/* Copyright (C) 2024 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*! * \brief C11 atomic operations with fallbacks. */ #pragma once #ifdef HAVE_C11_ATOMIC /* C11 */ #define KNOT_HAVE_ATOMIC #include #define ATOMIC_SET(dst, val) atomic_store_explicit(&(dst), (val), memory_order_relaxed) #define ATOMIC_GET(src) atomic_load_explicit(&(src), memory_order_relaxed) #define ATOMIC_ADD(dst, val) (void)atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&(dst), (val), memory_order_relaxed) #define ATOMIC_SUB(dst, val) (void)atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&(dst), (val), memory_order_relaxed) #define ATOMIC_XCHG(dst, val) atomic_exchange_explicit(&(dst), (val), memory_order_relaxed) typedef atomic_uint_fast16_t knot_atomic_uint16_t; typedef atomic_uint_fast64_t knot_atomic_uint64_t; typedef atomic_size_t knot_atomic_size_t; typedef _Atomic (void *) knot_atomic_ptr_t; typedef atomic_bool knot_atomic_bool; #elif defined(HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC) /* GCC __atomic */ #define KNOT_HAVE_ATOMIC #include #include #define ATOMIC_SET(dst, val) __atomic_store_n(&(dst), (val), __ATOMIC_RELAXED) #define ATOMIC_GET(src) __atomic_load_n(&(src), __ATOMIC_RELAXED) #define ATOMIC_ADD(dst, val) __atomic_add_fetch(&(dst), (val), __ATOMIC_RELAXED) #define ATOMIC_SUB(dst, val) __atomic_sub_fetch(&(dst), (val), __ATOMIC_RELAXED) #define ATOMIC_XCHG(dst, val) __atomic_exchange_n(&(dst), (val), __ATOMIC_RELAXED) typedef uint16_t knot_atomic_uint16_t; typedef uint64_t knot_atomic_uint64_t; typedef size_t knot_atomic_size_t; typedef void* knot_atomic_ptr_t; typedef bool knot_atomic_bool; #else /* Fallback, non-atomic. */ #warning "Atomic operations not availabe, using unreliable replacement." #include #include #define ATOMIC_SET(dst, val) ((dst) = (val)) #define ATOMIC_GET(src) (src) #define ATOMIC_ADD(dst, val) ((dst) += (val)) #define ATOMIC_SUB(dst, val) ((dst) -= (val)) #define ATOMIC_XCHG(dst, val) ({ __typeof__ (dst) _z = (dst); (dst) = (val); _z; }) typedef uint16_t knot_atomic_uint16_t; typedef uint64_t knot_atomic_uint64_t; typedef size_t knot_atomic_size_t; typedef void* knot_atomic_ptr_t; typedef bool knot_atomic_bool; #endif