typeFunction = (objectName) -> (v) ->
Object::toString.call(v) == "[object #{objectName}]"
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is an array, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isArray = Array.isArray ? typeFunction('Array')
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is an object, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isObject = typeFunction('Object')
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is a string, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isString = typeFunction('String')
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is a function, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isFunction = typeFunction('Function')
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is a number, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isNumber = typeFunction('Number')
# Attempts to determine if a given value represents a DOM element. The result is always correct if the
# browser implements DOM Level 2, but one can fool it on certain versions of IE. Adapted from:
# Stack Overflow #384286.
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is a DOM element, false
# @param v Value to test.
Epoch.isElement = (v) ->
if HTMLElement?
v instanceof HTMLElement
v? and Epoch.isObject(v) and v.nodeType == 1 and Epoch.isString(v.nodeName)
# Determines if a given value is a non-empty array.
# @param v Value to test.
# @return [Boolean] true
if the given value is an array with at least one element.
Epoch.isNonEmptyArray = (v) ->
Epoch.isArray(v) and v.length > 0
# Generates shallow copy of an object.
# @return A shallow copy of the given object.
# @param [Object] original Object for which to make the shallow copy.
Epoch.Util.copy = (original) ->
return null unless original?
copy = {}
copy[k] = v for own k, v of original
return copy
# Creates a deep copy of the given options filling in missing defaults.
# @param [Object] options Options to copy.
# @param [Object] defaults Default values for the options.
Epoch.Util.defaults = (options, defaults) ->
result = Epoch.Util.copy(options)
for own k, v of defaults
opt = options[k]
def = defaults[k]
bothAreObjects = Epoch.isObject(opt) and Epoch.isObject(def)
if opt? and def?
if bothAreObjects and not Epoch.isArray(opt)
result[k] = Epoch.Util.defaults(opt, def)
result[k] = opt
else if opt?
result[k] = opt
result[k] = def
return result
# Formats numbers with standard postfixes (e.g. K, M, G)
# @param [Number] v Value to format.
# @param [Integer] fixed Number of floating point digits to fix after conversion.
# @param [Boolean] fixIntegers Whether or not to add floating point digits to non-floating point results.
# @example Formatting a very large number
# Epoch.Util.formatSI(1120000) == "1.1 M"
Epoch.Util.formatSI = (v, fixed=1, fixIntegers=false) ->
if v < 1000
q = v
q = q.toFixed(fixed) unless (q|0) == q and !fixIntegers
return q
for own i, label of ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
base = Math.pow(10, ((i|0)+1)*3)
if v >= base and v < Math.pow(10, ((i|0)+2)*3)
q = v/base
q = q.toFixed(fixed) unless (q % 1) == 0 and !fixIntegers
return "#{q} #{label}"
# Formats large bandwidth and disk space usage numbers with byte postfixes (e.g. KB, MB, GB, etc.)
# @param [Number] v Value to format.
# @param [Integer] fixed Number of floating point digits to fix after conversion.
# @param [Boolean] fixIntegers Whether or not to add floating point digits to non-floating point results.
# @example Formatting a large number of bytes
# Epoch.Util.formatBytes(5.21 * Math.pow(2, 20)) == "5.2 MB"
Epoch.Util.formatBytes = (v, fixed=1, fix_integers=false) ->
if v < 1024
q = v
q = q.toFixed(fixed) unless (q % 1) == 0 and !fix_integers
return "#{q} B"
for own i, label of ['KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']
base = Math.pow(1024, (i|0)+1)
if v >= base and v < Math.pow(1024, (i|0)+2)
q = v/base
q = q.toFixed(fixed) unless (q % 1) == 0 and !fix_integers
return "#{q} #{label}"
# @return a "dasherized" css class names from a given string
# @example Using dasherize
# Epoch.Util.dasherize('My Awesome Name') == 'my-awesome-name'
Epoch.Util.dasherize = (str) ->
Epoch.Util.trim(str).replace("\n", '').replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()
# @return the full domain of a given variable from an array of layers
# @param [Array] layers Layered plot data.
# @param [String] key The key name of the value at on each entry in the layers.
Epoch.Util.domain = (layers, key='x') ->
set = {}
domain = []
for layer in layers
for entry in layer.values
continue if set[entry[key]]?
