{ "access": "read", "avail": "2.4.0", "brief": [ "This command retrieves the hash of the current configuration used by the server. The ", "configuration is essentially the same as the contents of the configuration file, but ", "includes additional changes made by other commands and due to parameters' inheritance.", "Currently it is SHA256, but the algorithm may change in the future." ], "cmd-comment": [ "This command takes no parameters." ], "cmd-syntax": [ "{", " \"command\": \"config-hash-get\"", "}" ], "name": "config-hash-get", "resp-syntax": [ "{", " \"result\": ,", " \"arguments\": {", " \"hash\": ", " }", "}" ], "support": [ "kea-dhcp4", "kea-dhcp6", "kea-dhcp-ddns", "kea-ctrl-agent" ] }