# $Id: VCC142.kmk 3597 2023-06-16 20:56:17Z bird $ ## @file # kBuild Tool Config - Visual C++ 14.2 (aka Visual 2019 and MSC v19.20), default target. # # # Copyright (c) 2004-2020 knut st. osmundsen # # This file is part of kBuild. # # kBuild is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # kBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with kBuild; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # As a special exception you are granted permission to include this file, via # the kmk include directive, as you wish without this in itself causing the # resulting makefile, program or whatever to be covered by the GPL license. # This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the makefile, # program, whatever should not be covered the GPL. # # TOOL_VCC142 := Visual C++ 14.2 (aka Visual 2019 and MSC v19.20), targeting $(KBUILD_TARGET). ifndef INCLUDED_WIN_COMMON_KMK include $(KBUILD_PATH)/win-common.kmk endif # # Tool Specific Properties # ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142 PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(firstfile $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS)/win.amd64/vcc/v14.2*/Tools/MSVC/14.2?.*))) ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(firstfile $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS)/win.x86/vcc/v14.2*/Tools/MSVC/14.2?.*))) endif ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142X86) endif ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142) endif ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(firstfile $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS)/win.x86/vcc/v14.2*/Tools/MSVC/14.2?.*))) ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(firstfile $(foreach ver,2019,$(foreachfile progfilesdir,$(WINCMN_PROGRAM_FILES_LIST)\ , $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(progfilesdir)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio/$(ver)/BuildTools/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.2?.*))))) ifeq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142),) $(warning kBuild: PATH_TOOL_VCC142 cannot be determined!) PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS)/win.x86/vcc/v142 endif endif endif else # Resolve any fancy stuff once and for all. PATH_TOOL_VCC142 := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142) endif ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BASE_BIN PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BASE_BIN := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/bin endif ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_BIN PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_BIN := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BASE_BIN)/Host$(WINCMN_MAP_ARCH.$(KBUILD_HOST_ARCH)) endif ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_BIN)/$(WINCMN_MAP_ARCH.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) endif PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH := $(requote sh,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN)) # A bunch of DLLs are only in the subdir matching the host one, so we need to add it to the PATH when cross compiling. ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_DLL_BIN PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_DLL_BIN := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_BIN)/$(WINCMN_MAP_ARCH.$(KBUILD_HOST_ARCH)) endif ifndef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN ifneq ($(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_DLL_BIN),$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN)) PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN := $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_HOST_DLL_BIN) endif endif PATH_TOOL_VCC142_LIB.amd64 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/x64 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_LIB.arm32 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/arm PATH_TOOL_VCC142_LIB.arm64 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/arm64 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_LIB.x86 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/x86 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ONECORE_LIB.amd64 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/onecore/x64 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ONECORE_LIB.arm32 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/onecore/arm PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ONECORE_LIB.arm64 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/onecore/arm64 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ONECORE_LIB.x86 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/lib/onecore/x86 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_INC ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/include PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/atlmfc PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC_INC ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC)/include PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC_LIB.x86 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC)/lib/x86 PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC_LIB.amd64 ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC)/lib/x64 TOOL_VCC142_CC ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/cl.exe TOOL_VCC142_CXX ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/cl.exe ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),x86) TOOL_VCC142_AS ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/ml.exe else TOOL_VCC142_AS ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/ml64.exe endif #TOOL_VCC142_AR ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/lib.exe - just an exec wrapper for the below TOOL_VCC142_AR ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/link.exe /LIB TOOL_VCC142_LD ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/link.exe TOOL_VCC142_DUMPBIN ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/dumpbin.exe TOOL_VCC142_EDITBIN ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_BIN_QSH)/editbin.exe TOOL_VCC142_RC ?