/* Copyright (C) 2023 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libknot/yparser/yptrafo.h" #include "libknot/attribute.h" #include "libknot/consts.h" #include "libknot/dname.h" #include "contrib/base64.h" #include "contrib/ctype.h" #include "contrib/musl/inet_ntop.h" #include "contrib/sockaddr.h" #include "contrib/wire_ctx.h" enum { UNIT_BYTE = 'B', UNIT_KILO = 'K', UNIT_MEGA = 'M', UNIT_GIGA = 'G', UNIT_SEC = 's', UNIT_MIN = 'm', UNIT_HOUR = 'h', UNIT_DAY = 'd' }; enum { MULTI_BYTE = 1, MULTI_KILO = 1024, MULTI_MEGA = 1024 * 1024, MULTI_GIGA = 1024 * 1024 * 1024, MULTI_SEC = 1, MULTI_MIN = 60, MULTI_HOUR = 3600, MULTI_DAY = 24 * 3600 }; static wire_ctx_t copy_in( wire_ctx_t *in, size_t in_len, char *buf, size_t buf_len) { wire_ctx_t ctx = wire_ctx_init((uint8_t *)buf, buf_len); wire_ctx_write(&ctx, in->position, in_len); wire_ctx_skip(in, in_len); // Write the terminator. wire_ctx_write_u8(&ctx, '\0'); wire_ctx_skip(&ctx, -1); return ctx; } _public_ int yp_str_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; wire_ctx_write(out, in->position, YP_LEN); wire_ctx_skip(in, YP_LEN); // Write string terminator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '\0'); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_str_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; size_t len = strlen((char *)in->position) + 1; wire_ctx_write(out, in->position, len); wire_ctx_skip(in, len); // Set the terminator as a current position. wire_ctx_skip(out, -1); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_bool_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; if (strncasecmp((char *)in->position, "on", YP_LEN) == 0 || strncasecmp((char *)in->position, "true", YP_LEN) == 0) { wire_ctx_write_u8(out, 1); } else if (strncasecmp((char *)in->position, "off", YP_LEN) == 0 || strncasecmp((char *)in->position, "false", YP_LEN) == 0) { wire_ctx_write_u8(out, 0); } else { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_skip(in, YP_LEN); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_bool_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; const char *value; switch (wire_ctx_read_u8(in)) { case 0: value = "off"; break; case 1: value = "on"; break; default: return KNOT_EINVAL; } int ret = snprintf((char *)out->position, wire_ctx_available(out), "%s", value); if (ret <= 0 || ret >= wire_ctx_available(out)) { return KNOT_ESPACE; } wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); YP_CHECK_RET; } static int remove_unit( int64_t *number, char unit, yp_style_t style) { int64_t multiplier = 1; // Get the multiplier for the unit. if (style & YP_SSIZE) { switch (unit) { case UNIT_BYTE: multiplier = MULTI_BYTE; break; case UNIT_KILO: multiplier = MULTI_KILO; break; case UNIT_MEGA: multiplier = MULTI_MEGA; break; case UNIT_GIGA: multiplier = MULTI_GIGA; break; default: return KNOT_EINVAL; } } else if (style & YP_STIME) { switch (unit) { case UNIT_SEC: multiplier = MULTI_SEC; break; case UNIT_MIN: multiplier = MULTI_MIN; break; case UNIT_HOUR: multiplier = MULTI_HOUR; break; case UNIT_DAY: multiplier = MULTI_DAY; break; default: return KNOT_EINVAL; } } else { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Check for possible number overflow. if (INT64_MAX / multiplier < (*number >= 0 ? *number : -*number)) { return KNOT_ERANGE; } *number *= multiplier; return KNOT_EOK; } _public_ int yp_int_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS, int64_t min, int64_t max, yp_style_t style) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Copy input string to the buffer to limit strtoll overread. char buf[32]; wire_ctx_t buf_ctx = copy_in(in, YP_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (buf_ctx.error != KNOT_EOK) { return buf_ctx.error; } // Parse the number. char *end; errno = 0; int64_t number = strtoll(buf, &end, 10); // Check for number overflow. if (errno == ERANGE && (number == LLONG_MAX || number == LLONG_MIN)) { return KNOT_ERANGE; } // Check if the whole string is invalid. if ((errno != 0 && number == 0) || end == buf) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Check the rest of the string for a unit. if (*end != '\0') { // Check just for one-char rest. if (*(end + 1) != '\0') { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Try to apply a unit on the number. int ret = remove_unit(&number, *end, style); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } } // Check for the result number overflow. if (number < min || number > max) { return KNOT_ERANGE; } // Write the result. wire_ctx_write_u64(out, number); YP_CHECK_RET; } static void add_unit( int64_t *number, char *unit, yp_style_t style) { int64_t multiplier = 1; char basic_unit = '\0'; char new_unit = '\0'; // Get the multiplier for the unit. if (style & YP_SSIZE) { basic_unit = UNIT_BYTE; if (*number < MULTI_KILO) { multiplier = MULTI_BYTE; new_unit = UNIT_BYTE; } else if (*number < MULTI_MEGA) { multiplier = MULTI_KILO; new_unit = UNIT_KILO; } else if (*number < MULTI_GIGA) { multiplier = MULTI_MEGA; new_unit = UNIT_MEGA; } else { multiplier = MULTI_GIGA; new_unit = UNIT_GIGA; } } else if (style & YP_STIME) { basic_unit = UNIT_SEC; if (*number < MULTI_MIN) { multiplier = MULTI_SEC; new_unit = UNIT_SEC; } else if (*number < MULTI_HOUR) { multiplier = MULTI_MIN; new_unit = UNIT_MIN; } else if (*number < MULTI_DAY) { multiplier = MULTI_HOUR; new_unit = UNIT_HOUR; } else { multiplier = MULTI_DAY; new_unit = UNIT_DAY; } } // Check for unit application without any remainder. if ((*number % multiplier) == 0) { *number /= multiplier; *unit = new_unit; } else { *unit = basic_unit; } } _public_ int yp_int_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS, yp_style_t style) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; char unit[2] = { '\0' }; int64_t number = wire_ctx_read_u64(in); add_unit(&number, unit, style); int ret = snprintf((char *)out->position, wire_ctx_available(out), "%"PRId64"%s", number, unit); if (ret <= 0 || ret >= wire_ctx_available(out)) { return KNOT_ESPACE; } wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); YP_CHECK_RET; } static uint8_t sock_type_guess( const uint8_t *str, size_t len) { size_t dots = 0; size_t semicolons = 0; size_t digits = 0; // Analyze the string. for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == '.') dots++; else if (str[i] == ':') semicolons++; else if (is_digit(str[i])) digits++; } // Guess socket type. if (semicolons >= 1) { return 6; } else if (semicolons == 0 && dots == 3 && digits >= 3) { return 4; } else { return 0; } } _public_ int yp_addr_noport_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS, bool allow_unix) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; struct in_addr addr4; struct in6_addr addr6; uint8_t type = sock_type_guess(in->position, YP_LEN); // Copy address to the buffer to limit inet_pton overread. char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (type == 4 || type == 6) { wire_ctx_t buf_ctx = copy_in(in, YP_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (buf_ctx.error != KNOT_EOK) { return buf_ctx.error; } } // Write address type. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, type); // Write address as such. if (type == 4 && inet_pton(AF_INET, buf, &addr4) == 1) { wire_ctx_write(out, (uint8_t *)&(addr4.s_addr), sizeof(addr4.s_addr)); } else if (type == 6 && inet_pton(AF_INET6, buf, &addr6) == 1) { wire_ctx_write(out, (uint8_t *)&(addr6.s6_addr), sizeof(addr6.s6_addr)); } else if (type == 0 && allow_unix) { int ret = yp_str_to_bin(in, out, stop); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } } else { return KNOT_EINVAL; } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_addr_noport_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; struct in_addr addr4; struct in6_addr addr6; int ret; switch (wire_ctx_read_u8(in)) { case 0: ret = yp_str_to_txt(in, out); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } break; case 4: wire_ctx_read(in, &(addr4.s_addr), sizeof(addr4.s_addr)); if (knot_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr4, (char *)out->position, wire_ctx_available(out)) == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_skip(out, strlen((char *)out->position)); break; case 6: wire_ctx_read(in, &(addr6.s6_addr), sizeof(addr6.s6_addr)); if (knot_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr6, (char *)out->position, wire_ctx_available(out)) == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_skip(out, strlen((char *)out->position)); break; default: return KNOT_EINVAL; } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_addr_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Check for address@port separator. const uint8_t *pos = (uint8_t *)strrchr((char *)in->position, '@'); // Ignore out-of-bounds result. if (pos >= stop) { pos = NULL; } // Store address type position. uint8_t *type = out->position; // Write the address without a port. int ret = yp_addr_noport_to_bin(in, out, pos, true); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } if (pos != NULL) { if (*type == 0) { // Rewrite string terminator. wire_ctx_skip(out, -1); // Append the rest (separator and port) as a string. ret = yp_str_to_bin(in, out, stop); } else { // Skip the separator. wire_ctx_skip(in, sizeof(uint8_t)); // Write the port as a number. ret = yp_int_to_bin(in, out, stop, 0, UINT16_MAX, YP_SNONE); } if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } } else if (*type == 4 || *type == 6) { wire_ctx_write_u64(out, (uint64_t)-1); } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_addr_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; // Store address type position. uint8_t *type = in->position; // Write address. int ret = yp_addr_noport_to_txt(in, out); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } // Write port. if (*type == 4 || *type == 6) { int64_t port = wire_ctx_read_u64(in); if (port >= 0) { // Write separator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '@'); // Write port. wire_ctx_skip(in, -sizeof(uint64_t)); ret = yp_int_to_txt(in, out, YP_SNONE); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } } } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_addr_range_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Format: 0 - single address, 1 - address prefix, 2 - address range. uint8_t format = 0; const bool unix_path = (in->position[0] == '/'); const uint8_t *pos = NULL; if (!unix_path) { // Check for the "addr/mask" format. pos = (uint8_t *)strchr((char *)in->position, '/'); if (pos >= stop) { pos = NULL; } if (pos != NULL) { format = 1; } else { // Check for the "addr1-addr2" format. pos = (uint8_t *)strchr((char *)in->position, '-'); if (pos >= stop) { pos = NULL; } if (pos != NULL) { format = 2; } } } // Store address1 type position. uint8_t *type1 = out->position; // Write the first address. int ret = yp_addr_noport_to_bin(in, out, pos, unix_path); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } wire_ctx_write_u8(out, format); switch (format) { case 1: // Skip the separator. wire_ctx_skip(in, sizeof(uint8_t)); // Write the prefix length. ret = yp_int_to_bin(in, out, stop, 0, (*type1 == 4) ? 32 : 128, YP_SNONE); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } break; case 2: // Skip the separator. wire_ctx_skip(in, sizeof(uint8_t)); // Store address2 type position. uint8_t *type2 = out->position; // Write the second address. ret = yp_addr_noport_to_bin(in, out, stop, false); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } // Check for address mismatch. if (*type1 != *type2) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } break; default: break; } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_addr_range_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; // Write the first address. int ret = yp_addr_noport_to_txt(in, out); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } uint8_t format = wire_ctx_read_u8(in); switch (format) { case 1: // Write the separator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '/'); // Write the prefix length. ret = yp_int_to_txt(in, out, YP_SNONE); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } break; case 2: // Write the separator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '-'); // Write the second address. ret = yp_addr_noport_to_txt(in, out); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } break; default: break; } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_option_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS, const knot_lookup_t *opts) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; while (opts->name != NULL) { if (YP_LEN == strlen(opts->name) && strncasecmp((char *)in->position, opts->name, YP_LEN) == 0) { wire_ctx_write_u8(out, opts->id); wire_ctx_skip(in, YP_LEN); YP_CHECK_RET; } opts++; } return KNOT_EINVAL; } _public_ int yp_option_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS, const knot_lookup_t *opts) { uint8_t id = wire_ctx_read_u8(in); while (opts->name != NULL) { if (id == opts->id) { int ret = snprintf((char *)out->position, wire_ctx_available(out), "%s", opts->name); if (ret <= 0 || ret >= wire_ctx_available(out)) { return KNOT_ESPACE; } wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); YP_CHECK_RET; } opts++; } return KNOT_EINVAL; } _public_ int yp_dname_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Copy dname string to the buffer to limit dname_from_str overread. knot_dname_txt_storage_t buf; wire_ctx_t buf_ctx = copy_in(in, YP_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (buf_ctx.error != KNOT_EOK) { return buf_ctx.error; } // Convert the dname. if (knot_dname_from_str(out->position, buf, wire_ctx_available(out)) == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Check the result and count the length. int ret = knot_dname_wire_check(out->position, out->position + wire_ctx_available(out), NULL); if (ret <= 0) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Convert the result to lower case. knot_dname_to_lower(out->position); wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_dname_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; if (knot_dname_to_str((char *)out->position, in->position, wire_ctx_available(out)) == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_skip(out, strlen((char *)out->position)); YP_CHECK_RET; } static int hex_to_num(char hex) { if (hex >= '0' && hex <= '9') return hex - '0'; if (hex >= 'a' && hex <= 'f') return hex - 'a' + 10; if (hex >= 'A' && hex <= 'F') return hex - 'A' + 10; return -1; } _public_ int yp_hex_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Check for hex notation (leading "0x"). if (wire_ctx_available(in) >= 2 && in->position[0] == '0' && in->position[1] == 'x') { wire_ctx_skip(in, 2); if (YP_LEN % 2 != 0) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } // Write data length. wire_ctx_write_u16(out, YP_LEN / 2); // Decode hex string. while (YP_LEN > 0) { uint8_t buf[2] = { 0 }; wire_ctx_read(in, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!is_xdigit(buf[0]) || !is_xdigit(buf[1])) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_write_u8(out, 16 * hex_to_num(buf[0]) + hex_to_num(buf[1])); } } else { // Write data length. wire_ctx_write_u16(out, YP_LEN); // Write textual string (without terminator). wire_ctx_write(out, in->position, YP_LEN); wire_ctx_skip(in, YP_LEN); } YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_hex_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; size_t len = wire_ctx_read_u16(in); bool printable = true; // Check for printable string. for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!is_print(in->position[i])) { printable = false; break; } } if (printable) { wire_ctx_write(out, in->position, len); wire_ctx_skip(in, len); } else { const char *prefix = "0x"; const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Write hex prefix. wire_ctx_write(out, (uint8_t *)prefix, strlen(prefix)); // Encode data to hex. for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t bin = wire_ctx_read_u8(in); wire_ctx_write_u8(out, hex[bin / 16]); wire_ctx_write_u8(out, hex[bin % 16]); } } // Write the terminator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '\0'); wire_ctx_skip(out, -1); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_base64_to_bin( YP_TXT_BIN_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_BIN; // Reserve some space for data length. wire_ctx_skip(out, sizeof(uint16_t)); int ret = knot_base64_decode(in->position, YP_LEN, out->position, wire_ctx_available(out)); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } wire_ctx_skip(in, YP_LEN); // Write the data length. wire_ctx_skip(out, -sizeof(uint16_t)); wire_ctx_write_u16(out, ret); wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_base64_to_txt( YP_BIN_TXT_PARAMS) { YP_CHECK_PARAMS_TXT; // Read the data length. uint16_t len = wire_ctx_read_u16(in); int ret = knot_base64_encode(in->position, len, out->position, wire_ctx_available(out)); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } wire_ctx_skip(out, ret); // Write the terminator. wire_ctx_write_u8(out, '\0'); wire_ctx_skip(out, -1); YP_CHECK_RET; } _public_ int yp_item_to_bin( const yp_item_t *item, const char *txt, size_t txt_len, uint8_t *bin, size_t *bin_len) { if (item == NULL || txt == NULL || bin == NULL || bin_len == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_t in = wire_ctx_init_const((const