/* Copyright (C) 2023 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "tap/basic.h" #include "libknot/error.h" #include "libknot/xdp/msg_init.h" #include "libknot/xdp/tcp.c" #include "libknot/xdp/tcp_iobuf.c" #include "libknot/xdp/bpf-user.h" #define INFTY INT32_MAX knot_tcp_table_t *test_table = NULL; knot_tcp_table_t *test_syn_table = NULL; #define TEST_TABLE_SIZE 100 size_t sent_acks = 0; size_t sent_rsts = 0; size_t sent_syns = 0; size_t sent_fins = 0; uint32_t sent_seqno = 0; uint32_t sent_ackno = 0; size_t sent2_data = 0; size_t send2_mss = 0; knot_xdp_socket_t *test_sock = NULL; struct sockaddr_in test_addr = { AF_INET, 0, { 127 + (1 << 24) }, { 0 } }; knot_tcp_conn_t *test_conn = NULL; /*! * \brief Length of timeout-watching list. */ static size_t tcp_table_timeout_length(knot_tcp_table_t *table) { return list_size(tcp_table_timeout(table)); } /*! * \brief Clean up old TCP connection w/o sending RST or FIN. * * \param tcp_table TCP connection table to clean up. * \param timeout Remove connections older than this (usecs). * \param at_least Remove at least this number of connections. */ static void tcp_cleanup(knot_tcp_table_t *tcp_table, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t at_least) { uint32_t now = get_timestamp(), i = 0; knot_tcp_conn_t *conn, *next; WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(conn, next, *tcp_table_timeout(tcp_table)) { if (i++ < at_least || now - conn->last_active >= timeout) { tcp_table_remove(tcp_table_re_lookup(conn, tcp_table), tcp_table); del_conn(conn); } } } /*! * \brief Find connection related to incoming message. */ static knot_tcp_conn_t *tcp_table_find(knot_tcp_table_t *table, knot_xdp_msg_t *msg_recv) { uint64_t unused = 0; return *tcp_table_lookup(&msg_recv->ip_from, &msg_recv->ip_to, &unused, table); } static int mock_send(_unused_ knot_xdp_socket_t *sock, const knot_xdp_msg_t msgs[], uint32_t n_msgs, _unused_ uint32_t *sent) { ok(n_msgs <= 20, "send: not too many at once"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_msgs; i++) { const knot_xdp_msg_t *msg = msgs + i; ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_TCP, "send: is TCP message"); ok(msg->payload.iov_len == 0, "send: is empty payload"); if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_RST) { sent_rsts++; } else if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN) { ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, "send: is SYN+ACK"); sent_syns++; } else if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_FIN) { ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, "send: FIN has always ACK"); sent_fins++; } else { ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, "send: is ACK"); sent_acks++; } sent_seqno = msg->seqno; sent_ackno = msg->ackno; } return KNOT_EOK; } static int mock_send_nocheck(_unused_ knot_xdp_socket_t *sock, const knot_xdp_msg_t msgs[], uint32_t n_msgs, _unused_ uint32_t *sent) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_msgs; i++) { const knot_xdp_msg_t *msg = msgs + i; if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_RST) { sent_rsts++; } else if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN) { sent_syns++; } else if (msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_FIN) { sent_fins++; } else { sent_acks++; } sent_seqno = msg->seqno; sent_ackno = msg->ackno; } return KNOT_EOK; } static int mock_send2(_unused_ knot_xdp_socket_t *sock, const knot_xdp_msg_t msgs[], uint32_t n_msgs, _unused_ uint32_t *sent) { ok(n_msgs <= 20, "send2: not too many at once"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_msgs; i++) { const knot_xdp_msg_t *msg = msgs + i; ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_TCP, "send2: is TCP message"); ok(msg->flags & KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, "send2: has ACK"); ok(msg->payload.iov_len <= send2_mss, "send2: fulfilled MSS"); sent2_data += msg->payload.iov_len; sent_seqno = msg->seqno; sent_ackno = msg->ackno; } return KNOT_EOK; } static void clean_table(void) { (void)tcp_cleanup(test_table, 0, INFTY); } static void clean_sent(void) { sent_acks = 0; sent_rsts = 0; sent_syns = 0; sent_fins = 0; } static void check_sent(size_t expect_acks, size_t expect_rsts, size_t expect_syns, size_t expect_fins) { is_int(expect_acks, sent_acks, "sent ACKs"); is_int(expect_rsts, sent_rsts, "sent RSTs"); is_int(expect_syns, sent_syns, "sent SYNs"); is_int(expect_fins, sent_fins, "sent FINs"); clean_sent(); } static void