# # A standard DNS message with TSIG (taken from an invocation of dig) # [custom] sections: header:question:a/1:ns:a/2:tsig [header] id: 10140 qr: 1 aa: 1 ancount: 1 nscount: 1 arcount: 2 [question] name: www.example.com [a/1] as_rr: True rr_name: www.example.com address: [ns] as_rr: True [a/2] as_rr: True rr_name: ns.example.com [tsig] as_rr: True rr_name: www.example.com algorithm: hmac-md5 time_signed: 1304384318 original_id: 10140 mac: 0x5257c80396f2fa95b20c77ae9a652fb2