sent by a client. appendExtraOptions(); // Add classes. appendClasses(); // The client sending a DHCPINFORM message has an IP address obtained // by some other means, e.g. static configuration. The lease which we // are using here is most likely set by the createLease method. if (set_ciaddr) { context_.query_->setCiaddr(config_.lease_.addr_); } context_.query_->setLocalAddr(config_.lease_.addr_); // Send the message to the server. sendMsg(context_.query_); // Expect response. If there is no response, return. context_.response_ = receiveOneMsg(); if (!context_.response_) { return; } // If DHCPACK has been returned by the server, use the returned // configuration. if (context_.response_->getType() == DHCPACK) { applyConfiguration(); } } void Dhcp4Client::doRelease() { // There is no response for Release message. context_.response_.reset(); if (config_.lease_.addr_.isV4Zero()) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "failed to send the release" " message because client doesn't have a lease"); } context_.query_ = createMsg(DHCPRELEASE); // Set ciaddr to the address which we want to release. context_.query_->setCiaddr(config_.lease_.addr_); // Include client identifier. appendClientId(); // Remove configuration. config_.reset(); // Send the message to the server. sendMsg(context_.query_); } void Dhcp4Client::doDecline() { if (config_.lease_.addr_.isV4Zero()) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "failed to send the decline" " message because client doesn't have a lease"); } context_.query_ = createMsg(DHCPDECLINE); // Set ciaddr to 0. context_.query_->setCiaddr(IOAddress("")); // Include Requested IP Address Option addRequestedAddress(config_.lease_.addr_); // Include client identifier. appendClientId(); // Include server identifier. appendServerId(); // Remove configuration. config_.reset(); // Send the message to the server. sendMsg(context_.query_); } void Dhcp4Client::doRequest() { context_.query_ = createMsg(DHCPREQUEST); // Override the default ciaddr if specified by a test. if (!ciaddr_.unspecified()) { context_.query_->setCiaddr(ciaddr_); } else if ((state_ == SELECTING) || (state_ == INIT_REBOOT)) { context_.query_->setCiaddr(IOAddress("")); } else { context_.query_->setCiaddr(IOAddress(config_.lease_.addr_)); } // Requested IP address. if (state_ == SELECTING) { if (context_.response_ && (context_.response_->getType() == DHCPOFFER) && (context_.response_->getYiaddr() != IOAddress(""))) { addRequestedAddress(context_.response_->getYiaddr()); } else { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "error sending the DHCPREQUEST because" " the received DHCPOFFER message was invalid"); } } else if (state_ == INIT_REBOOT) { addRequestedAddress(config_.lease_.addr_); } // Server identifier. if (state_ == SELECTING) { if (context_.response_) { OptionPtr opt_serverid = context_.response_->getOption(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER); if (!opt_serverid) { isc_throw(Dhcp4ClientError, "missing server identifier in the" " server's response"); } context_.query_->addOption(opt_serverid); } } // Request options if any. appendPRL(); // Include FQDN or Hostname. appendName(); // Include Client Identifier appendClientId(); // Any other options to be sent by a client. appendExtraOptions(); // Add classes. appendClasses(); // Send the message to the server. sendMsg(context_.query_); // Expect response. context_.response_ = receiveOneMsg(); // If the server has responded, store the configuration received. if (context_.response_) { applyConfiguration(); } } void Dhcp4Client::receiveResponse() { context_.response_ = receiveOneMsg(); // If the server has responded, store the configuration received. if (context_.response_) { applyConfiguration(); } } void Dhcp4Client::includeClientId(const std::string& clientid) { if (clientid.empty()) { clientid_.reset(); } else { clientid_ = ClientId::fromText(clientid); } } void Dhcp4Client::includeFQDN(const uint8_t flags, const std::string& fqdn_name, Option4ClientFqdn::DomainNameType fqdn_type) { fqdn_.