prepare_msg(knot_xdp_msg_t *msg, int flags, uint16_t sport, uint16_t dport) { msg_init(msg, flags | KNOT_XDP_MSG_TCP); memcpy(&msg->ip_from, &test_addr, sizeof(test_addr)); memcpy(&msg->ip_to, &test_addr, sizeof(test_addr)); msg->ip_from.sin6_port = htobe16(sport); msg->ip_to.sin6_port = htobe16(dport); } static void prepare_seqack(knot_xdp_msg_t *msg, int seq_shift, int ack_shift) { msg->seqno = sent_ackno + seq_shift; msg->ackno = sent_seqno + ack_shift; } static void prepare_data(knot_xdp_msg_t *msg, const char *bytes, size_t n) { msg->payload.iov_len = n; msg->payload.iov_base = (void *)bytes; } static void fix_seqack(knot_xdp_msg_t *msg) { knot_tcp_conn_t *conn = tcp_table_find(test_table, msg); if (conn == NULL) { conn = tcp_table_find(test_syn_table, msg); } assert(conn != NULL); msg->seqno = conn->seqno; msg->ackno = conn->ackno; } static void fix_seqacks(knot_xdp_msg_t *msgs, size_t count) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { fix_seqack(&msgs[i]); } } void test_syn(void) { knot_xdp_msg_t msg; knot_tcp_relay_t rl = { 0 }; prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN, 1, 2); int ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "SYN: relay OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "SYN: send OK"); is_int(msg.seqno + 1, sent_ackno, "SYN: ackno"); check_sent(0, 0, 1, 0); is_int(XDP_TCP_SYN, rl.action, "SYN: relay action"); is_int(XDP_TCP_NOOP, rl.answer, "SYN: relay answer"); ok(NULL == rl.inbf, "SYN: no payload"); is_int(0, test_table->usage, "SYN: no connection in normal table"); is_int(1, test_syn_table->usage, "SYN: one connection in SYN table"); knot_tcp_conn_t *conn = tcp_table_find(test_syn_table, &msg); ok(conn != NULL, "SYN: connection present"); assert(conn); ok(conn == rl.conn, "SYN: relay points to connection"); is_int(XDP_TCP_ESTABLISHING, conn->state, "SYN: connection state"); ok(memcmp(&conn->ip_rem, &msg.ip_from, sizeof(msg.ip_from)) == 0, "SYN: conn IP from"); ok(memcmp(&conn->ip_loc, &msg.ip_to, sizeof(msg.ip_to)) == 0, "SYN: conn IP to"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_syn_table, &rl, 1); test_conn = conn; } void test_establish(void) { knot_xdp_msg_t msg; knot_tcp_relay_t rl = { 0 }; prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1, 2); prepare_seqack(&msg, 0, 1); int ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "establish: relay OK"); is_int(0, test_syn_table->usage, "SYN: no connection in SYN table"); is_int(1, test_table->usage, "SYN: one connection in normal table"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "establish: send OK"); check_sent(0, 0, 0, 0); is_int(0, rl.auto_answer, "establish: no auto answer"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rl, 1); clean_table(); } void test_syn_ack(void) { knot_xdp_msg_t msg; knot_tcp_relay_t rl = { 0 }; prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN | KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1000, 2000); int ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "SYN+ACK: relay OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "SYN+ACK: send OK"); is_int(msg.seqno + 1, sent_ackno, "SYN+ACK: ackno"); check_sent(1, 0, 0, 0); is_int(XDP_TCP_ESTABLISH, rl.action, "SYN+ACK: relay action"); ok(rl.conn != NULL, "SYN+ACK: connection present"); test_conn = rl.conn; knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rl, 1); } void test_data_fragments(void) { const size_t CONNS = 4; knot_xdp_msg_t msgs[CONNS]; knot_tcp_relay_t rls[CONNS]; memset(rls, 0, CONNS * sizeof(*rls)); // first msg contains one whole payload and one fragment prepare_msg(&msgs[0], KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1000, 2000); prepare_seqack(&msgs[0], 0, 0); prepare_data(&msgs[0], "\x00\x03""xyz""\x00\x04""ab", 9); // second msg contains just fragment not completing anything prepare_msg(&msgs[1], KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1000, 2000); prepare_seqack(&msgs[1], 9, 0); prepare_data(&msgs[1], "c", 1); // third msg finishes fragment, contains one whole, and starts new fragment by just half of length info prepare_msg(&msgs[2], KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1000, 2000); prepare_seqack(&msgs[2], 10, 0); prepare_data(&msgs[2], "d""\x00\x01""i""\x00", 5); // fourth msg completes fragment and starts never-finishing one prepare_msg(&msgs[3], KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1000, 2000); prepare_seqack(&msgs[3], 15, 