/* Copyright (C) 2024 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "libknot/yparser/yparser.h" #include "libknot/libknot.h" const char *syntax_ok = "#comment\n" " # comment\n" "a:\n" "a :\n" "a: \"\"\n" "a: []\n" "a: [ ]\n" "a : #comment\n" "\n" "b: \"b\"\n" "b: b #comment\n" "b : b\n" "b: [ b] # comment\n" "b: [b ]\n" "b: [ b ]\n" "\n" " f: \"f\"\n" " f: f #comment\n" " f : f\n" " f: [ f] # comment\n" " f: [f ]\n" " f: [ f ]\n" " f: [ \"f\" ]\n" "\n" "c: [a,b]\n" "c: [a, b]\n" "c: [a ,b]\n" "c: [a , b]\n" "c: [ a , b ]\n" "c: [ \"a\" , \"b\" ]\n" "\n" "- d: d\n" "- d : d # comment\n" "\n" "e: \"a#b' c[d,]\"\n" "\n" "zone:\n" "#comment\n" " # comment\n" " - domain: example. # comment\n" " master: bind\n" " - domain: example.\n" " master: bind\n" "zone2:\n" " - a: b # different indentation"; const char *syntax_error1 = "f:\n" " - a: b\n" " - b: c\n"; const char *syntax_error2 = "f:\n" " - a: b\n" " c: d\n"; const char *syntax_error3 = "f:\n" " a: b\n" " c: d\n"; const char *tab_error1 = "a:\n" "b:\t\n"; const char *tab_error2 = "a:\n" "b: c\t\n"; const char *tab_error3 = "a:\n" "\t\n"; const char *dname_ok = ".:\n" "dom-ain:\n" "\\070-\\071.\\072.:\n" "*.wildchar.com:\n" "_ldap._tcp.example.com:\n"; const char *quotes_ok = "g: \"\"\n" "g: a\\ b\n" "g: \"\\# 1 00\"\n" "g: \"\\\"\\\"\"\n" "g: \" a \\\" b \\\" \\\"c\\\" \"\n" "g: \"\\@ \\[ \\# \\, \\]\"\n"; const char *utf8_ok = "key: příšera\n"; static void test_syntax_ok(yp_parser_t *yp) { // OK input. int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, syntax_ok, strlen(syntax_ok)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set input string"); size_t line = 3; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key0", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'a' && yp->data_len == 0 && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. key0", i); } line += 7; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key0 with value", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'b' && yp->data_len == 1 && yp->data[0] == 'b' && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. key0 with value", i); } line += 7; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key1 with value", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'f' && yp->data_len == 1 && yp->data[0] == 'f' && yp->event == YP_EKEY1 && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. key1 with value", i); } line += 8; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key0 with first value", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'c' && yp->data_len == 1 && yp->data[0] == 'a' && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. key0 with first value", i); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key0 with second value", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'c' && yp->data_len == 1 && yp->data[0] == 'b' && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. key0 with second value", i); } line += 7; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. id", i); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'd' && yp->data_len == 1 && yp->data[0] == 'd' && yp->event == YP_EID && yp->line_count == line + i, "compare %i. id", i); } line += 3; ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key0 with quoted value"); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'e' && yp->data_len == 10 && memcmp(yp->data, "a#b' c[d,]", yp->data_len) == 0 && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line, "compare key0 with quoted value"); line += 2; ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key0"); ok(yp->key_len == 4 && strcmp(yp->key, "zone") == 0 && yp->data_len == 0 && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line, "compare key0 value"); line += 3; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. id", i); ok(yp->key_len == 6 && strcmp(yp->key, "domain") == 0 && yp->data_len == 8 && strcmp(yp->data, "example.") == 0 && yp->event == YP_EID && yp->line_count == line + 2 * i, "compare id"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse %i. key1", i); ok(yp->key_len == 6 && strcmp(yp->key, "master") == 0 && yp->data_len == 4 && strcmp(yp->data, "bind") == 0 && yp->event == YP_EKEY1 && yp->line_count == line + 2 * i + 1, "compare key1"); } line += 4; ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key0"); ok(yp->key_len == 5 && strcmp(yp->key, "zone2") == 0 && yp->data_len == 0 && yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line, "compare key0 value"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key1"); ok(yp->key_len == 1 && strcmp(yp->key, "a") == 0 && yp->data_len == 1 && strcmp(yp->data, "b") == 0 && yp->event == YP_EID && yp->line_count == line + 1, "compare key1 value"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOF, ret, "parse EOF"); } static void test_syntax_error(yp_parser_t *yp, const char *input) { static int count = 1; int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, input, strlen(input)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set syntax error input string %i", count++); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key0"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key1"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_YP_EINVAL_INDENT, ret, "parse key1 - invalid indentation"); is_int(yp->line_count, 3, "invalid indentation line"); } static void test_tab_error(yp_parser_t *yp, const char *input) { static int count = 1; int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, input, strlen(input)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set tab error input string %i", count++); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key0"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_YP_ECHAR_TAB, ret, "invalid tabulator"); is_int(yp->line_count, 2, "invalid tabulator line"); } static void test_dname(yp_parser_t *yp) { #define CHECK_DNAME(str) \ ret = yp_parse(yp); \ is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse dname " str); \ ok(yp->key_len == strlen(str) && strcmp(yp->key, str) == 0 && yp->data_len == 0 && \ yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line++, "compare " str); // Dname key value. int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, dname_ok, strlen(dname_ok)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set input string"); size_t line = 1; CHECK_DNAME("."); CHECK_DNAME("dom-ain"); CHECK_DNAME("\\070-\\071.\\072."); CHECK_DNAME("*.wildchar.com"); CHECK_DNAME("_ldap._tcp.example.com"); } static void test_quotes(yp_parser_t *yp) { #define CHECK_QUOTE(str) \ ret = yp_parse(yp); \ is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse quoted " str); \ ok(yp->key_len == 1 && yp->key[0] == 'g' && \ yp->data_len == strlen(str) && strcmp(yp->data, str) == 0 && \ yp->event == YP_EKEY0 && yp->line_count == line++, "compare " str); int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, quotes_ok, strlen(quotes_ok)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set input string"); size_t line = 1; CHECK_QUOTE(""); CHECK_QUOTE("a\\ b"); CHECK_QUOTE("\\# 1 00"); CHECK_QUOTE("\"\""); CHECK_QUOTE(" a \" b \" \"c\" "); CHECK_QUOTE("\\@ \\[ \\# \\, \\]"); } // Check that wrong wildcard dname is NOT parsed as valid dname. static void test_wildcard(yp_parser_t *yp) { #define CHECK_NOT_WILDCARD(str) \ ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, str, strlen(str)); \ is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set input string");\ ret = yp_parse(yp); \ is_int(KNOT_EPARSEFAIL, ret, str " is not wildcard"); \ ok(yp->key_len != strlen(str) || strcmp(yp->key, str) != 0 || \ yp->event != YP_EKEY0, "compare " str); int ret; CHECK_NOT_WILDCARD("a.*.example.com."); CHECK_NOT_WILDCARD("**.example.com."); CHECK_NOT_WILDCARD("*example.com."); } static void test_utf8(yp_parser_t *yp) { int ret = yp_set_input_string(yp, utf8_ok, strlen(utf8_ok)); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "set input string"); ret = yp_parse(yp); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "parse key with a value in UTF-8"); ok(yp->key_len == 3 && strcmp(yp->key, "key") == 0 && yp->data_len == 10 && strcmp(yp->data, "p""\xC5\x99\xC3\xAD\xC5\xA1""era") == 0, "compare UTF-8 value"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); yp_parser_t yp; yp_init(&yp); test_syntax_ok(&yp); test_syntax_error(&yp, syntax_error1); test_syntax_error(&yp, syntax_error2); test_syntax_error(&yp, syntax_error3); test_tab_error(&yp, tab_error1); test_tab_error(&yp, tab_error2); test_tab_error(&yp, tab_error3); test_dname(&yp); test_quotes(&yp); test_wildcard(&yp); test_utf8(&yp); yp_deinit(&yp); return 0; }