= $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(call TOOL_VCC142_FN_FIND_SDK_TOOL,rc.exe,[Rr][Cc].[Ee][Xx][Ee],TOOL_VCC142_RC_CACHED) TOOL_VCC142_MT ?= $(TOOL_VCC142_MT_RETRY) $(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(call TOOL_VCC142_FN_FIND_SDK_TOOL,mt.exe,[Mm][Tt].[Ee][Xx][Ee],TOOL_VCC142_MT_CACHED) TOOL_VCC142_MT_RETRY ?= $(WINCMN_MT_RETRY) ifdef TOOL_VCC142_USE_KSUBMIT ifeq ($(KBUILD_HOST),win) ifeq ($(findstring /HostX86/,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142AMD64_BIN)),/HostX86/) TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT ?= kmk_builtin_kSubmit --32-bit else TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT ?= kmk_builtin_kSubmit --64-bit endif ifdef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT := $(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT) --prepend "PATH=$(requote shell-in-dq,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN));" endif TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD := $(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT) -- endif endif ifdef PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN TOOL_VCC142_SETUP_ENV := $(REDIRECT) --prepend "PATH=$(requote shell-in-dq,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_DLL_BIN));" --$(SP) ifndef TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD := $(TOOL_VCC142_SETUP_ENV) endif endif ## Helper for finding rc.exe and mt.exe in the SDK. TOOL_VCC142_FN_FIND_SDK_TOOL_SUB = $(eval $3 := $(qfirstfile sh,\ $(if-expr defined(PATH_SDK_WINSDK10_BIN) , $(qwildcard ,$(PATH_SDK_WINSDK10_BIN)/$2)) \ $(if-expr defined(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK71_BIN), $(qwildcard ,$(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK71_BIN)/$2)) \ $(if-expr defined(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK_BIN) , $(qwildcard ,$(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK_BIN)/$2)) \ $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS_HST)/sdk/*/[Bb][Ii][Nn]/$2)) \ $(rversortfiles $(qwildcard ,$(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS_HST_ALT)/sdk/*/[Bb][Ii][Nn]/$2)) \ $1)) TOOL_VCC142_FN_FIND_SDK_TOOL = $(if-expr !defined($3),$(TOOL_VCC142_FN_FIND_SDK_TOOL_SUB),)$($3) ## Constructs the correct .pdb name (the name is lowercased). # @param $(1) Base name, no extention. # @param $(2) The extension. TOOL_VCC142_PDB = $(dir $(1))$(tolower $(notdir $(1))).$(2) # # Try find the redist directory. A little complicated as the build number # doesn't necessarily match that of the compiler. # ifeq ($(tolower $(substr $(qdir u,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)), -12)),/tools/msvc/) PATH_TOOL_VCC142_REDIST ?= $(firstfile $(qwildcard ,$(substr $(qdir ,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)), 1, -12)/Redist/MSVC/14.2*)) else PATH_TOOL_VCC142_REDIST ?= $(qabspath ,$(firstfile $(qwildcard ,\ $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/Redist \ $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/../Redist \ $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/../../Redist \ $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/../../../Redist \ $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142)/../../../../Redist))) endif PATH_TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_DEBUG ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_REDIST)/debug_nonredist ## Updates may add more msvcp140_[0-9].dll images as the product matures. # This helper locates them (can differ between archs). # @param 1 Redist subdirectory. # @param 2 The DLL basename (no suffix). # @param 3 The VCC architecture name (for constructing the path). FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS = $(2).dll \ $(versortfiles $(qnotdir ,$(qwildcard ,$(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_REDIST)/$(3)/$(1)/$(2)_?.dll))) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.CRT TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_DEBUG_CRT_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.DebugCRT TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS.x86 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vcruntime140,x86) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS.amd64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vcruntime140,x64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS.arm32 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vcruntime140,arm) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS.arm64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vcruntime140,arm64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS = $(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_DLLS.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS.x86 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),concrt140,x86) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS.amd64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),concrt140,x64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS.arm32 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),concrt140,arm) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS.arm64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),concrt140,arm64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS = $(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CONCRT_DLLS.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS.x86 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),msvcp140,x86) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS.amd64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),msvcp140,x64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS.arm32 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),msvcp140,arm) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS.arm64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),msvcp140,arm64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS = $(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CPP_DLLS.