0); prepare_data(&msgs[3], "\x02""AB""\xff\xff""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz...", 34); assert(test_table); int ret = knot_tcp_recv(rls, msgs, CONNS, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "fragments: relay OK"); assert(test_sock); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "fragments: send OK"); is_int(msgs[3].ackno, sent_seqno, "fragments: seqno"); is_int(msgs[3].seqno + msgs[3].payload.iov_len, sent_ackno, "fragments: ackno"); check_sent(4, 0, 0, 0); is_int(KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, rls[0].auto_answer, "fragments[0]: auto answer"); ok(rls[0].conn != NULL, "fragments0: connection present"); ok(rls[0].conn == test_conn, "fragments0: same connection"); is_int(1, rls[0].inbf->n_inbufs, "fragments0: inbufs count"); struct iovec *inbufs = rls[0].inbf->inbufs; is_int(3, inbufs[0].iov_len, "fragments0: data length"); is_int(0, memcmp("xyz", inbufs[0].iov_base, inbufs[0].iov_len), "fragments0: data"); is_int(KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, rls[1].auto_answer, "fragments[1]: auto answer"); is_int(XDP_TCP_NOOP, rls[1].action, "fragments[1]: action"); // NOTE: NOOP ok(rls[0].conn != NULL, "fragments1: connection present"); ok(rls[0].conn == test_conn, "fragments1: same connection"); ok(NULL == rls[1].inbf, "fragments1: inbufs count"); is_int(KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, rls[2].auto_answer, "fragments[2]: auto answer"); ok(rls[0].conn != NULL, "fragments2: connection present"); ok(rls[0].conn == test_conn, "fragments2: same connection"); is_int(2, rls[2].inbf->n_inbufs, "fragments2: inbufs count"); inbufs = rls[2].inbf->inbufs; is_int(4, inbufs[0].iov_len, "fragments2-0: data length"); is_int(0, memcmp("abcd", inbufs[0].iov_base, inbufs[0].iov_len), "fragments2-0: data"); is_int(1, inbufs[1].iov_len, "fragments2-1: data length"); is_int(0, memcmp("i", inbufs[1].iov_base, inbufs[1].iov_len), "fragments2-1: data"); is_int(KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, rls[3].auto_answer, "fragments[3]: auto answer"); ok(rls[0].conn != NULL, "fragments3: connection present"); ok(rls[0].conn == test_conn, "fragments3: same connection"); is_int(1, rls[3].inbf->n_inbufs, "fragments3: inbufs count"); inbufs = rls[3].inbf->inbufs; is_int(2, inbufs[0].iov_len, "fragments3: data length"); is_int(0, memcmp("AB", inbufs[0].iov_base, inbufs[0].iov_len), "fragments3: data"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, rls, 4); } void test_close(void) { size_t conns_pre = test_table->usage; knot_xdp_msg_t msg; knot_tcp_relay_t rl = { 0 }; prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_FIN | KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, be16toh(test_conn->ip_rem.sin6_port), be16toh(test_conn->ip_loc.sin6_port)); prepare_seqack(&msg, 0, 0); // test wrong ackno synack, shall reply with RST with same knot_xdp_msg_t wrong = msg; wrong.seqno += INT32_MAX; wrong.ackno += INT32_MAX; int ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &wrong, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: relay 0 OK"); is_int(KNOT_XDP_MSG_RST, rl.auto_answer, "close: reset wrong ackno"); is_int(rl.auto_seqno, wrong.ackno, "close: reset seqno"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: send 0 OK"); check_sent(0, 1, 0, 0); is_int(sent_seqno, wrong.ackno, "close: reset seqno sent"); ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: relay 1 OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: send OK"); check_sent(0, 0, 0, 1); is_int(XDP_TCP_CLOSE, rl.action, "close: relay action"); assert(rl.conn); ok(rl.conn == test_conn, "close: same connection"); is_int(XDP_TCP_CLOSING2, rl.conn->state, "close: conn state"); msg.flags &= ~KNOT_XDP_MSG_FIN; prepare_seqack(&msg, 0, 0); ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: relay 2 OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "close: send 2 OK"); check_sent(0, 0, 0, 0); is_int(conns_pre - 1, test_table->usage, "close: connection removed"); is_int(conns_pre - 1, tcp_table_timeout_length(test_table), "close: timeout list size"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rl, 1); } void test_many(void) { size_t CONNS = test_table->size * test_table->size; size_t i_survive = CONNS / 2; uint32_t timeout_time = 1000000; knot_xdp_msg_t *msgs = malloc(CONNS * sizeof(*msgs)); assert(msgs != NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < CONNS; i++) { prepare_msg(&msgs[i], KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN, i + 2, 