uint8_t *)txt, txt_len); wire_ctx_t out = wire_ctx_init(bin, *bin_len); int ret; size_t ref_len; switch (item->type) { case YP_TINT: ret = yp_int_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL, item->var.i.min, item->var.i.max, item->var.i.unit); break; case YP_TBOOL: ret = yp_bool_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TOPT: ret = yp_option_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL, item->var.o.opts); break; case YP_TSTR: ret = yp_str_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TADDR: ret = yp_addr_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TNET: ret = yp_addr_range_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TDNAME: ret = yp_dname_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_THEX: ret = yp_hex_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TB64: ret = yp_base64_to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TDATA: ret = item->var.d.to_bin(&in, &out, NULL); break; case YP_TREF: ref_len = wire_ctx_available(&out); ret = yp_item_to_bin(item->var.r.ref->var.g.id, (char *)in.position, wire_ctx_available(&in), out.position, &ref_len); wire_ctx_skip(&out, ref_len); break; default: ret = KNOT_EOK; } if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } else if (in.error != KNOT_EOK) { return in.error; } else if (out.error != KNOT_EOK) { return out.error; } *bin_len = wire_ctx_offset(&out); return KNOT_EOK; } _public_ int yp_item_to_txt( const yp_item_t *item, const uint8_t *bin, size_t bin_len, char *txt, size_t *txt_len, yp_style_t style) { if (item == NULL || bin == NULL || txt == NULL || txt_len == NULL) { return KNOT_EINVAL; } wire_ctx_t in = wire_ctx_init_const(bin, bin_len); wire_ctx_t out = wire_ctx_init((uint8_t *)txt, *txt_len); // Write leading quote. if (!(style & YP_SNOQUOTE)) { wire_ctx_write_u8(&out, '"'); } int ret; size_t ref_len; switch (item->type) { case YP_TINT: ret = yp_int_to_txt(&in, &out, item->var.i.unit & style); break; case YP_TBOOL: ret = yp_bool_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TOPT: ret = yp_option_to_txt(&in, &out, item->var.o.opts); break; case YP_TSTR: ret = yp_str_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TADDR: ret = yp_addr_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TNET: ret = yp_addr_range_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TDNAME: ret = yp_dname_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_THEX: ret = yp_hex_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TB64: ret = yp_base64_to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TDATA: ret = item->var.d.to_txt(&in, &out); break; case YP_TREF: ref_len = wire_ctx_available(&out); ret = yp_item_to_txt(item->var.r.ref->var.g.id, in.position, wire_ctx_available(&in), (char *)out.position, &ref_len, style | YP_SNOQUOTE); wire_ctx_skip(&out, ref_len); break; default: ret = KNOT_EOK; } // Write trailing quote. if (!(style & YP_SNOQUOTE)) { wire_ctx_write_u8(&out, '"'); } // Write string terminator. wire_ctx_write_u8(&out, '\0'); wire_ctx_skip(&out, -1); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { return ret; } else if (in.error != KNOT_EOK) { return in.error; } else if (out.error != KNOT_EOK) { return out.error; } *txt_len = wire_ctx_offset(&out); return KNOT_EOK; } _public_ struct sockaddr_storage yp_addr_noport( const uint8_t *data) { struct sockaddr_storage ss = { AF_UNSPEC }; // Read address type. uint8_t type = *data; data += sizeof(type); // Set address. switch (type) { case 0: sockaddr_set(&ss, AF_UNIX, (char *)data, 0); break; case 4: sockaddr_set_raw(&ss, AF_INET, data, sizeof(((struct in_addr *)NULL)->s_addr)); break; case 6: sockaddr_set_raw(&ss, AF_INET6, data, sizeof(((struct in6_addr *)NULL)->s6_addr)); break; } return ss; } _public_ struct sockaddr_storage yp_addr( const uint8_t *data, bool *no_port) { struct sockaddr_storage ss = yp_addr_noport(data); size_t addr_len; // Get binary address length. switch (ss.ss_family) { case AF_INET: addr_len = sizeof(((struct in_addr *)NULL)->s_addr); break; case AF_INET6: addr_len = sizeof(((struct in6_addr *)NULL)->s6_addr); break; default: addr_len = 0; *no_port = true; } if (addr_len > 0) { int64_t port = knot_wire_read_u64(data + sizeof(uint8_t) + addr_len); if (port >= 0) { sockaddr_port_set(&ss, port); *no_port = false; } else { *no_port = true; } } return ss; }