set[entry[key]] = true
return domain
# Strips whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
# @param [String] string String to trim.
# @return [String] The string without leading or trailing whitespace.
# Returns null if the given parameter was not a string.
Epoch.Util.trim = (string) ->
return null unless Epoch.isString(string)
string.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '')
# Returns the computed styles of an element in the document
# @param [HTMLElement] Element for which to fetch the styles.
# @param [String] pseudoElement Pseudo selectors on which to search for the element.
# @return [Object] The styles for the given element.
Epoch.Util.getComputedStyle = (element, pseudoElement) ->
if Epoch.isFunction(window.getComputedStyle)
window.getComputedStyle(element, pseudoElement)
else if element.currentStyle?
# Converts a CSS color string into an RGBA string with the given opacity
# @param [String] color Color string to convert into an rgba
# @param [Number] opacity Opacity to use for the resulting color.
# @return the resulting rgba color string.
Epoch.Util.toRGBA = (color, opacity) ->
if (parts = color.match /^rgba\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*[0-9\.]+\)/)
[all, r, g, b] = parts
result = "rgba(#{r},#{g},#{b},#{opacity})"
else if (v = d3.rgb color)
result = "rgba(#{v.r},#{v.g},#{v.b},#{opacity})"
return result
# Obtains a graphics context for the given canvas node. Nice to have
# this abstracted out in case we want to support WebGL in the future.
# Also allows us to setup a special context when unit testing, as
# jsdom doesn't have canvas support, and node-canvas is a pain in the
# butt to install properly across different platforms.
Epoch.Util.getContext = (node, type='2d') ->
# Basic eventing base class for all Epoch classes.
class Epoch.Events
constructor: ->
@_events = {}
# Registers a callback to a given event.
# @param [String] name Name of the event.
# @param [Function, String] callback Either a closure to call when the event fires
# or a string that denotes a method name to call on this object.
on: (name, callback) ->
return unless callback?
@_events[name] ?= []
@_events[name].push callback
# Registers a map of event names to given callbacks. This method calls .on
# directly for each of the events given.
# @param [Object] map A map of event names to callbacks.
onAll: (map) ->
return unless Epoch.isObject(map)
@on(name, callback) for own name, callback of map
# Removes a specific callback listener or all listeners for a given event.
# @param [String] name Name of the event.
# @param [Function, String] callback (Optional) Callback to remove from the listener list.
# If this parameter is not provided then all listeners will be removed for the event.
off: (name, callback) ->
return unless Epoch.isArray(@_events[name])
return delete(@_events[name]) unless callback?
while (i = @_events[name].indexOf(callback)) >= 0
@_events[name].splice(i, 1)
# Removes a set of callback listeners for all events given in the map or array of strings.
# This method calls .off
directly for each event and callback to remove.
# @param [Object, Array] mapOrList Either a map that associates event names to specific callbacks
# or an array of event names for which to completely remove listeners.
offAll: (mapOrList) ->
if Epoch.isArray(mapOrList)
@off(name) for name in mapOrList
else if Epoch.isObject(mapOrList)
@off(name, callback) for own name, callback of mapOrList
# Triggers an event causing all active listeners to be executed.
# @param [String] name Name of the event to fire.
trigger: (name) ->
return unless @_events[name]?
args = (arguments[i] for i in [1...arguments.length])
for callback in @_events[name]
fn = null
if Epoch.isString(callback)
fn = @[callback]
else if Epoch.isFunction(callback)
fn = callback
unless fn?
Epoch.exception "Callback for event '#{name}' is not a function or reference to a method."
fn.apply @, args
# Performs a single pass flatten on a multi-array
# @param [Array] multiarray A deep multi-array to flatten
# @returns [Array] A single pass flatten of the multi-array
Epoch.Util.flatten = (multiarray) ->
if !Array.isArray(multiarray)
throw new Error('Epoch.Util.flatten only accepts arrays')
result = []
for array in multiarray
if Array.isArray(array)
for item in array
result.push item
result.push array