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS.x86 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vccorlib140,x86) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS.amd64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vccorlib140,x64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS.arm32 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vccorlib140,arm) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS.arm64 = $(call FN_TOOL_VCC142_FIND_DLLS,$(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CRT_SUBDIR),vccorlib140,arm64) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS = $(TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_WINRT_DLLS.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_CXXAMP_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.CXXAMP TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_MFC_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.MFC TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_MFCLOC_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.MFCLOC TOOL_VCC142_REDIST_OPENMP_SUBDIR := Microsoft.VC142.OpenMP # # Properties used by kBuild # TOOL_VCC142_COBJSUFF ?= .obj TOOL_VCC142_CFLAGS ?= -TC -nologo -Zi -ZH:SHA_256 TOOL_VCC142_CFLAGS.debug ?= TOOL_VCC142_CFLAGS.dbgopt ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CFLAGS.release ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CFLAGS.profile ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CINCS ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_INC) TOOL_VCC142_CDEFS ?= TOOL_VCC142_CXXOBJSUFF ?= .obj TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS ?= -TP -nologo -Zi -ZH:SHA_256 TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.debug ?= TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.dbgopt ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.release ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.profile ?= -O2 TOOL_VCC142_CXXINCS ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_INC) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC_INC) TOOL_VCC142_CXXDEFS ?= TOOL_VCC142_ASOBJSUFF ?= .obj TOOL_VCC142_RCOBJSUFF ?= .res TOOL_VCC142_RCINCS ?= $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_INC) $(PATH_TOOL_VCC142_ATLMFC_INC) TOOL_VCC142_ARFLAGS ?= -nologo TOOL_VCC142_ARFLAGS.x86 ?= -machine:x86 TOOL_VCC142_ARFLAGS.amd64 ?= -machine:amd64 TOOL_VCC142_ARFLAGS.arm32 ?= -machine:arm TOOL_VCC142_ARLIBSUFF ?= .lib TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS ?= -nologo TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.x86 ?= -machine:x86 TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.amd64 ?= -machine:amd64 TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.arm32 ?= -machine:arm TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.debug ?= -debug TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.dbgopt ?= -debug TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.profile ?= -debug TOOL_VCC142_LDFLAGS.release ?= ## Compile C source. # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(source) Source filename (relative). # @param $(obj) Object file name. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(dep) Dependcy file. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(defs) Definitions. No -D or something. # @param $(incs) Includes. No -I or something. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # @param $(objsuff) Object suffix. # @note The -d1scalableinclude- option disables include directory caching as the cache goes # stale in kWorker. Besides, kWorker does it's own caching, so it is not necessary. TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_DEPEND = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_OUTPUT = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(call TOOL_VCC142_PDB, $(outbase)-obj,pdb) $(call TOOL_VCC142_PDB, $(outbase)-obj,idb) ifdef TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_DONT_PURGE_OUTPUT := 1 # speed define TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT) -P $(DEP_OBJ_INT) -f -s -q -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj)\ -- $(TOOL_VCC142_CC) -c -d1scalableinclude-\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ -Fd$(outbase)-obj.pdb \ -Fo$(obj)\ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) endef else define TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_C_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_SETUP_ENV)$(TOOL_VCC142_CC) -c\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ -Fd$(outbase)-obj.pdb \ -Fo$(obj)\ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) $(QUIET)$(DEP_OBJ) -f -s -q -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj) endef endif # !TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT ## Compile C++ source. # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(source) Source filename (relative). # @param $(obj) Object file name. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(dep) Dependcy file. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(defs) Definitions. No -D or something. # @param $(incs) Includes. No -I or something. