/* Copyright (C) 2024 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "contrib/atomic.h" #include "knot/server/dthreads.h" #define THREADS 16 #define CYCLES1 100000 #define CYCLES2 2000000 #define CYCLES3 100000 #define UPPER 0xffffffff00000000 #define LOWER 0x00000000ffffffff #define UPPER_PTR ((void *) UPPER) #define LOWER_PTR ((void *) LOWER) static volatile knot_atomic_uint64_t counter_add = 0; static volatile knot_atomic_uint64_t counter_sub = 0; static volatile knot_atomic_uint64_t atomic_var; static volatile knot_atomic_ptr_t atomic_var2; static int errors = 0; static int uppers; static int lowers; static int uppers_count = 0; static int lowers_count = 0; static pthread_mutex_t mx; static int thread_add(struct dthread *thread) { for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES1; i++) { ATOMIC_ADD(counter_add, 7); ATOMIC_SUB(counter_sub, 7); } return 0; } static int thread_set(struct dthread *thread) { u_int64_t val = (dt_get_id(thread) % 2) ? UPPER : LOWER; for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES2; i++) { ATOMIC_SET(atomic_var, val); volatile u_int64_t read = ATOMIC_GET(atomic_var); if (read != UPPER && read != LOWER) { // Non-atomic counter, won't be accurate! // However, it's sufficient for fault detection. errors++; } } return 0; } static int thread_xchg(struct dthread *thread) { void *val = (dt_get_id(thread) % 2) ? UPPER_PTR : LOWER_PTR; pthread_mutex_lock(&mx); if (val == UPPER_PTR) { uppers++; } else { lowers++; }; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx); for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES3; i++) { val = ATOMIC_XCHG(atomic_var2, val); if (val != UPPER_PTR && val != LOWER_PTR) { // Non-atomic counter, won't be accurate! // However, it's sufficient for fault detection. errors++; return 0; } } pthread_mutex_lock(&mx); if (val == UPPER_PTR) { uppers_count++; } else if (val == LOWER_PTR) { lowers_count++; }; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx); return 0; } // Signal handler static void interrupt_handle(int s) { } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); // Register service and signal handler struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = interrupt_handle; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); // Interrupt // Test for atomicity of ATOMIC_ADD and ATOMIC_SUB. dt_unit_t *unit = dt_create(THREADS, thread_add, NULL, NULL); dt_start(unit); dt_join(unit); dt_delete(&unit); is_int(THREADS * CYCLES1 * 7, counter_add, "atomicity of ATOMIC_ADD"); is_int(THREADS * CYCLES1 * 7, -counter_sub, "atomicity of ATOMIC_SUB"); // Test for atomicity of ATOMIC_SET and ATOMIC_GET. unit = dt_create(THREADS, thread_set, NULL, NULL); dt_start(unit); dt_join(unit); dt_delete(&unit); is_int(0, errors, "atomicity of ATOMIC_SET / ATOMIC_GET"); // Test for atomicity of ATOMIC_XCHG. errors = 0; uppers = 0; // Initialize in code so as to calm down Coverity. lowers = 0; // Idem. atomic_var2 = UPPER_PTR; uppers++; pthread_mutex_init(&mx, NULL); unit = dt_create(THREADS, thread_xchg, NULL, NULL); dt_start(unit); dt_join(unit); dt_delete(&unit); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mx); if (atomic_var2 == UPPER_PTR) { uppers_count++; } else if (atomic_var2 == LOWER_PTR) { lowers_count++; } else { errors++; } is_int(0, errors, "set/get atomicity of ATOMIC_XCHG"); is_int(uppers, uppers_count, "atomicity of ATOMIC_XCHG"); is_int(lowers, lowers_count, "atomicity of ATOMIC_XCHG"); return 0; }