1); } knot_tcp_relay_t *rls = malloc(CONNS * sizeof(*rls)); int ret = knot_tcp_recv(rls, msgs, CONNS, test_table, NULL, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many: relay OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many: relay send OK"); check_sent(0, 0, CONNS, 0); is_int(CONNS, test_table->usage, "many: table usage"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, rls, CONNS); memset(rls, 0, CONNS * sizeof(*rls)); usleep(timeout_time); knot_xdp_msg_t *survive = &msgs[i_survive]; knot_tcp_relay_t surv_rl = { 0 }; survive->flags = (KNOT_XDP_MSG_TCP | KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK); knot_tcp_conn_t *surv_conn = tcp_table_find(test_table, survive); fix_seqack(survive); prepare_data(survive, "\x00\x00", 2); assert(test_table); ret = knot_tcp_recv(&surv_rl, survive, 1, test_table, NULL, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many/survivor: OK"); clean_sent(); knot_sweep_stats_t stats = { 0 }; ret = knot_tcp_sweep(test_table, timeout_time, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, rls, CONNS, &stats); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many/timeout1: OK"); is_int(CONNS - 1, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_TIMEOUT], "many/timeout1: close count"); is_int(0, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_LIMIT_CONN], "may/timeout1: reset count"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many/timeout1: send OK"); check_sent(0, 0, 0, CONNS - 1); knot_sweep_stats_reset(&stats); ret = knot_tcp_sweep(test_table, INFTY, timeout_time, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, rls, CONNS, &stats); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many/timeout2: OK"); is_int(0, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_TIMEOUT], "many/timeout2: close count"); is_int(CONNS - 1, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_TIMEOUT_RST], "may/timeout2: reset count"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "many/timeout2: send OK"); check_sent(0, CONNS - 1, 0, 0); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, rls, CONNS); is_int(1, test_table->usage, "many/timeout: one survivor"); is_int(1, tcp_table_timeout_length(test_table), "many/timeout: one survivor in timeout list"); ok(surv_conn != NULL, "many/timeout: survivor connection present"); ok(surv_conn == surv_rl.conn, "many/timeout: same connection"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &surv_rl, 1); free(msgs); free(rls); } void test_ibufs_size(void) { int CONNS = 4; knot_xdp_msg_t msgs[CONNS]; knot_tcp_relay_t rls[CONNS]; // just open connections for (int i = 0; i < CONNS; i++) { prepare_msg(&msgs[i], KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN, i + 2000, 1); } int ret = knot_tcp_recv(rls, msgs, CONNS, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "ibufs: open OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "ibufs: first send OK"); check_sent(0, 0, CONNS, 0); for (int i = 0; i < CONNS; i++) { msgs[i].flags = KNOT_XDP_MSG_TCP | KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK; } fix_seqacks(msgs, CONNS); (void)knot_tcp_recv(rls, msgs, CONNS, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(0, test_table->inbufs_total, "inbufs: initial total zero"); // first connection will start a fragment buf then finish it fix_seqack(&msgs[0]); prepare_data(&msgs[0], "\x00\x0a""lorem", 7); ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rls[0], &msgs[0], 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "ibufs: must be OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rls[0], 1, 1); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "ibufs: must send OK"); check_sent(1, 0, 0, 0); is_int(64, test_table->inbufs_total, "inbufs: first inbuf"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rls[0], 1); // other connection will just store fragments fix_seqacks(msgs, CONNS); prepare_data(&msgs[0], "ipsum", 5); prepare_data(&msgs[1], "\x00\xff""12345", 7); prepare_data(&msgs[2], "\xff\xff""abcde", 7); prepare_data(&msgs[3], "\xff\xff""abcde", 7); ret = knot_tcp_recv(rls, msgs, CONNS, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "inbufs: relay OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "inbufs: send OK"); check_sent(CONNS, 0, 0, 0); is_int(192, test_table->inbufs_total, "inbufs: after change"); is_int(0, rls[1].action, "inbufs: one relay"); is_int(10, rls[0].inbf->inbufs[0].iov_len, "inbufs: data