# $Id: Config.kmk 2343 2009-04-19 21:44:50Z bird $ ## @file # kBuild Example no. 1 - Config.kmk - The global configuration file. # # # The author disclaims copyright to this example script and places # it in the public domain. # # include full-legal-disclaimer.kmk # # # Some templates. # TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Exe = For creating a program or static library for linking into a program. TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Exe_TOOL = GCC TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Exe_DEFS = MY_DEFINE=42 MY_OTHER_DEFINE TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Dll = For creating a DLL/SO/DYLIB or static library for linking into a DLL/SO/DYLIB TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Dll_EXTENDS = ExampleNo1Exe TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Dll_EXTENDS_BY = appending TEMPLATE_ExampleNo1Dll_DEFS = MY_DLL_INDICATOR