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(flags, Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(), fqdn_name, fqdn_type)); } void Dhcp4Client::includeHostname(const std::string& name) { if (name.empty()) { hostname_.reset(); } else { hostname_.reset(new OptionString(Option::V4, DHO_HOST_NAME, name)); } } HWAddrPtr Dhcp4Client::generateHWAddr(const uint8_t htype) const { if (htype != HTYPE_ETHER) { isc_throw(isc::NotImplemented, "The hardware address type " << static_cast(htype) << " is currently not supported"); } std::vector hwaddr(HWAddr::ETHERNET_HWADDR_LEN); // Generate ethernet hardware address by assigning random byte values. isc::util::fillRandom(hwaddr.begin(), hwaddr.end()); return (HWAddrPtr(new HWAddr(hwaddr, htype))); } void Dhcp4Client::modifyHWAddr() { if (!hwaddr_) { hwaddr_ = generateHWAddr(); return; } // Modify the HW address by adding 1 to its last byte. ++hwaddr_->hwaddr_[hwaddr_->hwaddr_.size() - 1]; } void Dhcp4Client::requestOption(const uint8_t option) { if (option != 0) { requested_options_.insert(option); } } void Dhcp4Client::requestOptions(const uint8_t option1, const uint8_t option2, const uint8_t option3) { requested_options_.clear(); requestOption(option1); requestOption(option2); requestOption(option3); } Pkt4Ptr Dhcp4Client::receiveOneMsg() { Pkt4Ptr msg = srv_->receiveOneMsg(); if (!msg) { return (Pkt4Ptr()); } // Copy the original message to simulate reception over the wire. msg->pack(); Pkt4Ptr msg_copy(new Pkt4(static_cast (msg->getBuffer().getData()), msg->getBuffer().getLength())); msg_copy->setRemoteAddr(msg->getLocalAddr()); msg_copy->setLocalAddr(msg->getRemoteAddr()); msg_copy->setRemotePort(msg->getLocalPort()); msg_copy->setLocalPort(msg->getRemotePort()); msg_copy->setIface(msg->getIface()); msg_copy->setIndex(msg->getIndex()); msg_copy->unpack(); return (msg_copy); } void Dhcp4Client::sendMsg(const Pkt4Ptr& msg) { srv_->shutdown_ = false; if (use_relay_) { try { msg->setHops(1); msg->setGiaddr(relay_addr_); msg->setLocalAddr(server_facing_relay_addr_); // Insert RAI OptionPtr rai(new Option(Option::V4, DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS)); // Insert circuit id, if specified. if (!circuit_id_.empty()) { rai->addOption(OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V4, RAI_OPTION_AGENT_CIRCUIT_ID, OptionBuffer(circuit_id_.begin(), circuit_id_.end())))); } msg->addOption(rai); } catch (...) { // If relay options have already been added in the unittest, ignore // exception on add. } } // Repack the message to simulate wire-data parsing. msg->pack(); Pkt4Ptr msg_copy(new Pkt4(static_cast (msg->getBuffer().getData()), msg->getBuffer().getLength())); msg_copy->setRemoteAddr(msg->getLocalAddr()); msg_copy->setLocalAddr(dest_addr_); msg_copy->setIface(iface_name_); msg_copy->setIndex(iface_index_); // Copy classes const ClientClasses& classes = msg->getClasses(); for (ClientClasses::const_iterator cclass = classes.cbegin(); cclass != classes.cend(); ++cclass) { msg_copy->addClass(*cclass); } srv_->fakeReceive(msg_copy); try { // Invoke run_one instead of run, because we want to avoid triggering // IO service. srv_->run_one(); } catch (...) { // Suppress errors, as the DHCPv4 server does. } // Make sure the server processed all packets in MT. isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getThreadPool().wait(3); } void Dhcp4Client::setHWAddress(const std::string& hwaddr_str) { if (hwaddr_str.empty()) { hwaddr_.reset(); } else { hwaddr_.reset(new HWAddr(HWAddr::fromText(hwaddr_str))); } } void Dhcp4Client::addExtraOption(const OptionPtr& opt) { extra_options_.insert(std::make_pair(opt->getType(), opt)); } void Dhcp4Client::addClass(const ClientClass& client_class) { if (!classes_.contains(client_class)) { classes_.insert(client_class); } } } // end of namespace isc::dhcp::test } // end of namespace isc::dhcp } // end of namespace isc