length"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, rls, CONNS); // now free some knot_sweep_stats_t stats = { 0 }; ret = knot_tcp_sweep(test_table, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, INFTY, 64, INFTY, rls, CONNS, &stats); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "inbufs: timeout OK"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, rls, CONNS, CONNS); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "inbufs: timeout send OK"); check_sent(0, 2, 0, 0); is_int(0, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_TIMEOUT], "inbufs: close count"); is_int(2, stats.counters[KNOT_SWEEP_CTR_LIMIT_IBUF], "inbufs: reset count"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, rls, CONNS); is_int(64, test_table->inbufs_total, "inbufs: final state"); ok(NULL != tcp_table_find(test_table, &msgs[0]), "inbufs: first conn survived"); ok(NULL == tcp_table_find(test_table, &msgs[1]), "inbufs: second conn not survived"); ok(NULL == tcp_table_find(test_table, &msgs[2]), "inbufs: third conn not survived"); ok(NULL != tcp_table_find(test_table, &msgs[3]), "inbufs: fourth conn survived"); clean_table(); } void test_obufs(void) { knot_xdp_msg_t msg; knot_tcp_relay_t rl = { 0 }; prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_SYN, 1, 2); (void)knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); // SYN (void)knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 1); // SYN+ACK prepare_msg(&msg, KNOT_XDP_MSG_ACK, 1, 2); prepare_seqack(&msg, 0, 1); (void)knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); // ACK size_t TEST_MSS = 1111; size_t DATA_LEN = 65535; // with 2-byte len prefix, this is > 64k == window_size uint8_t *data = calloc(DATA_LEN, 1); assert(rl.conn); rl.conn->mss = TEST_MSS; rl.conn->window_size = 65536; send2_mss = TEST_MSS; int ret = knot_tcp_reply_data(&rl, test_table, false, data, DATA_LEN), i = 0; is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "obufs: fill with data"); for (knot_tcp_outbuf_t *ob = rl.conn->outbufs; ob != NULL; ob = ob->next, i++) { if (ob->next == NULL) { ok(ob->len > 0, "init last ob[%d]: non-trivial", i); ok(ob->len <= TEST_MSS, "init last ob[%d]: fulfills MSS", i); } else { is_int(TEST_MSS, ob->len, "init ob[%d]: exactly MSS", i); } ok(!ob->sent, "init ob[%d]: not sent", i); } ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 20), i = 0; is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "obufs: send OK"); is_int((DATA_LEN + 2) / TEST_MSS * TEST_MSS, sent2_data, "obufs: sent all but one MSS"); for (knot_tcp_outbuf_t *ob = rl.conn->outbufs; ob != NULL; ob = ob->next, i++) { if (ob->next == NULL) { ok(!ob->sent, "last ob[%d]: not sent", i); } else { ok(ob->sent, "ob[%d]: sent", i); if (ob->next->next != NULL) { is_int(ob->seqno + ob->len, ob->next->seqno, "init ob[%d+1]: seqno", i); } } } knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rl, 1); memset(&rl, 0, sizeof(rl)); prepare_seqack(&msg, 0, TEST_MSS); ret = knot_tcp_recv(&rl, &msg, 1, test_table, test_syn_table, XDP_TCP_IGNORE_NONE); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "obufs: ACKed data"); assert(rl.conn); rl.conn->window_size = 65536; knot_tcp_outbuf_t *surv_ob = rl.conn->outbufs; ok(surv_ob != NULL, "obufs: unACKed survived"); assert(surv_ob); ok(surv_ob->next == NULL, "obufs: just one survived"); ok(!surv_ob->sent, "obufs: survivor not sent"); ret = knot_tcp_send(test_sock, &rl, 1, 20); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "obufs: send rest OK"); is_int(DATA_LEN + 2, sent2_data, "obufs: sent all"); ok(surv_ob->sent, "obufs: survivor sent"); is_int(sent_seqno, surv_ob->seqno, "obufs: survivor seqno"); knot_tcp_cleanup(test_table, &rl, 1); clean_table(); free(data); } static void init_mock(knot_xdp_socket_t **socket, void *send_mock) { *socket = calloc(1, sizeof(**socket)); if (*socket != NULL) { (*socket)->send_mock = send_mock; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); test_table = knot_tcp_table_new(TEST_TABLE_SIZE, NULL); assert(test_table != NULL); test_syn_table = knot_tcp_table_new(TEST_TABLE_SIZE, test_table); init_mock(&test_sock, mock_send); test_syn(); test_establish(); test_syn_ack(); test_data_fragments(); test_close(); test_ibufs_size(); knot_xdp_deinit(test_sock); init_mock(&test_sock, mock_send_nocheck); test_many(); knot_xdp_deinit(test_sock); init_mock(&test_sock, mock_send2); test_obufs(); knot_xdp_deinit(test_sock); knot_tcp_table_free(test_table); knot_tcp_table_free(test_syn_table); return 0; }