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # @param $(objsuff) Object suffix. # @note The -d1scalableinclude- option disables include directory caching as the cache goes # stale in kWorker. Besides, kWorker does it's own caching, so it is not necessary. # ('-d1' means it's passed to c1.dll/c1xx.dll and 'scalableinclude-' is the actual option.) TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_DEPEND = $($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_OUTPUT = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(if-expr defined($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB)\ ,,$(call TOOL_VCC142_PDB, $(outbase)-obj,pdb) $(call TOOL_VCC142_PDB, $(outbase)-obj,idb)) ifdef TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_DONT_PURGE_OUTPUT := 1 # speed define TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT) -P $(DEP_OBJ_INT) -f -s -q -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj)\ -- $(TOOL_VCC142_CXX) -c -d1scalableinclude-\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ $(if-expr defined($(target)_PCH_HDR)\ ,-FI$($(target)_PCH_HDR) -Yu$($(target)_PCH_HDR) -Fp$($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) -FS,)\ -Fd$(if-expr defined($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB),$($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB),$(outbase)-obj.pdb) \ -Fo$(obj)\ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) endef else define TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_CXX_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_SETUP_ENV)$(TOOL_VCC142_CXX) -c\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ $(if-expr defined($(target)_PCH_HDR)\ ,-FI$($(target)_PCH_HDR) -Yu$($(target)_PCH_HDR) -Fp$($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) -FS,)\ -Fd$(if-expr defined($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB),$($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB),$(outbase)-obj.pdb) \ -Fo$(obj)\ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) $(QUIET)$(DEP_OBJ) -f -s -q -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj) endef endif # !TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT # # Helper tool for creating the precompiled C++ header. # # It only have the C++ compile bits and it's purpose is to skip bits # related _1_VCC_PCH_FILE and add -Yc. # TOOL_VCC142-PCH := Helper for creating precompiled header using CXX handling. TOOL_VCC142-PCH_EXTENDS := VCC142 TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXOBJSUFF := .obj TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXINCS = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXINCS) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXFLAGS = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS) -FS TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXFLAGS.debug = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.debug) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXFLAGS.dbgopt = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.dbgopt) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXFLAGS.release = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.release) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_CXXFLAGS.profile = $(TOOL_VCC142_CXXFLAGS.profile) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_DEPEND = $(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_DEPORD = $(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_OUTPUT = $($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) $($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB) TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE) ifdef TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT define TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_CMDS $(QUIET)$(RM) -f -- $($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) $($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT) --no-pch-caching -P $(DEP_OBJ_INT) -f -s -q -e .pch -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj)\ -- $(TOOL_VCC142_CXX) -c -Yc -d1scalableinclude-\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ -Fp$($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) \ -Fd$($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB) \ -Fo$(obj)\ -TP \ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) endef else define TOOL_VCC142-PCH_COMPILE_CXX_CMDS $(QUIET)$(RM) -f -- $($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) $($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_SETUP_ENV)$(TOOL_VCC142_CXX) -c -Yc\ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,-I, $(incs)) $(qaddprefix sh,-D, $(defs))\ -Fp$($(target)_1_VCC_PCH_FILE) \ -Fd$($(target)_1_VCC_COMMON_OBJ_PDB) \ -Fo$(obj)\ -TP \ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) $(QUIET)$(DEP_OBJ) -f -s -q -e .pch -o $(dep) -t $(obj) $(obj) endef endif # !TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT ## @todo configure the assembler template. ## Compile resource source. # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(source) Source filename (relative). # @param $(obj) Object file name. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(dep) Dependcy file. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(defs) Definitions. No -D or something. # @param $(incs) Includes. No -I or something. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # @param $(objsuff) Object suffix. TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_RC_DEPEND = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_RC_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT = define TOOL_VCC142_COMPILE_RC_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_RC) \ $(flags) $(qaddprefix sh,/i, $(subst /,\\,$(incs))) $(qaddprefix sh,/d, $(defs))\ /fo$(obj)\ $(subst /,\\,$(abspath $(source))) endef ## Link library # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(out) Library name. # @param $(objs) Object files to put in the library. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # @param $(othersrc) Unhandled sources. # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # TOOL_VCC142_LINK_LIBRARY_DEPEND = $(othersrc) TOOL_VCC142_LINK_LIBRARY_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_LINK_LIBRARY_OUTPUT = $(outbase).rsp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(outbase).lst $(outbase).exp $(outbase).pdb define TOOL_VCC142_LINK_LIBRARY_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -tn $(outbase).rsp \ $(qforeachfile u,arg, $(objs) $(filter-out %.def,$(othersrc)),$(quote-sh "$(subst /,\,$(arg))")) \ $(qforeachfile u,arg, $(filter %.def,$(othersrc)),$(quote-sh "/DEF:$(subst /,\,$(arg))")) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD) $(TOOL_VCC142_AR) $(flags) /OUT:$(out) @$(outbase).rsp endef ## Link program # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(out) Program name. # @param $(objs) Object files to link together. # @param $(libs) Libraries to search. # @param $(libpath) Library search paths. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # @param $(othersrc) Unhandled sources. # @param $(custom_pre) Custom step invoked before linking. # @param $(custom_post) Custom step invoked after linking. # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_DEPEND = $(foreachfile lib,$(libs),$(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))),, $(lib))) $(othersrc) TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_OUTPUT_MAYBE_PRECIOUS = $(outbase).map $(outbase).rsp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(outbase).lib $(outbase).exp $(outbase).ilk $(out).manifest TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_OUTPUT_DEBUG = $(outbase).pdb TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_DEBUG_INSTALL_FN = $(2).pdb=>$(basename $(3)).pdb define TOOL_VCC142_LINK_PROGRAM_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -tn $(outbase).rsp \ $(qforeachfile u,arg, $(objs) $(libs),$(quote-sh "$(subst /,\,$(arg))")) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD) $(TOOL_VCC142_LD) $(flags) \ /OUT:$(out) \ /MAPINFO:EXPORTS /INCREMENTAL:NO \ /MAP:$(outbase).map \ $(foreach def,$(filter %.def,$(othersrc)), /DEF:$(def)) \ $(subst /,\\,$(filter %.exp %.res,$(othersrc))) \ $(qaddprefix sh,/LIBPATH:,$(libpath)) \ @$(outbase).rsp ifndef TOOL_VCC142_NO_AUTO_MANIFEST $(QUIET)$(TEST) -f $(out).manifest -- \ $(TOOL_VCC142_MT) -manifest $(subst /,\\,$(out)).manifest -outputresource:$(subst /,\\,$(out)) endif endef ## Link DLL. # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(out) DLL name. # @param $(objs) Object files to link together. # @param $(libs) Libraries to search. # @param $(libpath) Library search paths. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # @param $(othersrc) Unhandled sources. # @param $(custom_pre) Custom step invoked before linking. # @param $(custom_post) Custom step invoked after linking. # # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_DEPEND = $(foreachfile lib,$(libs),$(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))),, $(lib))) $(othersrc) TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_DEPORD = $(call DIRDEP,$(PATH_STAGE_LIB)) TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_OUTPUT = $(outbase).lib $(outbase).exp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(outbase).ilk $(out).manifest $(PATH_STAGE_LIB)/$(notdir $(outbase)).exp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_OUTPUT_MAYBE_PRECIOUS = $(PATH_STAGE_LIB)/$(notdir $(outbase)).lib $(outbase).map $(outbase).rsp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_OUTPUT_DEBUG = $(outbase).pdb TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_DEBUG_INSTALL_FN = $(2).pdb=>$(basename $(3)).pdb define TOOL_VCC142_LINK_DLL_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -tn $(outbase).rsp \ $(qforeachfile u,arg, $(objs) $(libs),$(quote-sh "$(subst /,\,$(arg))")) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD) $(TOOL_VCC142_LD) $(flags) \ /OUT:$(out) \ /IMPLIB:$(outbase).lib \ /MAPINFO:EXPORTS /INCREMENTAL:NO \ /MAP:$(outbase).map \ /DLL \ $(foreach def,$(filter %.def,$(othersrc)), /DEF:$(def)) \ $(subst /,\\,$(filter %.exp %.res,$(othersrc))) \ $(qaddprefix sh,/LIBPATH:,$(libpath)) \ @$(outbase).rsp ifndef TOOL_VCC142_NO_AUTO_MANIFEST $(QUIET)$(TEST) -f $(out).manifest -- \ $(TOOL_VCC142_MT) -manifest $(subst /,\\,$(out)).manifest '-outputresource:$(subst /,\\,$(out));#2' endif $(QUIET)$(TEST) -f $(outbase).lib -- $(KLIBTWEAKER_EXT) --clear-timestamps $(outbase).lib $(QUIET)$(CP) --changed -v --ignore-non-existing $(outbase).exp $(outbase).lib $(PATH_STAGE_LIB)/ $(eval _DIRS += $(PATH_STAGE_LIB)) endef ## Link system module (windows aka driver, linux aka kernel module) # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(out) System module name. # @param $(objs) Object files to link together. # @param $(libs) Libraries to search. # @param $(libpath) Library search paths. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(dirdep) Directory creation dependency. # @param $(deps) Other dependencies. # @param $(othersrc) Unhandled sources. # @param $(custom_pre) Custom step invoked before linking. # @param $(custom_post) Custom step invoked after linking. # # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_DEPEND = $(foreachfile lib,$(libs),$(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))),, $(lib))) $(othersrc) TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_DEPORD = TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(outbase).lib $(outbase).exp $(outbase).ilk $(out).manifest TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_OUTPUT_MAYBE_PRECIOUS = $(outbase).map $(outbase).rsp TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_OUTPUT_DEBUG = $(outbase).pdb TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_DEBUG_INSTALL_FN = $(2).pdb=>$(basename $(3)).pdb define TOOL_VCC142_LINK_SYSMOD_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -tn $(outbase).rsp \ $(qforeachfile u,arg, $(objs) $(libs),$(quote-sh "$(subst /,\,$(arg))")) $(QUIET)$(TOOL_VCC142_KSUBMIT_DD) $(TOOL_VCC142_LD) $(flags) \ /OUT:$(out) \ /MAPINFO:EXPORTS /INCREMENTAL:NO \ /MAP:$(outbase).map \ $(foreach def,$(filter %.def,$(othersrc)), /DEF:$(def)) \ $(subst /,\\,$(filter %.exp %.res,$(othersrc))) \ $(qaddprefix sh,/LIBPATH:,$(libpath)) \ @$(outbase).rsp ifndef TOOL_VCC142_NO_AUTO_MANIFEST $(QUIET)$(TEST) -f $(out).manifest -- \ $(TOOL_VCC142_MT) -manifest $(subst /,\\,$(out)).manifest '-outputresource:$(subst /,\\,$(out));#2' endif endef